(For the Blogger censors ... this a work of FICTION - any resemblance to
any person living or dead is purely coincidental. Language, situations
and behaviors are only utilized within the confines of the post to enhance the story itself and do not represent any real-life
circumstances in any way.)
(This story takes place sometime between the timeframes of Stinger Part II and Stinger Part III)
Wednesday – 6:03pm
“Charlie – you got a minute?” Sergeant Jamie Reardon called out to me as we were leaving the locker room.
“Sure, Sarge – what’s up?” He motioned me with his head to come with him.
We left the precinct and headed across the street into Martino's Diner. I followed him towards the back for some privacy. Tommy Namisato was sitting in a booth and waved us over. I slid into the padded seat across from him and Jamie followed.

The waitress took our orders and bustled away. Both men were quiet and wore slightly uncomfortable looks.
I looked at Jamie.
“Sir, did I do something wrong?”
He squirmed. It was Tommy that spoke next.
“Charlie, you know that at some point all the rookies go through an… Initiation, right?”
I nodded. I also knew sort of what went on. I swallowed hard.
“It’s time?”
Jamie spoke.
“Yeah. But we don’t want to put you through everything we put the other baby cops through. You’ve had a rough time already recovering from the concussion and broken ribs.” He paused.
“We also don’t feel that Danny would appreciate us treating his nephew that way.”
“I don’t want any special treatment just because of whom I’m related to, Sir.”
Namisato spoke up.
“Lookit... Charlie, we’re in charge of these things and we’re the ones that make those decisions. Not you. What we normally do is take the baby cop in question out for drinks, put some knockout drops in his beer and he wakes up strapped to a table or locked in a sling where he gets raped by the rest of us for the night. We’re not doing that to you.”
Jamie continued.
“I’ve put in the paperwork for a personal day for you tomorrow. Meet me at 2pm here and we’ll take care of the preparations.” He put a massive arm around me and pulled me close.
“There may be some pain involved, but nothing you can’t handle." He grinned.
“You may even enjoy it. Here's what I want you to do. No solid food after midnight. Clean yourself out and only liquids tomorrow. Be sure to wear old clothes.”
Tommy winked.
“And no cock ring.”
Thursday – 1:55pm
I sat at the counter nursing a Coke and waiting for Jamie to show up. I had arrived a little early and like Sarge said, I was wearing a beat-up t-shirt and cargo shorts along with a pair of Adidas running shoes that were ready to fall apart. At 2pm on the dot, a black 4x4 pulled in front of Martino's and I saw Sergeant Namisato in the cab. He opened the door and waved me in. I left the diner, hopped in the pickup and pulled the door shut. Jamie gave me a wink and we pulled into traffic.
* * *
Thursday - 3:05pm
We drove for a while and ended up at a large brick building near the Brooklyn docks. This wasn’t one of the yuppified neighborhood areas like Greenpoint either - the building was grimy and looked like it had been here since the Revolutionary War. We got out of the truck and walked around the corner to an umarked metal door. Namisato pressed a button on the frame and I heard a buzz-click as the door unlocked and Jamie motioned me forward into whatever was in store.
We walked along a spotless but dimly-lit corridor and I noticed several surveillance cams placed every ten feet or so. When we reached another metal door, it buzz-clicked open and I found myself in a large, brightly illuminated area that looked like a combination weight room, tattoo parlor and spa. It smelled faintly of leather and I could feel my tool start to thicken and twitch.
“Well, this IS a pleasant surprise, Sergeant – the guys you normally bring me are unconscious.”
I turned towards the deep voice to see a strongly muscled young man approaching us with elaborate ink running down both arms as well as his chest. He had dark tousled hair, hazel eyes and tightly trimmed designer stubble. The planes of his face were so sharp they could've cut glass. He was wearing only a pair of low shorts that hugged his massive quads and a pair of soccer shoes. Except for his head and face, he was hairless and his skin gleamed in the way only a professional wax job could produce.
Just like Mattie. He gave me a wide, unforced grin and put out his hand.
“Hey - I’m Zack Gauthier. You’ve gotta be Charlie Hawke. I’ve heard good things about you. Really good. I’ll be getting you ready for your Initiation.”
“How long for the initial prep?” Namisato asked.
Zack walked around me, giving me a thorough once-over and chewed his thumb deep in thought.
“About two hours. Maybe two and a half.”
I swallowed hard.
What the hell was this guy going to do to me for two and a half hours?
Jamie patted my ass.
“Don’t worry about anything, Charlie. Zack knows his stuff and there’s nothing to be concerned about. Tommy and I will see you later.”
* * *
Jamie and his Asian lover exited, which left myself and Zack.
“I can’t tell you how great it is to have someone conscious for once, Charlie... it’s a real pain in the ass hauling you guys around as dead weight! Plus having to strap you into chairs so you don’t fall down and go ‘boom’.”
I laughed. Despite my not knowing what was going to go down, I felt comfortable with Zack and whatever he was going to do.
“Let me explain what’s going to happen. First, I’m going to change the way you look…”
He raised a finger as I opened my mouth to protest.
“…temporarily. You're going to become a black gang-banger..." He grinned at the shocked expression on my face.
"... and part of the process involves shaving your head. That’s the initial prep. The final prep is going to involve me fitting some leather stuff on you. After that, Sergeants Reardon and Namisato will be taking you to a different area of this building for your Initiation. We’ll probably be finished with the first phase in less than two hours, but I wanted to give you… and me… time in case you need me to stop and catch your breath. When we get done, no one - absolutely no one - will be able to distinguish you from a genuine African-American. It may be more than a bit unsettling for you. Sounds okay so far?”
I was excited and terrified at the same time. I nodded.
“What should I do first?”
“Well, take off your shirt so I can get rid of that hair...”
He sat me down, wrapped a barber’s cape around my neck and took out a heavy pair of electric clippers. Within a few minutes, my dark hair was in my lap and he was slathering my stubbled scalp with shaving gel. A short time later, he washed off the residue and was done. I ran my hands over my now-smooth pate and I felt my cock grow harder and start to slide down the leg of my shorts.
“Now let’s get you out of the rest of those clothes.”
I stripped off the cargos, jock and sneakers and stood before him. I felt myself blush scarlet as my cock was fully erect and sticking out like a flagpole. He eyed my prong and licked his lips, but said nothing.
He gave me a washcloth and motioned me to follow him. We entered a tiled public shower room like the one at the precinct.
“Give yourself a good scrubbing with the oatmeal soap and then rinse. The next step is going to be applying some solvent-based dye to your skin and I want you as squeaky clean as possible to give the most even coverage.”
I did as I was told and then toweled myself dry. My head tingled as I rubbed the cloth over it.
Zack whistled as I came out.
“Bald or not, you’re one handsome man, Charlie. Although the lack of hair makes you look a lot more dangerous...sort of like a Russian mob enforcer. I need to do your pucker and between your toes by hand first, but the rest of application will be through the air booth other there.” He pointed to a tentlike structure across the room.
“Grab your ankles for me, please?”
I bent over and I felt Zack pat something moist across my hole. Then I felt the warm breeze of a hair dryer going back and forth over the area Zack had covered. This was repeated two more times and then he told me to stand up. He then did the areas on my feet. We walked over to the air booth area and he took me in. There was a large spray painter and a two-by-four elevated off the ground by two two-foot cubes. He helped me up onto the platform. He then pulled on a thin plastic suit and covered his face with a goggles and a breath mask.
“I’m going to airbrush dye onto your body. Like I said, it’s alcohol based - 1,2,4-Butanetriol, to be specific - so this stuff won’t sweat, scratch or rub off without a special counter-solvent. It’ll start to wear off by itself in about four to eight weeks unless you get a fresh coating.”
“Some people keep it on that long?”
He gave me a speculative look.
“Some people like to keep it on even longer. Don’t breathe too deeply or you could get dizzy from the fumes. If you start to feel light-headed, just yell. We’ll stop for a bit and wait for you to recover. Just keep your heels on the bar and let the rest of your feet hang over. Wide stance, please. Spread your fingers and close your eyes. Ready?”
Zack thumbed on the paint-sprayer and started to deposit the dye on my body. I could feel the warm mist settle on my skin and a cooling sensation as the alcohol or whatever evaporated. I imagined my body getting darker and darker as Zack circled me and deposited multiple coats.
“All dyed.” It was over sooner than I thought.
I opened my eyes to see Zack removing the face mask and goggles. I looked down at my skin and gasped.
“HOLY SHIT! I’m really BLACK!”
The dye had done its job.
Frighteningly so. There was no hint of my original skin color, save the areas beneath my nails - and even that appeared to be different and darker as well; I was a deep chocolate brown all over. My palms were a deep mocha and the head of my dick was a slightly lighter color than the thick brown shaft below it.
"I’m going to put the heater and fans on for a few minutes to make sure everything is completely dry. You feel dizzy at all?”
“N-nope. I feel fine.” My heart was pounding in my chest and my cock was so hard I could have punched a hole through concrete, but I felt great.
And I was horny as hell.
“Okay – we’re almost done.”
Zack unzipped the tent and in a moment I felt warm air blowing around my body. I wanted nothing more to grab that black cock of mine and jerk off, but I was afraid I’d do something to smear the dye. I gritted my teeth and tried to concentrate on something else, but my mind kept wandering back to what I looked like as a black man.
The artist came back in and helped me down from the platform.
“I gotta say Charlie, you look amazing! One of my best jobs yet! I have to do your heels by hand as well, so have a seat.”
Zack pulled up a stool and propped my feet up and then proceeded to air-brush dye onto the area that had been covered by the two-by-four.
“Zack?” He looked up at me.
“Can I touch myself?”
“Sure, bud. Go ahead. The only wet areas are the heels of your feet right now.”
I pinched my now dark-brown nips and watched them pop up on my pecs; I then gave my cock a couple of strokes. Seeing my black hand with the lighter palm and nails close around that swollen ebon dick had me ready to spurt. Zack chuckled.
“I take it you like what I’ve done as well?”
“It’s fucking scary and incredible at the same time. It really looks like I was born this way...”
I thought of Mattie.
I wonder what his response would be if I walked into his apartment looking like this?
“That's the point! As I said, once we're done, no one could even imagine you were ever anything BUT a genuine black man!" Zack aimed a hair dryer on the soles of my feet and then slapped my leg.
"OK, we’re finished here. Three more items and we’re done with the initial work"
We walked over to an area with a padded swiveling makeup chair. He pulled down a large, magnifying glass attached to the wall on an accordion arm; then he pressed a button on its side and it illuminated.

“Now I’m going to give you a couple of injections in your lips to make them thicker. The stuff is similar to the histamine in a mosquito bite in that it causes swelling, but it won’t itch and it won’t be tender or hard. And it stays swollen for a long time."
The makeup artist pulled the magnifying glass over my face and I felt three little pinches in each of my upper and lower lips.
"Open wide..." - he sprayed some minty liquid down my throat. "...and swallow."
He then took a Q-tip and swabbed the inside of each nostril and showed me two somewhat wide but thin brown rubber gaskets. Each one was about half an inch long and the material was pretty firm. “These tubes are going to widen your nose and change its overall shape. The stuff I put in your nostrils is a combination of mild anesthetic and light adhesive. That makes sure they stay in place and you can’t sneeze them out by accident." He took one of the tubes with a tweezer and inserted into a nostril. He gave me a critical look, then took it out. He turned around and got another, longer and much wider pair. He reswabbed my nose and inserted it. After a slight adjustment, he did the other one as well.
“Now… the only thing left are those Superman-blue eyes of yours. These will take care of that.”
He showed me a set of dark brown contact lenses – so dark they almost looked black. "Special tinted Air Optix Night and Days – you can wear these up to 30 days straight without removing them. You don’t wear contacts, do you?”
“No. 20/20 vision."
“These are super comfortable. Once they’re in you’ll forget they’re there. I’ll show you how to put them in and take them out as well.”
He pressed a lever on the chair and I tilted all the way back so I was almost lying horizontal. “Okay, eyes open wide… don't blink...” He put a drop into each.
“That was a mild anesthetic as well. Only lasts a couple of minutes…” Zack held my eye open with one hand and I saw the contact at the end of his finger grow closer and closer. I had a moment of blurriness and then all was clear. He repeated the procedure with the other eye and then put the chair back into its upright position.
"Zack, everything looks a little darker..."
He nodded. "The pupil holes on these are slightly smaller than normal. That prevents any of your natural color showing thru in bright light. And the irises are so dark, no one can tell your pupils don't change size."
“And last, but not least…” He turned around to the counter and grabbed a pair of chunky CZ studs, put them into something that looked like a pair of pliers and proceeded to punch them into my ears. He then attached some fasteners on the stems behind my earlobes.
He gave me a big grin. “You are one HOT looking black stud, Charlie… ready to see the new you?”
I nodded. “Ah’m a bit scared at da same time.” I was surprised how my voice had deepened considerably and that my speech had developed a drawl. I ran my fingers over my lips and I was surprised to feel them considerably wider and fuller.
“C’mon. This way.” Zack brought me around a corner and I stared at the reflection in the full length mirror. I was speechless for a few minutes as I examined the transformation Zack had accomplished.

“Jeezus Fuckin' Christ …”
I was gone. Completely gone. There was not a remnant left of
'Charlie Hawke' in the dangerous-looking black man that smirked at me from the mirror. My dark-skinned, bald head gleamed in the overhead lights and my deep brown eyes stared back at me with a surprising gleam of exultation. I raised chocolate-colored hands to feel the thick sensuous lips that dominated the lower portion of my face and I touched the much wider and flatter nose that completely changed my looks. The studs glittered in my ears. I stared at the lighter mocha of my palms and lifted each foot to see the corresponding tone on each sole. My straining cock was darker than the rest of my skin and the thick mushroom head was slightly lighter. Not boasting, I know I'm well-endowed - but having my package in this color made it look even
bigger. As I continued to stare at myself, drops of pre-cum wept out of my cock and splashed on the floor.
"Damn, I'm good..." Zack was grinning like a Cheshire Cat.
"Take a look at your butt, Charlie…"
I turned around and bent over. My dark fingers pulled my cheeks apart and a deeper brown rosebud winked at me as flexed my pucker.
My cock ached. It was so swollen with need that I felt I was going to explode. I started to stroke it, but Zack pulled my hand away. He shucked off his shorts and pulled me close to him. Our crotches ground together as he stroked my back. He trailed soft lips across my jaw until our mouths met with a hunger that was fueled by more than just lust. His hand traveled up to trace delicate designs on my neck, my ears and my shorn head.
Zack gazed into my dark eyes.
“I don’t know who wants it more… me having that big black cock up my ass, or you wanting to do it… but let’s not waste any more time.” He grabbed a bottle of lube and tossed it to me.
The makeup artist bent over a table and his muscled ass gave me an inviting wink. I didn’t waste a moment more. I popped open the bottle and poured a substantial amount onto my aching rod and rubbed an equally generous amount into his hole. I grabbed his trim waist and (still marveling at my dark hands grabbing his flesh) pushed myself in.
* * *
Zack was moaning and shuddering as my cock slammed into him. Along with my skin color, I seemed to have lost all my inhibitions as well; I had established a punishing rhythm as I brutally fucked Zack and he screamed every time I hit his prostate. It wasn’t long before I felt my balls contract and I bellowed as I shot what felt like gallons of cum into his whiteboy ass.
Whiteboy ass? Damn, this change was affecting me both more and faster than I EVER imagined. I grabbed his dick and started to squeeze and pump. He was swollen as well and all slick with pre-cum that had been dripping out of his cock during my unrelenting hammering of his ass. It didn’t take more than a couple of strokes to have him buck against me and explode, leaving a gigantic puddle of silvery goo on the floor.
I slumped down over him and was kissing his neck as I heard someone clear their throat behind me. I pulled out of his ass and whirled around to see Jamie and Sergeant Namisato. The shocked look on their faces was nearly identical to mine when I first saw my new self in the mirror.
Thursday – 5:07pm

Tommy and I were dressed in our leathers for the festivities; I wore a pair of chaps that looked painted onto my legs; a body harness highlighted my chest and the vertical strap disappeared into a leather jock/codpiece that could barely contain the obscene bulge of my package. My partner was in a leather bulldog harness and jock. We both wore heavy Corcoran jump boots polished to a mirror finish. The two of us had walked into Zack’s workroom only to see him bent over a table being forcibly raped by a heavily-built black gang-banger.
My first instinct was to rush over and pull the fucker off him. Then I stopped dead in my tracks.
“Charlie? Is that you? Goddamnit, this is fucking incredible!” When the African guy turned around, there was not a trace of the white cop remaining in his looks or his actions at all. He glared angrily at us; there was a snarl of fury and unbridled lust on his face and his thick, black, veiny cock was still dripping lube and cum from the rapid withdrawal from the makeup artist’s tortured ass. We were both amazed at the transformation that Zack had accomplished and more than a little unnerved at its
absolute authenticity.
The brown-skinned thug
(I had problems even thinking of this guy as Charlie) composed himself and a bright white smirk creased his dark face and traveled up to his intense brown-black eyes.
“Sorry Suhz, Ah kinda gotz carried away. Ah cain’t b'lieve wat Zack dunn tah me! Ah'm still gettin' mah haid 'round da fact dat Ah’m a reel fuckin' swole muscle brutha now! An' Ah lookz even mo' jack'd NOW d'en when Ah wuz jus' a fuckin' whiteboy! Dis iz amazin' ”
His voice was
much deeper. The thickened lips changed his speech and further distanced the conceited black stud in front of us from the thoughtful rookie patrolman we had brought in.
We had anticipated that Charlie would be totally rattled by being turned into a black lowlife; but we were completely floored that he was apparently getting off on it instead...
He sauntered over to us (with his deep-brown dick still hard as rock) and showed off the detail of his hands and feet. The changes Zack had wrought to his face and eyes was nothing short of
Gauthier painfully levered himself off the table and gave us a wan grin.
“I’d say this is my best work to date, fellas. Are you as happy with the results as Ray-Ray and I are?”
“Who?” We looked at each other. Charlie leered and crossed his massive arms. Even then, any vestige of the blue-eyed officer was completely subsumed by the overconfident naked black hulk before us.
Zack pointed at Charlie.
“Rayshawn Johnson. I can’t think of him as ‘Charlie Hawke’ looking like that. I can't see anyone else being able to do it, either.”
Tommy and I exchanged a heated glance. The transformation was having its effect on us as well.
We weren’t going to be breeding Charlie Hawke – we were going to be plowing the hell out of a cocky black fucker with a street name of Ray-Ray.
I put my gloved hands on my hips.
“Well then, ‘Ray-Ray’ - Sergeant Namisato and I have some urgent business with that brown-skinned ass of yours.”
* * *
The three of us left the workroom and walked down the corridor to where tonight’s festivities would take place; Zack had begged off, indicating his need to finalize the remainder of the preparations for Charlie/Ray-Ray. Tommy opened the heavy metal door to the dungeon. As usual, the various areas were illumined by spots, leaving only pools of light in the surrounding gloom.
“Get in the sling.” I was surprised at the harsh command tone of my voice. On an subconscious level, I was treating Charlie – no,
‘Ray-Ray’ - as an oversexed black punk that needed to be abused and have his ass fucked from here to next Tuesday. That realization made me get even harder. I unsnapped the codpiece with difficulty and my purpled nine inches sprung out, ready for action.
“I said… 'Get in the fucking sling', Ray-Ray! NOW! DO IT!” I gave him a shove and he clambered into the heavy leather suspended by chains from the ceiling.
It took him a moment to get adjusted; then my partner buckled and locked the straps around his wrists and ankles, securing him in place until we were done and having him completely at our mercy. We then hoisted it (and him) up to waist level. It was an amazingly erotic scene – strongly muscled, dark-skinned legs pulled wide open and held up perpendicular to the chains, with the now slightly dirty, lighter soles of his feet facing outwards; powerful brown arms pulled up and out and held in place by the straps around his wrists; hands gripping the chains and the dark torso etched with muscles breathing quickly from excitement. The nearly-black eyes glittered with anticipation and his bright smile – made more so by the now-chocolate skin of his face – had me ready to erupt. Zack had done an amazing job on his asshole as well – between the tightly muscled cheeks, the pucker was slightly darker than the surrounding skin and winked at me in expectancy. I grabbed Tommy by his harness and pulled him close.
“Tell Zack we're gonna need to use a sperm-stopper as well…” I whispered. He trotted out of the room to deliver the message.
Charlie/Ray-Ray licked his thickened lips.
“Ah’m reddy fo' summ po-lice brutality, Sarge! Lemme feel dat cock ov yo's up mah black ass!” Damn… he didn’t even speak like Charlie any more… or act like him either...
I couldn’t wait any longer. I grabbed a bottle of Gun Oil from a table and slicked myself up. Ray-Ray licked his lips hungrily and watched as I spread it over my cock; he jerked the chains in anticipation, making himself swing slightly in the shadowed room. I grabbed the dark calves and shoved myself to the nutsac into his ass in one brutal thrust.
* * *
Thursday 5:15pm
I was really getting into being a sex-hungry ghetto stud – I think the CZs that Zack had popped into my ears were the thing that pushed me over the edge. From the looks on Jamie and Sergeant Namisato’s faces, I could tell they were enjoying it and were beyond horny as well. Seeing them in only skin, sweat and black leather had me rigid with lust again and the way they were treating me – well, not like
me, but like some cocky black lowlife that needed some serious abuse – had me sexually redlining as well.
As we walked along the corridor – me buck naked with Jamie leading and his partner behind me – I was wondering what I was in for … I knew from Zack that this was the “first part” of whatever was going to happen. I was looking forward to it as well as whatever else was in store for me tonight.
When I saw the equipment around the room, I was surprised at how much I wanted to get into that sling – and how fucking
right it felt when Sarge barked the orders and I got imprisoned in it with the buckles and locks. I looked at Jamie’s dripping cock and couldn’t wait for it to split me wide open.
"C'mon... c'mon..." I didn’t have to wait long –
obviously he couldn’t either. He lubed up his tool and steadied me by grabbing onto my legs – then he shoved that big cop dick of his all the way in. I screamed as he tore me apart and gripped the chains above me as he got into a murderous rhythm of pulling nearly all the way out and then slamming back into me. His hands slid up from my calves to grasp the straps around my ankles.
“You like getting fucked by a cop, don’t you Ray-Ray?”
The fact that he was thinking of me as
‘Ray-Ray’ and not
‘Charlie’ had me nearly incoherent with lust. I was indulging in every rape fantasy I had ever had and I was looking forward to turning the tables on him later on in the evening.
“Oh man, yeah! YEAH! Keep fuckin' me wiff dat monsta dick ov yo's!"
He stopped and grabbed my chin.
“Yeah ‘what’, you goddamn piece of urban shit??”
"Yeah SUH! Keep fuckin' mah black ghetto ass wiff dat monsta dick ov yo's! SUH! Keep fuckin' me till Ah fuckin' BLEED! SUH!” Jamie slammed into me particularly hard and I nearly passed out.
“That’s better. At least you know how to respect a police officer!” Sarge pulled out all the way this time and then reached over to painfully twist my nips before fastening some heavy-duty clamps on them.
“AAarrrggghhhh!!!" I screamed from the sudden agony and at the same time he slammed his cock all the way in again.
“You gonna pay fo' dis, muthafucka!!” I realized that I was slipping deeper and deeper into Ray-Ray’s ghetto headspace; my diction and voice seemed to have automatically assumed a more guttural and ethnic quality as well to match my new appearance.
I felt the Jamie’s hands tighten on my knees right before I felt his scalding cum flood my guts. He threw his head back and bellowed as he filled me with his seed. He was panting from exertion and gave me a wicked smile.
“You’re one hot fuck, Ray-Ray – but we’re just getting warmed up…”
He stepped aside to reveal Sergeant Namisato behind him with a wicked grin on his face.
* * *
Our eyes locked as Jamie’s partner held up a big bottle of J-Lube and then proceeded to cover his other hand with the slimy clear goo until it glistened like a shiny glove. One slick finger invaded my hole and twisted around. After a moment another followed. Then another. I squirmed in pain and pleasure as four fingers then slid into me. My hole burned from the stretching it was getting. I moaned and tipped my head back. I closed my eyes.
Fuck, this feels so good…
“You like that, Ray-Ray? You like me playing handball with your ass?”
“Oh yeah, man... Suh... Ah likez it a lot… keepz it goin'…”
“You sure? You want me to go all the way?”
“Uh-huh. Do it. Lemme seez how much Ah kin take...”
The sergeant pulled out his hand and covered it with even more lube. I whimpered at the sudden emptiness I felt. Then his four fingers slid into me once more to stretch and massage my widening hole.
“Ray-Ray… I’m going in. On the count of three… One... Two... THREE!”
On “THREE” I howled as I felt myself being torn apart as he tucked in his thumb and pushed his entire fist up my ass. I could feel his hand open up inside of me and I could sense his wrist rotate around my invaded sphincter.
“Oh god-dayyumm… dat feelz soooo good…” I was riding a high that I had never experienced before.
Namisato chuckled.
“I’m going in deeper. You tell me when to stop, okay?”
“Uh-huh...” I couldn’t wait.
I felt his arm twist and turn and travel further into my guts; each inch's advance was exquisite with pain and pleasure and I felt him tickle my insides as he moved deeper and deeper. I closed my eyes and just let the feelings wash over me.
This must be what drug addicts feel after taking a hit.
“Ray-Ray?” I opened my eyes to blearily focus on the Asian’s face.
“Take a look.” He pointed up with his eyes.
An angled mirror was hanging above us showing me in the sling with him between my legs. We were both covered with a fine sheen of sweat and I saw that the Sarge’s arm – almost up to the bicep – had disappeared inside of me.
“Jeezus…” My head dropped back.
I'm swallowing his fucking arm.
I felt his fingers somewhere deep in the middle of my body.
“This your first time getting fisted?”
I nodded my head and then I glared at him.
"Go all da wayz tah yo' shoulda!"
Namisato looked shocked.
“I’ve never gone this deep the first time with someone before. You positive? You’re one insatiable black bastard, Ray-Ray, you know that? ”
“Yeah, Ah'm fuckin' positive... DO IT!" I growled.
Damn, it just felt RIGHT to have someone’s - some cop's - entire arm inside of me.
Then I spat on him.
The sergeant glared as he wiped the saliva off his face. He shifted his stance a bit and I felt my ass stretch even wider. Namisato poured more J-lube onto his upper arm as he re-doubled his efforts to complete the invasion of my body. I sneered at him and muttered obscenities as I clamped down on his arm to fuck with his progress. His dieseled muscles tensed up and he abandoned any pretense of being gentle; he started to reach and claw his way up further and further. I saw first his bicep - and then the rest of his arm - slowly vanish. Finally, his powerful deltoid ground against my asscheeks and he gave me a wicked and triumphant grin.
"You ass pig... you goddamned, fucking, lowlife ass pig... "
I gave a weak chuckle.
" Dat's me... mm-mmm-mmm... Ah gotz da long arm ov da law up insidez ov me..." I flopped back boneless in the sling as the sergeant continued to grind my guts from the inside.
After a long while, (or it least it felt that way) Namisato spoke up.
“Okay – I’m going to pull out now… we've got to get you ready for the rest of the guys coming in an hour or so…”
* * *
Thursday – 7:32pm
The three of us exited the dungeon and walked down a different corridor.
Or rather, they walked and I limped and shuffled. The clamps had been removed as well; my nips ached with every step I took, but damn, it felt SO good. Before releasing me from the sling, Jamie’s partner had stroked my turgid cock a few times and I spewed a load that hit the mirror above me and proceeded to drip onto my chest. After they cleaned me off, Jamie produced a set of cuffs from somewhere and I had my hands trapped behind my back.
"Hey! Wat'chu doin' ??" I never realized being cuffed and naked was such a fucking turnon. He had chuckled when he put them on -
“Hey, we can’t let you attempt escape, Ray-Ray – you’re in police custody now.”
He opened the door at the end of the corridor and we walked in. The first thing that hit me was the overpowering scent of leather. The second was that the room was cluttered with workbenches and tables and filled floor to ceiling with a variety of leather items - from harnesses to belts to pants to full bondage suits. Zack was in a torn pair of jeans. Nothing else. He rubbed his hands together and smiled.
"Now… how do you want to kit out this dangerous black gorilla for tonight, Sergeants?”
Jamie stroked his chin, pretending to be deep in thought.
“Something to match his reputation…”
Zack motioned for him to continue.
“Well, you see, he’s a cocky, oversexed, young black fucker bulging with muscle and ready to force himself into any guy with a pulse… he’s already raped your ass once, hasn’t he?”
Zack nodded. I grinned at him.
“An' Ah wanna do it agin!” I swear to God that Zack must've been pumping Viagra through the air. My cock was thickening up again already.
Namisato jerked me through the cuffs.
“Shut the fuck up, Ray-Ray.”
“What did you have in mind?”
He turned back to Zack
“A hood, first of all. We need to hide that handsome mug of his until he gets everything that’s coming to him. I don’t want him charming his way out of anything.”
“I can rig a hood with a collar that locks around his neck. You’d be the sole keyholder.”
“Sounds good. Locking leather bands around his biceps, wrists and ankles with steel D-rings so I can bind him up whenever and however I want...”
“Not a problem.”
“A chest harness will also be necessary...”
“Of course – we want to show off that hard-earned ghetto physique, right?”
“...then fit his ass with an appropriately large dildo – whatever he can take – and fix it in place with one of your chastity belts enclosing that big, black horsecock of his. Add a penis plug as well.”
“Anything else?”
Sergeant Namisato chimed in.
“Knee pads. He’s going to be doing a helluva lot of cock-sucking tonight. And jump boots. In case we want to take him out to service some more officers afterwards.”
“Ahh, thanks Tommy... nearly forgot about those."
Jamie uncuffed me and grabbed my chin with an iron grip.
“Now Ray-Ray... you do everything Zack tells you or I will fucking beat you to death. If he tells me you've been misbehaving in any way... any way whatsoever... I’ll break every goddamned bone in your body and not just the ribs that just healed up.”
I swallowed.
“Yes, Suh.” This roleplay was getting really intense. I was actually afraid of Jamie at this point.
I felt a stream of pre-cum spill out of my cock.
I wanted to put my dark hands around my black dick and jerk off so badly. Or even better, fuck Zack again. Or fist his whiteboy ass. Or both. But I knew with certainty that Jamie would hurt me badly if I tried. I
was "Rayshawn Johnson" the black thug now...
not Officer Charlie Hawke.
“How long till he’s all kitted up, Zack?”
“I’ll have him ready in 45 minutes or so. You guys want to watch?”
Jamie shook his head.
“Nah, the fellas will be starting to show up in a few minutes. We gotta get the room ready. We’ll be back for him.” With that, the two leathercops left the room and I was alone with Zack.
* * *
I was both excited and frightened being suited up the way Jamie had indicated. My cock had gone from semi-soft to fully erect again as the sergeant described to Zack what he wanted. The thought of being in front the rest of the guys from the precinct in those leathers – as if I were some anonymous dirt-trade male whore - was humiliating and intensely liberating at the same time. I could really indulge in my darkest fantasies and still have the persona of
‘Ray-Ray Johnson’ as my bulwark.
“Come over to my worktable, stud.”
I was a little hesitant at first, but I stood in front of him. He removed the clamps; the pain was just as intense as when Sarge put them on.
He gave me a pair of thick white socks.
“Put these on, Ray-Ray… what size boots do you take?”
“Ten an' a haff.”
“Be right back.” He disappeared around a corner and returned shortly with a shined-up pair of 8-inch Corcorans. They were well broken in and I had no problem getting them onto my feet. I laced them snugly and tucked the laces into the tops of the boots and pushed the socks down so they bunched up.
“Now bend over.” Zack kicked the insides of my feet and had me to spread my legs apart. His hand then landed smartly on my cheeks. I jumped.
“What an ass… just made to be used, abused, stuffed and plugged...” I could hear the admiration in his voice.
What a damn kinky whiteboy…
The first thing Zack did was fasten a sturdy pair of leather bands around my wrists. Each had a heavy steel ring and a locking post. When they fit snugly (and couldn’t be slipped over my hands) he placed a small steel padlock through each post and snapped it shut. The process was repeated for a similar set of bands above my biceps.
“Let’s try these out, shall we?” The inked artist then lashed my wrists to either end of the table using long strips of leather.
Some time later, he had fixed similar bands around my ankles over my boots and strapped them to the legs at the base of the heavy table. I remained bent over, with my ass hanging over the edge. My face was pressed against the top of the worktable which smelled strongly of leather stain.
“Now for the most important part of the fitting…”
I looked over to the wall where Zack had gone. He was gathering an array of leather dildos of all shapes and sizes. A few were frighteningly long and of amazing girth. Zack set them down along my back, lengthwise across the ridge of my spine from tailbone to neck. I felt myself break out in a sweat.
“Hmmm… we’re going to need some of this,” the leathermaker stood in front of me holding a large jar. When he unscrewed the lid, a really noxious odor wafted into the room. He reached in with his fingers and dug out a wad of thick grease and offered it to me to sniff. He wiped a bit of it just beneath my nose so I couldn’t get away from the odor. I don’t know why, but whatever it was made my dick get even harder.
“Hyperlube,” Zack said in a conversational tone of voice. He stood behind me and began rubbing the lubricant along the crack of my ass.
“This will allow you to take larger dildos than you EVER thought possible.” Fuck yeah. Big toys for big boys.
Zack slipped a wad of the greasy material into my pucker with a thick finger. A second finger followed and then a third invaded to stretch me open.
I took the first dildo with ease; I think it was smaller than my own hard and aching rod. Zack withdrew it quickly and went onto the next one. I felt its screwlike shape growing larger the deeper it was twisted into my ass, pressing against my guts. I thought it couldn’t go in any further, but Zack gave it one more turn, and then another, and then my ass closed around the large spherical end; the entire thing was now inside me. Zack still had hold of a leather loop that came out of its base. He pulled it gently, forcing me to open up and allow the ball-like end out once more.
“Fucckk! Dat hurt!” The pain was sharp all of a sudden.
Zack slapped my ass again.
“Shut the hell up, Ray… I’m working.” My captor twisted the thing backward and forward, screwing it in and out of my asshole. At one point it was out completely before he hastily screwed it back in and then my sphincter closed around it again.
“This is one my very best dildos, but I don’t think it suits you. We should try something much larger and less elaborate.”
With that said, Zack yanked the thing out and I suddenly felt terribly empty inside; I couldn’t wait to be filled up again. Against the table, my cock had swollen to epic proportions and was boiling with sweat. I could feel the thick lube drip down my relaxed asshole and down along the ridge of flesh between my hole and my sac. I flexed my dark hands and imagined what someone would see if they came into the room:
a bald, sweaty, African-American muscle stud tied to a table with his exposed black pucker stretched wide open and waiting for something gigantic to stuff it. My nuts churned and I came again; I felt the hot, sticky jism coat the plateaus and mesas of my abs beneath me.
“This one is brutal,” Zack stated.
“Simply and completely inhuman. Perfect.”
My inked captor placed something very blunt against my asshole and began to press it inside. My sphincter widened to accommodate it, but it was magnitudes larger than the screw dildo, and I felt a terrible stretching around my assring. I gritted my teeth, but I still moaned in pain. My fingers clenched, as did my toes, and still the thing (I couldn’t imagine a plug this huge) became wider and wider. I had to squeeze my eyes shut against the agony I felt, but at the same time, I wanted nothing more to take the whole monstrous dildo within me.
I wanted to make Jamie proud.
“Oh, this is great,” Zack commented.
“Astonishing, in fact. I’ve never actually used this one on anyone before, and here you are, just sucking it all in.”
“Ah’ve had summ…. uhhhh… pracktiss…” I ground out between clenched teeth. This thing felt even bigger than Sergeant Namisato’s not-inconsiderable arm that had been inside me.
I felt it go deeper and deeper. Many inches later, the dildo had finally reached its widest point, and my ass quickly swallowed the rest and closed about its base; I could feel the cool kiss of a metal ring against my asslips. Zack hooked it with a finger and tugged at the invader, but it was firmly embedded in my hole. I just lay on the table panting hard with pain and exertion.
The leatherman untied me from the table and had me stand up.The cowhide intruder inside was so large that it forced me to arch my back slightly, sticking out my butt like a well-used whore from the seediest districts of Harlem.
He lightly patted my ass.
“You like that inside you, Ray-Ray?”
“Yeah. Feelz real good.” It actually did. Despite the pain of its insertion, I loved the feeling of fullness it gave me and the sense of accomplishment I had in taking it all in.
Just like my ability to take Sergeant Namisato's entire arm.
“That’s good to hear since it’s going to be a permanent part of your outfitting.”
I swallowed hard.
I was going to have this inside me all the time? How the hell was I going to walk?
Zack tied nylon ropes to the D-rings on either side of my wrists and threaded them over hooks in the ceiling, pulling me onto my toes before they were tied off on the wall. My captor also tied a simple knot at my ankles, securing them together.
Then Zack began placing a chastity belt on me. First, my cock and balls were stuffed through a steel cock ring that was fixed within a heavy leather plate that rested against my abs. At the top of this was a thick leather belt that went around my waist. A strap from the base of the plate was threaded through the ring of the super-dildo and pulled snugly up through my asscrack. It was then buckled firmly in back and secured in place with another steel padlock.
The next step was the penis plug. It was a bright steel ring with a ball at one edge. From the ball, a thick metal wire curved up, then down, straightening out and thickening into a bumpy torpedo shape. It was about 3 inches long. He squirted some thick surgical lube onto the long area and began to press it into my piss slit.
It burned like hell. There was some resistance as the plug moved deeper into my cock, but I wanted to take it all in and make sure Zack gave a good report to Jamie. Finally, almost all of the steel had been inserted into my dick and the ring was lying against the tip.
Zack rubbed a bit of the lube on and under my glans and squeezed. The remainder of the steel slid into my dick and the ring settled firmly right under the swollen mushroom head of my ebon rod. He gave the tip of my tool a flick with his fingernail and I jerked in surprise. With the steel running through it, my dick was now super-sensitive to anything touching it at all. He took a hand mirror and showed me what it looked like. From beneath, I could barely make out the steel ring around my cock head, but the big steel ball was visible, as was the wire curving up and into my horsedick.
Zack grinned up at me.
“You’re really enjoying all of this, aren’t you, Ray?”
I licked my lips and grinned back.
“Shitchyeah. Ah cain’t wait tah start suckin' off copz!” Damn, I really was turning into a hulking African power-bottom. And I loved it.
“I believe Sergeant Reardon said something about a cock cage… I happen to have just the thing.”
My cock and balls were hanging out through the lip of the c-ring in the leather plate – vulnerable to whatever Zack had in store for me.
“This is made of the finest stainless steel chain maille.”
Zack held up a thing that looked like a sock hanging limp in his palm. It was in the shape of a cock, with a small pouch for the nutsac and made entirely of fine metal links. It was obvious that the entire length of the cock pouch was roughly half of my own erect prick. In fact, he needed to wait for my cock to go down before he could put the thing on me.
But once I felt the touch of the thing against my dick, I got soft anyway because that metal was fucking
COLD. He must have kept it in the freezer. Zack had rigged some kind of ingenious clasp that secured the entire thing around the base of my balls. What I hadn’t anticipated was the sheer weight of the pouch. Gauthier hefted it in his palm, and I felt its weight pull my cock down.
“When you get excited, this is going to really hurt, Ray… but given what I’ve seen, you get off on pain anyway, you kinky, black son of a bitch.”
A heavy leather pouch was then laced up around the edge of the leather plate; with the steel cage beneath it, I had an obscenely gigantic bulge. It had an NYPD shield done up in silver paint; it even had a number on it. The laces and lip of the pouch were locked behind two straps along the top of the belt. This prevented me from having access to my own dick and the plate against my crotch kept my cock and balls from rubbing against my flesh. This setup had been designed to keep me from becoming aroused – despite the constant pressure of the gigantic leather monster up my ass that was stimulating me continuously.
Zack then proceeded to untie my ankles and clipped a spreader bar between them; this threw me off balance and I found myself fully hanging from my wrists and unable to support my own weight. He then wrapped a pair of heavy rubber-and-velcro kneepads onto my legs and pulled them tight.
Finally, he fixed a soft leather hood over my head and laced it up the back. It fit snugly and had two small holes for the nose with black steel grommets plus an opening for my mouth and chin. There were also nearly invisible tiny holes punched into the leather around my eyes. I could see – but not very clearly and the range of vision was limited to whatever was directly in front of me.
Zack pulled the lacing tight and then I felt the
“snick” of another padlock at the base of my neck.
“I locked the last set of eyelets shut – this won't be coming off any time soon." This was followed up with a wide leather collar which was also locked shut.
The smell of the leather hood aroused me, which caused my cock to grow painfully within the chain mail pouch and chastity belt. The penis plug rubbed against the metal, shooting waves of agony and ecstasy through me. I learned the hard way that the device wouldn’t let me get a full erection. Soon, exhausted and spent, I passed out, hanging there helplessly in Zack’s workroom.
* * *
Thursday – 8:02pm
I put fingers to my lips and I let loose a piercing whistle. The hubbub in the dungeon quieted down as the leathercops turned to face me and Tommy at the front of the room.
“As you know, we’re Initiating a baby cop tonight. Sergeant Namisato and I decided to do something a little different with him. Or TO him as the case may be. I want you all to watch.”
I clicked the remote I was holding and the large screen TVs around the edges of the room glowed to life. The patrolmen watched spellbound as Ray-Ray was brought into the dungeon and climbed into the sling. The images continued as I fucked the brains out of the black ghetto-rat and Tommy deep-fisted him to the shoulder afterwards. The silence was broken only by nervous coughs, the creak of leather and the scuff of boots on the concrete floor. The video rolled on with the dieseled African hulk being cuffed and brought into Zack’s workroom. The men watched in horror as he was strapped to the table and then as the huge dildo was screwed into his ass. There was a sharp intake of breath as they watched the leatherworker remove the massive tool from his gaping hole and began insertion of another one at least three times its size.
Someone whispered ‘Holy Shit’ as the gigantic dildo was finally fully within the sweating and trembling thug. There were scattered mutterings and coughs and several wincing faces when the penis plug was shoved into the rigid and massive black cock. The video continued as the chastity belt, cock cage and mask were locked onto the victim and then the screen went black.

“Sir?” Jack Gilleran raised a hand. He was dressed in a pair of black leather chaps with double blue stripes and leather jock beneath them with its codpiece unsnapped. A heavy chain was around his neck and was fastened with a sturdy Master padlock. His thick cock was hard and purple from watching the video. His voice was trembling.
“We don’t have any black guys at the precinct… who is that? And what did he do to deserve that equipment he's locked into?”
Tommy gave the patrolman a malicious grin.
“As to the first question, Gilleran – you’ll find out in good time. Zack has developed a process to convert a white cop into a black thug." There was a stunned silence as that statement sunk into the officers present.
"As for the second question… absolutely NOTHING. Sargeant Reardon and I just felt like mixing it up, and we did. I will say the baby cop in question was completely amenable to everything we did and will do to him.” My partner paused.
"As if he had any fucking choice..."
Tommy and I had realized the night before that Charlie had been right. He couldn’t be treated any differently than any of the other men. That would have set a bad precedent and that was when we decided to have Zack perform his transformation and go over the top in how we abused him. This would show that we wouldn’t play favorites with anyone at the precinct.
Anyone. Even Charlie.

I picked up the conversation.
“Because of the equipment he has on and in him, there’s not going to be any anal with him tonight. He’s going to be servicing all of you orally. You can have him suck your cocks as many times as you want, but everyone has to pump a load of jism down his throat at least once. We’ll let him loose around 2am and then he’s free to fuck you all or have you suck him off till sunrise. And he needs it rough. Everyone good with this?”
Heads nodded and there were scattered
“Yessirs” from the eager and horny crowd.
“Okay – I’m going to bring him in. Namisato and I get sucked off first. Everyone else – form a line.”
* * *
Thursday – 8:45pm
I came to when I heard a pounding on the door. Jamie walked in and motioned Zack to take me down. Once I had my feet on the floor, he untied my wrists and connected a two-foot length of heavy chain between them.
“Open your mouth. Wide.” He said gruffly. I complied and he sprayed something down my throat. He left the spreader bar in place between my ankles and threw me over his shoulder. My sergeant strode down the corridor and even though the leather of the hood deadened sound, I could hear the murmuring of voices coming from the dungeon.
* * *
Once we got back in the dungeon I caught glimpses of faces (and cocks) eager for my service. He deposited me kneeling on the floor and attached another length of chain fastened to an eye hook in the floor to the one between my wrists. I wasn’t going
“OK, fellas… Rayshawn here is an excellent cocksucker and he’s eager for a few gallons of LEO cum down his throat and in his guts. Aren’t you Ray-Ray?”
My apparently eyeless face looked up at him.
“Yes, SUH!” I licked my thick lips in anticipation.
He stepped up to me and slapped my face with his stiff cock.
“SUCK!” He commanded.
I raised my hands with the chain jangling between them and held onto his waist. I then reached out with my tongue and began to lave the swollen head and moisten the thick shaft with my saliva. I loved the taste of it and the combined smell of sweat and leather. He pushed in and suddenly I felt his ballsac against my chin.
The stuff Zack gave me must have stifled my gag reflex. He grabbed the back of my masked head and started a brutal skull-fucking rhythm of shoving his cock down my throat. When he pulled out, I gasped for air and then he shoved himself back in. Over and over this happened until I felt him swell further and felt a thick, hot stream of cum shoot down my gullet. He held me that way – pumping load after load of cum into me – until my vision started to blacken around the edges. He let go and I collapsed onto the floor, my chest heaving with exertion.
I saw a pair of shiny black jump boots in front of my face. I looked up to see Sergeant Namisato licking his lips.
“My turn.” He grinned.
* * *
Friday - 2:32am
Fast or slow, I continued sucking the dicks of the officers in the room. Most were rough like Jamie; a few were gentler and let me set the pace of the service. Every man smelled slightly different, but the scent of leather and lust was overpowering and caused many agonizing reactions within my cock cage. Nevertheless, every man emptied his seed into me and I swallowed it with pleasure. I’m sure I serviced the same guys more than once, as some scents and tastes were definitely unique. The penis plug was driving me mad. Every thickening would rub it against the cock cage and I would be overwhelmed with sensations of both pain and pleasure simultaneously.
After a long while, I lay spent on the floor after a brutal skull-fuck session with one of the officers. It was then that I realized that no one else was grabbing me to shove another cock down my throat. My lips felt chapped and I had some dried cum on the side of my mouth. I levered myself up and looked around – looking for more cock to suck.
Damn, I was still craving for more.
Suddenly, I felt a hand at the back of my neck unlock the collar and remove it. I felt the
“snick” of the lock at the bottom of my mask open as well and the laces being loosened. All at once, the mask was removed and I looked around in the dim light at a bunch of satisfied (and still erect) leathercops.
The chains between my wrists were removed, as was the spreader bar between my ankles. Jamie helped me stand and gave me a hard kiss on the lips.
“Okay, Ray-Ray… you’ve sucked every guy here off at least twice, now it’s time for you to have some fun yourself. You ready?”
“Hell yeah… Ah’m more'n reddy…” An evil grin spread across my face.
“You firs', muthafucka...”
He chuckled.
Namisato unlocked and unlaced the leather pouch and unfastened the cock cage from the c-ring within the leather plate. Then he squeezed the ring off the head of my cock and pulled the penis plug out of the shaft. But he
didn’t remove the giant dildo from my ass. Once freed, my prong had grown to a dark, raging hardness in an instant.
“Bend ovva an' grab yo' ankles… time fo' dis ovva-sexed brutha tah hardcore FUCK dat white cop ass ov yo's !!"
* * *
Friday - 5:44am
I think all the cum I swallowed went directly to my balls.
It was absolutely mindblowing for me - as Ray-Ray, the black thug - raping a bunch of white police officers. I managed to fuck at least fifteen of the cops and when I was finally milked dry, I fisted the rest of them. I couldn’t go as far as Tommy Namisato did with me
(I didn’t know how and I didn’t want to hurt any of guys) but I managed at least to get a forearm up each ass. They still didn’t know who
‘Ray-Ray’ was and Sarge never used my real name at any time during my Initiation.
At last, everyone had left and I was alone with Jamie, Tommy and Zack. Jamie was reclining on an iron bench and gave me a happy grin.
“I can’t tell you how proud I am of you Cha- uhhmm, Ray – you took everything we dished out - and then some. I didn't think you could do it. You’re a real asset to the Four-One.”
“T'anks, Sarge.” I surprised myself with the pain and punishment I had been able to withstand.
Although Zack turning me into a black gang-banger was worth all the other things I went through. I paused.
“Kin we getz dis chastity belt offa me an' dis mega-dildo outta mah ass now?”
Zack gave me a sly grin.
“You sure you want that out of you? You know how good it feels once it settles in... And we don’t have to put the cock cage on again either. Just a penis plug and the leather pouch… that look definitely suits you...”
“Ah’ll pass... fo' now. But keepz dat penis plug an' pouch handy…”
The inked artist laughed.
“No problem, bud. Off it comes.”
Zack and Tommy worked together to unlock the restraints on my wrists, biceps and ankles. The straps on the belt were unlocked and then the leather plate itself was taken off. They started to remove the chest harness, but I waved them off.
"Ah'll keep dat on a bit longa." I needed to relax a bit and I always liked the feel of leather straps across my pecs.
“Bend over, Ray and let’s get that out of you.” I stretched over a table. Zack braced himself and tugged on the ring. Slowly, my ass muscles spread wider and wider, letting out a small section of the fat, blunt end of the thing.
I cried out in pain.
“FUUUCK!!!!” The massive plug sucked itself back in. The dildo had been in so long, my ass had trouble letting it go. I tried forcing it out, as if I were taking a big shit.
No luck.
“C’mon, Ray-Ray, push it out! PUSH!” Namisato urged as Zack continued to pull.
At last, the thick, bulbous end was free. I was breathing heavily from the exertion. The thing was stretching me wide open and the ring of my sphincter was crying out that it was wide as it could get. Then it started to slip back in. Jamie put his arms around Zack's waist and added to the force being applied to pull the plug out of me. More and more of the mega-dildo emerged until finally with a
"PLOP" it exited my tortured asshole.
“Oh my God, look at the size of that monster!” Namisato’s eyes were wide with shock and awe. He brought it around and showed it to me. I couldn’t believe how big it was – it truly
was inhuman. The dildo was wider and longer than a real horsecock and I had had that inside me for nearly six hours.
I collapsed into a chair, fondled my shaft and grinned.
"Shee-it... Ah feelz so empty now wiffout dat up mah ass no mo' ..."
Jamie gave me a searching look?
“Charlie, what do you want to do about tomorrow? Do you want Zack to remove the dye and stuff? You’ll just be bald and have some swollen lips for a few weeks…”
I had been thinking about becoming
'Charlie Hawke' again, and I really wasn’t ready.
Not yet. “Ah wanna stayz dis way fo' awhile, Sarge. Ah wantz t'be 'Ray-Ray' fo' awhile. Not jus' summ noboddy whiteboy. Ah cain’t even b'gin tah 'xplain how amazin' bein' like dis feelz. Iz dat okay wiff you? Ah knowz otha guyz 'Nitiated didn' getz off so easy. An' like Ah sed, Ah don' wantz no speshul treatment."
He seemed surprised. Zack didn’t. The artist grabbed a padded envelope off a shelf and tossed it to me. I opened it to find copies of all my identification and credit cards with the name “Rayshawn Johnson” on them. There were also some vials of liquid, some small syringes, a tweezer, extra pairs of the brown contacts, some of the nose tubes and several
Headblades. There was also a card with Zack’s name and phone number on it. He also included a slightly worn “Johnson” name plate to attach to my shield holder.
“I thought you’d want to stay ‘Ray-Ray’ for a bit longer. There’s enough lip enhancer and nasal adhesive in there for 60 to 90 days. If you need a touch up on the dye, just give me a call. I’ve got some camo pants and compression tees whenever you feel like getting dressed. You may as well look the part of the oversexed, cocky, black gang-banger that you are now.”
Jamie took a look at my NYPD photo id.
“I’m impressed… Officer ‘Johnson’. I take it I’ll be seeing you later today?
“Yes Suh. Ah wanna cleanz up a bit, getz a few hourz sleep an' Ah’ll seez you at roll call. Cain you givez a lift home?”
* * *
I think I’m getting back into my groove! It’s been a while since I’ve written a full story and have concentrated on doing review-type photo shoots instead of fully diving back into my secondary world. Of course, Charlie and the NYPD hold a special place for me, and any new stories that were swirling around in my head kept gravitating back to that environment.
One of the things that definitely got me started again was a book that was recently released called Your Face in Mine by Jess Row. The premise:
In the weak light of a February afternoon, Kelly Thorndike has a strange chance encounter in a Baltimore parking lot with Martin Lipkin, an old friend from high school. But time has brought a big change. The Martin that Kelly knew was white. The man standing before him is black.
Their meeting sets the stage for “Your Face in Mine,” Jess Row’s debut novel joining a long tradition of fiction about racial guises. Mr. Row’s tale is set in a near future in which Martin is the first person to undergo “racial reassignment surgery” to change his features, skin color, hair texture and even his voice. His surgical package includes a new biography and even a dialect coach — all a corrective for Martin’s “racial dysphoria.”
Another thing was an email from my buddy Leon. Leon – for those of you who don’t remember – is working towards a similar goal – he’s gotten the lip advancement surgery to give him a more biracial look and sent me a pic utilizing some alcohol based dyes. He looked pretty damn good!
I was also rereading some of my older posts and had come across the phrase, “The rookie policeman had also been bred – this however had been a private affair between Hawke and the two sergeants” which gave me the basis for the remainder of the story here.
In fact, I think this story isn’t quite over yet either … what is going to happen when Charlie (or Ray) goes into the locker room? What happens while he is on patrol? And … what happens when Mattie discovers his lover has become a bald, black street hustler?