(For the Blogger censors ... this a work of FICTION - any resemblance to
any person living or dead is purely coincidental. Language, situations
and behaviors are only utilized within the confines of the post to enhance the story itself and do not represent any real-life
circumstances in any way.)
It was the first Sunday in the month and that meant only one thing in London for a sleaze pig like me - Gummi, the long running monthly club for men into rubber. Being a Sunday, it opens at 4pm and runs till midnight and, unlike clubs with more normal hours, it gets full soon after the doors open. It's 2pm now so I had better start getting myself ready.
I live just south of the Thames in a workshop which, since mid Victorian times, had been used to make leather goods such as belts (how appropriate!). When I found it, it had been empty for a few years. I have cleaned it up and converted it into a comfortable, if somewhat unusual home. Much of the old machinery and tools were still in place and I have used some of these as part of the decoration. The cellar I have converted into my playroom and it was down the narrow steps I headed now.
Let me describe this place to you. It is made up of one large space with several smaller spaces around it, all lined with dark Victorian brickwork and connected to each other with brick archways. Unusually for a cellar, the headroom is quite generous. The steps are in one corner and you enter the main room through an arch. Throughout I have covered the old stone floor in a black rubberized compound.
The main space is dominated by a large free-standing structure built of scaffolding poles and at its centre is the sling. Around it are various points for attaching restraints, The whole of the wall behind the frame is covered in mirrors as is the ceiling above it. On the opposite wall between two archways is another mirror from floor to ceiling. On the other walls are several steel mesh frames on which are stored my tools and toys. Around the cellar are a number of original drawings I have commissioned from some of the leading erotic artists in Europe, none of which, I think, would ever be likely to see the light of day in a mainstream gallery! I also have a large board on which I pin photos of leather and rubber men cut out of porn magazines, as well as photos of myself and visitors to my cellar playing our games. I had a set of bars made to fit one of the archways to turn it into a cell.

The first thing I did was put a tape into the VCR and soon the sight and sound of rubber men getting wet and dirty filled the cellar from the two wall mounted monitors - not that I needed any help in getting me into the mood! Then I walked over to the small fridge I keep down here filled with bottles and decided I had better stick to water for now, so I opened a bottle and downed it in one gulp. That would help get my bladder in condition for tonight. Getting a second bottle, I walked into one of the alcoves.
I moved some of the metal cabinets that I found upstairs when I bought the building into here. I store all my leather and rubber clothing and my boots in them. I was soon out of my t shirt and shorts - all I had been wearing. I looked at my body in another full length mirror fastened to the wall between two cabinets.
I'm no youngster, I'm in my early forties now but still having just as much fun! I'm tall - about 6'3" - and well built with what we call in Britain a rugby players build, that is heavy but quite muscular. I studied myself from my strong thighs up to my 48"chest. I lifted my 8ins cut, cock with its large Prince Albert piercing and cupped my balls giving them a slight squeeze. I have a line of six heavy rings pierced along the bottom of my scrotum as well as a bar through that sensitive bit of flesh between my ball sack and my ass.

I moved my hands up over my stomach to my heavy pecs and gave both my nipples a slight squeeze. These really are the most sensitive part of my body which is why they were the first thing I got pierced way back before it became fashionable, now I have a one inch diameter heavy ring in each of them. I then looked at the tattoos on each of my shoulders, turning then slightly to each side to get a better look because they are mostly to the back. You've seen that tat that Cole Tucker has on his shoulder and all down one arm, well mine are very much in the same style though of course much smaller. Then I turned round and looked over my shoulder at my ass - that well-used site of much pleasure! Now I could see my third tattoo, a sun shape of wavy rays filled with concentric circles of medieval type patterns coloured blue, red and yellow, on my right buttock.
Enough of this, get yourself ready. I began by removing the ring in my nose and replacing it with a horseshoe shaped piercing which hung open at the bottom. Then I ran the electric clippers over my hair, removing any growth from the zero crop of a few days before. I moved into one of the other alcoves which I have fitted out as a shower. The walls are covered in black tiles and there is a large drain in the centre of the floor.

There are attachments for restraints for when I get into enema scenes and the equipment attached to the walls. Ignoring this I got hold of some shaving foam and covered my cock and balls in it. I took the razor and, holding my cock out of the way, gently removed the growth on my balls since the last time and then continued around the base of my cock, between my legs and through to my ass. I got some more foam and spread it up my legs, over my chest and down my arms, and shaved away the last sign of any hair below my neck. Then I turned on the shower and swilled myself enjoying the feeling of the warm water on my now truly naked body. I moved my head under the flow and rubbed my scalp, getting turned on by the feel of the stubble.
Next I attached the douche nozzle to the shower hose, lubed it well, bent over slightly and reached behind to gently insert it into my ass. I adjusted the temperature and then turned on the water, taking as much as I could before pulling it out. I tried to hold it for a while but the pressure was too great and I released the contents over the drain. I repeated this a couple of times until I was running clean and then swilled myself down. I made sure I dried myself well, using talcum powder if necessary, to make it easier to dress myself in my rubber.

On the way back I got myself another bottle of water from the fridge, and took a rubber cock ring out of one of the cabinets. I eased both my balls through it and then willed my cock soft so that I could get that through too. I adjusted everything for comfort and then took a cock and ball sheath out. To get this on right I needed my cock rock hard so for a few minutes I concentrated on the monitors and watched a rubber guy enjoying being pissed on all over by three others. This certainly did the job, and I took a small amount of lube and smeared it sparingly long the length of my dick. This meant I could ease the sheath along without any problem and it would be comfortable all evening. Then I stretched it over my balls. Looking in the mirror I could see it fitted so well, I thought the store I bought this from in north London must have must have used me for the model for the mould!
Next I got out a long sleeved t shirt and began by pulling the rubber along both of my arms, then I eased it over my head and pulled it down my chest. I had had this specially made with a small hole for each of my nipples. I was careful to get the shirt positioned right so that I could pull my tit rings and nipples through. Next came my jeans which I pulled up each leg and then over my ass. I made sure the zip around my ass was closed, left my sheathed cock hanging free and fastened them in front. I took the cod piece and snapped it on, enjoying the view of the way my heavy cock stretched it. I pulled a heavy rubber belt through the first couple of loops and then slid a pouch onto it before finishing and buckling it.
I walked out and picked up yet another bottle of water, I could feel my bladder beginning to strain now, and walked over to one of the racks on the wall. I selected a black pair of handcuffs, put them in the pouch at my back and secured the strap which showed them hanging out of the bottom of the pouch. On the way back I stopped to look at the rubber guy getting fucked as one of the others fed him some piss down his throat.
I pulled on a pair of rubber socks over the ankles of my jeans and some gloves making sure that they were inside the cuffs of my t shirt. After some thought I decided to wear my 14 hole Doc Martens which I laced tightly around my ankles. I looked at myself and ran my gloved hands over my body, enjoying the way my cock was straining. I wouldn't be needing my usual yellow hankie to put in right hand pocket tonight as there was never any lack of piss at Gummi! Finishing the water, I felt that wonderful pain in my bladder just beginning and I turned to watch the rubber guy take another cock up his ass as the other two pissed all over them!

I got some bike leathers out, pulled on the jeans over my rubber, fastened the zips at the ankles and put on the jacket. I put a rubber mask in one of the pockets along with some rubbers and got a fresh bottle of poppers out of the fridge. Upstairs I grabbed my keys and some money and picked up a helmet. I went through to what had been the loading bay for the workshop, opened the door, eased one of my bikes off its stand and moved it outside, locking the door behind me. I fastened my leather jacket and put the helmet on, mounted the bike, started it up, and was away.
Within minutes I was riding over London Bridge enjoying the effect the vibrations of the bike were having on my cock. Through the deserted city I was able to open her up more than usual which kept me hard. The Old Street roundabout slowed me down and the traffic increased as I headed north but within minutes I was parking the bike outside the pub where Gummi is held. I took off my helmet and headed indoors. I paid the entrance fee to the good looking rubber boy on the door and headed for the coat check. I made sure that everything I didn't need was safely zipped into my jacket pockets but took out the poppers and the rubber mask. I took off the leathers and checked them in with my helmet. I pulled the mask over my face and carefully adjusted it so that eye and mouth holes were in the right place, then I eased the rubber through the gap in my nose ring so that it hung free. I pushed the bottle of popper into my belt and headed for the bar. I decided I could allow myself a few drinks now so bought two bottles of beer. I downed the first in one go, picked up the second, turned around and leant against the bar to survey the room.
Gummi is held in the basement of the pub. This is a large space that must spread under neighbouring properties and is made up of several rooms which get darker the further you penetrate. This is where most of the fun happens, oh, and in the toilet on Gummi night!
As it was still early most guys were standing around in the bar surveying the talent. Basically they could be split into three groups. Firstly there were the guys like me who were wearing ordinary rubber, if not all over then mostly. Secondly there were the Muscle Marys who were wearing rubber to help show of their bodies - maybe all they had on was a brief pair of rubber shorts and plenty of flesh. Thirdly there were the guys who like to dress up in heavy industrial rubber or diving suits. I could even see one man who had an air tank strapped to his back. There were plenty of gas masks fastened to rubber guy's belts as well.
I could also see one or two men with combat fatigues or tight 501s topped off with a rubber singlet or t shirt. I noticed that several men had taken off their cod pieces and were letting their sheathed cocks hang free.
Why not? I thought, and unsnapped mine, releasing my cock, which was heavy enough to hang away from my leg and to make the sheath feel full. I stuffed the cod piece in my back pocket.
Drinking my second bottle of beer I could feel the piss inside me really starting to build up and the pain becoming intense. I was determined not to waste any of it though, so I set off to see what was happening. I made straight for the toilet. It was already busy in there. Plenty of rubber men were standing around the walls, one or two getting their rubber licked and a couple of them already getting their dicks sucked. Along one wall there are six urinals and between each there was a man on his knees waiting to be fed some piss. Most of them had their rubber shining wet and the floor was already running with piss.

One guy stood up to leave so I moved quickly before anyone else got there, got down on my haunches so that my face was level with the bowl. The smell was incredible and my cock was rock hard, standing up against my rubber clad stomach and straining the sheath to breaking point. Within minutes a tall slim guy in full rubber and shaved head walked up to my urinal. Without looking at me he pulled open his zip and pulled out an impressive looking cock. I stared at it with my mouth open. He let go a strong stream which hit me in my rubber covered face and splashed all over. Some of it went into my open mouth and I gulped down the delicious tasting liquid. Looking at me now he made sure that he sprayed me from head to feet, soaking my rubber. This triggered off my bladder and I could hold it no longer; my own piss filled my sheath and stretched it almost beyond endurance until the hot piss found its way out into my crotch and I felt the warmth spreading over my body under my rubber. The guy had an enormous load to get rid of and I was eager to replenish my stock as fast as I was losing it, so I raised myself up to get my mouth around his cock and drink all that remained. I gulped down what seemed like pints more of his piss until he eventually dried up, pulled his cock out of my mouth, stuffed it back in his rubber jeans, zipped up and walked away
He was immediately replaced by another man with another load for me, just as much and just as strong. After three of four guys more had emptied their load of piss over me or into my stomach, I could feel that my bladder was recovering from its emptying, so I decided to let one of the other eager piss drinkers take my place and I went out into the bar again. I stood leaning against the wall in one of the dark corners at the back enjoying the break and watching the other rubber men as they wandered around eyeing each other up. I started to imagine what they would be getting up to with each other as the evening grew later.
In another corner I could see a skin head eagerly downing a bottle of beer. He was quite short but very muscular with a broad chest that stretched the rubber singlet that he was wearing. He had a pair of bleached 501s which looked as if they had been sprayed on, and these were tucked into a pair of high black Ranger boots. His singlet revealed a number of ethnic tattoos on his shoulders and down both arms. His jeans were so old and thin that I could see the shape of his cock and balls as they stretched the fibres. I liked the way he stood there, a small stocky guy looking so tough.

I kept studying him until he turned and walked into one of the back rooms. I immediately followed and found him leaning against a wall. One leg raised up, bent at the knee with his boot sole flat against the wall. I stood in the middle of the room unable to take my eyes away from the shape of his cock straining in his jeans, I could swear that it was growing! I was oblivious to all the other men around us and what they were getting up to. I think he saw what I was doing but I could not be sure because I was not looking into his face. I don't know how long I just stood there. He moved! He put his boot down and took a few steps so that he stood in front of me.
"What d'yer think you're looking at?" he demanded.
"Sorry Sir, I didn't mean anything."
"You were looking at my cock, weren't you, you dirty pervert!"
"Yes Sir. Sorry Sir." I tried to be respectful but my heart was racing.
"I'll teach you. Get down on yer knees..." he ordered.
I did as I was told. I was about two feet away from his cock but he moved closer so that it was only six inches away.
"That better?"
"Yes sir. Thank you, Sir."
By now it had grown to a thick nine inches, and it was reaching across his left thigh. The head of it was clearly outlined by the thin denim and I could have sworn that it was cut! Just then a dark blue patch began to appear and spread around the head. He moved even closer, put his hands at the back of my rubber hooded head and jammed my face against his crotch. I sneaked out my tongue and tasted his piss on his jeans - he pushed his cock against my face and I could feel it getting wetter. I moved my tongue up and down his hard dick but concentrated around the head where I began to suck the denim and the piss out of it. I realized he was controlling the flow of his piss carefully so that it did not start to stain the rest of his jeans, and so that I could make the most of sucking it up. The wet piss started to release the other flavours dried into his dirty jeans, especially spunk, and I realized that these pants must have really seen plenty of action before! He cut off the flow of piss but kept my head in place as I continued to suck for a few more minutes. Then he grabbed hold of my arm, pulled me up and dragged me into one of the darker rooms beyond this one. Several rubber men who had been watching our performance followed.

He pushed me down onto my knees again and I carried on sucking at his pissy jeans, savouring the flavours. He put his hands behind my head and forced his fat cock into my face. I was aware of the legs of other rubber men standing around us, rubbing themselves up against us. The skinhead pushed my face further down his legs until my head was against the floor and he moved his boot into my mouth. I began to lick at it with relish.
I would show him that I was capable of giving his horny boots the cleaning they deserved. I got my tongue all over his foot and around the ankle, and after a while he moved and presented me with the other one to work on. I became aware of piss running over my crouched body, down my back and over my legs. I didn't know where it was coming from and didn't want it to stop. It could have been any of the guys who were standing close to us. It was hitting me on the back of the head now, running down my hood and onto the boot that I was licking!
Wow, that really improved the taste of this skinhead's boot! I really had to work hard to lick up all that piss and keep his boot clean.
The skinhead moved back from me and I looked up from my position on the floor. A number of men had their cock out and some were still dripping the remains of their piss. He motioned to me to stand up and then he bent me forward and pushed my mouth on to one of the other rubbermen's cocks. I could taste the remains of his piss as he pushed it into my throat and began to fuck my face as he held my head tight. The skinhead moved around me and roughly grabbed handfulls of my ass - examining it through my rubber, he could feel the butt plug in there. He opened the zip, pulled the plug out and immediately replaced it with two fingers as I continued to suck on the rock hard dick in my mouth. I needed some poppers to help me open up my ass so I took them from my belt, unscrewed the top and took a deep sniff as I hung on to the cock in my mouth.

My face fucker relieved me of the bottle and took a hit before they got passed around. They certainly did the job and I felt the skinheads fingers slip deep into my ass to be joined quickly by a third. He got my ass juices flowing as he began to fuck his fingers in and out, further opening up my ass. He had taken his cock out of his jeans and I could feel it pressing against my buttock, big and hard. He removed his fingers and pressed his dick against my hole. I looked round for my poppers and took another deep hit as I felt his cockhead slip inside. This was followed by a steady pressure as the whole of his long, hard cock slid into my ass in one steady motion. I had not seen it out of his jeans but it felt like I had a club up there!
He held it deep inside me with his balls pressed against my ass for a while. Watching this caused my facefucker to lose his load in my throat, only to be replaced quickly by another. This one was sheathed though and I was able to enjoy the taste of rubber in my mouth! The skinhead began a slow fuck, nearly pulling his long cock right out of me before steadily pushing it all the way back in. He leaned forward over my back and put his arms under me so that he could reach my tit rings. He pulled the rings hard and squeezed at my tits. Someone put my poppers under my nose so I took another deep hit. I could hear the skinhead take some as he quickened his pace. One of the rubber guys standing around with his dick out began to piss on my back. I could feel it running down over my ass and spreading around the fat cock in my hole. I imagined his dick getting wet and the piss being rammed into my ass. I pushed my ass back onto his cock taking everything he could do to me, and sucked the rubber dick deep into my throat. Lots other guys joined the pisser and soon my rubber was soaked in piss. The skinhead must have been getting his fair share too! I felt the rubber cock in my mouth get even bigger and the sheath filled with hot spunk.

I moved on to the guy next to him who was still pissing and drank it down till he was finished, and then I sucked at it for his spunk. The skinhead's fucking was growing harder, as was the way he was dealing with my tits. He slammed his big fat cock in and out of me until I felt him shoot his heavy load deep inside me. When he pulled his fat cock out it was immediately replaced by some other and I continued to be used in this way, a cock up my ass, a cock in my mouth and other guys pissing over us, well into the night.
12.30am. I can smell the piss all over my rubber and have nice ache in my ass. I left Gummi near closing after taking all that was on offer, put my leathers on over my wet rubber and my helmet over my hood, and drove home. I came straight down here into the cellar, shed the leather, put a video in the machine, got a beer from the fridge and was relaxing in the sling.
One problem - I still had a hardon which was threatening to split the rubber sheath round my cock! I had lost count of the number of times I had been fucked tonight, the number of cocks I had sucked and the amount of piss that I had drunk but I still had not spunked!
Perhaps I needed a dildo up my ass. I never did see my butt plug again tonight - I hope someone was enjoying it! It would have to be one of my bigger dildoes after the way my ass had been stretched tonight! I got the ten incher which was really thick around, lied back again, opened up the zip at my ass and slipped it in with it hardly touching the sides. I had my feet up against the chains with my hands under my ass to fuck myself hard with that big rubber cock, but it just wasn't enough tonight! I reached over for a handy cordless phone and called my favourite sleaze line. After pressing the right buttons I hear,
"You have five seconds to record your name and where you are calling from."
"Horny rubber guy in Central London."
"You have thirty seconds to record a longer description of yourself."
"Just back from Gummi, still in full rubber and hooded. Been well fucked and pissed on all night, but am still really horny. Now lying in my sling in my cellar with a ten inch dildo up my ass. Want one or more leather men to come round here and finish what I've started. I'm early 40's, 6ft 3ins tall, rugby players build, pierced."
I pressed the buttons to get my description accepted, and to hear about the other guys who were on line. As usual most of them were also looking for a top. A skinhead who was looking for a good stomping, a leather guy who wanted fisting, a masochist looking for what a masochist looks for! Just then that loud noise which told me someone was trying to contact me interrupted.
"You have a message from "2 Horny Bikers"."
"Hi Rubber Guy. We are 2 bikers in full black leather looking for a sleazy bottom to fuck and maybe fist tonight. You sound just like the sort of dirty cunt we enjoy!"
Well things were looking up! The only problem might be if they really wanted some fist action tonight. Believe it or not I have never been fisted in my life! I still replied to the message though by requesting a 1 to 1 chat. They seemed really pleased that I was interested.
They explained that they were so horny because they had been out on their bikes for most of the afternoon and evening, and that this always got them really excited. I replied that I knew what they meant! I told them some of the stuff that I had been up to at Gummi and I could hear them playing around with each other as I spoke. They were also really interested when I described the set up in my cellar, and soon asked if they could come round. They explained that they really needed a bottom that they could both work on. I told them that I really loved to be dominated, but explained that I had never taken a fist. They said that that was ok, but was I interested in seeing how far they could get with my ass?
Indeed I was I replied. I explained how to get here, and they said that it would take them about 20 minutes. We finished by discussing the fact that we all enjoyed group scenes, the more the better, and that I should stay on line and see if there was anyone else who wanted to join us. So I returned to the list, flicking through more sub-guys all looking to get themselves fucked tonight. No luck so I returned to the beginning again.
"Hard Leather Top, London"
"Tall, well built, muscular top in full black leather and boots looking for a bottom. Like to fuck ass with my thick 10 inch dick. Think you can take it?"
"Yep, I think I can take it!"
That was all I said in my message but it was enough to get him interested because he came straight back with a one to one request. As we chatted I explained to him about my evening at Gummi and about the two leather men already on their way over. It really got him hot and he started talking dirty to me as I played with the dildo still up my ass. He told me what he'd like to do to me to get me off and it sounded so good that I asked him if he wanted to come over and join the party. He said he could be here in about 30 minutes.I put the phone down and relaxed a little as I lay back to watch the video. An interesting group scene in which at least two boys were currently getting fucked by leather men, while others were sucking and chewing on tits. I eased the ten-incher out of my ass, let it fall to the floor and closed my ass zip.

It wasn't long before I heard the doorbell upstairs. I rushed up and opened the door to find two guys standing beside their bikes. I showed them where they could leave them safely and invited them in. They removed their helmets and gloves as I took them straight down to the cellar and got them some beers. They proceeded to look around and make themselves familiar with the facilities.
I noticed with some anticipation that the cans were being drained fast so I got them some more ready. Then I went down on my knees with my hands held behind me looking at the floor, and waited. I could hear them commenting to each other about my range of toys displayed on the wall and I heard a few vulgar comments directed at the fuckers on the video. One of them must have turned up the volume because the moaning and slurping grew louder, drowning out their movements. Shortly two pairs of black boots moved into my limited range of vision, inches from my face.
"So did you find us another fucker, boy?"
"Yes Sir. Another leather man is on his way over now, Sir"
"Good boy. For that you may lick the road dirt off my boot, boy"
"Thank you Sir."
I attacked my task with relish making sure that my tongue covered every part of his boot, savouring the taste of the leather and making sure that none of it was left uncleaned. I worked my way around the ankle and started up the boot leg towards his knee. When he was satisfied with that boot he instructed me to do one of his mates. I couldn't look up, but I could sense that the two of them were using their hands on each other to give themselves pleasure. When I had finished that one, I kept alternating between the other two boots until they were all shining and my masters were satisfied. I continued to work my way up their tight leather, licking around their knees and enjoying how tight the leather felt stretched over their firm thighs.
I started to use my hands as well as my tongue but was careful watch out for the signs of how fast the men wanted me to progress. I was now able to take glances upwards and could see that both their leather jackets were unzipped to just above the waist revealing well developed bare chests. They were holding each other, kissing and playing with each others nipples. I was held in the tight space between the two men. I continued to lick my way up their jeans and I could sense two very hard, fat dicks held tight inside their leathers.
I had to be careful though not to touch them until given permission! So I enjoyed the taste of their leather around their hips and gradually worked my way out from between them and around to their asses. I took time out to devour the sight of two matching asses which filled the tight black leather to perfection. My hands felt how tight and firm they were as I savoured the taste and smell of the leather. When they were ready they moved apart standing in front of me, my face now level with their crotches and able to get my first good look at the huge, hard bulges that forced the leather out in front of me.

One of the men pushed my face into his hard bulge and I got my tongue straight out to feel the length of it trapped in his tight leather. Then the other guy pulled me over to work on his as they continued to play with each other above my face. I continued for quite while to lick each of the hard leather covered dicks, and used my hands to caress their boots and the leather tightly covering their calves and thighs, until I heard the doorbell upstairs ring again. One of them went to answer it, leaving me still sucking on the other one's leather cock.
As they came down the stairs I could hear part of what he was saying to the new guy.
"Sleazy cunt..."
"We've just been keeping him occupied till you got here. I'll get us some more beers to help the piss flow."
"Good, obedient sucker... Now we can really get down to business, we want to see how far we can get with his ass."
I could sense, but not really see, that the two of them were having a look around the cellar. I realized that they must have found my digital camera from what I could hear, and that they clearly intended to use it.
The dick I was sucking moved to one side leaving me looking at an enormous leather man standing a few feet away, staring down at me. From my position on the floor he looked to be about 6ft 6ins tall and was built like a brick shit house. His head was shaven but he had a neatly trimmed goatee. He wore a leather jacket, fastened up to his neck, leather chaps and rubber boots. Under his chaps he wore rubber with a bulging codpiece, and I remembered the description on the phone of ten inches and thick!
He undid the zip of his jacket and removed it, revealing a black rubber singlet underneath it. His bulging arms were covered in tattoos, the start of a belly stretched the rubber tight and a luxuriant growth of hair spilled out around the neck. I could just make out the shape of a large ring in each of his tits. He was the type of man who always takes charge in any situation and everyone else does as he wants. He asked for my rubber head harness and it was handed to him. He moved forward and fitted it around my head buckling the straps tight. He was then handed the blindfold and he snapped it in place on the harness. I couldn't see anything now, but I could feel another of the attachments being put in place and when my mouth was forced open and I tasted plastic, I knew that the funnel had been fastened to it. Next, rubber wrist restraints were put on, my arms were held behind me and the restraints were fastened together. After that I heard nothing more and could sense no movement.
What were they doing? Warm against my rubber clothing, I could feel something running down my chest and my thighs, forceful against my rubber mask. Piss filling the funnel and making its way into my mouth. The amount and the force of it told me that all three of them must be pissing huge loads all over me and filling the funnel. They were hosing me with their huge dicks, spraying their piss up and down, battering my nostrils with the strength of the odour. The funnel was full to overflowing, and I was forced to control the flow into my mouth with my tongue in the end. They seemed to be able to piss forever and the thought of how much they must be splashing each other turned me on even more; my rock-hard cock was straining the rubber sheath. I was enjoying drinking their mixed piss from the funnel so much that at first I did not realize they were pissed out until I was pulled roughly to my feet, the motion forcing the last of the nectar into my mouth in a large gulp.

The funnel was pulled out of my mouth and a large rubber ball gag inserted and snapped securely to the harness. My wrists were released and I was pulled across the cellar. Hands on each side of me lifted my ass and pushed me back into the sling. While a restraint was wrapped around each of my boots and buckled, the remaining guy pulled both my arms under the sling and secured my wrists together again, making it impossible for me to lift myself off the sling. Each of my ankles was lifted and secured by the restraints to the chains, one of them then grabbed my thighs and pulled my body forward so that my ass was just over the edge of the sling. One of them opened the zip in my ass, and using his fingers, began to push lube into my ass, spreading it around and getting as deep as he could. Meanwhile, a gasmask was forced over my rubber hood and the head restraint, and soon I could smell the unmistakable odour of poppers and began to feel the effects. This went on and on. I realized that they must have inserted the poppers into the tube of the gasmask and were not going to take them away.

As I floated in a chemical haze, I felt rough hands all over my rubber body, pulling at my tit rings, squeezing my cock and balls, stretching my ass. The poppers were making me lose all sense of time; I was only aware of how roughly they were treating me and of the sensations in my tits and especially my ass.
Especially my ass! I remember the ever increasing pressures to my ass, first one thing and then straight away another! Feeling it filled to the max, pain, then being able to relax more as the poppers took over again. Something else up there, bigger every time? Dildoes, plugs, cocks?
Surely no one had a cock that big! My hard cock was aching for release, but I was not able to cum because of hands squeezing it tight. My ass worked on forever, being fucked with bigger and bigger dildos.
Finally, there was relief from the poppers as the gas mask was pulled off my face, the gag removed and then the blindfold. I stared up into the mirror above the sling to see the big guy, having removed his rubber codpiece, lay his ten inch long, thick pieced dick in the palm of his hand, and hold it at the entrance to my ass. I watched - fascinated - as he slid them both forward into my ass. There was a flash as one of the other guys captured the moment on the digicam. I can feel him start to wank the thick, hard cock inside my ass. The two leathermen are standing on each side of me, both with their hard dicks in their hands. I groan,
"Yerrr, wank that cock up my chute, let me feel your fist up my ass! Further, push it in further!"
"Take it, boy! Gonna wank my big load into your ass!"
The big guy leant his bulging rubber chest forward over the sling bringing his grinning face closer to mine, and used his free hand to pull on one of my tits and then the other. I had never felt my cock so hard as it was now, trapped between my rubber stomach and his.
I ached to cum! The other guys passed the bottle of poppers around, giving us all regular hits. I felt him wanking his cock harder and harder inside my ass.
"Let him have it guys. I'm nearly ready to shoot my big load up his ass."

And each cock on each side of me let go a piss load, soaking the whole of my body lying in the sling, running down my thighs. down to my ass and around the big guys arm as it went in and out of my ass.
"Oh yerr, I'm cummimg up your ass, soaking my hand in cum, I feel it all over the inside of your ass!
I saw him pull his cock out but not his fist, he pushed that in further until he nearly reached the elbow. The leather guys continued to give me, and each other, regular hits of poppers as they wanked their cocks hard over me. With a lot of groaning and cursing they shot huge loads over my rubber clad body for the big guy to rub in with his free hand as his other one pumped away at my ass. This was enough to trigger my load, and I screamed as the biggest load of cum I had ever shot in my life filed my rubber cock sheath.
* * *
As I am working on my Harry Treville story, I wanted to give you readers a little bit of a New Year's story. This would be a rather intense way of ringing in the season!!!