(for Nick - enjoy the fantasy!)
Tom's ebon arms tightened involuntarily around the rubberized torso of his lover.
Peter ground himself down onto the massive prong filling his chute and pulled himself tighter to his dark lover. "The guys probably forgot to put the keys in the with restraints. We can go down and get them."
"What if someone sees us?"

"Well, I doubt that anyone is around at 6:30 in the morning and in any case, the guards in the lobby would NOT want to mess with a pair of sex-crazed rubbermen ... or we can just take my private elevator down to the R&D lab ..."
* * *
The two dark figures entered the elevator and it began its descent into the depths of the building. Tom knelt down on the floor; his enhanced quads and calves popping into obscene definition; arms with massive biceps, triceps and deltoids pulling the smaller rubberman to him. His pink tongue flicked delicately over the thickening black cock of his lover as he slipped the latex-clad tool down his throat.
* * *
The elevator doors opened to a small, nondescript corridor. Davidson used a passcard along with a complicated-looking key to open the door. The pair of rubbermen entered a large, brightly-lit room. Faint music was playing somewhere and the two smelled fresh coffee.
The CEO called out - "Hey! Anyone home?"

"Hey, Mr. Davidson! I see you're having fun with your suits!! This your partner? Wow, he looks like a rubber god come to life!" His British accent and sky-blue eyes were infectiously chipper.
The CEO grinned. "Thanks Trevor - I see you've been making good use of the weight room I built for you guys!" The smaller rubberman stroked the hard chest of the scientist and traced the rifts and valleys of the washboard stomach. He turned to his partner. "Sweetheart, this is Dr. Trevor Brandon - my top researcher. He was the one that developed the suit material."
He lifted a powerful arm and the lock dangled from the restraint on his wrist.
"Ummm ... "
Brandon's face fell. "Oh my Lord - I'm so sorry! I forgot to put the keys in the package! They're right over there on the wall - on the blue keyring!"
The CEO grinned. "No harm, no foul, Trev. I don't think we're quite ready to get out of them anyway ... what are you up to?" A black-clad arm wrapped around the auditor and squeezed the rubbered globes of the muscular ass.
"I was getting ready to kit up for the day. We're working on some exosuits right now." He paused. "Since none of the gang is here yet ... would you mind helping me get suited?"
"It would be our pleasure! By the way, what's with the shaved head?"
The scientist laughed. "We spend so much time rubbered up now, it's just easier to be smoother to start with. 'Friends don't let friends have hair' you know ... why don't you have some coffee or some protein shakes? The shakes are in the fridge. I'll be back in a tick." He sauntered out of the room.
Tom turned to his lover. "Are all of your R&D guys that stunning?"
Peter stroked the wetly smooth chest of his partner. "Now they are. I just needed to loosen their inhibitions a bit. They've all slimmed down and bulked up ... I pay for any inkwork they want, too. I didn't see the head shaving coming, but I like it. I like it a lot. Kind of reminds me of convicts..." He walked over to the refrigerator and took out two bottles. He tossed one to Horton.
* * *
The two sipped their drinks and in a short time, Brandon emerged. The lower half of his body was covered in the same dark material as the two rubbermen - every powerful muscle was highlighted by the material and the upper half of the suit dangled in front; his rubbered cock stood at attention and a heavy set of balls swung below it. The upper portion of his physique gleamed with lube.
"Help me in, gents?" He turned his back to them. He slid one arm, and then the other into the sleeves and the inky blackness crawled up his body. The hood was pulled over his face and adjusted; the zippers were closed, sealed and locked in place. Brandon shivered in pleasure as the other two rubbermen slicked him up. The pheromones in the material soon had all three men hard and aching.
Brandon's mouth grinned as he approached Tom. "I've wanted to do this since I first saw you." He wrapped ebon arms around the rubbergod. "You feel so good ... Mister ..."
"Tom." Horton volunteered. He stroked the smooth rubbered head of the researcher. Their ebon-clad crotches ground together as they embraced. After a few moments, Trevor pulled away.
"I need to finish getting ready ... " He grinned. "... And I'll need a bit more assistance with the exosuit."
My God, he's got such kissable lips. Tom thought to himself. And he felt so good in my arms. I wonder if he'd go for a three-way with me and Peter ...

"Ahhhhhh ...." the scientist moaned as bit by bit, the penis plug slid down into his rubbered shaft. Finally, he arranged the ring around the flared head of his tool, leaving only a small bit of smooth metal protruding from his cock. He panted as he rubbed his stuffed manhood. Then he turned to the other two.
"This is one of the combination electrode and sensor packages for the exosuit. It measures a number of vital signs as well as providing a neural interface between the inner and outer suit."
"Where are the others located?" Tom asked.
Trevor gave them a grin. "You'll see. Let me get into the exosuit."
Dr. Brandon moved over to a cabinet and punched a combination into the digital lock. The door opened and he pulled out a heavy dark suit on an equally substantial hanger. The two harnessed rubbermen gasped.

"Let me step into something more comfortable..."
* * *
The exosuit was much thicker than the material covering Trevor's skin - Tom thought it felt quite similar to his own with it's set of artificial muscles. Once the researcher's lower body was in the suit, he adjusted his stuffed cock into the apparatus in the front. In a moment, the massive cock swelled even larger and stood straight out from his body.
"Electrical interlock is working perfectly ..."
The process was completed as before - the suit was zipped up, the zipper sealed behind the flap and the pulls locked into place. Dr. Brandon adjusted the lips of the second suit and smiled. The suit's mouth moved along in complete sync with his own.
Davidson grinned. "That's great, Trev! When did you perfect that?"

Tom grabbed a new bottle of lube and popped it open - "Seems to me you're not shiny enough ..."
After Tom finished his ministrations, the rubber bodybuilder gleamed like liquid black metal. Trevor then proceeded to fasten the two halves of a heavy chrome c-ring around his massive package. In a moment, the gigantic cock and balls were surrounded by their silvery prison.
The CEO fondled the enormous turgid horsecock. "I hope we'll get a chance to ride that monster, Trev..."
The rubber lips quirked. "I wouldn't have it any other way, sir ..."
* * *

The strongly chiseled eyeless face smiled at the two of them. "The last piece is not really necessary, but we've kind of gotten used to wearing restraints ... thanks to your pushing us to develop them for you and your partner, boss!"

He rubbed his massive cock and fondled the heavy rubbered balls; Peter and Tom wanted nothing more to explore every inch of that enormous body with fingers and tongues. And latex-covered cocks. At that point, four more of the researchers entered the room. Like Trevor, they were all shaved and muscular. They stopped in their tracks and wide grins split their faces.
"ORGY!!!" they cried.
* * *
Even though I wanted to leave the reader to imagine the "what's next" on the "Boardroom" story, I felt I had to add a little more to what was going on in order to satisfy my own curiosity.
I've also recently been watching a series of vids on Youtube from Dax1 about head shaving. Something about a smooth skull - whether because it's encased in rubber, or completely depilated - gives my crank a major twist.
The stretcher plug is from the incredibly talented perverts at MEO - I have the medium size and it is an amazing sensation to have that plug up your ass and pull out the stopper for some additional fun!
The mindfuck here is a bit more subtle - someone you think you know may have surprisingly hidden depths.
The mindfuck here is a bit more subtle - someone you think you know may have surprisingly hidden depths.