(For the Blogger censors ... this a work of FICTION - any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely coincidental. Language, situations and behaviors are only utilized within the confines of the post to enhance the story itself and do not represent any real-life circumstances in any way.)
Thursday 6:00pm
I draped a towel around my neck and headed wearily back into the locker room. Despite the cool shower, I was still bone-tired from my shift; from 7am to 5pm, there had been one incident after another and I was glad to head home and just sleep. I opened my locker and a small piece of paper fluttered down and landed at my feet. I picked it up and unfolded it. It said:
#6 - 8pm
I looked over to see Donte McIntyre give me a worried and inquisitive look on his bearded face. Donte - aka Archer Brandt - was one of the patrolmen currently physically Transformed by Zack into a black thug. His nearly-naked body gleamed as his dark hands massaged a thin coat of oil onto his well-muscled physique and double-ringed horsecock.
"Hawke!" Rico Landry's voice rang out. Jericho 'Rico' Landry was Sargeant Jamie Reardon's Nubian alter-ego. Sarge had undergone a total Change as well; he had always been a hard-ass, but now he had become a stone-cold, brutal muscle-brutha. While the guys enjoyed the uber-dominant behavior he now exhibited, deep-down, they were also frightened as well; this was Jamie's fourth month as a black thug and it didn't appear like he was going to Convert back any time soon. I balled up the tiny piece of paper and flicked it into my locker.
"You cummin' ta nex' weekz 'Nitiation?" He was in nothing but a pair of low-cut red micro-briefs which barely contained his massive cock and balls with the heavy steel hinged c-ring around them; his pale brown-green eyes looked hard at me and there was a bit of a contemptuous glower on his tightly stubbled visage. He pushed me back against my locker.
"I'll try my best, Sir."
His scowl deepened and his hand traveled from my pecs to under my towel; he grasped my package and began to squeeze. Hard.
"You gotz t'do better'n dat, Hawke. You miss'd da las' one, an' Ah don' tol'rate no disr'spect tah da muthafuckas in dis stay-shun." I gasped as he tightened his grip.
"I... I'm sorry, Sarge. No disrespect intended. N-never..." He relaxed his grip and he gave me a feral smile. His other hand snaked around my head and pulled me in for a hard kiss. "Dat's wat Ah likez t'hear. You iz a role model fo' da guyz an' you needz t'set an 'xample - even if'n you iz only a whiteboy now." He chuckled as he let go of me and loped back to finish getting dressed in a compression tee, cutoff jeans and a pair of scuffed Timberland boots.
The other patrolmen at their lockers had gone silent during the exchange. I looked over to Donte and gave him an imperceptible nod.
* * *
Ever since I had been Converted into a muscle-brutha myself, the guys had set up various locations within the city for our tableaus involving cop-and-thug scenarios - everything from hostage situations to B&E to surprise attacks and rapes. "Number 6" was an abandoned warehouse in the bowels of Queens that we had commandeered as our own. We cleaned it up a bit (mostly removing the debris from the floor to make sure that no one got their feet sliced open), improved security and added some various items such as chains, manacles and bondage devices. At 7:55pm, I pulled into a side street a few blocks away and walked over to the site. I headed over to a rusted metal door and twirled the combination. The portal opened on disguised well-oiled hinges and I stepped inside.
I followed the faint gleam down the dirty corridor until I reached the main area of the building; I heard faint voices and as I turned another corner, I saw a quartet of the Transformed muscle-bruthas from the Four-One: Andre Randolph (originally Jeff McKee), Donte McIntyre (formerly Archie Brandt), Isiah Fulton (aka Bryan Joseph) and Jax Thomas (previously Cash Ingraham). Dark faces and worried brown-black eyes turned towards me as I approached. Noticably absent were my own Transformed partner Benjie Cantrell (the former Tony McLaren), Dani Stewart (who used to be Bobby Altschuler) and Rico Landry (the late white Sergeant Jamie Reardon).
"Charlie, thankz fo' cummin' on such short notice. We 'preciate it." Isiah spoke up. His handsome ethnic face was lined with stress.
"What's up? Why do you all look like that? Is it Sarge?"
Jax cleared his throat. "Ah wish. Itz Dani. He be gettin' inta summ nasty shit an' he ain't bein' carefull. Dat's a problum fo' alla us. He cood blow dis Transfo'mayshun process wiiide open. We didn' wan' Rico tah hear 'bout dis... he gone ovvaboard too, an'... we wuz afraid tah tell 'im. We don' wan' 'im to kill Dani, 'cause da way he iz now, he wouldn' think twice 'bout doin' dat..."
"What do you mean?" I was always impressed by the fact that the patrolmen who had become thugs never broke from their "new" identities. Even when dealing with a serious situation like this, they never once dropped back into their previous speech patterns as white men.
Andre interjected. "Charlie, itz one thing fo' us t'be doin' shit like rapin' whiteboyz at da Greasetank o' fuckin' baby copz at da precinct. Even doin' summ assault an' battery o' robbery here an' d'ere. Dani'z been kidnappin' guyz off da street, beatin' da shit outta 'em, an' fuckin' 'em in alleyz. He been breakin' inta houses an' stealin' jewelry an' he be doin' summ gun runnin' az well. Y'know Rico sent 'im tah Riker's tree timez, didn'chu?" I shook my head. "Dat didn' do 'im no good - he jus' came back even worse'n befo'. Alla us getz crim'nal records now when we b'cumm bruthas - dat's part ov da rush ov bein' a Nubian - but wat's gonna happen if'n he getz caught? You think he gonna stay quiet when he alreddy gotz two strikes like da rest ov us? HELL NO! He gonna spill hiz gutz 'bout Zack an' da Process an' we all gonna be fuck'd! An' dat da recordz in NCIC an' NIBRS wuz hack'd an' faked! Dani don' got da same safegardz dat da rest uv us got..."
At my puzzled look, Jax began to explain. "When we getz made inta niggas, we getz a shitload ov artifishul mem'ries an' skillz ta match our rap sheetz. We getz condishunin' ta alwayz talk like a brutha an' if'n we getz arrest'd, we cain't talk about Zack's process - o' dat we usta be white cops. Dose las' parts didn' take on Dani right; he ain't wired da same way we iz sumhow..."
"Shit..." I hadn't know about those new safeguards; this was serious. It sounded like Dani was experiencing the same total mindfuck meltdown as I had when I had been Ray-Ray Johnson. I had done unspeakable things as a black felon and had enjoyed every minute of their commission.
"Dani likez you a lot, Charlie... pleez talk summ sense inta dat nigga's haid? Pleez? He'll lissen tah you since you da one dat started it all."
That wasn't something I wanted to be remembered for. "Sure. I'll talk to him. I'll do whatever it takes to straighten him out."
"T'anks, Charlie. You da best." Jax pulled me into his arms and gave me a strong hug. Then I felt another set of hands slide around me and I was held in a loose sleeper hold as Isiah nuzzled my ear.
He chuckled. "Y'know, Charlie... it ain't safe fo' white boyz t'get caught wanderin' 'round here...even worse fo' handsumm white po-lice officers..." My prong started to thicken and snake down the leg of my jeans as I watched the rest of the grinning black men strip off their clothes; their steel-ringed horsecocks already stiff, dripping and ready for action. Donte undid my belt and began to pull the Levis down, followed by my jock. Dark hands held my waist as he knelt and began to lick my engorged tool.
"Mmmmm...." He was an excellent cocksucker. He took a deep breath and swallowed me whole. Once my nine-incher was down his throat, he began a slow and easy rhythm which included scraping my shaft gently with his teeth.
"We wuz thinkin' dis cood be a new thing tah do wiff a white cop. Instead ov a black man gettin' arrested, a bunch ov us bruthas would gang-rape 'im instead. We figgered we'd try it out on you firs'..." Isiah released me and pulled off my t-shirt as he stripped as well.
God... looking at all of these naked black studs grinning in anticipation had my pulse pounding...
"Sounds like a great idea... oh, Jesus..." My nuts churned as I exploded down Donte's throat. I stepped out of the pile of my jeans as Andre levered me over a table and began to fill my ass with J-Lube from a squeeze bottle. He kissed my neck as his massive ebon dick breached me and began to jackhammer my guts.
* * *
Since we were both on the same schedule, I decided to visit Dani the next day. The sun was just beginning to set as I reached his building and was buzzed in. I got to his apartment and knocked on the door.
A deep voice from within yelled, "Itz open!" I twisted the knob and stepped inside.
In a moment, Dani sauntered into the living room. He had been a good-looking white guy in a rough-hewn sort of way, but now he was a brutally handsome black man. Dani had gone for the full physical Transformation as well, sporting a thick head of medium-length dreds and a well-trimmed beard and 'stache around his sensuously fuller lips. Extensive blackwork ink crawled down both massive arms and framed his slabbed chest. The black thug was wearing just a pair of fleece cutoffs riding low over his hips. His intense dark eyes crinkled as he gave me a wide white smile.
"Wassup, Charlie? Wiff all da thick, black meat 'round, Mattie cain't getz you off no mo' ?" Dani had always been a very aggressive cop with a quick temper, but never to me - I somehow had struck a special chord with him.
"Nah. Mattie and I are good, Dani - thanks for asking. No, I came over because I wanted to see you. I'm worried about you. I hear you're having some problems. Can I help? Sarge sent you to Rikers three times?"
The Nubian's eyes narrowed and a defensive tone crept into his voice. "Rico iz jus' bein' too fuckin' ruff wiff me - he ain't no angel, neither, bruh. Ah'm good. Jus' enjoyin' bein' a brutha - doin' all da shit Ah'd be arrestin' sumpbody else fo' ... rapin' whiteboyz, robberies, 'loiterin' ' wiff otha bruthas... you wuz always one ov da sweetest whiteboyz at da precinct - Ah 'preciate yo worryin' 'bout me, tho..." He gave me an unforced bright smile.
"He's got to have a reason, bud. Even if it's a stupid one. Talk to me. Please. You know I care about you." I caressed the side of his face.
The black man sidled closer to me and stroked my shoulders. He had a very pensive look on his face and I could tell he was struggling to admit something. Then he did.
"Ah been doin' summ really evil shit, Charlie. But Rico don' know 'bout dat. Stuff he duz know 'bout iz fuckin' intense too - assaultz, robb'ries, gun-runnin'... he jus' iz pissed at me fo' bein' a betta thug d'an he iz."
"What stuff doesn't he know about?"
Dani paused again. "Snuff films. Ah been doin' 'em wiff Adrian an' Arkadiy. Two so far. Rico don' havva clue. We grab a white o' Latino boy outta da Greasetank o' offa da street, drug 'im up a bit an' a bunch ov us bruthas do watevva da hell we wanna do tah him. Afta dat, we lock 'im down, do mo' shit, an' den we blow out da back ov hiz haid. Charlie, Ah cain't tell you wat a fuckin' rush it be tah do dat - da total power ov bein' a brutha an' doin' dat shit tah yo' prop'ety iz amazin'..."
I felt sick. Not only because of what I was hearing, but also because I knew exactly what he meant. And was feeling. "You don't even think of yourself as a white man any more, do you?"
His dark eyes widened in shock at my perception. He shook his head. "Nope. Not fo' weeks. Ah ain't. Not no mo'. Dis iz wat Ah shouldda alwayz been,bruh. Dis is reely ME now - Ah don' wanna go back. You knowz wat bein' a brutha feelz like, Charlie. D'ere's a real thin line 'tween copz an' thugz. Dese ain't no line-ov-duty killins - Ah crossed it wiff dem snuff films an' Ah cain't go back... mah rap sheet iz actu'lly true now - Ah'm a killa... an' Ah getz off on it, too. Big time." I had noticed how his package had swelled as he spoke about his murders.
His dark hands traveled from my shoulders to my flanks. He grabbed the hem of my t-shirt and pulled it off of me. Then he gave me a wicked grin and started to massage the growing bulge in my own Levis. "You gotz t'b'cumm a brutha agin... Ray-Ray would luv doin' shit like dis. Adrian tol' me wat'chu did wiff sellin' white-boyz..." Dani grinned. "... an' nuttin' 'em. He wuz wonderin' where you been hidin'..."
He laughed when he saw the shocked look on my face. "Don' worry - yo' secret's safe wiff me. Dis iz jus' da nex' step in dat process..." He hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his cutoffs and threw them across the floor. Then he began to unbutton my jeans and pulled them down along with my micro-briefs; I was now as naked as him. He stroked his shaft and gave me a sly grin. "Suck mah cock, whiteboy. If'n you do me good, you kin fuck me up da ass befor' Ah goes out breedin' tonite."
I looked at the grinning dark face and that gigantic steel-shod tool and I was overcome with blinding lust. I wanted nothing more to have that massive ebon horsecock down my throat. I knelt and licked the swollen head; as soon as it was slippery enough, I took a deep breath and swallowed it whole until my lips met the resistance of the hot metal surrounding his package. I grabbed hold of his hard, muscular ass as he pummeled my throat with his dick. After nearly blacking out several times, I felt the mushroom head down my gullet expand even further and Dani howled as he let loose what felt like gallons of his seed into my throat. Finally, the explosions of cum stopped and I sat back on my heels, utterly spent.
"Christ Almighty..." My voice was ragged from the punishment my throat had taken.
"You kin say dat agin... Jeezus, you iz still one amazin' cocksucka..." Dani had collapsed into a chair and gave me a tired grin.
"When are you going to the Greasetank again?"
"Nex' Friday. We gonna do 'nutha film. Rico ain't gonna be there - he be doin' a 'Nitiation dat night."
"I'm coming with you. I'll meet you here, okay? Promise me you won't leave without me, Dani?"
The thug nodded. He stood up and stretched. "C'mon - afta dat perfo'mance, you d'serve tah fuck mah brainz out..."
* * *
The Following Thursday - Noon
"I don't understand why you have to go through this, amor... I'm worried about you getting hurt - or worse..."
Mattie paced his office as I came up behind and held him close. He pulled away; I could tell he was angry. And more than a bit frightened. I had stopped up to his building on Park Avenue sporting a completely different haircut than what he had seen that morning and had briefly explained what I was planning to do for Dani, leaving out the more dangerous details.
"Mattie, I don't have a choice. It's my fault that Dani is as mind-fucked as he is. He saw how Ray-Ray behaved - or misbehaved - and he's going down the same path I did. If you hadn't come back when you did, there wouldn't have been a 'Charlie Hawke' to come back to. I was well on my way to leaving the NYPD and staying a black thug. So that's why I have to be there for him." I know I'm doing the right thing - I just hope to God I survive my decision.
"I may be off the grid for a few days. Hopefully, when all's said and done, he'll be in better shape than he is now."
Mattie put his arms around my waist and grabbed my ass to pull me close. "Please be careful, Charlie." He gave me a deep but gentle kiss.
"I promise, sweetheart. Try not to worry." I wasn't telling him everything that I was planning on doing. He would have had a heart attack if he knew what could happen to me. To us.
"I love you."
* * *
The Next Day - 7:00pm
I arrived at Dani's apartment and knocked; I had texted him that I'd be there in a few minutes. This time, the gang-banger opened the door and the look of shock on his dark face was priceless. He was already in his leathers - harness, jock, gauntlets and boots; his ebon package was stiff in its metal prison and he had yet to snap the codpiece over his cock and balls; I could tell from his posture that he also had a substantial plug up his ass.
"Who da fuq are you?"
"Who do you think I am?"
"Charlie? CHARLIE? Izzat you? Wat did'chu do tah yo' face? FUCK!!! You lookz amazin' !!"
I had to admit I did. "I got my face, teeth and prints changed. I'm a nobody. Just your not-to-bright kinky Latino slaveboy who's going to the Greasetank with his Master and getting shared around for some rough sex. At least that what he thinks. You said you're going to do a snuff film, right? Well, I am - or rather he is - your star attraction."
Zack had modified my features to make me appear as a young Hispanic; - with the fuller lips and a thicker nose - along with the caesar-cut hair and some faint stubble on my face, I looked completely different. He had also hidden my tats - there was only one large stylized cross on one upper arm. The only thing that was the same was my blue eyes. And my voice.
"I'm putting my life in your hands, Dani. I haven't told Benjie or Mattie about the snuff films; I even told Zack that I was doing some undercover work for Mattie and I needed to 'blend in'. I could just disappear tonight. Forever. No one would ever know what happened to me. Except you. You're the only one who can make the decision whether I live or die."
He looked stunned. "Here's my wallet. Cash, credit card and driver's license. As far as anyone is concerned, my name is 'Eduardo Ramos' and there's nothing there to prove otherwise. 'Charlie Hawke' - the cop you knew - the guy I was a few hours ago - no longer exists."
I tossed my gym bag onto the couch and began to unpack the items.

I took out an eyeless hood with a small mouth opening and long nose tubes.
"Plus this. I'm gonna be double-blinded for the duration."
Then I took out a neck entry catsuit with double sheaths for my ass and cock, with a long tube at the tip (that was the internal catheter - more on that in a bit). Toe socks and gloves were attached. "Skintight rubber suit."
I grinned as I held up a clear plastic bag containing a black CB6000. "Cock lock. Rubberslaves that still have their equipment can only use it with permission, right?"
Then I took out two O-shaped gags. "Inner and outer gags. Once these get put into my mouth, I won't be able to talk. One gets put in before the mask goes on and the other afterwards." The outer gag was a bright red color and its inner surface was covered with soft ticklers and ribbing.
I pulled out a small spray aerosol that looked like a Binaca breath freshener. "This stuff will paralyze my vocal cords. I'll be completely mute for about 24 hours."
Dani was getting more and more excited as I removed and described each item from the bag. He reached over and stroked the raised welt on my neck with what appeared to be stitches embedded within it.
"Wat's dat?"
"Fake surgery scar. I had Zack put that on me as well. That's where you had my vocal cords severed. Proves I'm your slave and I do whatever you tell me." I caught Dani looking at me in a different and far more predatory way. He wasn't seeing me as 'Charlie' any longer, but as I was now - 'Eddie - HIS property'; the same sort of way Sarge did when I had become Ray-Ray.
Next came a large and firm rubber ass tunnel. The inside had ticklers as well.
Then I took out a large bottle of oily liquid. "This is a combination of lube and adhesive. It acts like a lube at first and then after about ten minutes, it seals skin to rubber or rubber to rubber. You can't separate the sealed surfaces without a counteragent."
The ball mitts came next. They were double-walled; the thicker spherical latex exterior covered urethane foam and another set of thinner latex gloves that were embedded inside. "Once these get put on and sealed to the suit, there's no way for me to remove them; I'll lose the ability to use my hands." Along with the blackout lenses, this piece of kit scared the hell out of me. But I knew I had to put myself completely at Dani's mercy if I had any chance of saving him from himself.
The last few items were a heavy rubber collar with a lock, a pair of thick rubber kneepads and locking slave straps with D-rings for my ankles, wrists and upper arms.
"I'll be trapped in a rubber prison of your making. I'm YOUR property now, Dani. I'll be blind, mute and helpless. You'll be able to do anything you want to me." I paused. "Okay, let me get into the suit. You can put on the other items to cripple me once you're ready for filming at the Greasetank - it'll be good for your street cred."
Prep work first. I placed a tube of surgical lubricant to the tip of my dick. The applicator end slipped down inside my hole and I slowly squeezed the tube as I applied pressure against the tip of my cockhead to make sure no lube came back out. I slowly worked the cool lube down the center of the underneath my shaft with my finger and I could feel the lube work its way deeper and deeper down inside my cock.
I wiped off my hands and squirted the adhesive lube into the suit and onto my skin; then I began the process of sliding it over my body. Once I arranged my toes into their individual sections of the socks, the process went smoothly. Bit by bit, my skin was replaced by a shiny black covering that molded sinfully to every muscle of my body. I was achingly hard and it was relatively easy to slide my turgid cock and balls past the built in c-ring and into their proper latex compartments; I pulled the rubber over my ass and paused to sit down.
"I wanted this suit as anatomical as possible, so Zack found this cock and ball sheath that had an internal catheter that can be rolled in upon itself.” The attached rubber tube extended about 12 inches past the end of the sheath. “I needed to lube up my urethra and then this will curl in upon itself as it goes down using a metal sound just like a catheter. It'll end right at the edge of my prostate allowing me to piss or cum. It gets thinner the deeper it goes in so it'll be as comfortable as possible for extended wear.”
Now I took the metal sound and placed it on the end of the rubber urethral tube rolling it inside out as it curled back in on itself and positioned the tip of the stainless steel sound at the tip of my penis and gently pushed it in. With constant gentle pressure, the sound crept deeper and deeper, invading me in a unique way; this was far more erotic than just a steel cock plug. I was almost done. When I got to the end, I pushed it through the prostate, then twisted it a quarter turn and waited for a minute for the lube to adhere and then I slowly removed the sound. All that was left was a small hole at the end of my rubbered cock. “Having a tight fit for the sheath also helps it stay in place.” I then slowly stroked my cock making sure the tube stayed firmly inside, anchoring itself with the ridge around the edge of my mushroom head.
I continued with the adhesive lube on my upper body; finally, I slid my hands into the integral gloves and my new Master helped to pull the rest of the suit over my arms and upper chest. Dani helped to smooth out the material and squeeze any air bubbles to create a smooth ebon covering over my entire body. Once that was completed, I bent over and located the opening for my chute and grunted as I lubed up the ass tunnel and forced it into my pucker. The tunnel stretched me wide open and provided an inviting black hole for the thugs' tools that would soon be penetrating me. After a few minutes, I gestured to Dani to try and remove it; he whistled in appreciation as he failed; like the rubber covering my body, it was now a permanent part of me. I could tell the gang-banger was getting more and more excited as he fingered the inside and I felt his thick digits through the rubbery material.
My ebon tool was bouncing in time with my heartbeat. "Dani, there's no way for me to get the cocklock on right now... could you get me some ice in a towel?" The dark-skinned thug loped into the kitchen and came back with what I had requested. After a few minutes, I was soft enough to place the retaining ring around my rubbered package and slide the hard enclosure over my shaft. I squeezed the two pieces together and snapped the lock shut, handing Dani the key. Already, my cock was hardening again and I experienced the painful pleasure of my tool trying to expand and failing because of its ebon prison.
Finally, I strapped on the kneepads and the slave bands around my ankles, wrists and upper arms. Then I slid the locks into their posts and fastened them as well.
I swallowed hard. There's no turning back now. I sprayed the deadening compound down my throat and felt a tingling sensation as it paralyzed my vocal cords. Then nothing. I opened my mouth to try and speak. Nothing came out. I couldn't make a sound.
* * *
Mah mind wuz spinnin'. Ah wuz lookin' at dis sexy Latino in fronta me an' even though Ah knowz it wuz Charlie in mah haid, hiz lookz wuz so convincin' Ah coodn' think ov him dat way no mo'. Ah ownz a mute, muscled Latino slaveboi in skintight black rubber. He'z mah prop'ety. He'z MINE.
By dis time, da latex wuz seal'd tah hiz boddy. Ah wuz thinkin' 'bout da ackshun tah cumm an' da incred'ble rush Ah gotz when Ah wuz doin' a snuff film. I wuz reddy tah burst. "Ah gotz t'fuck you right now, 'Eddie'. Getz on yo' knees!!"
He hesitated fo' a moment, an' Ah gave 'im a shove. Once he wuz down, Ah lubed mah tool an' grabb'd 'hold ov hiz waist. Den Ah shoved mahself inta him. Mah haid nearly exploded 'tween me seein' dat black rubba'd ass gettin' stuff'd wiff mah achin' cock an' dem ticklers an' ribz inside ov dat ass tunnel rubbin' me wiff evr'y thrust ov mah hipz. It wuz drivin' me crazy an' Ah knew da otha bruthas at da Greasetank wood be freakin' too. Ah jackhammer'd hiz butt 'til Ah felt mah ballz tighten an' Ah blew a gigantic load inta hiz ass.
"Whew..." It took me a while tah r'cuperate an' Ah watch'd mah breedin' juice dribblin' outta hiz black rubbered hole az he wuz gaspin' fo' air. Ah went inta da kitchen an' got summ paper towels tah clean up da mess on da floor. Den Ah slapped his ass. "Getz up an' getz dressed." 'Eddie' got offa da floor an' pulled onna t-shirt, summ warmup pantz an' a pair ov flipflops. Ah strapp'd da collar 'round hiz neck an' pulled hiz handz b'hind hiz back an' double-cuffed 'em t'gether troo da D-ringz on hiz wrist bandz. Den Ah gavez him a wikkid grin az Ah snapp'd da codpiece ovva mah cock an' got dressed mahself.
"C'mon boi - time tah go!!" Ah gave him a push out da door an' we headed down tah da garage.
* * *
We got to da sex club 'bout 9:15pm an' da guyz on line wuz amaz'd at mah prop'rty az he stood nex' tah me wiff hiz head down. "Who da fuq iz dat?" wuz da question Ah kept gettin' pepper'd wiff, an' mah answer wuz da same ev'ry time - "Dis iz mah rubberboi, Eddie."
Once we got inta da changin' room, Ah uncuffed 'im so we cood r'move our clothin' an' den Ah lock'd him up agin. An' once we got inta da main area, Eddie wuz grabbed an' fondled by ev'ry alpha dat wuz 'round. One leatherman grabb'd hiz locked-up cock an' Ah punch'd him in da gut. He doubl'd ovva an' Ah boot'd him in da ballz. As he wuz moanin' on da flo', Ah yell'd at him - "Don' you touch mah fuckin' prop'ety till Ah sez you cain!"
Da two ov us walked 'round da Greasetank 'til we foun' Adrian. Ah got pull'd in close an' hiz tongue slamm'd down mah throat. He lick'd hiz lipz when he notic'd Eddie.
"Who's dat?"
Ah grinned. "Dis iz Eddie. Mah prop'ety. He gonna be our star fo' tonite..." He gave me a big smile an' grabb'd da Latino's chin tah look at 'im face-on. He nodded in satisfackshun. "Hansumm fucker...dis iz gonna be a bestseller... c'mon - letz git movin'."
Da three ov us went deepa inta da club till we gotz tah da firs' movie room. D'ere wuz cameraz all'round an' lightz tah showcase da fuckin', suckin' an' overall torture dat wuz goin' tah go down.
Adrian look'd at me. "Getz 'im ready." Ah uncuff'd Eddie's hands an' befo' he cood take a breath, mah partner gut-punch'd him. Mah rubberboi doubl'd ovva an' d'en he got an uppercut dat laid 'im stunn'd onta da flo'. Den Ah kick'd him in da ribs an' he curled inta a ball frum da pain. Eddie look'd up at me wiff betrayal in hiz deep-blue eyes - Ah laugh'd an' kicked him agin. Dayumm, dis felt good.
Adrian's dark eyebrowz lift'd. "Shee-it... you got 'im well-trained, Dani - he ain't makin' a sound..."
"Dat's 'cuz Ah cut hiz vocal cords. See dat scar on hiz neck?"
He bent down an' fondled da scar. "Fuucckkk... You iz gettin' t'be one reel nasty muthafucka... when did'chu do dat?"
"Two weeks ago."
"Well, he ain't gonna be needin' tah talk afta tonight anyhow..."
At dat point, tree otha bruthas came inta da room an' start'd tah work ovva Eddie wiff d'eir fistz, bootz an' summ wooden batz. Dey wuz expertz - he wuz in no condishun tah put up any resistance when he got thrown ovva a table an' lock'd in place usin' hiz slave bandz, but still had enuff life in 'im tah r'spond da right way when he wuz bein' fucked in bowff endz.
"Time fo' fun!!!" Adrian laugh'd as he open'd da otha door; outside wuz a long line ov mostly black an' brown guyz waitin' fo' d'eir chance tah be part ov da sex film - but dis group didn' know wat wuz gonna happen afta dey fuck'd hiz brainz out. Da first two guyz on da line work'd fo' Adrian; dey wuz two big muthafuckas (one black an' one blatino) an' dey wuz r'sponsible fo' loosenin' up da captive. Da blatino lubed up hiz drippin' tool an' grabbed 'hold ov Eddie's haid; d'en started tah skullfuck 'im like crazy. Da otha brutha put hiz dark handz on Eddie's rubba'ed hips an' thrust ten, thick inches ov horsecock up hiz ass.
* * *
It seem'd dat da line kept growin' an' growin'. Mah rubberboi wuz a huge success. Eddie wuz fuck'd by mo'n twenny setz ov guyz; Ah wuz strokin' mah horsecock an' grinnin' - Bet dey'd luv tah know dat dey iz doin' a cop - Ah had alreddy raped hiz ass two mo' timez an' ev'ryboddy luvved dat ass tunnel wiff da ticklers. Adrian clear'd hiz throat an' yell'd "Alwright... we done filmin' !!! You two..." He wuz talkin' tah two big Domincans wiff shaved headz - "... finish up!!!" Once dey shot d'eir loadz an' pulled out, he lock'd da door an' Ah went tah look ovva mah prop'ety. He wuz completely worn out; d'ere wuz sticky poolz ov cum on da flo' unda hiz ass an' mowff an' da silvery goo wuz drippin' outta bowff endz. D'ere wuz even a puddle ov cum right undaneath hiz rubbered dick; even wiff da cocklock, he dunn shot sev'ral loadz onto da concrete. Ah grabb'd him by hiz chin an' yank'd hiz haid up. "You havin' fun? Ah know Ah iz..." He gave me such a sad look dat Ah almost want'd tah cry; but havin' dem feelins made me angry instead; he knew wat he wuz doin' - Ah tol' him Ah wuzn' da same man no mo'; instead Ah forced mah lips ta hiz an' ramm'd mah tongue down hiz throat.
Adrian growl'd. "C'mon... we gotz a timetable an' we gotta getz 'im ready fo' da rest ov da film an' da finale...da otha guyz iz waitin'."
'Da otha guyz' wuz da ones dat knew 'bout da snuff filmin' an' wuz alwayz a part ov it. Ah unlock'd Eddie frum da table an' pull'd 'im up straight; he nearly fell down. Ah caught 'im befo' he crash'd onto da flo'. D'en Ah spun him 'round tah face me an' grabb'd hiz jaw, lookin' angrily inta hiz eyes. "Don' make me carry you, Eddie..." Ah warn'd. He held onta me fo' a little while - shakin' like a leaf - d'en he nodd'd hiz haid. Meanwhiles, Adrian had open'd da hidden do' an' he shuffled troo, wiff Adrian ahaid an' me behind 'im.
* * *
It wuz a long tunnel dat connect'd da Greasetank tah 'notha one ov da Resnikovs' warehouses, an' Eddie tripp'd an' fell down a coupla timez. Fin'lly, Ah hadda throw 'im ovva mah shoulda anywayz an' carry 'im inta da place where we blew da slave's brainz out afta we nearly fuck'd 'im tah death first. Ah dropp'd Eddie onta a table an' opened mah backpack tah finish preppin' 'im. But firs', Ah took off hiz colla an' da slave bandz 'round hiz wristz.
"OK, rubbaboi, time fo' Part Two." Ah wuz alreddy ridin' a high frum da ackshun in da otha lo-cayshun an' Ah cood hardly wait tah keep goin'. He stared up at me wiff dem sad blue eyez an' Ah slapp'd him. Ah ain't a cop no mo' - Ah'm a brutha. An' a killa. "Don' look at me like dat - you wanted dis."
Ah slapp'd him agin. "Open up dem eyez wide fo' me." Ah r'moved da blackout lenses frum da container an' slipped dem inta hiz eyez. Ah start'd tah dribble cum outta mah cock when Ah saw nuthin' but solid black where hiz blue pupilz usta be. Den Ah open'd da bottle ov da adhesive lube an' wiped da flange ov da inner gag wiff it. "Say 'Ahhhhh', Eddie" an' Ah pushed it inta hiz mouth an' held it d'ere fo' a few minnits.
"Wat'chu doin' dat fo'?" Adrian axed.
"Dis stuff iz a speshul glue. Seals skin an' rubber t'gether afta ten minnits. Dat rubber suit iz a second skin on 'im. See?" Adrian tried tah remove da gag, but it wuz stuck tah hiz face. D'en Ah put summ silicone wax in hiz ears. "Now he deaf, too. Dis way, he ain't gonna hear da final shot. Help me sit 'im up, bruh?"
Adrian kept Eddie propp'd up while I put da lube inside da rubba hood. Ah pulled it ovva hiz head an' Ah arranged da features an' da mouth openin' so ev'rythin' lined up nice. Ah smoothed da neck down ovva da suit colla an' made sure dat da nose tubes wuz in right an' he cood breathe. Eddie reach'd up tah touch hiz face an' Ah let 'im 'xplore da rubba thing he wuz becummin'. D'en Ah lubed da second red gag an' push'd it inta hiz mouth too. Da mask wuz so tight dat hiz features wuz still visible, but kinda blurr'd; hiz earz wuz hidden by rubba cups inside da mask - he didn' even look human no mo' - but like summ man-sized thing made jus' fo' sex. "Check out hiz mouth, Adrian."
Mah partner inserted hiz fingerz an' whistled when he touched da ribs an' ticklers.
Ah patted da dark rubba ov hiz thigh. "Jus' one las' piece an' he'll be done." Eddie start'd tah tremble an' reach'd out tah fin' mah face. Ah pulled 'im close an' stroked hiz smooth rubba haid. "You wanted dis... it'll be ovva soon..." Hiz shouldas slump'd an' Ah knew dat he thought dis wuz da end ov him. He 'xpected tah die tonight an' no one would evva know wat happen'd tah 'im... an' Ah'm gonna be da one t'kill him...
Ah remov'd da ball mitts frum da bag. "Once d'ese go on, he won' be able tah use hiz hands."
Adrian look'd 'em ovva an' whistled. "Shee-it... you really goin' hardcore on dis one, Dani..." Ah lubed up da glovez an' slid dem onta hiz hands an' wait'd fo' da sealin' tah finish. Mah dick wuz drippin' cum onta da concrete flo' as da final step wuz complete an' d'ere wuz nuthin' but rubba ballz at da end ov hiz muscular arms.
"See? Not an inch ov skin showin' !" Inna few minutes, da hood wuz bonded tah da suit an' d'en Ah wrapped da slave collar back 'round his neck an' locked it agin. Fin'lly, Ah locked da slave bands 'round hiz wristz agin. Damn, he looked so fine - frum a white cop tah a Latino slaveboi tah a rubbasex thing dat wuz going get hiz brainz blowed out afta we wuz done...
Adrian an' me helped da snuff-toy offa da table an' led him tah where we chained 'im tah da flo'. Den da rest ov da guyz came in an' we started tah fuck da life outta him.
* * *
Da cameras wuz whirrin' like mad as we kept pumpin' da rubba snuff-toy fulla cum frum bowff ends. Da air wuz fulla screamz an' gruntz as brutha afta brutha unload'd loadz ov spunk inta dem waitin' holez. Finally, it wuz time tah finish da movie... an' finish 'im off.
Ah took da unmark'd gun outta mah backpack an' check'd da clip befo' Ah slamm'd it in. Ah pull'd da slide back az one ov da cameraz mov'd in fo' da closeup ov me blowin' hiz brainz out. Da las' two bruthas finished wiff him an' Ah stood off tah da side an' pulled da trigger. D'ere wuz da roar ov da explosion an' Ah grinned inta da camera an' blew da smoke frum da H&K.
* * *
"Blanks! You used fuckin' blanks! Wat da fuq wuz you thinkin', Dani?" Adrian wuz seethin' as da snuff-toy wuz flat on da flo' - he wuz out cold az a pool ov jism leak'd outta hiz ass. Ah gave him a sly grin.
"You think Ah'm gonna waste a prime piece ov slave-meat like Eddie? He one ovva kind. You kin add da blood splatta wiff summ digital editin'. O' grab a boi off da floor, get 'im rubba'ed up an' blow hiz brainz out. If you cutz it right, no one ain't gonna know da difference..." Ah paused. "An' it ain't a bad idea NOT tah do reel snuff filmz no mo'... we gotz our rep wiff da firs' two, an' we gotz a steady stream ov buyerz now..." Adrian wuz bitchin' bout 'cost overruns' as Ah lift'd Eddie offa da floor an' put 'im inna fireman's carry as Ah left da room.
* * *
Was I dead? I ached all over. Everything had been surreal after Dani had put the blackout lenses in my eyes and proceeded to remove all of my senses. My existence after that point had narrowed down to being stuffed at both ends by a never-ending succession of cocks and being the receptacle for gallons and gallons of spunk. My only other sensations were the rasping of my breath and the roar of blood in my ears. Then came the explosion. Even with the plugs in my ears, I heard the blast of the gun. I must have passed out and here I was. Wherever here was. I was still in complete darkness. I raised my hands - and still felt the enclosures of the ball mitts. Then I felt a bump and rolled over and banged against the side of the vehicle. I'm in a van. It came to a stop and then I felt hands gently grab me and pull me onto a massive shoulder. Dani? Whoever was carrying me patted my ass and after a few minutes of being carried like a sack of potatoes, I was laid on a bed. I felt the CB-6000 being unlocked and removed and my rubbered cock began to thicken and twitch from its long imprisonment.
Then a hand began to rub my dick with lube, making it stiffen even further. I was pulled onto my knees and I felt a body being pushed against me and a hard-muscled ass in front of my rubbered tool. I wrapped my balled hands around the body in front of me and shoved myself in. I rode whomever it was with a vengenance and after a few moments, I emptied a bucketful of cum into his ass. After that explosion, I collapsed on top of the body in front of me - mentally and physically exhausted by the night's activities. I felt the body tilting over until both of us were lying on our sides. The other body separated from me and fingers stroked my rubbered face. Soon after that, I fell asleep.
* * *
About an hour later
Ah wuz exhaust'd afta tonite's filmin', an' afta Ah unlock'd Eddie's cock, Ah lubed 'im up an' let 'im rape mah ass. Which he did. We wuz facin' a mirror an' it wuz a total mindfuck t'see dat muscled rubba'd thing clamp isself 'round me an' pound mah gutz wiff hiz massive black rubbacock. Dis would make a great sex movie - "Rubba Alien Abduction." Ah pull'd mahself offa hiz prong an' stroked hiz face till he fell asleep. Ah did too - 'least fo' a little while. Ah looked over at da rubbertoy on mah bed an' figgered dat it wuz time t'get him outta dat prison. Ah guess d'ere's still a little bit ov whiteboy cop lef' in me afta all. So Ah texted Zack:
Charlie's in trouble. We needz yo help. My apt. Dani.
Zack looked grim. "Dani, what the fuck is going on here? Where's Charlie? What happened to him?"
Ah motion'd dem tah follow me inta da bedroom. Dey stopp'd dead in d'eir trackz when dey saw da rubbertoy on da bed. Benjie grabb'd me by mah harness an' slammed me 'gainst da wall.
"Wat da fuq did'chu do tah him?"
"We wuz at da Greasetank. Charlie wuz da star ovva snuff film."
"Yeah... Ah... Ah been doin' snuff filmz... Charlie gotz me thinkin' dat Ah gotz t'be mo' carefull. He wuz right. D'ere's lotsa whiteboyz dat woodn' be miss'd - but Ah needz t'be A LOT mo' selective... Ah been takin' too many riskz..."
Benjie grabbed mah throat an' lifted me off da flo' - hiz thick lips curled inta a mad dog's snarl. "You hurt 'im, you iz gonna fuckin' PAY!!" He shook me like Ah wuz made ov paper; mah teef wuz rattlin' in mah haid an' Ah coodn't catch mah breath.
"It wuz his idea, Benjie!!! Ah seal'd 'im up in dat rubba suit. He fine - jus' been punishment-fuck'd in bowff ends fo' 'bout sevven hours straight. He cain't see, cain't hear, cain't talk an' cain't use hiz hands, 'cept fo' jus' gettin' summ traction. Da gag in hiz mouth an' da tunnel up hiz ass iz fill'd wiff ribs an' ticklers - feelz amazin' tah pump yo' cock inta dem holez an' unload yo' manjuice inta him!"
Benjie let go ov me an' licked hiz lipz az he looked ovva at hiz partner. "Dayumm... dat IZ one perfect rubbaboy..." Ah cood seez dat horsecock ov hiz wuz swellin' by da minnit. "Hey Zack??..."
Zack wuz examinin' da body on da bed. I cood tell he wuz excited too - hiz dick wuz strainin' da leg ov hiz pantz az he stroked da rubbered face an' muscled chest dat wuz risin' an' fallin' inna gentle rhythm.
Benjie's dark face split inta a sly grin. "Kin we horsefuck 'im befo' you get 'im outta dat? He been raped in bowff ends all nite - wat's a few mo' 'tween friendz, right?"
"What???" Zack shook hisself out ov da daze he wuz in frum playin' wiff da rubbaboy. He grinned back at Benjie. "I don't see why not..."
* * *
Da two guyz stripp'd. Zack peel'd offa his tank an' pantz; he wuz commando wiff a thick metal c-ring 'round hiz package. Benjie wuz in hiz leathers; Zack musta pull'd him outta da 'Nitiation tah cumm ovva wiff 'im. He unsnapp'd hiz codpiece an' hiz huge, black horsecock jump'd out - it wuz alreddy stiff an' drippin'.
"Gimme summ Gun Oil!" Ah gave 'im a bottle an' he lubed up hiz tool so it wuz gleamin' in da light. He slapp'd Eddie awake an' pushed 'im onta all fourz; den he rammed hisself inta da rubbatoy in one thrust. Meantime, he tossed da bottle tah Zack an' he did da same wiff hiz cock an' slamm'd it inta hiz mowff. Da two ov dem wuz absolutely brutal in rapin' Eddie, an' dey swapp'd places tree timez b'fore dey wuz dunn - prob'ly 'cause dey knew dis wuz d'eir only chance tah do it.
Eddie's chest wuz heavin' afta d'eir assault an' he wuz leakin' cum outta bowff ends agin az dey clean'd demselves up; dey still wuz nekkid, though.
Firs' thingz t'go wuz da slave bands an' kneepads; dey came off easy since Ah didn' use da lube-glue. Den Benjie unlock'd da collar an' remov'd dat too. Zack took out a bottle ov sumpthin' an' rubbed it 'round hiz wrists where da ball mitts wuz connected tah da suit. Inna few minnits, da pieces sep'rated an' he roll'd down da material t'pour mo' ov da stuff inta da mitts. Little while afta, it took bowff Benjie an' Zack t'pull dem off ov Eddie's hands.
Da mask wuz next. Zack poured da stuff ovva hiz haid an' rubbed it in. Jus' like da mitts, da material sep'rated afta a little bit ov time. Zack rolled da mask off tah show Eddie's exhaust'd face; He wuz drippin' sweat an' looked half-dead at us wiff dem solid black eyes.
"Dat ain't Charlie!"
Zack r'moved da blackout contacts an' dey bowff saw dem unmistakeable deep blues ov hiz. Da Transformed Latino looked at da two ov dem all bleary-eyed; when he fin'lly wuz able tah focus an' see who wuz there, he gave 'em a small, tired smile.
"Yeah, that's Charlie. He had me remold his face, hands and teeth yesterday." Hiz hazel eyez got hard. "He told me he was doing some undercover work for Mattie..."
"You iz a damn fool, Officer Hawke..." Benjie pulled hiz haid back an' gave him a deep kiss. "You okay?"
Eddie - no, dat's Charlie you is lookin' at - gave Benjie a puzzl'd look. Hiz muscle-brutha partner notic'd da wax in hiz earz an' pull'd it out. He grinn'd an' chuckl'd. "You okay, Charlie? Fuucckk... you iz one HOT lookin' Latino boi..."
Da rubba-clad cop nodd'd, point'd tah hiz throat an' shook hiz haid. Benjie saw da scar on hiz neck an' hiz dark eyes widened. He turn'd 'round an' smash'd hiz fist inta mah jaw. Ah fell backwardz onta mah ass an' bang'd mah haid 'gainst da wall.
"You CUT him???" Benjie strode upta me wiff murder in hiz eyez.
"No! NO!! He sprayed sumpthin' down hiz throat dat paralyzed hiz voice fo' 'bout twenny-fo' hours - dat's all..."
Zack put hiz hand onta Benjie's dark-skinned shoulda. "It's a fake scar, Benjie. I put it there. The voice paralyzing compound will wear off in about sixteen more hours. He's fine. C'mon - help me get the suit off of him."
Da otha brutha held 'im upright az Zack spred da compound onta Charlie's body. Den bowff ov dem work'd tah peel dat rubba skin offa him.
"Oh, fuck..." Zack looked at all da brusin' all ovva hiz body. Most ov dem wuz dark purple alreddy, an' summ ov dem wuz almos' black. Benjie felt hiz ribz an' Charlie's gasp made Benjie curse. "Wuz dat where dey wuz broke befo'?" Charlie nodd'd. Da gang-banger turn'd 'round an' wuz ready tah beat da shit outta me agin, but hiz partner grabbed hiz arm an' shook hiz haid.
"You iz one lucky sumbitch, Dani..." Benjie growl'd az he sat down nex' tah Charlie an' gently held 'im. Charlie wuz shakin' as Benjie rocked 'im in hiz armz. An' Ah knew dat shiverin' had nuthin' tah do wiff him bein' nekkid. It wuz how close he came tah bein' a no-name dead Latino.
Zack wuz strokin hiz chin. "I think we'd better let you stay as you are until the swelling and bruising heals up a bit. I guess the Four-One is going to have a new Latino cop for a while." He grinned. "Do you think Mattie is going to mind?" Charlie gave uz a stronger grin an' waggl'd hiz hand tah show da chancez wuz 'bout fitty-fitty.
Benjie an' Zack got dress'd, an' den dey help'd Charlie get inta da clothes he left at mah apartment. Benjie wink'd. "You iz comin' home wiff me tonite, stud. You kin rest up an' deal wiff yo' angry husband t'morrow when you getz yo' voice back."
* * *
One hour later
Ah drove da two ov us tah mah place. It wuz a rundown ol' brick buildin' inna low-rent part ov da city. Eddie gave me a questionin' look when we stopp'd. Dayyum... he wuz hot befo' as a whiteboy, but az a Latino bottum.... shee-it.... it wuz fuckin' hard lookin' at 'im da way he wuz an' NOT think ov 'im az 'Eddie Ramos' an' not 'Charlie Hawke'...
Ah gave Eddie a lopsided smile. "Yeah, new lo-cayshun. Dis iz where Ah stayz now dat Ah'm a brutha fo' reel. Rico sed Ah hadda livv inna place dat match'd mah rap sheet. Ah likez it..." Ah help'd mah partner outta da pickup an' Ah half-carried 'im inta da creaky elevator an' upta mah 'partment.
"Put yo' arms 'round mah neck." He did an' Ah lower'd 'im onta da couch. "Lemme getz undress'd an' den Ah'll getz you outta dem clothes." Ah stripp'd off mah stuff an' unbuckl'd da leatherz Ah wuz wearin; den came back inta da livin' room an' help'd Eddie tah hiz feet.
Ah got hiz shirt unbutton'd an' den Ah slowly pulled hiz pantz offa hiz hips an' onta da flo'. "Almost done, Eddie - Ah meanz, Charlie..." He put hiz haid on my shoulda an' stroked mah back; he wuz still shakin'. Mah partner lifted one foot outta da pile ov clothez on da floor, den da otha, an' Ah kick'd dem off tah da side. Ah held him gently in mah armz an' look'd inta his eyes. "Don' scare me like dat agin, okay?" He nodded an' kissed da tip ov mah nose.
Ah brung 'im inta da baffroom an' turn'd on da shower so it wuz jus' lukewarm, den Ah help'd him inta da stall an' gently soap'd 'im down, kissin' 'im as Ah went along. Den Ah clean'd mahself up an' toweled bowff ov us dry.
Nekkid, Ah helped 'im inta da king-sized bed an' den crawl'd in afta him, spoonin' us t'gether. Bein' dis close tah him got me all excited. Ah turn'd 'round an' grabb'd a bottle ov lube offa da nightstand an' slicked up mah tool. Den, Ah slowly push'd mah ragin' black cock back inta his ass an' wrapped him gentle-like in mah dark musc'lar armz. Ah kiss'd hiz neck an' strok'd 'im till we bowff fell asleep.
* * *
Well, I had been told by a few readers that the "Thug Tales" type of stories were somewhat 'uncomfortable' and that I should do something a little lighter in tone. Judging by the number of hits on "Spectral Evidence", I guess that you folks actually like the darker tales better. So be it.
As with all of these stories, the hardest thing I find is maintaining the bruthas' patois and NOT dropping back into proper English. That's what happens when you were taught by nuns for eight years.
So I restarted the concept with "Maelstrom - The Prologue" and continued it here and will finish up with a third and final installment. I was planning for the second and third parts to be one story, but by the time I got to the "removal" part of this tale, I felt it was long enough and continuing the story here would have been too much reading for one sitting.
I almost felt I *had* to do some more of these stories after I wrote "The Exchange Program" since I left some ideas dangling in the wind.
It took a lot soul-searching and confronting the demons of Ray-Ray Johnson for Charlie to undergo another transformation - and this was more radical than the last. In this one, the man he had been for over twenty-four years physically ceased to exist and was replaced by a young Latino with a checkered past and no future - all to help Dannell Stewart regain his mental footing lost during that policeman's own Transformation. Charlie Hawke - now Eddie Ramos - decided to take the radical step of becoming Dani's sub - and potentially snuff film victim - to do whatever it took to help his fellow officer, even at the risk of his own life.
He succeeded, but as the old adage goes, "No good deed goes unpunished.", Charlie's actions will have unexpected consequences, as you will see...