Friday, September 16, 2016
Nightshade Blue
That was the thought going through my mind when I first looked at the Latex'D site run by the extremely talented (and drop-dead handsome) Kamil Koslovski. Looking at some of the shots, you sort of get the impression "Hmmm...I've seen that before...." and you have - Kamil's stuff is similar to those on - only better.
Two of my buddies enthusiastically recommended Kamil. "Every serious rubberman NEEDS to have a 0.25mm suit" and they were correct. Compared to the 0.40mm or 0.45mm of a regular suit, the thinner latex truly does fit like a second skin with nary a wrinkle as you move.
Reid (who runs the Rubbercanuck blog) did have some words of advice - it's probably better off getting a two-piece suit, and probably safer in the long run to NOT get a face entry. He had purchased a version and - let's face it - the combination of that small entry hole and the amount of stretch needed to slip your whole body in - is going to wreak serious havoc with the seams sooner or later. In his case, sooner. Several of his seams popped and it was too far gone to try to repair.
I have yet to get over my apprehension of a neck-entry suit - I'm always afraid of being unable to get it off easily and tear it. My version - in "nightshade blue" - is a two piece suit with separate hood, socks and gauntlets.
Kamil currently does not make gloves, nor toe socks - and although the latter would be nice, the former (at least by me) is truly missed - and my only (semi-serious) complaint. I love the feeling of tight rubber on my hands and the thought of a fine layer of latex between my fingertips and the rest of the world. Hopefully, as word of his fame spreads, he will branch out into more and more items.
So without further ado ... the suit:
I also ordered the leggings with a front and a back sheath. While Latexd does have off-the-shelf items, you really need to go the custom route for the absolutely perfect fit. The measurement process is ... rigorous ... to say the least, and the best thing is that if any measurements seem a little strange, you can definitely expect an email asking for a remeasure and clarification - customer service and satisfaction is the number one priority here, and the end product shows that dedication. The old adage of "measure twice, cut once" applies with Kamil, and the results are spectacular.
I also ordered a latex thong in the same color - I wanted the ability to give at least the appearance of some modesty when I wasn't *ahem* "fully engaged" and this little accessory worked out perfectly.
This is my first purchase here, but definitely not my last - many thanks to Steve and Reid for making the suggestion and to Kamil for producing such amazing suits!
Thursday, September 1, 2016
The Maelstrom - Someone Else Ago...
(For the Blogger censors ... this a work of FICTION - any resemblance to
any person living or dead is purely coincidental. Language, situations
and behaviors are only utilized within the confines of the post to enhance the story itself and do not represent any real-life
circumstances in any way.)
Location: Unknown
Date and Time: Unknown
I woke up dizzy, disoriented and unsteady. I had no idea where I was or what had happened to me; I didn't even know what day it was. The last thing I remembered was being at the station gym and drinking a bottle of water. "Ah musta been drugg'd..." Blearily, I made out my wrist enclosed by a heavy steel manacle that was chained to the wall and I was laying on a cot with a thin, hard mattress. "Wat da hell iz goin' on??..."
With a start, I realized my voice was much deeper and I was drawling my words. I reached up to feel my face and encountered the heavier brow, wider nose and thicker lips of a black man. My head was completely smooth and I was buck naked; my body was completely hairless as well and my ink - my alpha/omega and my lion - was gone.
"Wat da hell did you do tah me, Rico?"
The gang-banger stood up. He was wearing nothing but a pair of low-cut briefs; his massive tool - enclosed by several heavy steel c-rings - made an obscene impression through the thin material. "Ah gavez you da chance tah do wat you wuz told - now Ah took it outta yo' fuckin' handz. Missin' dat last 'Nitiation wuz da final straw wiff you showin' up da next day az summ beat-up, cock-hungry Latino bottum-boi. Yo' face, printz an' teef been chang'd. Fo' good dis time. You check 'em out in NIBRS o' NCIC, you gonna find you iz a gen-u-wine felon wiff a crim'nal record longer d'an yo' arm. 'Charlie Hawke' don' exist no mo'. Even hiz DNA recordz iz gone." I was speechless.
Landry loped over to a table on the other side of the room. On it was a bunch of molds - face, hands, teeth ... and a Remington 870 riot shotgun.
"All dat wuz you. Jus' a noboddy whiteboy cop..." He picked up the weapon, cocked it, and then took aim at the head mold.
He pulled the trigger and the fiberglass and plaster exploded into shards and powder. He then proceeded to destroy every item on the table. I was in shock.
"Now, dat wuz Zack's backup set. Ah gotz da ONLY copiez left inna place no one ain't nevva gonna find. An' you ain't nevva goin' t'be a whiteboy agin 'til Ah feelz like it. Ah smash'd yo' masta moldz frum yo' Latino transfo'mayshun too. Ain't no way back fo' you wiffout mah say-so."
I swore at him. I called him every name under the sun. The fucking sonofabitch had gone completely mental.
Rico ignored me. "You iz gonna do ev'rythin' Ah tellz you. An' if'n you diss me, you iz gettin' a mark agains'chu. Sevven iz da magic numba." He ticked off his fingers. "One fo' yo' upper teef. One fo' yo' lowerz. Yo' right foot. Yo' left. Yo' hands. Fin'lly, one fo' yo' face... if'n dat happenz, Ah smash ev'ry one ov dem masta moldz afta Zack putz alla dem on summ muscle-puppy frum da Greasetank an' Ah slitz hiz fuckin' throat. Ev'ryboddy gonna think you iz dead - includin' Mattie - an' you iz gettin' sent upta Attica remainin' da felon you iz now... By da way... 'Skunkmelon. Chickadee'..."
Ah gotz reel dizzy fo' a minnit. "Wat wuz dat?"
A bright grin spred 'cross Rico's dark face. "Payback. Ah jus' kicked in summ pos'-hypnotic commandz. You cain't talk 'bout yo transfo'mayshun wiff nobody dat didn' know you usta be a whiteboy. An now... you cain't even talkz like a whiteboy no mo'. Even if'n you tries. You kin only speak likez a unedumacated hoodie rat. Plus, ovva da nex' few dayz, you iz gonna fin' you cain't even thinkz like da whiteboy cop you wuz - itz gonna be nat'ral fo' you tah act like da lowlife black thug you reely IZ now."
Ah curs'd dat muthafucka even mo'. Dayumm... da shit cummin' outta mah mowff wuz all-reddy mo' fuckin' ghetto...
"How long you gonna keepz me dis way?"
Rico shrugg'd hiz shouldas. "Mebbe a few weekz... mebbe a few monthz... mebbe a year... mebbe mo'... who knowz? An' by da time Ah feelz like lettin' you shif' back, you ain't gonna wanna BE a whiteboy evva agin. Who wood? Ah nevva unnastood da power trip bein' a muscle-brutha an' a felon wuz 'til Ah gotz Chang'd. Dis iz who Ah alwayz shooda been.... Ah busted mah moldz a long time ago. Ah iz doin' you a favor makin' you a brutha agin. You gonna realize dat soon enuff..."
He paused an' grinn'd. "An' wat's yo' D'partment ov Co'rectionz ID?"
"98P284. Shee-it!!" Dat rolled right outta mah mowff an' it wuz like a door open'd in mah haid. Ah r'member'd dat day in da courtroom when Ah gotz convict'd fo' da first time. It wuz fo' GTA. Ah r'member'd ev'ry detail frum da color ov da DA's tie tah wat da court officerz look'd like. Ah r'member'd da prison cellz Ah wuz in, da guardz beatin' da shit outta me, an' otha bruthas too. An' how Ah gotz off on all da ruff prison sex. All in frightenin' Techni-color detail. Ah even r'member'd livin' in da projectz an' all dem detailz ov growin' up bein' black.
Rico saw da shock on mah face. "Yeah, you gotz all da memoriez a lowlife ghetto muthafucka shood hav now, wiff da onez belongin' to 'Charlie Hawke' shov'd off to da side. Not dat dey make sense no mo' 'cause you iz a reel lowlife nigga now."
He sat back down. "Ah tol' you Ah want'd Ray-Ray back, an' dat's wat Ah x'pect. Ah wantz t'see dat swaggerin', cock-hungry black muthafucka back in ackshun an' Ah wantz you t'be doin' ev'rythin' you dunn befo' when you wuz a brutha. Dat includez da home invasions, da kidnappin's an' da rapes... plus all dat forc'd, back-alley hardcore sex... an' not jus' wiff da guyz frum da Fo'-One. Unnerstan' me? Plus, you needz t'get yo' handz reel dirty, too - so you iz gonna be doin' shit like robberiez an' assaultz. Jus' like da onez you got convict'd fo'... an' da onez you dunn off-duty..." He wink'd. "An' dat human traffickin'... dat wuz summ mighty fiiine work you dunn wiff dem white trash muscle puppiez..."
"Yeah, Ah foun' out 'bout dat. Ah all-reddy mess'd wiff Mattie. Ah tol' 'im dat Cap axed fo' you t'go deep undacovva az Ray agin. He didn' like it, but he unnastood. An' dat's da firs' rule you gonna follow... any-boddy wantz t'know WHY you iz a brutha agin - you AXED fo' it. You wuz sick ov bein' jus' a whiteboy. You WANT'D it. You NEEDED it. You HADDA be a black man agin. Unnerstan'?"
Ah nodd'd.
He unlock'd da shackle 'round mah wrist. "Good. Zack haz gotz t'do da dye job on you an' add yo' ghetto ink back onta yo' skin. Afta dat, we iz gonna fit you up wiff summ steel plugz an' leather an' shit an' we iz headin' ovva to da Greasetank." He grinned. "We gotz t'celebrate 'Ray-Ray Johnson' bein' back in ackshun!"
Ah look'd at mah hand. "Warez mah weddin' ring?"
Rico made a cluckin' noise. "Ah tol' you... 'Charlie Hawke' don' exist no mo'. You iz 'Rayshawn Johnson' now. You ain't married; you gotz a rich, whiteboy who cain't get enuff ov yo' big, black dick uppa hiz ass. You getz dat ring back when you ain't a brutha no mo' - whenevva dat happenz..." He lick'd hiz thick lipz an' smirk'd. "... IF'N dat evva happenz..."
Ah haul'd off an' punched 'im in da face. Rico stagg'r'd back an' rubbed hiz jaw. "Ah guess Ah hadz dat cummin'... You getz dat one on da house... But if you EVVA hitz me like dat agin, muthafucka, you iz goin' straight tah Attica..."
Da two ov us head'd down a hallway. Ah realiz'd now dat we wuz in Zack's warehouse. We pass'd a mirror an' Ah stopped tah look at mah new self.
Ah look'd like a fuckin' handsum blatino thug wiff a gigantic horsecock an' a pair ov huge low-hangin' ballz. Zack musta mess'd wiff mah junk too... Mah eyes wuz a deep brown-black agin. D'ere's not a trace ov me left... even mah tats iz gone. Ah alwayz gotz a rush frum seein' a diff'rent face in da mirror. But Ah alwayz knew dat new face wuzn' really ME. But dis face look'd so fuckin' proper now dat da mem'ries in mah haid match'd mah ree-fleckshun. Ah fondled mah junk. "Fuucckk... dis ain't so bad..." Ah wuz shock'd when dat came outta mah mowff.
Dat gotz a chuckle outta Rico. "C'mon... we gotz t'finish you up... even if'n you iz one goddamm HOT light-skinn'd nigga now dat needz lotsa hevvy-duty breedin'..."
He put hiz handz on hiz hipz. " 'less you wanna stay like dis. You kin walk outta here right now. I gotz 'nother ID fo' you as 'Rodell Cummings' - same crim'nal record, but 'chu ALSO gotz a long his'try ov mental illness. Alwayz thinkin' yo' identity wuz stolen an' you really be summ-one else. Ah jus' needz tah say da magic words an' you iz gonna fo'git you evva WUZ a white man. An' dat'll be perm'nent. Ain't no big deal fo' me tah grab 'nutha whiteboy frum da Fo'-One an' make 'im a muscle-brutha... you knowz how long dat waitin' list iz..." Dat scared da shit outta me an' Ah hurried tah catch up wiff him.
We got inta Zack's lab an' he didn' waste no time gettin' me up on da blockz an' da dye onta mah skin. Rico left da room. Ah looked at da serious white man gettin' reddy tah makez me a Nubian agin. "Zack, how cood you let 'im do dis tah me? How cood YOU do dis tah me? You knowz wat almos' happen'd da las' time Ah wuz a brutha..."
He look'd away. "I didn't have a choice, Ray. I... All I can say is that you'll understand in good time..." Mah nose wrinkled az da dye settl'd onta mah skin. It smell'd diff'rent frum befo'. "Zack, iz dis da same stuff? It fuckin' stinkz..."
Da dark-haired artist shook hiz haid. "We're using an artificial melanin isomer now. It's based on a self-maintaining nanotech technology. This material is what has given you your brown-black eyes, a deeper voice, and permanently dark pigmentation unless a specific counteragent based on your DNA flushes the nanotech out of your system. Rico has the only supply."
Afta five coatz, Ah wuz wearin' Ray-Ray's choc'late brown skin agin. Zack put da blowerz on an' once Ah wuz all dry, he did da touch-up on mah pucker an' mah feet. He hand'd me a hevvy, hinged c-ring. "You'd better put that on now." Ah wuz all-reddy stiff an' wrapp'd it 'round mah junk. It felt good tah clamp dat piece ov hevvy steel 'round mah cock an' ballz - an' Zack hand'd me an Allen wrench tah close it. Den he had me stretch out onna table az he start'd tah add da tats. Mah cock wuz so hard now it hurt an' Ah wuz dribblin' pre-cum az Ah watch'd mah skin gettin' cover'd wiff da black tribalz. "This is the same formulation as the skin dye - it'll never break down without the specific nanotech contra-agent being applied to it."
Zack took 'bout two hourz tah add da ink back onta mah body, an' it wuz so mind-blowin' tah seez dem tribal tatz crawlin' up an' down mah armz an' trapz agin. Fuucckk... Ah missed d'ese... Rico had cum back inta da room by da time Ah wuz done an' gave 'im a thummz-up. Afta dat, Zack sat me in da makeup chair. "We're going to add head and facial hair this time..."
"And you iz gettin' a nose ring."
"WAAT????!!!!" Ah start'd tah climb outta da chair.
Rico shov'd me back. "Dat's fo' makin' me do dis tah you. Fo' dissin' me when Ah tol' you Ah want'd Ray-Ray back an' you woodn' lissen an' do wat you wuz told." He turned tah Zack. "Put inna captive bead ring. Six gauge. No sense wastin' time goin' troo all dat stretchin'..."
Zack rubb'd summ stuff inside mah nose. "Ray... I just applied a topical to reduce the pain and cut down on the bleeding, but it IS going to hurt. Take a deep breath and count to three. Big exhale on 'three' for me, okay?"
Ah did. Da sound ov mah nose crunchin' wuz worse'n da ac'ual pain. Zack slipp'd in a big steel ring an' used summ tool tah lock it in. Ah sneezed an' Rico nodd'd wiff a smile on hiz face. "Lookz good on you. Jus' like a prize bull - which you iz now... mine." Ah reached up tah fondle da metal hangin' unda mah nose - it wuz reel thick an' d'ere wuz a ball in da center ov it.
Zack follow'd up wiff puttin' da artifishul hair on mah haid an' face. Ah felt a qwick, sharp pain all ovva when he gave me an 'lectric shock tah lock da stuff inta place.
"One mo' thing..." Rico wuz mixin' summ JB-Weld an' seal'd up da screw-hole on mah c-ring. Da surface wuz all smooth now - d'ere wuz no way tah even seez dat d'ere wuz evva an openin'. "Dat ain't comin' off neither..." Ah coodn' help it - mah cock swole even bigger wiff da thought ov mah junk perm'nently locked in metal - Ah grinned. "Looks good dat way, Rico..." Shee-it - an' Ah coodn' wait tah get leather'd up neither...
Once dat wuz done, Ah got t'seez mahself in da full-length mirror. Dis wuzn' no disguise dis time an' it wasn' temp'rary... da white man Ah usta be - 'Charlie Hawke' - wuz gone. Mebbe fo' good. Ah wuz a reel black felon now 'til Rico sed Ah wuzn' no mo'. Ray-Ray Johnson smirk'd back at me in da mirror. Welcum back, muthafucka... itz 'bout time... Ah strok'd da buzz'd fade-cut on mah haid - it wuz ruffer an' curlier d'an mah ol' silky black hair, an' da razor-cut l'il 'stache an chin hair looked so fuckin' fierce on mah dark-skinn'd face.
Befo' we gone inta Zack's leatha workroom, Rico bent me ovva a table, lubed me up an' shov'd a thick metal plug up mah ass. It hurt goin' in, but day-umm... dat felt good... Den we gotz inta jockz, chapz, harnessez an' bootz. We helped each otha put strapz 'round our wristz an' bicepz. We stood side by side an' Ah coodn' help but smile at mah refleckshun in da mirror. You iz one fuckin' HOT lowlife muscle-brutha, Ray-Ray... Shee-it - Ah'z even talkin' t'mahself like a fuckin' ghetto rat now...
* * *
The Greasetank
An Hour Later
Da two ov us gotz tah sex club an' we stripp'd outta our warmup suitz. Once we hit da main flo', Ah realized 'cept fo' dat one nite, Ah hadn' been back at da club since Charlie got married... Fuuccckkk ... less'n hour gone by an' Ah wuz alreddy thinkin' ov 'Charlie' az a complet'ly diff'rent person... Mah cock an' ass wuz throbbin' in time tah da techno music az Ah look'd at da hard-core sex actz goin' on alla 'round me. Ah rubb'd mah package troo da leather pouch ov mah jock. Ah guess Ray-Ray - ME - wuz nevva really gone - he wuz jist buried reel deep. Waitin' tah cumm back. Mah eye caughtz a smooth, young Latino muscle-puppy in nuthin' but a posin' strap an' a pair ov boxin' boots. Dat's one nice ass.... Ah licked mah lips. Dayumm... Ah gotz t'breed dat piece ov meat...

Two guyz wuz goin' at it on da main stage. Bowff wuz HUGE white muscle-boyz wearin' combat bootz an' nuthin' else - da one wiff a shaved haid wuz skullfuckin' da otha one wiff a mohawk. When dey wuz dunn, Rico grabb'd me by da harness an' pull'd me up da stairz tah take d'eir place. Ah look'd 'round at da flashin' lightz, feelin' da music poundin' an' da jumbotron screenz showin' da two ov us an' Ah smil'd.
Fuucckkkk... Ah reely wantz tah show off...
Rico's hand grabb'd da back ov mah haid an' pull'd me close. Hiz lipz clos'd ovva mine an' he snak'd hiz tongue down mah throat. Ah grabb'd hiz ass an' he did da same tah me. We fought like dat fo' a while 'til we bowff wuz outta breath. Shee-it - felt so good t'be a brutha agin...why did Ah fight so hard agins' it...??? Bein' a white BOY wuz nuthin' compar'd t'bein' a black MAN... Hiz hand clamp'd onta mah jaw.
"Bend ovva da sawhorse. You gotz t'get Bred."
Ah pull'd back; Rico grabb'd da back ov mah neck. "Ah sed... BEND OVVA!! You wanna getz yo' firs' mark all-reddy?" He gave me a push an' Ah dunn wat Ah wuz told. He kick'd mah feet apart an' yank'd out mah plug. Ah hated da feelin' ov bein' empty, but dat didn' las' long. Rico pull'd off hiz pouch an' lubed up hiz cock 'til it wuz gleamin', an' shov'd it all inta mah ass in one thrust. He grabb'd mah hipz an' rode me hard az da crowd cheer'd 'im on. Ah felt hiz cock swell in mah gutz an' he threw back hiz haid an' scream'd az a gusha ov cum fill'd mah ass. He pull'd out - wiff mah hole still drippin' hiz juice - slamm'd mah plug back in, an' slapp'd mah ass tah getz up.
We wuz grinnin' at each otha. It wuz amazin' bein' a nigga agin...
We bowff got offa da stage an' Rico gave me 'nother hard kiss. "Hav summ fun, Ray... Ah'll catch up wiff you later."
Ah cruis'd da club 'til Ah foun' dat muscle-puppy Ah seen when Ah came in. Ah grabb'd hiz ass an' he gave me a big grin when he saw da bulge in mah leatha pouch. "C'mon... a boi like you needz a good deep-dickin' frum a brutha..."
Ah lock'd 'im inta a sling an' Ah decid'd tah fuck 'im senseless. Ah wuz mad az hell dat Rico made me like dis wiffout mah say-so, an' yet... Ah wuzn' 'xactly unhappy neither. Ah wuz pretty ruff wiff him, an' he start'd tah cry out an' struggle. Dat piss'd me off. Big time. Ah slapp'd 'im an' den Ah lub'd up mah arm an' shov'd mah fist up hiz chute. By dis time, he wuz screamin', but Ah laughed. Ah wuz enjoyin' bein' Ray-Ray agin an' tearin' open hiz ass. Ah bore down an' Ah watched as mah dark forearm an' den mah elbow disappear'd inta him. Alla sudden, he quiet'd down; Ah wuz watchin' him an' da look on hiz face wuz enuff fo' me tah keep goin'. "Yeahhh... you likez mah arm insidez ov you, huh???" Ah squeez'd mo' lube onta mah arm an' soon mah deltoid wuz restin' on hiz ass-cheekz. Ah tickl'd hiz insides an' start'd tah pull out. Da Latino muscle-puppy cried out when mah hand lef' hiz hole; he wuz dribblin' blood, cum, an' lube outta da mocha ass ov hiz when Ah gotz a kiss on da back ov mah neck.
"Ah heard you wuz back..." It wuz Adrian. Ah turn'd 'round an' gave mah fav'rite fuck-buddy a deep kiss.
"Ah seen you an' Rico on da screenz." He wuz grinnin' frum ear tah ear. "Bidness ain't been da same wiffout'chu, Ray. We gotz a lotta pent-up demand..." He laughed. "An' now Ah knowz where you learn'd tah fuck an' fist da way you do..." At dat point, he notic'd da nose ring. He finger'd it an' lick'd hiz lips. "Shee-it.... dat ring is HOT, bruh..."
Ah grinned. "Yeah. Ah know. Rico made me da brutha Ah iz." An' you ain't nevva gonna know how true dat fact really be...
He wuz fondlin' mah cock an' it wuz all-reddy gettin' stiff agin. "Ah seen Benjie 'round here sumplace tonite... Ah knowz he gonna be reel glad you iz back too..."
Da Latino in da sling wuz cryin' now. He wuz beggin' me tah fill him up. Ah gave Adrian a grin.
"You wanna piece ov hiz ass befo' Ah fist 'im agin?"
Hiz thick lipz twist'd inta a grin. "Nuh-uh... Ah wantz a piece ov YO' ass. Wat 'bout it? Lemme fuck you an' den we kin switch an' you kin fist me like las' time?"
Ah unlock'd da slave-boy an' watch'd him limp away. Ah climbed inta da sling an' gave Adrian a wink. "Soundz like fun! Yank dat plug outta mah ass an' fuck me 'til Ah cain't r'memb'r mah name!!"
* * *
Rico an' me lef' da Greasetalk wiff Benjie 'round tree 'clock in da mo'nin' an' Ah wuz limpin' frum da ass-poundin' Ah took frum Adrian. We pull'd upta mah 'partment buildin' an' he turn'd off da ignishun. "Pack summ clothez an' bootz an' get yo' ass back down here. You gonna be livin' wiff Benjie frum now on."
" 'Cause a rich whiteboy like Mattie ain't gonna hav a black ghetto muthafucka like you livin' wiff him... An' b'cause Ah SED so. Unnastand? Getz yo' restraintz an' shit too. An' yo' screw dildo."
Ah wuz upset but excited when Rico sed dat. Dayumm... even afta jus' a few hourz bein' Ray-Ray agin mah haid wuz all-reddy fuck'd up good. O' back tah normal. Dependin' on how you wuz lookin' at it. Havin' mah muscle-brutha partner on patrol agin caus'd lotz ov complicayshunz... even tho Mattie knew 'bout da needz ov da guyz at da Fo'-One, havin' dat daily back-alley fuckin' wiff him made da ol' me feel guilty. But now dat Ah wuz one ov Zack's "speshul" black thugz agin, it wuz diff'rent - Ah coodn' wait tah hav dat kinda breedin' akshun az soon az possible, an' az often az Ah cood. An' afta tonite, Ah coodn' wait tah start rapin' unsuspectin' whiteboyz agin, neither an' makin' 'em PROP'ETY.
Ah went in troo da service alley 'ntrance an' took da freight elevator upta mah flo'. Ah saw mah wallet wuz diff'rent an' alla da ID cardz belong'd tah ME - Ray - not Charlie. Even mah phone wuzn't da same. Shee-it. Ah open'd da door an' quietly clos'd it.
Ah coodn' tell 'im nuthin' if'n we wuz evva gonna be t'gether agin. If'n Rico even let me.
"Yeah, Undacovva 'signment, Mattie. No contactz o' noseplugz dis time. No wearin' out o' rubbin' off. Ah iz a REEL black man now. Gotz mah face an' printz chang'd agin an' mah eyez dyed. Dis operayshun iz too risky tah getz caught bein' sumboddy Ah ain't."
Ah paused. "Cain't stay here no mo', neither..." He got reel upset when Ah sed dat. "Itz safer fo' you dis way... Ah gotz t'pack summ shit an' leave. Rico be waitin' fo' me downstairz in da truck..."
Ah open'd mah mowff an' nothin' came out. Mah haid didn' wanna make mah mowff move. Fin'lly Ah sed it. "Sarge. He be 'Jericho Landry' now. 'Rico'. Shee-it... it wuz fuckin' hard tah even say da word 'Sarge' if'n Ah wuz talkin' 'bout him now...
"How long do you have to stay a black man?"
"Jeezus, Mattie ... how da fuck do Ah know?! Ah don' even know 'xactly wat Ah gotz t'do yet!!" 'Sidez doin' stuff Ah wuz convict'd fo' on mah rap sheet. Ah toss'd mah spare uniform an' da clothes an' da bling Ah wore befo' as a brutha inna garbage bag. Ah also put in summ bootz an' a pair ov worn-out Timbalands.
Ah took Mattie in mah armz an' gave 'im a deep kiss. Mah dick wuz rock-hard agin. "Ah'm sorry Ah yell'd at'chu... dis wuz a sur-prise fo' me too... Ah gotz tah b'have like Ray-Ray twenny-fo'/sevven now... Like Ah gotz a choice... Landry kin wait. Lemme suck yo' cock an' rape yo' whiteboy ass befo' Ah gotz t'go."
Mattie finger'd da ring in mah nose. "Damn, that's so... carnal... Ray."
Even he wuz thinkin' ov me as as da muscle-brutha Ah wuz an' not as hiz husband da white guy... yeah... 'Charlie Hawke' didn' exist no mo' - not even fo' him. An' DAT got me even mo' crank'd up. Ah kept kissin' him az we back'd inta da bedroom. Den Ah stripp'd. He wuz su'priz'd at mah leatherz an' mah ink.
"Yeah... We went tah da Greasetank tah getz me back in ackshun..." Ah put a dark hand b'tween hiz pecs an' push'd him onta da bed. Den Ah grabbed a bottle ov lube an' slick'd mahself up. Ah pull'd off hiz pantz, hoist'd hiz legz onta mah dark shouldas, an' ramm'd mahself inta hiz chute.
Da butt-plug up mah ass made me even mo' demandin' an' Ah wuz even mo' brutal wiff him d'an Ah wuz wiff dat Latino muscle-puppy, but Mattie luvved it. An' it jus' felt right treatin' 'im dat way. Afta all, dis wuz da whiteboy who gotz off havin' reel ruff black thug sex. He wuz clawin' da sheetz an' screamin' in Greek when Ah unload'd a gusha ov cum up hiz ass. He wuz still gulpin' in air when Ah knelt down 'tween hiz legz an' swallow'd hiz thick dick down mah throat. Ah gavez him da massage ov hiz life an' scrap'd mah teef along hiz shaft; he wuz screamin' agin an' 'xploded down mah gullet. Ah swallow'd more'n a bucket ov hiz jism an' den lick'd 'im clean. Afta that, Ah put mah warmup suit back on an' left wiff da garbage bag ovva mah shoulda.
* * *
When Ah gotz back tah da truck, Benjie wuz gulpin' down Rico's horsecock. Dey wuz in da front seat, wiff Benjie bent ovva sidewayz. Rico groaned az he unload'd hiz spunk an' Benjie sat back up wiff a big smile on hiz dark face.
"Wat took you so long?" Afta dat suckin', Rico at least wuz inna good mood.
"Ah hadda say goodbye tah Mattie."
He grunt'd. "Put yo' shit in da back an' git in." Ah did an' we pull'd away.
* * *
We stopp'd in fronta Benjie's 'partment. Once mah partner wuz Convert'd back inta a brutha agin, he gotz moved to a diff'rent place inna ruff, low-rent seckshun ov da city. Rico turn'd 'round an' put out hiz hand. "Gimme yo' keyz." Ah did an' he gave me a diff'rent set. Benjie got outta da truck an' Ah followed wiff mah bag. "Ah'll seez da bowff ov you t'morrow at sekund watch." He pull'd away an' me an' Benjie head'd upta hiz (now our) place.
Ah flopp'd down onta da worn couch. "Shee-it..." Ah put mah haid in mah handz.
"Ah guess dis wuzn' x'actly yo' choice, huh, Ray?"
Ah shook mah haid. "Nope. Ah woke up wiff mah face chang'd all-reddy. Den Rico sed summ wordz an' Ah hadz alla da memoriez ov alwayz bein' black an' bein' arrest'd an' servin' time an' shit..."
Benjie nodded. "He dunn almos' da same wiff me. But Ah gone wiff 'im tah Zack's place an' Ah wuz awake alla da time. Ah gotz dem magic wordz too."
"He hadz da moldz ov mah ol' face an' printz all lined up. Rico blew d'em apart wiff a shotgun. He sed he gotz da only copiez left. Hidden sumplace. D'en he tol' me Ah iz on probay-shun. If'n Ah don' do ev'rythin' he wantz me tah do, Ah getz a strike. Sevven ov d'em an he iz gonna grab summ white muscle-puppy, put mah o-riginal featurez an' printz on 'im, slit hiz throat an' smash da moldz. Ev'ryboddy gonna think dat Charlie iz dead an' Ah'm gonna stay dis way fo' da rest ov mah life. In Attica. He made shure Ah gotz a long crim'nal record an' two strikes all-reddy."
"Dat's fuckin' intense, bruh... Ah gotz da same type ov record too... wiff outstandin' warrantz..." Benjie stripp'd off hiz jacket an' pantz, jus' leavin' hiz leatherz. He sat down nex' tah me an' lick'd hiz thick lipz.
"When Ah wuz a brutha befo' - near da end - Ah really wuz 'Benjie' up here..." Mah partner tapp'd hiz shiny, bald haid. "... on da inside, but Ah hadda hav da dye an' da contacts fo' da outside. An' Ah gotz scared 'bout stayin' da man Ah wuz becummin'... But now it all FITZ, Ray... mah Transfo'may-shun, da memories Ah gotz now, mah rap sheet... took me summ time tah getz used tah da rush an' da RE-ALITY ov bein' a gen-u-wine black man. An' a crim'nal. Once Ah gotz dat troo mah haid, Rico lemme smash all mah moldz... shee-it... it felt sooo good tah getz ridda dat cop shit... Ah didn' wanna be 'Tony McLaren' no mo', bruh - an' now, Ah cain't nevva be 'im agin - dat part ov mah life iz ovva... dat whiteboy is GONE fo' good. Bein' dis way iz wayy mo' satisfyin' an' excitin'... an' PROPER. Rico iz goin' places, Ray ... an' he'z takin' us wiff 'im... Itz all good, bruh - you'll see..."
Ah shooda been buggin' wiff wat wuz cummin' outta Benjie's mowff, but Ah wuzn' ... Ah wuz fuckin' crank'd. He strok'd mah thigh an' even afta all da ackshun Ah had tonite, Ah start'd tah getz hard agin. Benjie rubb'd mah crotch. "Ah'm sorry you hadda go troo dat, Ray... but Ah'm reelly glad you iz back... Ah miss'd you. Fuckin' you when you wuz a whiteboy wuz good, but when you wuz a brutha... shee-it, da sex wiff you wuz off da chartz..."
He laugh'd. "Ah can seez you feelz da same way..."
Ah stood up an' peel'd outta mah clothez too. We wuz in jus' our leatherz now. Ah grabb'd mah partner an' gave 'im a hard kiss. Our tonguez fought fo' control an' we fin'lly broke 'part when we need'd tah breathe. We bowff laughed. Ah smil'd inta hiz brown-black eyez.
Benjie unsnapp'd da pouch an' mah thick nine inchez wuz all-reddy hard an' drippin' jizz onta da floor. He fondl'd da hevvy c-ring 'round mah junk an' den he notic'd da missin' screw-hole.
"Yeah, Rico made sure dat Ah cain't takez dat off... he put JB Weld inta da openin'."
"Dayumm... dat's so fuckin' HOT, Ray... dat an' dat nose ring..." Mah handz wuz playin' wiff hiz ass-cheekz an' twistin' da plug in hiz ass. "Ah wantz you tah fuck me deep, bruh... reel hard an' deep... jus' like in prison..." He strok'd mah horsecock an' Ah felt like Ah wuz ready tah explode.
Ah kiss'd him agin an' smil'd. "Getz on da bed befo' Ah cummz all ovva da floor..."
* * *
Afta a reel intense fistin' an' fuckin' sesshun, we gotz inta da shower t'gether an' soap'd down, kissin' each otha alla da time. Jeezus, dat felt so good. We gotz out an' dried off; Benjie pull'd outta big jar ov Hyperlube an' hiz screw plug den gotz down on all fourz.
"Twis' dat dildo inta mah ass, Ray..." He turn'd hiz haid tah look at me. "Rico stopz in da middle ov da night tah check up - Ah nevva knowz 'xactly. If'n Ah ain't set up right, he getz piss'd. Firs' an' las' time dat happen'd, Ah gotz knock'd out. Ah woke up hood'd an' gagg'd an' lock'd inna sling. Cain't count how many timez Ah wuz fuck'd an' fist'd. Ah found out Rico lef' me at da Greasetank fo' tree dayz..." Ah rubb'd da lube onta da plug an' put summ up hiz ass. Den Ah start'd tah twis' it inta mah partner. He wuz breathin' hard as Ah screw'd it inta him an' he let out a deep sigh when da only piece left outside hiz ass wuz da hevvy metal ring.
"Did'chu bring yours?" Ah nodded an' got down on mah handz an' kneez. Benjie went inta da livin' room t'get da plug outta mah bag an' did da same wiff me. Ah grunt'd in pain da las' few inchez befo' dat monster wuz alla da way insidez me agin. He help'd me stan' up an' Ah lean'd 'gainst da wall, breathin' hevvy.
"Sorry, bruh... you ain't had one ov d'ese up yo' ass fo' a while, huh??"
Ah shook mah haid. "Itz all good, Benjie..." Ah gasp'd an' doubl'd ovva az mah insidez cramp'd, protestin' da giant intruder. "Jus'... jus' gotz ta get used tah havin' mah ass an' gutz plugg'd alla da time agin..."
Benjie gave me summ White-Stripz fo' mah teef an' put one inta hiz mowff too. D'en we gone inta da bedroom an' mah partner took out two eyeless rubba masks. "We gotz t'wear d'ese too. An' we gotz t'put cock gagz in our mowffz..." He rubb'd summ lube on hiz haid an' pull'd it on. Den he push'd da gag inta hiz mowff an' buckl'd it shut. Ah pour'd summ lube inta mah mask an' rubb'd it 'round so da inside wuz nice an' slick. Ah pull'd it ovva mah haid an' felt 'round fo' da gag. Ah push'd it mah mowff an' fasten'd it tight. Mmmm.. suckin' on dat rubba dick felt good ... Da cumpleet darkness wuz amazin'ly soothin', too - Ah laid down an' felt roun' fo' Benjie. Ah spoon'd inta him wiff mah arm drap'd ovva hiz body an' Ah drift'd off tah a deep sleep...
* * *
... only tah wake up tah wat sound'd like a siren goin' off in da room. Ah sat up, complet'ly outta it - den Ah realized dat Ah had gone tah sleep wiff da hood an' da gag. Ah took 'em off an' look'd 'round. Benjie wuz all-reddy outta bed an' gave me a big white grin.
"Wiff dat hood on, bruh - you needz sumpthin' real loud tah wakez up..."
"Hrrmmmph..." Ah got down on da flo' an' twist'd da screw dildo outta mah gutz. Ah hated da feelin' ov bein' empty now an' coodn' wait tah fill mah ass wiff sumpthin' else.
"C'mon, Ray - getz reddy. Da guyz at da precinct gonna be shittin' when you walkz in da door agin."
Wiff Zack's new way ov makin' bruthas, we didn' hav'ta shave o' do any ov da shit like cleanin' an' puttin' in contactz o' usin' da voice spray. Afta we wash'd up, we horsefuck'd each otha an' den put da hevvy steel 'on-duty' butt plugz inta our asses. Ah gotz summ steel ringz tah put on mah fingers too. An' summ CZ studz fo' mah earz. Da bowff ov us got dress'd in compresshun tees, tight, cutoff jeanz an' Timbalands an' head'd out da door fo' da Fo'-One.
* * *
When we gotz tah da locker room, ev'ryone wuz cumpleetly shock'd. Ah wuz thinkin' wat Rico sed 'bout me bein' da way Ah wuz befo', an' it wuz suprizin'ly nat'ral tah act da part ov a cocky black thug agin. Afta all, datz who Ah wuz fo' reel now. Dani wuz da firs' brutha tah gimme a thumbz-up. Ah gotz a deep kiss an' Ah hiss'd in pleazure az he twist'd da stem ov da plug in mah ass.
"Shee-it, Ray... glad you back!" He touch'd da nose ring an' lower'd hiz voice. "Rico iz gonna let you wear dat?"
"Well, Benjie gotz Charlie tah takez a reel long vacay..." Ah grinn'd an' den spoke in da same quiet-like tone. "He da one dat put it in..."
Jax came ovva an' ran hiz handz ovva mah ink den grabbed mah junk. "How long you gonna be here wiff us, nigga?"
Ah laff'd az Ah put da piece ov tape wiff 'Johnson' ovva 'Hawke' on mah locker. " 'Til Ah feelz like lettin' dat whiteboy cumm back... an' DAT iz gonna be a fuckin' long time..." Bein' wiff a bunch ov nekkid lowlife muscle-bruthas (an' now bein' one ov dem, too) got mah sex drive crank'd up tah near explodin'. Ah eyed summ ov dem smooth-muscl'd white baby copz... Shee-it... Ah gotz ta Breed agin...
Like most ov da guyz - bruthas o' not - Ah slipp'd a leather harness ovva mah chest befo' Ah put on mah uniform, an' headed in fo' roll call. Rico wuz talkin' tah Sergeant Namisato an' dey look'd like dey wuz havin' a fight 'bout sumpthin'. Den Namisato gave out da assignmentz fo' da day; Benje an' me didn' get none. Once he wuz dunn, Rico came tah da front.
"Now dat Hawke iz outta da way..." He gave da guyz a wicked grin. "Johnson an' Cantrell gonna be on speshul duty - you ain't gonna be seein' much ov dem no mo', but dey iz alwayz reddy fo' lotsa hevvy-duty ass rapin', cock-suckin', fistin' an' 'Nitiation duties."
Donte pull'd me aside az we wuz leavin' da room. "What da fuq happen'd tah you?" Hiz eyez wuz blazin' an' Ah cood seez he wuz angry an' scared tah death at da same time. Ah also saw Rico lookin' at us funny-like - Ah coodn' let 'im do nuthin' tah Donte an' Ah didn' wan' 'im tah bust any ov mah moldz.
Ah sed loud enuff fo' him tah hear. "Bruh, Ah gotz sick n' tired ov jus' bein' a whiteboy. Ah miss'd bein' a brutha... ain't nuthin' like it... Ah axed Rico tah pleez lemme cumm back an' Ah wuz real happy he sed Ah cood..." Ah paus'd. "An' Donte, Charlie iz fuckin' GONE an' ain't cummin' back... Me an' Benjie iz stayin' dis way fo' good..."
"Goddammit, Ray..." He shook hiz haid in disgust an' left. Rico wuz grinnin' frum ear-tah-ear.
Mah dick wuz leakin' jism an' Ah knew Ah coodn' wait no longer... it wuz Breedin' Time... Ah grabb'd one ov da rookiez on desk duty an' we went inta da alley behind da stay-shun. Ah fuck'd hiz ass ovva a dumpsta an' fill'd hiz gutz wiff mah seed. Den Ah clean'd mahself wiff hiz shirt an' went back in tah seez wat Rico want'd me an' Benjie tah do.
* * *
Dat wuz da las' time Ah saw da inside ov da Fo'-One - or wore a po-lice uniform.
Now dat he had da pair ov us, Rico gotz us jobz doin' part-time roadwork fo' da DOT. We alwayz had time tah slipz away an' horse-fuck each otha in an alley o' summ empty buildin'. O' dubble-fuck summ guy on da road crew. We got summ cheap fake ids frum Rico too since me an' Benjie had dem long crim'nal recordz (an' Rico tol' me we bowff had a numba ov outstandin' warrantz includin' parole violayshuns) an' we didn' wanna getz caught an' arrest'd. Da nonstop 'xposure tah da smellz ov sweat an' dried cum frum loadz ov half-naked guyz on da work detailz, wiff d'eir bodiez gleamin' in da hot sun wuz messin' wiff mah haid an' makin' me inta da sex-crazy brutha Ah wuz alla time now.

Ah fuck'd Mattie 'bout once a week in da beginnin' - Ah hadda do it on da down-low so Rico wouldn' fin' out. Dat sorta made it mo' excitin' fo' me, too - mo' like it wuz a reel rape. An' Mattie want'd it 'xtra ruff too 'cause Ah wuz a brutha - an' dat's wat all whiteboyz needz anywayz. But Ah hadda see 'im less an' less 'cause Ah coodn' control mahself wiff him - Ah wuz treatin' 'im like summ dirt-trade fuckboi frum da Greasetank an' not like Charlie'z husban' - Ah felt he d'serv'd summ level ov r'spect dat Ah jist coodn' give 'im no mo' da way Ah wuz now. Ah fin'lly hadda stop seein' him when Ah fuck'd 'im senseless in one ov hiz warehousez an' az he wuz lyin' nekkid on da flo', Ah wuz thinkin' how propper he'd look wiff summ slave-boi ink on hiz back, all hairless wiff no ballz an' a piercin' troo hiz big dick.
One night, afta Ah came home frum a reel ruff day breakin' up asphalt, Ah realiz'd dat Ah had complet'ly shift'd inta mah new life - mah reel life - jist like Benjie sed Ah wood. Ah didn' knowz if Rico wuz gonna lemme change back, but at dis point, Ah didn' care no mo' an' Ah didn' wanna go back t'bein' da way Ah wuz. EVVA.
Rico's threatz tah smash dem moldz frum mah ol' life didn' scare me no mo' neither... fuuuck... da wors' thing Ah cood think ov wuz wakin' up an' bein' jus' a whiteboy noboddy agin. Dem memoriez ov evva bein' 'Charlie Hawke' wuz fadin' mo' ev'ry day - mah memoriez ov alwayz bein' black - da way Ah wuz an' da way Ah shood be - wuz da only onez dat made sense tah me now.
Ah wuz happy - Ah wuz livin' wiff Benjie an' hangin' wiff da otha thugz at da Greasetank an' doin' thingz dat turn'd mah crank dat also brung in a lotta cash. Ah wuz acktully gratefull now t'be a black man agin. Da tree ov us (me, Benjie an' Rico) still went tah da Fo'-One'z 'Nitiationz - it wuz fuckin' HOT seein' new bruthas bein' made (an' gettin' tah Breed 'em raw, fist dem black asses, an' suck dem bran' new dark horsecocks) an' wonderin' how long dey would be Nubians, o' wind up stayin' az 'new an' improved' muscle-bruthas like us. Ah did sorta miss seein' wat dey look'd like b'fo' dey got juic'd up an' transform'd but dat really didn' matta - alla us knew dat gettin' chang'd inta one ov Zack's "speshul" muscle-bruthas wuz da best thing dat cood evva happen tah a whiteboy - an' da fact dat we all wuz crim'nalz wiff warrantz kept dat excitement at a fever-pitch all da fuckin' time.
Thanx tah Rico, Benjie an' me had da pick ov musclecopz an' Transform'd bruthas tah slake our nevva-endin' need tah Breed; an' thanx tah Adrian an' our reps wiff da Resnikovs, we had our pick ov anyboddy at da sex club too. Breedin' wuz like a drug - it made me feelz like Ah wuz on top ov da world; an' gettin' Bred by Rico 'least once a week made me wanna do anythin' he axed me. Hiz breedin' wuz mo' impo'tant d'an anythin' elz fo' me now.
Me an' Benjie wuz also doin' lotz ov hardcore sex videos at da Greasetank now - we wuz famous fo' rapin' whiteboyz, dubble-dickin' musclepuppies, fuckin' an' fistin' each otha blind, an' bein' in summ intense group scenes - it wuz amazin' bein' on video an' it wuz even mo' amazin' watchin' us up on da big screenz ... an' ... we wuz bein' PAID fo' doin' sumpthin' dat wuz az nat'rul az breathin' fo' us ...
Ah still had summ r'gretz 'bout Mattie - but Ah figger'd he wuz better off wiffout me da way Ah wuz now. He wuz SAFER - dat wuz fo' damned shure. Ah knew dat da Vet wouldda been slicin' off hiz ballz sooner o' later if'n Ah kept fuckin' him.
Ah also hadda lot mo' time tah hit da gym now, an' Ah did; Rico tol' me tah get inta 'beast mode' - so Ah start'd takin' da pillz he sold on da street fo' lotsa cash. Da stuff had 'roidz, HGF an' otha shit innit, an' Ah putz on 'bout fifteen poundz ov muscle an' grew 'bout an inch o' two... Ah wuz az big az Benjie an' Rico now; an' even mo' shredd'd - you cood lose a fuckin' knuckle in mah eight-pack. I wuz a reel swole black muthafucka now. Lookin' at mahself in da mirror, Ah swearz tah God dat mah horsecock got bigg'r an' thick'r too; Ah laffed - Afta all, Ah wuz givin' it plenty ov workoutz in ev'ry hole Ah cood... an' dat penis plug wuz keepin' it hard alla da time...
An' da crimez Ah wuz committin' - da robberiez, da rapez, da shakedown'z, da theft'z an' da kidnappin'z - dey wuz givin' me a rushin' mind-fuck all da time. It wuz amazin' how good Ah wuz at doin' dis stuff - but Ah hadz da rap sheet tah back it up, da mem'ries frum Zack, an' mah own 'xperience frum befo' too. Dat marksman trainin' me an' Benjie took back when we wuz whiteboyz wuz a real bonus - more'n once, we smok'd a crew ov otha thugz dat wuz takin' bizness away frum da Resnikovs - an' it felt so fuckin' good tah blow dem away an' watch 'em bleed out in fronta us.
* * *
The Greasetank
Many Months Later
Ah drew da scalpel down an' finish'd slicin' open up da ballsac ov da slaveboi on da table. One by one, Ah roll'd out hiz nutz, tied 'em off, an' snipped dem out; da Vet stepp'd up an' started da prep tah r'move da excess skin; he wuz such an artiste - an' by da time he wuz dunn, you woodn' be able tah tell dat boi on da table evva had ballz tah start wiff.
He patt'd mah back. "Nice work, Ray... you're getting quite good at this."
Ah gave 'im a big grin. "Thanx, Davey... Ah likez finishin' wat Ah startz." Ah had all-reddy r'moved alla hiz hair an' hiz ripp'd an' shredd'd body gleam'd wiff a fine coatin' ov oil an' sweat; he stunk ov fear an' excitement, knowin' dat he fin'lly wuz wat he want'd t'be... wat Ah made 'im wanna be... a nutt'd slave - a piece ov prop'ety dat wuz gonna be owned by summ-one else. 'Vicente' got hiz slave inkin' ov "Propiedad" 'cross hiz shouldas, an' at da buyer'z request, Jack had ink'd a sunburst 'round hiz belly-button an' a thick arrow at da small ov hiz back pointin' down tah hiz now-hairless pucker. Diz wuz mah fifth whiteboy Ah brung in, an' da sekund one Ah nutt'd mahself.
"What's happening to this one?"
"He be goin' tah Venezuela. Gotz a drug lord wantin' a smooth muscleboi fuck-slave." Da Vet gave a nod an' kept on workin' tah sew up da skin. He al'reddy got da thick, perm'nent ringz in hiz cock an' nipz befo' losin' hiz ballz.
Ah left da platform an' got a round ov clapz frum da guyz dat had a front-row seat fo' da nuttin'.
"Nice job, Ray."
"Another good-lookin' slave, bruh..."
"Mmm-mmm-mmm... I gotz t'get me one of dem boyz..."
In da back ov da room, Andy DaVinci wuz leanin' 'gainst da wall wiff one boot'd foot tuck'd undaneath 'im; Andy wuz a twenny-sumpthin' leatherman - wiff long, lean musclez like a dancer an' hevvy blackwork tatz 'round hiz shouldas an' intacostalz. He wuz wearin' a tight pair ov leatha pants, twenny-eyelet bootz an' a bulldawg harness ovva his pecz. He wuz also strong az fuck. Ah gotz a big grin on hiz beard'd face az Ah came ovva an' pull'd him inta a deep kiss. He wuz da only guy - an' da only whiteboy - at da Greasetank Ah had normal sex wiff - nothin' ruff an' no punishmen' fuckin'; jist holdin' onta our hipz an' ridin' each othaz prongz az we kiss'd; an' 'sides Rico, Adrian an' Benjie, Andy wuz da only guy Ah'd evva bottom fo'...
"Enjoy da show, bud?" Ah hadda tilt up hiz chin tah seez dem deep green eyez ov hiz unnerneath da brim ov his Muir cap.
He strok'd mah face an' hiz fingas trac'd roun' mah lipz; he look'd sad. "These nuttings turn me on but make me queasy too, Ray... I almost wish you'd stop doing them. I know these guys are getting castrated willingly, but still..."
Ah kiss'd hiz hand. "Ah don' nut noboddy dat don' d'serve it, Andy. B'leeve me - dey iz betta off like dis... dese muthafuckas cain't hurt no one, no mo' ..." Mah new slavez wuz all cocky, young snotnoz'd whiteboyz dat had hi-pric'd lawyers getz dem offa chargez like rape o' homocide. Dis iz wat dey d'serv'd, an' Ah wuz da one ta make sure dey gotz it.
At dat point, anotha leatherman came inta da room. He wuz almos' az big an' shredd'd az me - an' wuz wearing chapz, jock an' a vest. He saw Andy an' me t'gether an' pull'd him outta mah armz.
"C'mon Andy, let's fuck." Hiz hard eyez bor'd inta mine, darin' me tah do sumpthin'. Shee-it, he'z a cop. Da two ov dem lef' da room inna hurry. Ah wuz piss'd an' about tah go afta dem, when Rico yank'd me back; Ah hadn' seez him cumm inta da room.
"Dat wuz a great job, Ray." He pull'd me close an' talk'd low. "Tonite'z da nite. Operay-shun Blindspot iz on."
* * *
Afta monthz ov bein' black agin, Rico 'xplain'd da reasonin' b'hind makin' us da way we wuz by force. Firs' off, he unnerstood da power ov bein' a brutha firs'hand an' knew dat nuthin' wuz better'n dat; we wuz da two guyz he trust'd da most. Like he sed, it wuz a gift - an' now Ah 'preciated wat he did fo' me. Nex', he seen how much money da Resnikovs wuz makin' wiff mos' ov d'eir peeps bein' fuckin' assholez. An' careless az shit. We wuz doin' all d'eir reel dirty work fo' dem, we knew da bizness better, an' we wuz mo' prepar'd an' wuz smarter - we wuz da onez dat d'serv'd all dat cash. An' mo'.
Frum mah own 'xperience, da threatz ov gettin' yo' moldz broke an' havin' summ-one takin' yo' 'o-riginal' iden'ity an' bein' kill'd wuz enuff - 'nitally - fo' a Fo'-One cop tah behave hisself 'til da "Nubian mindfuck" set in. Plus, havin' dem artifishul memoriez an' da crim'nal record wiff dem warrantz wuz da extra push tah make shure dat happen'd.
Once da mindfuck wuz cumpleet, dem threatz wuzn' need'd no mo' - NOT bein' a black felon wuz enuff - goin' back tah jist bein' a reg'lar whiteboy wuz like dyin' a slow death... an' at dat point, all dem memoriez ov bein' white wuz da fake onez - dey wuz da onez dat didn' make no sense no mo'. Rico had planz fo' mo' guyz frum da Fo'-One tah join us az bruthas an' d'en go troo wiff killin' off our ol' idenities; we be set wiff new livez az rich, muthafuckin' thugz. An' da fuckin' po-lice didn' hav a chance catchin' us - 'cause we knew ev'rythin' dat dey did. Any trubblemaka'z would get "da treatment" frum Zack an' wind up bein' summ dead black o' blatino gang-banger dat nobody miss'd.
Adrian an' da Resnikovs didn' hav a clue - we wuz so involv'd in d'eir work - an' so d'pendable an' trus'worthy ... an' stoopid - dat dey coodn' even 'magine we wuz takin' ovva. Afta all, we wuz only unedumacated black thugz tah dem...
* * *
We met up wiff Benjie in one ov da back corridorz. He open'd a bakpack an' took out an H&K VP9 wiff a silencer fo' each ov uz. He also took outta pair ov PTT phonez an' gave one tah Rico.
"Ah'm gonna go down tah da video room. Ah gotz loopz tah install inta da cameraz tah make it look like da corridorz iz empty. When you getz mah signal, you headz inta da officez an' smoke da Resnikovs - unnerstand? Any questionz?"
We bowff nodded. "Wat if anyone getz in da way?"
Rico gave us a cold grin. "Getz rid ov 'em too. We gonna be r'placin' lotsa Russian boyz wiff "speshul" bruthas we cain trust anywayz..."
* * *
Benjie an' me tuck'd da gunz inta da back ov our leatha jockz an' slipp'd inta a side room d'en lock'd da door. Mah partner'z face wuz lit up wiff excitemen' an' he pull'd me close an' gave me a deep kiss.
"Dis iz it, Ray ... fuucckkk ..." He wuz grinnin' frum ear tah ear. "Inna coupla hourz, we iz gonna be runnin' dis place!"
Ah strok'd hiz face an' smooth haid an' look'd inta dem hansum dark eyez. "Yeah, but we ain't dunn yet, Benjie. We gotz tah be carefull an' move reel fast-like when we getz da signal frum Rico. Don' take no chancez an' don' think too hard 'bout da body count... if'n it movez, shoot it. 'kay?"
"You got it, bruh."
* * *
We wuz deep-kissin' each otha an' fondlin' da plugz in our buttz when da phone crackled an' Rico'z voice sed "Now." We broke off, open'd da door, an' head'd down da hallway tah da Resnikov's offices wiff da gunz in our handz.
We wuz lucky dat we didn' cumm 'cross noboddy az we crept down da corridor. Ah tapp'd da numbas on da keypad an' open'd da heavvy steel do'. Ah swung left an' Benjie mov'd ahead.
Time slow'd down... Vadim - d'eir errand boy - look'd up frum his desk when da door swung open an' smil'd. Afta all, we wuzn' no strangers. Mah gun cough'd an' he got two bullits in da haid befo' he cood open hiz mowff.
Dmitri's room wuz da firs' do' on da right; Bejie swung in an' da younga Resnikov look'd shock'd ta seez da near-nekkid, muscular black man wiff a gun. He got two in da chest an' one in da haid an' slumped ovva hiz desk.
Ah mov'd down tah Arkadiy'z room at da end. Hiz do' wuz shut; an' Ah kick'd it open an' drop-roll'd to da side az da shotgun built inta hiz desk went off went off wiff a "BOOM". Ah brac'd mahself onna chair an' put a bullit 'tween hiz eyez.
Benjie stepp'd inta da room wiff hiz gun danglin' an' gave me a thumbs-up. It wuz dunn. Dey wuz dead ... an' it had all happen'd in less'n two minnits. Ah stood up an' look'd at Arkadiy'z dead body.
"Ah gave Rico da all-cleer."
"Did'chu get Dmitri'z access card, Benjie? Rico'z gonna need hiz an' Arkadiy'z fo' gettin' inta da vaultz..."
"Shee-it..." He jogged outta da room. Ah got up an' push'd Resnikov's body back inta da chair an' fel' 'round fo' his wallet. Ah foun' it an' start'd riflin' troo it - Ah seen 'im uze it once - an' Ah knew dey look'd like Black Amex cardz. Ah coodn' fin' it.
SHEE-IT!!!! Chill, Ray. CHILL. Con-cen-trate. Dis muthafucka wouldn' let dat card outta hiz sight... Ah took alla da stuff outta hiz wallet agin an' laid dat shit on da desk. When Ah gotz tah hiz Visa card, Ah realiz'd it fel' funny - 'xtra thick-like. Ah rubb'd it ruff 'tween mah fingaz an' a seam open'd up at da end. Ah peel'd it back an' Ah grinn'd when Ah saw da dark plastic.
Ah chuckl'd. "Dey wuz right when dey sed 'Black iz beautifull'..." Ah gave it a kiss an' tuck'd it inta da pouch ov mah jock.
Benjie ran inta da room. "Ray! RAY! Ah cain't find da fuckin' card!" He wuz outta breath an' panickin'. "Whatta we gonna do?"
"Dey wuz camouflagin' da cardz, bruh. C'mon... letz get Dmitri'z..." Ah strok'd hiz back an' he shiver'd az we went back down da corridor.
* * *
Da room wuz a mess - Benjie had ripp'd out drawerz an' toss'd da contentz out lookin' fo' da card.
"Warez hiz wallet?"
"Ah think itz ovva d'ere..." Mah partner point'd tah da furthes' corner ov da room. "Dat's where Ah look'd firs' - didn't find nuthin' an' trew it on da flo'..."
"Shee-it..." Ah walk'd ovva an' squatt'd down tah look fo' it. "Wat color wuz it?"
"Dark brown."
Afta a few minnitz, Ah found it. " 'C'mere you l'il fucka, you..." Dmitri had it hidd'n in a reg'lar Amex sleeve, but it wuz easy tah find once you knew wat tah look fo'. Ah straighten'd up wen Ah heard footstepz in da corridor. Ah quik'ly tuck'd it inta mah pouch nex' tah itz partner.
Mah heart stopp'd when Adrian Weaver stood in da doorway.
He took one look at Dmitri'z dead boddy an' leap'd fo' Benjie. Mah instinctz kick'd an' Ah made a flyin' tackle tah stop 'im. We wound up all tangl'd on da flo' an' inna second an' we wuz up an' fightin' fo' our livez. We wuz bouncin' off da wallz, chokin' each otha an' tradin' punchez; Ah knew Ah hadda finish 'im off; but we wuz movin' 'round too fast fo' Benjie t'get a cleer shot.
A lucky jab tah hiz temple stunn'd 'im... d'en Ah gavez 'im an uppacut dat snapp'd hiz haid back an' laid 'im flat. Ah wuz breathin' hard when Ah heard bootz - lotsa bootz - in da hallway. Adrian wuz lyin' at mah feet an' strugglin' tah getz up. He groan'd an Ah grabb'd hiz haid an' gave it a pow'full twis' - Ah heard hiz neck snap an' let hiz dead boddy drop tah da flo'.
At dat point a bunch of SWAT copz burs' inta da room. Dey wuz dress'd all in tactical black wiff gogglez an' boddy armor - da two in front wuz pointin' d'eir rifles d'rectly at da bowff ov us. Da bright red laser spotz wuz dancin' on our chestz.
Da guy on da left wuz screaming: "GET ON YOUR KNEES! GET ON YOUR KNEES! NOW! HANDS ON YOUR HEADS! DO IT! DO IT! DO IT" We bowff got down an' follow'd hiz 'nstructionz. Anotha SWAT boy came 'round an' cuff'd uz. D'en we got haul'd up an' pushed outta da murder scene.
* * *
Da club wuz swarmin' wiff SWAT copz; we wuz dragg'd inta a room an' da door wuz lock'd b'hind us. We gotz cuff'd - dey had wrapp'd plastic bagz 'round our handz an' uzed duc' tape tah seal 'em shut. Ah look'd at Benjie an' let out a deep breath.

Even wiff da situ-ayshun we wuz in (o' mebbe b'cause ov it), bowff ov us wuz rock-hard an' leakin' pre-cumm. Ah lean'd 'gainst one ov da wallz an' motion'd Benjie tah cum ovva. Ah start'd tah kiss 'im an' he press'd hiz thick lipz 'gainst mine. Our horsecockz wuz grindin' 'gainst each otha in our leathas az our tonguez forc'd d'eir way inta our mowffz. Inna few minnits, Ah groan'd az Ah felt mahself spurt a load ov cum inta mah pouch. Mah partner did da same.
He laugh'd. "Well, Ah cain't say we didn' hav a fuckin' good time, Ray. 'Leastways you an' me gonna be top dawgz in Attica..." Ah saw summ cumm dribble down hiz leg. He eas'd hisself inta a chair an' smil'd az da butt plug push'd isself inta hiz prostate. "Gimme a lap dance, bruh..."
Ah settl'd onta him an' hiz leatha-covva'd cock ramm'd 'gainst mah own plug, doin' da same wiff me; we start'd grindin' an' kissin' agin an' didn' realize people came inta da room until summboddy clear'd d'eir throat.
Ah look'd ovva Benjie'z shoulda tah see Rico (now inna pair ov jeanz an' a tank), Zack, Cap'n Morgan an' two otha guyz. One ov dem wuz almos' bald; he had a real sour x'presshun on hiz face an' a mean glint in hiz eyez. Shee-it... dat's a fuckin' FED... Da otha guy had hiz hair trimm'd medium-short an' had a large scar runnin' 'cross hiz forehaid an' down hiz eye socket. He wuz built like we wuz - big, wiff lotsa muscle - an' wore hiz dark blue silk shirt real tight an' half-button'd tah show off hiz boddy.
"Zhese are zhe two?" He hadda Russian accent - even mo' hevvy d'an da Resnikovs - an' Ah felt sick. Shee-it... We ain't goin' ta prison, we wuz gonna get smok'd right now... Rico fuckin' USED us...
"Uh-huh. Getz up." Rico came ovva an' took off da plastic bagz an' r'mov'd da cuffz. We wuz bowff rubbin' our wristz when da baldin' guy spoke up.
"My name is Paul Gardner - FBI. West Coast Division. I want to thank you both for your um, ... assistance ... in removing the Resnikovs from the scene." He gave us a tight smile. "We realize that given your criminal backgrounds, it took a considerable effort to convince you to be involved in a law enforcement operation. Jericho here approached the NYPD as a CI and he tipped us onto the situation."
We look'd at each otha. He don' know we used t'be copz? O' whiteboyz? O' we wuz gonna take ovva da operashun? Fucckkk... we might az well play along an' seez wat happenz. If'n we lucky, mebbe we ain't goin' tah Attica afta all...

"Dayummm... Ah knew dey wuz inta lotz ov evil shit, but man... dat wuz reelly fuck'd up..."
"Of course, all of the felonies that you committed during this period are going to be... um, overlooked... because of your involvement, but I want to stress that those activities will NOT be ignored a second time if you are CAUGHT doing them again. Are we clear?"
Benjie an' me nodd'd. Soundz like we cood still be doin' our shit, long az we wuz carefull...
The Russian clear'd hiz throat. "I want to introduce Yvgeny Umaskaya,,, he is going to be assuming control of this operation..."
"After a bit ov house-cleaning, so to speak..." He smil'd, revealin' perfec' white teef. "I vant to provide zhe same intense operations as my predecessors, plus give my illegal businesses a good vay ov laundering money from zheir operations - none ov vich involve any plutonium. Zat is bad for business. And for everyone."
Mah eyez got big at dat statemen', an' Gardner saw mah ree-ackshun. "That's right. We're replacing one set of Russian mobsters with another. I used to be much more of a Boy Scout, but sadly enough, I realized that the world doesn't exist in black and white any longer. Very often the people whom we considered scum before are actually the good guys and the so-called upstanding citizens are not... it's just very fortunate that we have such a high grade of criminal to work with here..."
Zack spoke up. "It's always a pleasure helping you out, Paul... but if you'll excuse us, I'm sure that Ray and Benjie here have some unsuspecting white boys they need to intimidate, assault and rape... we're all free to go, right?"
Gardner gave alla us a sour look. "Get out of here, Gauthier... and please thank Lucio for me. Once again, you and yours have pulled our nuts out of the fire. I don't know what this country would do without you."
Da Fed wav'd hiz hand az da five ov us left. At da end ov da hallway, Rico push'd us inta anotha room an' pull'd da door shut. Benjie slamm'd 'im 'gainst da wall. Hiz nose wuz flarin' an' he wuz mad az hell.
"Why da FUQ didn' you tell us wat wuz goin' down? We ain't takin' ovva da club?? You wuz workin' wiff da Feds alla da fuckin' time??!!"
Rico shov'd 'im away an' a scowl cross'd hiz face.
"Ah coodn'. Same way you coodn' talk 'bout yo' Transfo'mayshun, Ah coodn' tell you da truth. It wuz impo'tant fo' da Resnikovs... an' Adrian... an' bowff ov you... tah b'leeve you were 'xactly wat you were - street-wise bruthas wiff long crim'nal recordz who were willin' tah do anythin' tah anyone fo' money an' fresh meat tah fuck. You not only hadda act da part, you hadda live da part. You hadda b'leeve you were gonna STAY bruthas - an' thugs - fo' da rest ov yo' livez. Ah'm sorry Ah had tah treat you two da way Ah did - but Ah didn' hav any choice, either. Ah jus' got mah own condishunnin' releas'd a few hourz ago..."
Cap'n Morgan spoke up. "This whole 'Exchange Program" of yours was an brilliant idea, Ray. Along with Namisato's inspiration of giving you all criminal records, it's providing us with an amazingly rich resource of ready-to-go felons we can always bring online for operations...." He wink'd an' grinn'd. "Undercover or otherwise... plus this venue is perfect for developing and enhancing those capabilities spelled out in their rap sheets and cultivating those below-board associations. The uptick in the COMPSTAT numbers is a fully acceptable consequence for me."

"But we stayin' bruthas, right?" Jus' da idea ov bein' a whiteboy agin wuz makin' me sick...
Zack put hiz hand on Morgan'z shoulda. "You want to give them the release words, Tanner?"
"Of course. Easter. Glock. Mustard."
I felt the same short, dizzying sense of dislocation when Rico - no, Sarge - had began the transformation process those many months ago.
Cap turned to Benjie and me. "You're aware that Zack does a good deal of work for Salvatore Giudice, but his organization based here is just part of a more extensive, worldwide network. There are people and parts of it that operate outside of the law in their own self-interest, but far more often than not, those interests are for the best reasons for everyone in the long run. Yvgeny doesn't need to be aware of Zack's transformation services; Paul was made aware of the process with Reardon here, but he's not volunteering any information either. We also made sure Paul was certain you two were actually African-American felons."
"Iz dat who dis 'Lucio' iz, Cap?" Christ... was that the guy at Hawke's wedding? My wedding?
Zack nodded and grinned. "I have to do a little more work on Rico here. Since we designed him to look almost like Adrian, he's going to go the rest of the way and assume Weaver's identity for a while to ease Yvgeny's transition, then 'disappear' until he's needed again for any other operations.
"My brother is going to do a post-mortem interrogation on Weaver's corpse and we'll provide that information to Adrian version 2.0 here..." Cap paused. "After over a year since being forcibly converted into black gang-bangers, I'm sure you two must be more than ready to become yourselves again. I can speak for the entire Four-One that we've missed the both of you..."
I pursed my thick lips. "Ah guess. Itz gonna be an a'justmen' not bein' a brutha no mo' ... any mo'..." It felt strange to be able to actually speak and think in normal English again, although my diction wouldn't improve much until I had my own lips back. "Ah've gotten so comfo'table bein' me - Ah mean, 'Rayshawn Johnson' - dat Ah don' know wat itz gonna be like bein' a whiteboy agin, Cap. Da detailz ov mah old life seem really hazy now, Suh..." My memories of being 'Charlie Hawke' didn't feel as credible as Ray's synthetic ones - it was almost like I was going to be slipping into another fake identity... previously, I was a submissive, cock-hungry latino hustler and this time, I would be a young white cop, but the "real" me was the unrepentant and murderous black felon I was now and always would be...
Benjie looked at Rico. "Ah didn' bust mah moldz?"
"Dey were fakes. Da onez you smashed an' da set Ah blew apart in front ov Charlie. Both ov yo' original moldz were always safe."
"You two are going to need some time to decompress and readjust. Take all that's necessary. No questions asked."
"And no expense spared, either..." Zack grinned. "Lucio is picking up the tab."
"Wat's gonna happen when 'Adrian' leaves fo' good, Suh?"
"Altschuler will take over as his replacement. He'd been requesting to undergo the Transformation permanently, so we're going to allow it. With the concomitant criminal history, artificial memories and extra-deep conditioning this time to prevent any exposure of the process. 'Dannell Stewart' will be the new manager here. I'm sure Yvgeny and he will get along quite well."
Sarge spoke up. "Mah truck'z outside. Letz get da hell outta here an' ovva tah Zack'z. We've got summ transfo'mayshunz tah get dunn..."
* * *
Zack removed Ray's hair first. I held onto two electrodes while a short, but intense jolt retracted the nano-anchoring fins on the artificial hair shafts. He then applied a smooth gel which quickly hardened into a thick, rubbery consistency; he then lifted the hair from my face, brows and head. It was just as unnerving to see the dye come off my body; the extensive tats and the dark skin disappeared to be replaced by my original skin tone and the two detailed inkings on my now more-massive deltoids. The nose ring came out next, and I was shocked to find myself missing it.
I stared at the man in the mirror - a hairless, black-featured thug with lightly tanned skin - and at some level, deeply regretted no longer being the cocky Nubian lowlife I had been for these many, many months. I actually wouldn't have minded looking like this version of Vin Diesel for the rest of my life, either...after all, there was something to be said about being a drop-dead handsome light-skinned black felon... just look at Jeffrey Meeks...
The eye color change was equally unsettling - Zack put in some drops and I watched as my nearly black irises melted away to reveal my original deep sapphire eyes; he sprayed some cinnamon-flavored fluid down my throat and within minutes my voice had regained it's low tenor register.
"Ready for the remolding?"
"Yeah, Ah guess. Cain't be goin' out lookin' like dis, right?" God... I felt naked without that nose ring now, too ...
Zack pursed his lips. "At some point, I think we could arrange for a limited-time transformation back to 'Ray' - or another black thug ... but let's see how things turn out..."
The dark-haired artist then applied the plasticity compound to my hands and feet and clamped on the molds. Dental plates were next and finally, the material was applied to my head and face and I settled myself onto the table as the front half of the mold that would re-create 'Charlie Hawke' descended and darkness enveloped me.
* * *
Zack's Warehouse
Several weeks later
It was a full three weeks before I stopped being startled by my new (or rather, my original) reflection in the mirror and Benjie - no... Tony... felt the same way. We were staying with Zack as we readjusted to our previous existences - and minus the constant adrenaline rush of being Nubian thugs one arrest away from a life in prison. Despite the fact that we were no longer the black gang-bangers we had been, both of us still felt more comfortable wearing the plugs in our asses and cocks as well as the bling in our ears and on our hands and wrists. My wedding band glinted gold among the shiny steel of my other jewelry. Our hair had started to grow back again, and we both were sporting short, dark fuzz on our heads.
Sarge - now Adrian's doppleganger - had come in with Bobby Altschuler yesterday. That now-former cop had been transformed back into the oversexed muscle brutha 'Dannell Stewart' earlier in the week, and the treatments he received last night made the changes to his appearance and DNA permanent; he had received his implanted memories as well and his vastly extensive new conditioning assured he would never again be able to vocalize the changes wrought on him to anyone but us. Dani was overjoyed at becoming a Nubian once more (and for good this time) and being the new manager at the Greasetank. As before, he possessed an extensive criminal record, which was the perfect complement to his new position.

Tony and Zack had gone out to get supplies for tonight's Initiation. I was nursing a second large mug of coffee when Dani sauntered in. He was wearing his leathers already: a bulldog harness accented the massive slabs of his pecs and shredded six-pack and the black leather jock-pouch was already stuffed to overflowing, which in turn, highlighted his massive quads. Slouched white socks peeked above some well-polished Corcorans and below bulging calves, and as he passed me to pour himself a mug, I saw the button of the massive metal plug pressed tightly against his dark pucker. A light coat of oil gleamed on his deep-brown skin.
"What's on your schedule today, Dani?"
The newly re-minted black man stretched. His dreds draped over his wide shoulders as he rotated his neck and I could hear the vertebrae 'pop' with the movement. "Ah'm headin' ovva tah da Greasetank afta Ah workz out. Yvgeny an' Ah wanna look at expandin' out dat empty space fo' summ mo' playroomz. Den we iz gonna fuck each otha cross-eyed..."
He gave me a toothy white grin. "Dat Russian iz one vig'rous sumbitch... we bowff cain't get enuff ov each otha... What'chu gonna do?"
"More of the same. Work out some, relax. Go out to lunch. Walk around a bit." Zack was adamant about the importance of getting back out in public as a white man and getting back to doing everyday activities like shopping and interacting with people as my previous Caucasian self. I hadn't been back to the Four-One since my Reversion, and tonight would be the first time I would be seeing the guys again as a white man and police officer.
He sat down across from me. "You seen Mattie yet?"
I bit my lip and shook my head. "I still don't feel comfortable in my own skin, Dani. That's a laugh, isn't it? I was a hard-core black thug for so long, it just feels wrong being white again." I twisted the gold ring on my finger. "I... I don't want to be with Mattie until I feel better about myself. At least I'm not thinking of him an as a prime candidate for castration and enslavement any longer..."
His large dark hand firmly grasped my squared jaw. "Heart-tah-heart time, Charlie. It ain't gonna getz easier da longa you waitz. Bein' wiff yo' husband is da best way tah get back tah feelin' you iz YOU agin. Ray-Ray iz alwayz gonna be a part ov you now, bruh... same way Bobby still alwayz gonna be a part ov me. But dat don' mean Ah cain't enjoy da life Ah hav. Same goez fo' you."
I sighed. "Thanks for the advice, Dani. I'll give him a call today." The dieseled black felon got up and tipped my head back for a deep kiss. He gave me a wink and sauntered out of the kitchen.
He was right. I pulled out my phone and dialed Mattie. After two rings, he picked up.
"Hello?" He sounded cautious.
"Mattie? It's... Charlie..." There was a hushed expectancy on the line.

"Of course! Let me clear my calendar! Are you alright? You don't sound quite yourself."
"I still don't feel quite like myself. Yet. It's been a few weeks since I've been a gang-banger, but I want to see you... and hold you in my arms again." I was feeling more like his husband by the minute.
"You can't imagine how long I've been waiting to hear your voice again, Amor! Dios, I've missed you every minute of every day. It was hell not knowing where you were or if you were even alive! Where are you?"
"I've been at Zack's - recuperating. It's been slow. And it hasn't been easy. I'll see you by twelve?"
"Perfect! Oh, Charlie... you've made me the happiest man alive! At last, I'll have you back in my life again!"
I felt warm all over. "Same here, Mattie. See you then. I... I love you."
I hung up the phone and let out a sigh of relief. Then I grinned. I got up and stretched; as I did, I felt the heavy plug in my ass shift and my steel-shafted cock twitched as it thickened and the ball at its tip rubbed against my suddenly tight rowers. I guess I won't need these any more, either. I headed up to the bedroom to remove the steel and get dressed to meet my husband.
* * *
It’s funny how things stick in your mind. I had read a Star Trek novel called “Killing Time” in 1985 where the Romulans use time travel to alter reality in order to prevent the Federation from ever being created. What happened, however, was that the Federation was created in any event, but by the Vulcans instead of Humans. The USS Enterprise became the VSS ShiKahr; Captain Kirk goes to sleep and wakes up as Ensign Kirk, a drug-addled ex-convict that has only been aboard for a day.
This was the underlying theme for the “Maelstrom” story arc. Some events and occurrences become so impressed upon the fabric of reality that they cannot be removed – only changed to a greater or lesser extent. The changes wrought upon Charlie in “Something Wicked This Way Comes”; the whole raiding and destruction of the Greasetank and the human trafficking ring, the interactions between Adam Howell and Andrew DaVinci - was something that could NOT be eradicated from the main “reality” of my secondary world – they had changed form, but still, they HAD TO occur.
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Ah'm fuckin' HOT an' Ah know it!!! |
As with the other stories involving this type of transformation, one of the hardest areas was developing (and maintaining) the ghetto patois of Zack Gauthier's "speshul" thugs. My goal (and I hope it was accomplished) was to have the reader appreciate the language de-evolution, but still be able to understand what was being said. Sometimes, the spelling of certain words did not follow what I wanted them to sound like; hence, little tweaks here and there where some words were less "thuggier" than others.
Adam Howell and Andrew DaVinci make a guest appearance in this story; these two were also featured in the AU "Something Wicked This Way Comes" - and I am working out some story lines in my head to bring these two together. Adam, of course, is still an ATF agent; Andrew may be an optician or optometrist - I have yet to self-approve his back story.
So stay tuned... and once again, thank you all for reading the stories here and visiting the blog!