Charlie rubbed the arms of his lover and reveled in feeling the hard muscles beneath the thin hoodie. Mateo had bulked up and the two of them looked nearly identical in terms of their powerful, shredded physiques.
Hawke had felt the other’s distress as soon as he entered the shipping magnate’s apartment after his watch.
“What’s bothering you sweetheart?” Concerned deep blue eyes looked into worried green ones. Charlie drew the brown-haired man closer to him and nuzzled his neck. Mateo twisted in his embrace.
“I’ve done something, amor. Something I’m not sure that you can countenance. I talked to Jamie – Sergeant Reardon – and he said you had a right to know. It wasn’t something I could ... or should ... hold back from you.”
Charlie’s mind reeled. Images of Mateo with another man raced through his head. The indigo eyes took on a colder hue and his face settled into a stiff mask. His hands tightened around his lover’s arms in a near-painful grip. His voice sank to a hoarse rasp.
“What did you do, Mateo?”
Castillion swallowed hard. “I’ll show you.”
* * *
Charlie sat on the sofa as Mateo slipped a DVD into the player. The policeman continued to glare at his lover as he sat down next to him.
The video started. Mateo saw Charlie’s eyes widen as he recognized the two thugs that had beaten him in that warehouse months ago. The magnate saw Hawke sit forward to watch the henchmen being professionally tortured and their bruised and broken bodies tied into the heavy wooden chairs. He could see the policeman's tool thicken and snake down the leg of his faded blue jeans.
Charlie’s hand reached out to grab Mateo’s as he watched his lover appear on the screen and tightened as he watched the green-eyed man plunge the knife into the chest of one of the captives and slit the throat of the other. He leaned back and closed his eyes as the screen faded to black.
“Jesus Christ Almighty … oh, Mattie … oh, dear God ...”
The anguish in the rookie policeman's voice deposited an icy coldness in the pit of Mateo's stomach that traveled up his body, freezing his lungs and circling his heart. Castillion turned towards his lover and stroked the chiseled face.
“Please don’t hate me, Charlie … please! I couldn’t bear to think of those to̱n choíro̱n (swine, ed.) still walking the earth after what they had done to you!” He put his face in his hands and began to weep.
“Mateo! Look at me!”
He slowly lifted his head. The dim light gave Charlie an intense look, but Mateo couldn't read the expression in the low light. He loved this man so desperately. He didn't want to give him up. He knew he could exist without Charlie, but he wouldn't truly live without him by his side.
He sniffled. "Charlie?"
Hawke got off the couch and knelt in front of his lover. He took a trembling hand and rubbed it against his face.
“I was a goddamned fool to even think you were stepping out on me. But you looked so upset and so guilty that that was the only thing that crossed my mind. To think that you did … this … for me is incredible. I’m on my knees because I love you more with every breath I take. I want nothing more than to spend our lives together. I will always strive to be a better man than the day before, and if you accept this proposal, you will never again doubt my love or your place in my life. You are everything I've searched for. Mattie, will you marry me?"
Mateo was stunned. His heart skipped a beat, and he sank to the carpet in front of Charlie, his mind a cyclone of thoughts and emotions.
He stared into the policeman's eyes for long seconds. Did he really mean it? Then Castillion tackled Charlie, kissing him as if his life depended on it. He was sprawled over Hawke as their lips met hungrily. Teeth clicked, tongues thrashed and hands groped. When they finally came up for air, Charlie sat up, and Mateo ended up straddling his thighs.
"Is that a 'yes'?"
Mateo nodded.
"Say it, sweetheart."
"Yes ... yes, I will marry you," Castillion softly said.

The gentle notes from a saxophone rolled out of the speakers as Rita Coolidge’s sultry voice began to sing the theme from Octopussy:
All I wanted was a sweet distraction for an hour or two.He balanced above the muscled body. Charlie's head lowered, and he brushed a fleeting kiss on Mateo’s lips. His lover's head rose to maintain the connection as Charlie pulled back. The policeman placed his hand on the magnate’s chest and smoothed it down his body, bypassing his cock and balls as he continued down one leg from thigh to toes. Mateo had always had a great physique, but the added muscle mass he had gained over the past few months drove Charlie mad with desire.
Had no intention to do the things we've done.
Funny how it always goes with love, when you don't look, you find.
But then we're two of a kind, we move as one.
We're an all time high,He circled a digit around the hole Mateo was slowly fingering.
We'll change all that's gone before.
Doing so much more than falling in love.
On an all time high,
We'll take on the world and wait.
So hold on tight, let the flight begin.
"Is that sweet little ass hungry for more?"
"Yes," Castillion moaned.
His lips barely moved as he moved slowly down the soft cheek. "Does that delicious cock you're jacking want to feel my mouth surrounding it?"
"O nai , agápi̱ mou ..." (oh yes, my love... ed.)
Mateo opened his eyes, and Charlie saw they were feverish with arousal.
Charlie whispered. "Oh Mattie, what you do to me with the simplest look."
I don't want to waste a waking moment; I don't want to sleep.He lowered the leg closest to him and turned Mateo on his side so they were facing each other. Charlie’s hands smoothed up and down the satiny skin. Castillion now waxed regularly to be as smooth as the policeman. The glow from the dimmed halogens created highlights and shadows on the planes and valleys of the body he craved. He closed the distance between them and aligned their cocks so each little movement slid them together.
I'm in so strong and so deep, and so are you.
In my time I've said these words before, but now I realize
My heart was telling me lies, for you they're true.
We're an all time high,The sax notes died around them as they stared into each other's eyes.
We'll change all that's gone before.
Doing so much more than falling in love.
On an all time high,
We'll take on the world and wait.
So hold on tight, let the flight begin.
So hold on tight, let the flight begin.
We're an all time high.
"I can't put into words how badly I want you, Mattie. My body wants to flip you over and plow into you fast and hard, but my heart wants to savor every touch, every lick and every thrust."
He smiled into his lover's eyes. "I guess we'll have to do both before the sun rises.”

Baby, I knew at onceMateo wrapped his arms around Charlie and rolled onto his back, forcing the larger man to lie on top of him. His legs separated and cradled Hawke’s body. He sealed their lips together, and a purr rumbled in his chest when their tongues mated. His hands stroked up and down the wide planes of the policeman’s well muscled back. His hips arched up, and their cocks slid against each other. The friction made him gasp and throw his head onto the thick carpet.
That you were meant for me
Deep in my soul I know
That I'm your destiny
Though you're unsure
Why fight the tide
Don't think so much
Let your heart decide
Baby, I see your futureCharlie’s mouth traveled down Mateo's neck until it reached the base where his pulse beat frantically. Warm lips attached themselves to the skin and sucked. Castillion was sure he would have a bruise later but didn't care. Those lips continued south until they reached his nipples. Licking and nipping caused the small protrusions to tense and offer themselves to be devoured. His cock was hard, leaking and begging for some attention.
And it's tied to mine
I look in your eyes
And see you searching for a sign
But you'll never fall
'Til you let go
Don't be scared
Of what you don't know
Hawke’s hand gripped him and stroked in smooth rhythm. Mateo clutched his lover’s broad shoulders and wove his fingers into his soft, black hair. He cried out as, without any preliminaries, the policeman engulfed his cock to the base. The fiery heat and wet suction of Charlie’s mouth was heaven. A slick, soft tongue laved up and down his cock, and Mateo swallowed as Charlie’s head bobbed. His balls were cupped and rolled as they pulled up tighter against his body.
He whimpered when his cock was released with a 'pop', but sighed when Hawke’s tongue traced around his sac. That wickedly talented appendage whipped itself over and around tracing the contours of his balls. They were drawn into the heat of his mouth, and the suction was hard enough that he tensed for a second before giving himself over to the pleasure.
True to your heart"Please, amor, get in. I can’t wait any more!"
You must be true to your heart
That's when the heavens will part
And baby, shower you with my love
Open your eyes
Your heart can tell you no lies
And when you're true to your heart
I know it's gonna lead you straight to me
Charlie panted. "I like this, sweetheart I want to watch your face as I take you. I want to see those gorgeous cat eyes of yours flare when you feel us skin to skin."
Someone you know is on your sideMateo jerked and grabbed his cock at the base to prevent himself from coming right then. "Fuck me, latria mou. Fuck me now!"
Can set you free
I can do that for you
If you believe in me
Why second guess
What feels so right
Just trust your heart
And you'll see the light
You know it's trueCharlie lifted Mateo’s legs over his shoulder. He squirted a dollop of lube onto his hand and smoothed it over his cock. The cool gel hitting his flushed skin tempered his desperation a touch. He lined himself up with Mateo’s opening and pushed forward, keeping his gaze on his lover’s open eyes the entire time. The soft plush walls of Mateo’s channel gripped Charlie as he entered one intense inch at a time. He felt each ripple and sucked in a breath when the lining parted over the taut skin of his cock head.
Your heart knows what's good for you
Let your heart show you the way
It'll see you through
Love, your heart is driving me
To where you are
Well, you can take both hands off the wheel
And still get far
Be swept away
Enjoy the ride
You won't get lost
With your heart to guide you
True to your heartWhen he'd merged their bodies as completely as possible he paused, letting the moment extend and burn into their memories. His hips retreated until only the tip of his cock remained embraced within Castillion’s body then he again thrust forward. Their cries of pleasure mingled and gave their song to the night. Mateo’s ass welcomed Charlie home as he drove harder and faster, merging their bodies and entwining their souls. He increased his pace, and they both grunted with strain as they raced towards completion. Wet flesh slapped, Mateo’s fingers raked down Charlie’s back and low moans emerged from his throat.
You must be true to your heart
That's when the heavens will part
And baby, shower you with my love
Open your eyes
Your heart can tell you no lies
And when you're true to your heart
I know it's gonna lead you straight to me
"Coming, amor! Oh God, I'm coming! Fill me up. Let me feel you shoot inside me!"
That was all it took. Hawke’s cock swelled, his balls tightened and he came. Long hot spurts of seed shot out, coating Castillion’s passage. Shudders rippled up and down Charlie’s body. He pressed all his weight on his hands because he'd lost strength in his legs. He didn't want to fall over and crush Mateo. It felt as if his orgasm would never end.
When things are getting crazyThe pleasure ripped through his system and consumed his existence until he felt the muscles of his lover’s ass clench around him and hold him deep. He watched as Mateo found his own end, graceful neck thrown back in relief as the flickering light highlighted sweat-slicked skin and contracted muscles.
And you don't know where to start
Keep on believing, baby
Just be true to your heart
When all the world around you
It seems to fall apart
Keep on believing, baby
Just be true to your heart
* * *

Both Charlie and Mateo grinned at the compliment. The men wore black leather holster harnesses that accentuated their broad shoulders and slabbed chests; Corcoran jump boots were polished to a mirror shine and slouched white socks peeked over the tops to draw attention to their powerfully defined legs. Their physiques – nearly identical in terms of size, shape and musculature – shone with a fine sheen of oil and their massive packages were surrounded by thick steel cockrings polished to a mirror-bright finish. Wide, double-strapped gauntlets circled their wrists.

The two lovers, as well as the other officers in the room – proceeded to adjust straps, cock rings, harnesses, hoods and plugs to prepare for the initiation of the new rookie. Jamie smiled in satisfaction as the two newest members of their brotherhood assisted the other officers in settling their equipage. He breathed in deeply the scents of oil, sweat and testosterone as it filled the room.

Mateo’s actions had quietly made the rounds among the patrolmen and all of them held the relationship between the rookie and shipping magnate as the apex of commitment and as to what could be achieved.
Reardon sidled over to Tony McLaren, the object of the group’s last initiation. The young officer’s body was oiled to perfection, showing off the heavily inked arms and smooth, powerful muscles.

“Ready to ring the new boy, Tony?”
He wrapped an arm around the other man and pulled him into a deep kiss. McLaren responded by tracing a hand down the sergeant’s powerful back and resting it lightly on the chap-exposed ass.

Part of this ceremony had been making McClaren a full-fledged member of the group. His cockring at last had been unlocked and removed, and he had been given one to manage himself.
“My pleasure, kid. The feeling grows on you, doesn’t it? No irritation with the orange stuff?”
“No, sir … not all all - that hair remover is great! I couldn’t believe how itchy I was getting when it started to grow back in. It’s a helluva lot easier to stay smooth … and besides, it’s such a fucking turnon!"
McLaren paused. “Is Hank getting my old ring?”
Reardon gave the officer a feral grin. “Well, Barnes hasn’t been the fine, upstanding, innocent rookie that you were … he’s getting one with dull spikes. He’s got to be brought down a few pegs and needs to be kept there for a while. That baby cop is going to need plenty of breeding raw – hard, deep and often!”
McLaren responded with an evil chuckle. “More than happy to assist, Sarge! Just let me know what you want me to do!”
Jamie twisted one of Tony’s hard nips. The young patrolman hissed in pleasure. “Stroke him hard when you breed him – and make sure to tell him you’re doing it to hurt - that’ll make sure he pounds your ass once he’s out of the chair.”
The sergeant gave the officer another kiss and trailed his lips across the hard jaw; he whispered in McLaren’s ear, “After all, you like getting a good, hard fuck even more than giving one, don’t you kid?”
"Yes, sir. I do." The officer nodded and laid his head on the sergeant’s massive shoulder and closed his eyes in pleasure – and submission. Reardon stroked the back of the younger man’s head and neck as McLaren snuggled into the embrace of his superior officer.
* * *
A piercing whistle broke through the hubbub in the room and all heads turned to Tommy Namisato. The Asian sergeant was naked saved for a small leather posing pouch and his muscular body gleamed molten gold in the subdued lighting. He put down the walkie-talkie and faced the men in the room.
“Listen up, guys. Hank is starting to wake up. He’s been shaved, inked, oiled and immobilized into the chair. I want to make sure everyone is clear on what’s going down tonight.”
Seeing he had their attention, he continued. “Tony is going to lock the cockring on him and he’ll be the first one up. Heads or tails, Tony?”
“Tails, sir!” came the patrolman’s voice from the back of the room.
“Okay, so when Tony gets going, second guy will start deep throating. Everyone gets ONE turn at Barnes, but we keep him filled at all times. We all crystal on that?”
Heads nodded. Namisato continued. “Even though he’s one of us, the kid’s got a massive ego and needs to be brought down a couple of pegs. To that effect, Sergeant Reardon and I have decided on a few additional items for our new baby cop.”
He paused. “First off, he’s getting the Iron Maiden cock-ring. For those of you who have been disciplined, you know what I’m talking about. For the rest of you, the Iron Maiden has several rows of dull, inward pointing spikes inside of it. Once it’s locked on, every erection and every movement of his dick and balls are going to be a combination of pain and pleasure. I want everyone to pay attention to his cock and do everything you can to keep him hard and hurting.”
Reardon spoke up. “We’ve also kept the air mixed with a weaponized aerosol of Viagra, so once you’re in there, no one’s going to have a problem keeping up.”
Laughs filled the room. The sergeant held up his hand. “But no one starts fucking their buddies until we’ve all fucked Barnes, okay?” Reardon motioned Namisato to continue.

Namisato had noticed that Charlie had pulled a leather half-hood over his face and Mateo had stretched on a black latex interrogation cowl; the thin black material obscured the planes of his face and shadowed his eyes, but his brilliant white smile and full lips smiled at the sound of his name.
He surveyed the room and nodded. “OK guys. Let’s go.”
* * *
“Where the hell am I?” Henry Barnes was still groggy as he slowly regained consciousness. The last thing he remembered was going out with some of the other guys for beers. Sonsofbitches must have drugged me, he thought.
He tried to move his arms and failed. Awareness hit him like a sledgehammer as he found himself bound naked to something like a dentist’s padded chair – arms stretched out from his sides and legs spread wide and slightly bent.
Henry struggled in his bonds, but he was firmly imprisoned. After a while, he sank back into the padded chair, panting and exhausted. The next shock he experienced was opening his steel grey eyes and looking up – the ceiling was mirrored and it took a moment for him to realize the captive staring back at him was himself. He was bathed in a pool of light while the rest of the room was partially in shadow.
All hair had been removed from his body with the exception of his eyebrows and lashes; his cock appeared larger and thicker without its surrounding covering and his panicked breathing made the rifts and plateaus of his six-pack abs move in a rhythm bordering on the pornographic.

“Hey ‘Enrique’ – glad to see you’re awake – now the fun can start.”

He glared at the other patrolman “Tony, let me up! Let me up or I swear to God I’ll fucking kill you!”
McLaren was nonplussed. He held up the spiked cockring for the captive to see. “You’re not getting up for a while, ‘papi’ … there’s a lot more to come than just being tied down ... like this cockring." He paused. "I think you're going to have a love/hate relationship with it.”

Henry hissed as the dull pain spread through his crotch, down his shaft and into his nuts. If anything, the pain was getting him more aroused than before.
“Ahh-ahhhhh!” the captive officer moaned as McLaren laughed and gave the turgid shaft a vicious yank. He watched as the harnessed patrolman proceeded to screw the cockring shut and then reached behind him for a soldering iron.
“When I said that ring is staying on, I meant it!” Barnes watched helplessly as the other patrolman filled the screwhole with the molten metal. The captive groaned as McLaren flicked a finger against his tightened ballsac.
Namisato stepped into the pool of light and gave Barnes a lascivious once-over. “Like the way you look, baby cop? I know we do. The ink, the shaving … that special skin dye that’ll take about five months to fade…”
The sergeant stroked the powerful chest. “You’re one of us, ‘Ricky’ ... let me explain what’s going on. You’re part of a Brotherhood, now – our lives depend on each other and this is how we prove that devotion. You’re going to get bred – thick, hungry cocks are going to be filling you up with cum at both ends tonight …”
Namisato grinned. “ … and after we all get off, you get the chance to do whatever you want to us until sunrise … I know some of the guys can’t wait to feel that dark meat of yours skewering their ass.”
He bent down and gave Barnes’s tip a lick. The captive groaned and bucked.
Namisato waved towards the other men in the room. His voice took on a hard edge.
“ 'No?' 'NO??' Don’t tell ME the thought of being fucked and sucking off a bunch of leathercops doesn’t turn your crank! Your dick looks like it can punch a hole thru concrete! And shoving that horsecock of yours down willing throats and up tight asses? Plus looking like a fucking Spanish sex machine? Isn't this something you've only dreamed about?”
Henry closed his eyes. His balls were churning and he did want nothing more than to feel his pole slide into a willing and waiting hole right now. He cock ached – a combination of the spikes and the need for release – and a tear ran down his cheek. Tommy gently grasped the captive’s dick and massaged the tip with his thumb.
“Yes...” he whispered. His shame and his weakness burned through him.
“ ‘Yes’ what, baby cop?” .
“Yes, sir.”
Namisato patted him on the cheek. “Good boy.”

Henry’s eyes flew open as he felt the officer grip his thighs and spread his legs further apart. He swallowed convulsively as he watched the anticipatory grin spread across McLaren’s face.
“Welcome to the four-one, ‘Ricky’ …” Namisato chuckled and Barnes screamed as McLaren thrust himself into the captive.
* * *

But it did. Suddenly, Ricky found himself empty - his ass twitched and his throat rippled convulsively from the sudden lack of cock.
Barnes licked cum-dried lips. “More…” he croaked. He twisted in his restraints. “Please ... I need more … please …”
Blearily, he opened his eyes to see two men standing at the foot of the chair. They looked like twins. Same harness, same, tattoos, same cockrings, same gauntlets around their wrists. Even their smiles were the same; the only difference was one wore a leather half-hood and the other a thin rubber one that hid his entire face and eyes.
The room grew silent. Leather circled around to the top of the chair and Rubber stepped between his legs. Expecting that massive cock to enter his throat, Henry opened wide to receive it. He was surprised when Leather began stroking his temples and making lazy designs with gentle fingers. Damn, that feels incredible.
Barnes shivered under the delicate onslaught. He was unprepared when Rubber began to stroke his inner thighs. Rubber’s touch was as delicate as his twin’s – starting from the knee, soft digits trailed upwards towards his groin. Barnes closed his eyes and moaned in ecstasy. A soft chuckle escaped one of their throats, but at this point, he didn’t know which and for that matter, didn’t care.
Soft lips kissed one eyelid; then the other – the stroking moved down his face to his neck; he shivered as it continued down across his shoulders and moved to his inner arms. The flesh was extremely delicate there – almost as soft as a baby’s – and the questing fingers stroked with gentle purposefulness.
‘Ricky’ opened his eyes to see Leather smiling above him – it seemed he enjoyed providing the foreplay as much as the captive enjoyed receiving it. He looked closer at Leather’s face and the lips quirked upward; a deep blue eye winked back at him. Fuck! It’s Charlie! But who’s the other guy?
Rubber had also moved his hands upward and was tracing gentle patterns on his stomach, about two inches below his bellybutton. Barnes found himself breathing deeper and deeper with enjoyment. He looked down his body at Rubber, who licked sensuous lips and smiled back at him.
Barnes laid his head back and relaxed. He kept his eyes closed as he felt Charlie press his lips softly to his. Nothing forced; nothing brutal - they kissed gently as Hawke continued to caress his arms.
By some unspoken signal, the stroking of both men stopped. The captive opened his eyes to see the two exchange places. Rubber trailed fingers around the lips that had just been kissed by Charlie.
“Open for me, cielito.” Rubber's voice was like velvet and sported a faint and sexy accent. The captive opened wide and Rubber’s mushroom head entered his mouth. Barnes laved the cock as Rubber again began to stroke his temples.
Meanwhile, Charlie (Henry still thought of him as Leather) had pushed into his chute. As with the man in his mouth, only the head of his huge tool penetrated him; he held himself steady as the captive grew used to his girth.

Henry erupted. A geyser of silvery cum shot out of the engorged and purpled cock and splattered onto the ceiling mirror above. At the same time, Rubber unloaded down his throat as he felt Leather’s hot seed burn into him as the masked cop thrust deeply into his ass.
Rubber pulled out first and the captive sucked air deep into his lungs - he looked upside down at the masked man who bent down and kissed him, gently nipping at the exhausted lips. "You're quite the cocksucker, cielito ... thank you." Somehow that simple statement made everything he went through this evening worthwhile. In the meantime, Leather had released his ankles from the restraints and tossed the keys to his twin. Rubber opened the wrist cuffs and helped Henry up into a sitting position.
Rubber and Leather helped the former captive stand. "Steady, bud ... steady ..." Leather draped one tattooed arm over his powerful shoulder and wrapped a muscled arm around Ricky's trim waist. Cum continued to drip out of Ricky's ass as the leather-clad officers roared their approval. Barnes weakly pumped a fist into the air. He was one of them now.
Leather smiled at him and stroked his muscled back. "... let's clean you up and get some electrolytes back in you ... the night's still young and you've got plenty of men to fuck senseless ..."
* * *

To be frank, it's annoying that Ben is a mystery to me ... sort of like the scenario - "If God can do anything, can He make a rock He can't lift?"
Eagle-eyed readers will notice that I've again used a picture of Ryan Barry - this time as Mateo - showing off his new ink.
I just love looking at him, okay? He seems to work just as well as a Spanish-Greek shipping magnate as a Greek CHP captain!
We also get to see a bit more "behind the scenes" at Charlie's precinct and how rookies are brought into the fold. This initiation rite has some parallels to the one used by Los Brazos - in terms of group rape and cockrings, but we observe that a major difference here is the victim - Henry - or Ricky, after his transformation - is given the chance to enjoy his new brothers as well. The next (and final) installment of this story will tie up the loose ends with Ben, Charlie and Mateo ... I promise!
What a fucking romantic you are ! And a romantic fucker as well !
ReplyDeleteLet me ride on a Pervion Beam to NYC !
your guardian devil