(For the Blogger censors ... this a work of FICTION - any resemblance to
any person living or dead is purely coincidental. Language, situations
and behaviors are only utilized within the confines of the post to enhance the story itself and do not represent any real-life
circumstances in any way.)
Monday – 6:02am
“Shee-it…” I crawled on all fours to retrieve the keys then began the process of removing the screw-plug from my ass. I welcomed the pain of its extraction - I felt I deserved that as penance for my behavior the night before.
* * *

Kenny had a faint dusting of hair on his body and he was showing the results of the Four One's weight training and steroid/HGF regimen. When I heard the shower start, I crept out of my hiding place and positioned myself to the right of the bathroom doorway. Several minutes passed and then I heard the water stop; I soaked a cloth with the ethylene I brought with me and got ready to spring. The young rookie left the bathroom wrapped only in a towel, and that's when I attacked. I tore the towel off of him, got him in an armlock and with my other hand clamped the rag over his face. I could feel the panic welling in him and his rapid breathing only served to accelerate the chemical into his system. After a brief struggle, he slipped into unconsciousness and I let him slide to the floor.
Kenny had fine black hair and deep blue eyes - the rookie looked like a younger and more innocent version of me before I became a sex-hungry black street thug and the fantasy of 'Ray' raping 'Charlie' had me hard and leaking in a heartbeat.
* * *
When he awoke, his first sight was of me standing naked in front of him, wearing only a vicious smile and slowly stroking my erection. I had removed the cock-plug because I knew I was going to plow his ass with a vengeance, but the heavy stainless steel c-rings still encircled my engorged black dick and balls. I had cuffed Kenny with his hands behind his back and tied him into a wooden kitchen chair.
“Well, well … lookz like da baby cop iz finally 'wake … did chu' havva nice nap?”
One of the (few) side-effects of ethylene is to induce a heightened sense of anxiety; so along with the disorientation and grogginess, I took advantage of that to the hilt.
I grabbed a carving knife I taken from the kitchen and pulled his head back from behind. “Mebbe Ah shood slit yo' fuckin' throat fo' bustin' mah ass las' week fo' dealin' meth…” I lightly trailed the blade across his skin and watched a few ruby drops appear like a crimson pearl necklace.
I quickly pulled a leather bondage hood over his head and cinched it tight. The hood had small noseholes and an opening for the mouth.
No eyeholes at all. He was blind and completely isolated. I also put a small padlock through the last pair of eyelets in the hood, making it a permanent accessory until I decided to remove it.
He went wild at that point and started to thrash like mad. I gut-punched him and he gagged as he tried to curl up from the pain, but the bindings held him fast.
I grabbed his cock and balls in my hand, squeezing hard and watching him flinch. I tightened my grip further and he cried out in pain. “… o' mebbe Ah shood jus' cut off dem fam'ly jools an' watch 'chu bleed tah death in fron' ov me … be reel good t'see dem newz headlinez: 'Rookie cop dead durin' sex gaymes gone bad...'"
He was breathing fast and I gave him a backhanded slap that spun his head. “O' mebbe Ah’ll jus' fist an' fuck dat whiteboy ass ov yo's an' post it all ovva da Innanet…”
Then he started to cry.
For some reason, that really got me amped. 'Officer Charlie Hawke' would have stopped right then and there, but 'Ray-Ray the gang-banger' was running the show and the one thing he wanted more than anything else was to have this baby cop completely broken and lying at his feet.
“Yeah … dat’s wat Ah’m gonna do. An' by da time Ah getz dunn wiff you, 'chu gonna be mah slaveboi, o' you gonna be fuckin' dead meat.”
I rubbed a large dollop of Crisco onto my aching rod and then untied him. I pulled him off of the chair and just like Jamie did with me, I used his cuffed arms as a handle and impaled him on my monster dick.
Kenny screamed as I split him open. With my tool up his ass, I forced him to shuffle into the kitchen and slammed him onto the table; then I hoisted him higher until his feet left the floor. Once he was helpless, I piston-fucked in and out of his asshole until I felt my nuts churn and I shot a massive load of my seed up his chute.
The baby cop was whimpering in pain and shock as I lashed wrists and ankles to the table, leaving his spasming pucker dribbling my cum onto the linoleum floor. I grabbed his hooded head and slipped a ball gag into his mouth. Then I buckled and locked it shut behind his neck as well. He was still whimpering when I slapped his glutes. Hard.
“Shut da FUQ up, whiteboy!! Ah iz jus' warmin' up dat slaveboi hole ov yo's…”
I slathered a thick coating of the white shortening on my hand and up my forearm. One dark finger penetrated his pucker. Then two. I smiled as I saw the grease building up as I forced more of my digits into his ass.
I gave an evil chuckle. “Yeah… datz da way a whiteboy's butt shood alwayz look – greas'd an' waitin' tah be filled up by summ muscle-brutha's cock o' fist…”
Four digits in. I rotated the portion of my hand around, getting him stretched and prepared for what was to come.
“Getz reddy, baby-cop… you an' yo' ass iz goin' t'be owned by yo' Nubian Masta now…”
With that, I pulled out, tucked my thumb in and slammed my hand into his ass. Kenny screamed into the gag and arched his back as I opened my hand inside his soft, dark enclosure.
“Mmmm – so nice an' tight…” Wynand had slumped onto the table after the initial invasion and moaned as I pushed deeper and deeper into his guts.
I kept up the patter. “Baby-cop shure be a fistpig at heart…” I got half of my forearm up his ass and then pulled out. Kenny started crying again and I patted his butt.
“Don’ worry, l'il fistpig – you ain't stayin' empty fo' long…” as I slid my hand back in and watched with satisfaction as more and more of my arm disappeared up his ass as he continued to weep.
* * *
I alternated between fucking and fisting the rookie cop beneath me. The sight and scent of Crisco and cum leaking from the greased ass of the hooded captive kept me hard and insensate with lust. Some time around 10pm, Ronnie Bearce showed up.
I had pictured this scenario:
What happened next was completely unexpected.
He looked shocked. “Ray, why the fuck is Kenny wearing that hood? He’s claustrophobic!!!” He ran over to his partner and was frantically trying to undo the lacing. Ronnie saw the locks through the eyelets and on the ball gag. “Where are the goddamned keys??!!”
“SHEE-IT! Dey on da counter!” I pulled my arm out of his ass and started to undo the restraints on his wrists and ankles. The lube and cum on my hands made everything slick and difficult to manipulate.
I felt sick. “Ev'rythin' wuz goin' great. Ah wait'd fo' Kenny t'cumm outta da shower an' den got 'im inna armlock an' knock'd 'im out wiff da ethylene. Threaten'd 'im wiff a knife an' den hooded 'im up. He start'd cryin' but Ah gut-punch'd 'im tah quiet 'im down. Ronnie, Ah swearz t'God Ah didn’ knowz he wuz claustro-phobic!! Ah been fuckin' an' fistin' 'im since 'bout six o’clock. Dat whiteboy even swallow'd mah whole forearm up pas' da elbow…”
A sea of emotions flowed across the other cop’s face as I described what I had done to his partner. Bearce finally unlocked the hood and gag from the back of his neck. The two of them were on the floor as Ronnie unbuckled the gag and uncinched the hood from his partner’s head. Kenny seemed a bit dazed from the sudden recovery of his sight and blearily focused on the face of his partner.
“Hey Kenny… it’s me. It’s Ronnie… it’s okay… it’s okay…”
The rookie cop swallowed hard. He clutched his partner like a drowning man does a piece of driftwood and wracking sobs shook his body. His cries were absolutely heartbreaking. Ronnie was taken aback; all he could do is hold the naked man in his arms and try to soothe him. I felt guilty as hell for what I had done. He looked up at me and tightened his lips.
“I think you’d better leave, Ray… let me spend some time with my partner alone, all right?"
He focused his attention back on his partner. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, I should’ve been here with you… Oh, Kenny, I’m so sorry I put you through this alone…”
I slowly got dressed and then sat on the couch. I put my head in my hands as I heard Kenny continue to weep uncontrollably in Ronnie's arms.
* * *
I decided to call Mattie today. My routine as Ray-Ray included shaving any stubble off my head and removing, rinsing and replacing my contacts; today I was also using the spray that deepened my voice. I held off on that final part of the prep until I spoke with my lover.
After my shower and insertion of both steel penis- and butt-plugs, I sat down at the table and gathered my courage. I dialed his cell number and counted the rings, halfway hoping it went to voicemail.
“Hey sweetheart – how’s the grand tour? I’m not quite sure where you are, but I knew I had to call you early in the morning.” I really had to concentrate to not speak like a street thug to my lover; I was surprised at the effort it was taking to sound like the man I used to be - and how unnatural it felt now. My thickened lips didn't help the matter either.
"I've been in Paris for the past week. I just went back to the hotel to take a shower. Amor, these people don't even have the concept of deodorant! I've been almost gagging at the negotiations every day! It smells worse than the Grand Canal in Venice!"
I laughed. Mattie always lightened my mood.
"You sound hoarse - is everything all right? Have you been keeping the apartment too cold?"
Here it goes. "Well, I had my Initiation begin a little after you left. It's been... an experience. I'm tired and sore and I've seen more action recently than a dirt-trade male whore..."
There was silence on the other end of the phone.
"I, uh... also look a little different..."
"What did they do to you?" He sounded worried.
"It's only temporary, Mattie. I got my head shaved - which hasn't been exactly bad considering the weather we're having here - plus some other stuff - I have to wear a penis-plug and buttplug when I'm on duty." I also got turned into a hulking black motherfucker with a permanently redlined sex drive.

"I told him I didn't want any special treatment. I guess he took me at my word. When are you coming back?"
Mateo sighed. "Well, after I finish here, I've got to go to São Paulo. But that should be relatively enjoyable. I should be back in New York in 10 days... more or less."
"I can't wait to see you, sweetheart - I've missed you so much." I can't wait for you to see the new and improved ME, either...
"Same, here Charlie ... I love you. See you soon. I've got to get dressed and back to the meetings. The sooner I finish, the sooner I can leave and give my nose a rest."
He clicked off. I sprayed the stuff that deepened the timbre of my voice down my throat and finished getting ready for duty.
* * *
Monday – 8:08am
I got to the locker room and looked around for Kenny. He wasn't there. Neither was Ronnie. After about another twenty minutes, the two of them came in together. Kenny was limping badly and Ronnie was helping him along. He undressed his partner with care and got him seated on the bench.
"Let me clean up and then I'll help you get into uniform. We'll get you some desk duty today." Ronnie gave his partner a kiss on the head and loped into the showers.
I went over to the baby cop. "Kenny...?" He looked up at me and a flash of terror skirled across his face. "Oh, shee-it..." I felt like a such a heartless goddamned sonofabitch.
I sat next to him. "Kenny, Ah iz so fuckin' sorry 'bout las' night. Ah swearz t'God Ah didn' knowz you wuz claustro-phobic - Ah wouldda nevva hooded you if'n Ah did. Pleese, pleese fo'give me..."
The baby cop gave me a wan smile. "Ray, I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have freaked out last night, but you really did scare the shit out of me. What you did with the knife at my neck was way too convincing!! How'd you know about that meth bust?"
I stroked his thigh. "Ah check'd da ac-tivity logz fo' las' week befo' Ah came ovva. Yo' partner sed tah frightenz you, so Ah did mah ree-search befo' Ah sneak'd inta yo' apartment. Ah guess Ah went ovvaboard. You 'kay, whiteboy? Really 'kay?"
He nodded. "Just sore." Kenny looked at me and lowered his voice. "Ronnie said you told him I swallowed your arm? I don't remember anything much after you put that hood on me... everything was sort of a blur..."
"Yeah... pas' mah elbow."

I felt myself blushing, but I knew it wouldn't be showing up under the dye. My black horsecock was already swollen with lust in its steel confines. God help me, I wanted to take him into the back alley NOW and slow fuck him. I kissed his hand. "Look - Ah wanna make las' nite up t'you. You tellz me when, where an' wat 'chu wanna do t'me, an' Ah'll be d'ere. No questionz axed. 'kay?"
"Okay ..." Kenny put his head on my shoulder. He whispered, "Will you fuck me nice and easy next time, Ray? Face-to-face so we can kiss?"
I stroked his neck. "Anythin' you wantz, Kenny ... anythin' you wantz. Ah owez you."
* * *
Monday - 8:15am
"You wanted to see me, Cap?" I entered Morgan's office and closed the door behind me.
He took off his glasses and glared at me. His deep emerald eyes were hard and he was drumming his fingers on the top of his desk. Oh shit, that is NOT a good sign...
"Reardon, who is 'Rayshawn Johnson' and why is he using Hawke's NYPD identification?"
He leaned back into his chair. "I'm waiting, Sergeant..."
"Well, we put Charlie through his Initiation... and we - that is Tommy and me - were going to go easy on him, being Danny's flesh and blood and all - but he didn't want us to do that..."
He motioned me to continue.
"So we were sort of rough on him... probably rougher than any other baby cop... just to make a point we won't play favorites with anyone..."
"... And???..."
"...so we had Zack Gauthier make some temporary changes, too. And the changes were fucking incredible, Sir. And Charlie got into the changes more than anyone could've anticipated. So did we. In fact, he insisted we let him stay the way we fixed him up since no other rookie got off so easily with just a single night of Initiation..."
"And what did these 'changes' actually entail, Reardon?"
I swallowed hard. Morgan raised his eyebrows.
"We turned him into a lowlife African street hustler."
His body snapped forward. "You did WHAT?"
"We transformed him into a black gang-banger - but he got into the whole head space and ran with it, Sir. If you didn't KNOW it was Charlie, you'd swear to God that Ray-Ray is nothing but a cocky, foul mouthed, sex-crazed, black gym rat with a record as long as your arm!"
"That's his criminal alter-ego. The other guys have been making after-hours arrangements for chases, arrests, bookings, assaults, home invasions - you name it. They work him over and he gives it right back to them. Thug-style. After the fellas do what they want to him, he'll fuck or fist them with a vengeance. He basically took over his own Initiation and rewrote the rules."
I couldn't swear to it, but there was a flicker of guilty excitement that swirled across Cap's chiseled features.
"And the ID?"
"That was his and Zack's idea. He didn't want any scrutiny directed at the Four-One or questions being asked if someone slipped and called him 'Charlie' or looked at his info and it belonged to a white man. Zack set him up with a full set of duplicate identification - NYPD, driver's license, credit cards - the whole nine yards. He even got a different name plate for his shield holder. Charlie's essentially gone, and we've got a hardcore perp masquerading as a cop now in his place."
"Get Hawke in here - I want to see him. NOW."
I turned to leave. "And Reardon..."
"Yes, sir?"
"I heard there was a video - I want to see that as well."
* * *
Monday – 8:20am
I heard a rap on my door and I looked up to see Jamie Reardon reenter my office. The man accompanying him made my jaw drop open in shock.
He was an incredibly striking African-American with deep chocolate skin and a shaved head that gleamed in the overhead lights of my office. Expressive and intensely dark-brown eyes – nearly black – were surmounted by thick, sable brows; he had a well-shaped, but wide, flat nose and thick, sensuous lips that dominated the lower portion of his face.
A pair of large diamond studs glittered in his ears and some thick steel bracelets were fastened around both wrists. He was also wearing steel rings on several of his fingers. Including thumbs. Reardon’s companion wore his NYPD ID on a lanyard around his neck – it had the black man's picture on it with the name “Johnson, Rayshawn”. And most - but not all - of Hawke's personal information was on it; I could see that the birthday was different as well.
"Johnson" was wearing a snug blue compression tee that clung to every muscle of his upper torso and a pair of digital camo pants hugged every curve of his powerful legs and ass. I felt my cock twitch and start to slither down the leg of my trousers.
“You want'd t'see me, Suh?” His voice was far deeper than Hawke’s and had a noticeable ethnic drawl to it. A dark hand lifted up his shirt to show off his shredded six-pack abs as he absentmindedly played with his one of his nips.
“Who the hell are you?”
Johnson and Reardon exchanged a knowing look. The black stud took a finger and slid the dark iris of one eye aside to display the unmistakable bright cerulean blue orb of Officer Charlie Hawke. He blinked and the dark contact lens slid back into place. He crossed his arms and the muscles of his forearms, biceps and triceps popped into obscene definition. A portion of some intricate blackwork tattoos peeked below the straining material of his sleeves.
“This is incredible...” I got up from behind my desk to take a closer look at Danny’s nephew. Reardon was terrifying correct – if Charlie hadn’t revealed himself, I would have never known the African-American in front of me wasn’t anything but the genuine article.
I glanced at the sergeant. “We’ll discuss this later, Reardon.”
“Yessir.” He was grinning from ear to ear as he stepped out.
Which left me with Hawke. Or Johnson. I opened my mouth to say something then shut it. My mind was having trouble processing what I knew and what I was seeing. The patrolman cleared his throat.
“You cain jus' callz me 'Johnson' now, Suh... O' mebbe ‘Ray-Ray’ ? Itsa lot less confusin'...” He said it with a knowing smirk. There was an overweening arrogance in his attitude that I found both repulsive and strangely attractive at the same time. And somehow, completely apropos to the black thug before me.
“Did you know that this was going to happen at your Initiation?”
The black man shook his head. “Not when Ah gotz d'ere, Cap, but Ah axed Sarge not tah gimme no speshul treatment 'cause who Ah wuz r'lated to.” He chuckled. “Guess Ah DID getz speshul treatment, but not da way Ah 'xpected - Ah fuckin' amaz'd mahself - an' ev'ryone else - wiff da 'mount ov pain an' abuse Ah cood takez... It all work'd out fo' da best, 'cause itz made a new man outta me... an' Ah luvz being like dis!! Ah luvz bein' a black muthafucka!!"
He unconsciously fondled his bulging crotch as he was speaking. This "new man" attitude had me concerned. It did NOT seem like an improvement. More like a psychotic break.
"Cap, Ah cain’t b'gin tah tell ya whatta headtrip it be t'look inta da mirror an' seez sumpbody compleetely diff'rent - a fuckin' sexy lowlife muscle brutha wiff a rapsheet - starin' back at'chu. Ah nevva wantz t'go back bein' jus' a whiteboy agin!!” He grinned wickedly at me with bright white teeth.
I was having a headtrip of my own. My dick was rock hard and leaking by just looking at him. I followed his quick glance – he saw it as well. Johnson licked his thick lips and raised his eyebrows.

I nodded. At this point, I was having trouble just keeping myself from throwing him onto the conference table and mounting him.
The powerful black thug slowly pulled the compression tee over his head to reveal the muscular torso that the shirt had done little to disguise. The tight dark nips were hard on the slabbed chest and there was a large tribal tattoo on his left pectoral that complemented the ones that started at the sides of his neck, crawled across thick deltoids and down his arms. He was smiling as he stripped - he knew the effect his getting progressively more naked in front of me was having and was enjoying every minute of my discomfiture.
Without thinking, I reached out to stroke the dark flesh and the darker designs upon it. “Are those real?”
Ray shook his head and grinned. “Nuh-uh, Suh – Zack drew 'em on me 'bout a month afta Ah gotz mah upgrade to 'Ray-Ray Johnson'. Addz tah mah street cred an' rap sheet.” The artist had done an superb job – the tattoos even felt slightly raised against the skin the way a real inking should. "Thinkin' 'bout gettin' summ steel troo mah nipz, too... ringz o' barbellz o' sumpthin'... dey lookz so fuckin' right on Tony..."
My hands examined his. The gradations of color were absolutely perfect.
“Amazing, Johnson… absolutely amazing…” Again, I stroked the hard-muscled black chest in front of me, tracing the hard nips and the etched abs. Those nips really could use some steel embedded in them...
“You wantz me t'keep goin', Cap?” His eyes and grin held a wicked gleam while his hands reached towards the buckle of his belt.
“Yes.” I knew now what Reardon meant when he had said the changes had affected Hawke more than they had anticipated. I wasn’t asking one of my best officers to strip naked, I was ordering a smug, sex-crazed ghetto rat named 'Ray-Ray' to do it. And I was ready to fuck that overconfident grin off his goddamned face in the process.
The cocky black gang-banger (and I completely thought of Hawke... no, Johnson... in that way now) undid the buckle and shucked the fatigues onto the floor. He hooked dark thumbs into the overstuffed bright yellow thong he was wearing and pulled those down as well. Then he stepped out of the pile of discarded clothes and kicked them to the side as he gave me a sly grin.
“Jesus Christ Almighty…” The ebon horsecock was surrounded by thick stainless steel c-rings and had a substantial steel ball at its tip. As it rapidly hardened to about nine inches, I saw the retaining ring of the penis-plug as his erection grew. His entire body was lightly oiled to show off his musculature.
I hefted the thick dark meat in my hand and toyed with the sphere at the tip. Ray hissed in pleasure as I felt and saw a stream of clear pre-cum dribble out of a hole and between my fingers.
“Mmmm – dat feels SOOO good, Suh...”
He took my hand and his nearly-black eyes locked with my own as he delicately licked it clean. Ray loosened my tie and began to unbutton my shirt. Then the naked thug held onto my waist and started to kiss my neck. "Ah jus' luvz gettin' fuck'd by a cop any time Ah cain..."
God damn you, Jamie Reardon - what have you done? I couldn’t control myself any longer. “Get on the table. On your back.”
I walked over to the door and locked it. It would've been unseemly for someone to walk in and see their commanding officer fucking a hulking, naked black punk... at least during work hours. I grabbed a bottle of lube from the bottom drawer of my desk.
When I turned back to Ray, he had tossed his clothes onto a chair and positioned himself on the table. His ass was right on the edge, and he was leaning on his elbows with an anticipatory grin on his dark face. As I came around, he spread his legs into the air and I saw the silvery button covering his asshole.
“Butt plug?”
He nodded. “Ah keepz mah ass stuff'd alla da time, Cap. Either wiff da plug, a cock, o' a fist. Long az Ah'm a brutha. Mah rule - not da Sarges'."
I grasped the button and pulled on the stem. With some effort, I extracted the heavy steel sphere from his ass and his pucker gave me a suggestive wink.
“Johnson, that is HUGE! How do you function with that in you all the time?”
The prone black thug laughed. “Datz nuthin', Suh. You shoodda seen wat Ah swallow'd insidez ov me fo' my 'Nitiation. Firs' day back on da Job az a brutha, Ah took dem subway stepz tree atta time wiff dat up mah ass t'catch a purse-snatcha. Ah gotz a screw-plug home dat's easy twice times wide az dat. Ah likez twistin' it inta me at night.” He didn't even SPEAK like the white patrolman he used to be. He had the ghetto pronunciation, patois, cadence - and attitude - especially attitude - down perfectly.
I was a bit surprised at his flippant boasting - but then again, I had to remind myself I wasn't dealing with Hawke any longer; I was dealing with a cock-hungry, young black hustler that had stripped naked in my office and was eagerly waiting for me to fuck him senseless.
"Yes, the TA incident report crossed my desk this morning. That's why I asked Reardon to get you."
I undid my own trousers and slathered the lube onto my hard and aching tool.
The black felon gave me an intense look. "Fuckz me hard, Cap. Ah needz it bad... reel bad... Ah gotz t'get me summ thick Four-One cock up mah ass 'fore Ah goez out on patrol..."
Ray gripped the sides of the table and grinned as I put his legs onto my shoulders and thrust into him.
"Happy to oblige, Ray-Ray..."
* * *
Monday - 8:30am
I waited in the corridor for Ray to come out of Cap's office. This early in the morning, there was literally no one else around in the area. When I first started to explain what we had done to Danny's nephew, I thought Morgan was going to rip my head off. That changed when I brought the dark-skinned ghetto rat in and that funny look crossed Cap's face. Ray obviously had the same effect on him as he had on the rest of us at the precinct.
There was some quiet conversation going on and then I heard the lock engage on Cap's door. A few moments later, Ray screamed "DEEPA, CAP! DEEPA!! FUCKIN' POUND MAH BLACK ASS!!!" and then his voice quickly cut off. Well, they must be having a good time.
I moved closer to the door and heard Morgan's hard voice hiss quietly, "Goddamn you, Johnson - keep it DOWN!" and Ray grunting with effort as he complied. "Uhhh... yessuh... fuck me harda, Suh... fuck me ruffa, Suh... pleez, pleez, Suh... ohhhhh shit... ohhhhh, fuck..."
Jeez... He's probably drilling Ray's brains out on the conference table...
About fifteen minutes after that, I heard the lock "click" again, and Ray limped half-naked out of the office. I watched as he put a hand on the wall to steady himself and I grabbed him before he collapsed onto the floor. I put his arm around my shoulder and held him up by the waistband of his fatigues. We staggered down the hallway towards the elevator.
"Shit... What happened in there, Ray?"
He winced in pain. "Ah, uhh... came onta Cap'n Morgan. Coodn' help it. He be one sexy an' intimidatin' muthafucka. He axe'd me t'strip nekkid fo' 'im an' den Ah start'd kissin' 'im afta he start'd playin' wiff mah cock-plug. He fuckz even harda d'an you do, Suh..."
Ray's breath caught in his chest. "Help me getz back downstairz an' clean'd up, Sarge?? Ah don' thinkz Ah kin make it mahself right now..."
* * *
8 Days Later
Tuesday - 5:22pm
I had arrived back in New York earlier in the afternoon and decided that I would surprise Charlie that evening. I knew this was one of the days he had an early shift, so I hurried over to his apartment to get ready. I was sticky with sweat by the time I got there, so after a quick shower I slipped back on my micro-briefs and laid down on the bed to wait.
About ten minutes later, I heard the key turn in the lock and heard Charlie puttering around. Then I heard the “thunk” of him pulling off his boots. Any minute now.
"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU??" I screamed as I jumped off the bed.
A bald, powerfully muscular black man had entered the bedroom. He was naked except for an overstuffed black lycra thong that rode low over slim hips and a fine coat of sweat gleaming over his entire body. Intricate blackwork tattoos crawled down both arms and covered part of his chest.
"Mattie! Calm down! Itz me! Look at mah eyez!" The stranger took a finger and rubbed it across his iris. A saw a flash of familiar adamantine blue as he gave me a broad white smile. The contact lens (or whatever it was) slipped back into place.
"Charlie?? You're ... you're ... BLACK!"
“Yeah..." He smirked. "You gotz tah think ov me now az ‘Ray-Ray Johnson’ … 'cause d'ere ain't no 'Charlie Hawke' no mo' ... Ah gotz a whole new set ov ID t'pree-vent slip-upz like dat frum happenin'.”
He didn't even sound like Charlie. He didn't speak like him either. His voice was deep and rough. He even looked bigger than he did ten weeks ago. I couldn't believe it. There was absolutely no hint of my lover in the swaggering, overconfident, black hulk preening in front of me. A pair of large diamond studs glittered in his ears and he wore steel rings on almost every finger; chunky steel bracelets wrapped around both wrists as well. His skin was a dark milk chocolate and the palms of his hands and edges of his feet were a lighter mocha complement.
"Yeahhh - dis wuz da 'otha stuff ' Ah men-shunn'd when we wuz talkin'. Ah jus' coodn' bring mahself tah tellz you 'bout dis ovva da phone. ‘Oh, an' by da way Mattie, Ah been transform'd inta a jack'd-up black muthafucka wiff a rap sheet longer d'an yo' arm... an' itz da best thing dat evva happen'd tah me!!!' ”
Then he gave me a bright, shameless grin. “You likez wat 'chu seez, Mattie? You likez da new an' improv'd version ov me? Ah fuckin' luvz it!!!”
I did. Heaven help me, I did. I walked over to him. God, he was incredible. His eyes were a deep, deep brown - almost black - and his wide, flattened nose and thick sensuous lips dominated the lower portion of his face. Every detail of his transformation was frightening in its utter perfection. I stroked the dark body and darker tattoos and pulled him in for a deep kiss.
“Jesus, yes… If I didn’t know it was really you, I’d swear I was holding an incredibly handsome, black enklimatías (criminal, ed.) in my arms. It’s scary it’s so real.”
He laughed. “Ah hadz da same ree-ackshun da firs' time Ah saw mahself too. 'Mazed, terrified an' so fuckin' hard Ah coodda punch'd a hole troo concrete wiff mah cock!! Itz jus' amazin' bein' a muscle-brutha wiff a crim'nal record!!! Who'd wanna be jus' a whiteboy when you cain be like dis???”
I felt my dick push out of the waistband of my micro-briefs. He twisted an eyebrow and a dark thumb rubbed my leaking slit. I moaned as the roughened tip of his finger shot bolts of pleasure through me as he moved it back and forth across the sensitive skin.
Charlie (or ‘Ray’ as he was now) gave a deep chuckle. "Hmmm... Seemz Ah gotz dat effect on people... ya know, itz dis whole, threat'ning , black muthafucka sexual thing..."
He knelt down and looked up at me. “Ah thinkz dat tool ov yo's needz summ attenshun, Mattie. Lemme takez care ov it."
A delicate pink tongue reached out to lick the salty pre-cum that was pouring out of me. It continued to lave the meaty cap of my dick until it was wet and glistening with saliva. Then Ray grabbed my ass and swallowed my shaft in one stroke.
The voracious Nubian established a rhythm that had me almost out of his mouth before he slammed my shaft back down his throat and my sac hitting his chin. I couldn’t control myself and in a few moments, I unloaded a massive amount of semen into him. He continued to draw spasms of ecstasy from me until I was milked dry. Ray got to his feet and pulled me into his arms for another round of deep kissing. As our tongues dueled, I could taste the slightly bitter taste of my seed in his mouth.
His dark face was split by a toothy, wide grin. “Dayyum, dat wuz good – Ah miss'd suckin' yo' cock fo' so long… now... you wantz t'get yo'self fuck'd by a sex-crazed, black gang-banger?”
I stroked his shorn head. “Oh yes, Ray… I want it. I really want it.”
* * *
Something shifted and suddenly, I felt that ‘Ray-Ray’ was now in charge. Not Charlie. We continued to kiss, but it was harder and more demanding. He ran thick lips across my jawline and down my neck.
The African hulk pulled away a bit; his nearly-ebon eyes narrowed and he gave me an intense and hungry look. Suddenly, I got a violent shove backward and fell onto the bed. I looked up in alarm at the snarl now twisting his dark features.
“Ah been waitin' fo' ovva two monthz t'rape yo' ass … noboddy fuckin' disses me like dat an' Ah AIN'T waitin' no mo' !!”
He shucked down his briefs. I gasped in amazement at the gigantic black horsecock topped by the thick, shiny ball of the penis plug and the heavy steel c-rings that surrounded his package that made it look even more massive. Ray hissed as he squeezed his glans through the ring of the plug and my eyes widened in amazement as he extracted the three-inch metal tube out of his rapidly thickening shaft.
The dark-skinned predator hefted his tool and gave me a wicked grin “Oh yeahhhh... you iz gonna getz da ass-fuckin' ov yo' life, rich-boy… jus' wat you needz...” He walked over to the night table and pulled out a bottle of J-lube and poured a large amount onto his cock and then forcibly squirted another heavy-duty quantity into my pucker.

The pain I experienced from the hulk's violation soon turned into an amazing rush of pleasure as he pistoned in and out of me. I think part of the excitement was also seeing those powerful, dark brown hands gripping my flesh and the brutal expression on his altered face as he enjoyed tearing me open. The fantasy of being forcibly raped by an unknown black man was incredible.
He looked angry and triumphant at the same time. "You likez dat, huh, Greekboy? You likez gettin' yo' ass plowed by a lowlife muscle-brutha, don'chu? He thrust extra deep and I almost blacked out. You iz mah fuckin' prop'ety - an' don' you evva fo'getz dat!!!"
I was clawing the bedsheets in sexual overload. "Naí, naí, Ray... More! Skli̱rótera! Harder!!" Charlie had never been this rough with me before, but I was getting off on his effortless performance as the violent African felon he now appeared to be.
He thrust in deep and I nearly passed out. "Mebbe Ah'll fist 'chu later if'n you suck me off good..."
His cock was dripping lube and pre-cum.
I hastened to comply and once I was on my knees, he grabbed my waist and thrust deeply in again. In a few moments, Ray howled and I felt my guts fill with an explosion of his seed. The black gang-banger was gasping heavily with effort and collapsed on top of me. I sank down onto the bed - I was worn out as well. We stayed that way for a while - catching our breath; then I felt the brush of his lips on the back of my neck.
"Mmmm... You taste sooo fine... " He pulled me over so we were laying on our sides with his still-rigid cock still buried completely within me. He continued to kiss my neck and his hands stroked my chest and abs. "...an' you iz one amazin' fuck, you knowz dat?" Dark arms held me tightly against his body. "Dis black ass ov mine cain't wait t'getz plowed by you neither..."
* * *

We took a shower together first. We continued to kiss and caress each other as we soaped up and the cool water washed away the sweat of our initial round of rough sex. After we toweled off, we got back on the bed. Ray got on all fours and I saw the silvery button of a buttplug covering his pucker.
"Pull dat fucker outta me, muscle-boy, an' rape mah ass good!"
I grabbed the button and got my fingers around the metal stem. Ray grunted several 'Oh shit's as I struggled to remove the metal from within him. Finally, I saw his assring begin to stretch and the metal sphere grew larger and larger as it finally emerged from his butt with a loud PLOP. I stared at the heavy steel sphere I had removed from my lover.
"Mítir Theoú... this thing is gigantic!! You keep this in you all day?"
Ray smirked and chuckled. " 'cause it iz. Itz part ov BEIN' a black MAN, Greekboy. Keepz me fuckin' hard an' horny all day. Reddy tah Breed. Anyboddy. Anytime. Anywherez. RAW. You shood seez wat Ah shovez up mah ass at nite..."
He gave me a devilish white smile. "Now... fuck me reel ruff an' make me scream fo' mo' ..."
* * *
I did. With a vengeance. Ray-Ray growled and yelled obscenities as I thrust into him as hard as he had with me. He reveled in the brutal treatment he was getting, and strangely enough, I also enjoyed inflicting the pain upon him as well. I wondered what it would be like if TWO 'muscle bruthas' were fucking each other? For the second time that night, I shot a massive load into the eager African below me.
We were both panting with effort. “Shee-it, dat wuz GOOD.” His dark face grinned at me. “So wat you likez better, whiteboy? Gettin' raped by a black muthafucka, o' drillin' hiz ass in r'venge?”
I flopped down next to him and pulled him to me so our crotches ground together and I could stroke his face. “I’m not sure. Both were amazing, amor. When you shoved me onto the bed, the look on your face was so menacing, you had me scared for a moment.”
I got a bright white grin. “Practiss, Mattie. Practiss.” Charlie was back. Or at least some part of him was. He explained how he and the other officers arranged tableaus for their sexual gratification, as well as his. He had reinserted the cock plug and I was playing with the spherical tip; every time I twisted it, he arched in pleasure.
“You’ve actually been arrested?”
He nodded. “Oh, hell yeah... Lotsa timez. Ah've gotz book'd an' print'd. Been cuff'd fo' hours... Been in lineupz. Spent lotz ov nightz b'hind barz. An' not jus' at da Four-One 'cause Ah gotz a rapsheet dat NOBODDY else knowz ain't reely REEL. Ah'm rock-hard an' leakin' cum whenevva dat happenz an' Ah cain't wait fo' it t'happen agin. Ray grinned. "Ah even been in Rikers, too... lock'd up fo' a week inna orange jumpsuit, sumptimez wiff leg ironz, manaclez an' a belly chain... dat wuz AMAZIN'!!! Hadda be carefull not t'get mah contactz knocked out wiff all da ruff handlin' by da guardz... an' punishmen' fuckin' skinny whiteboyz..." he laughed "... plus bein' fuck'd by da otha bruthas..."
My transformed lover paused. "Dat's alla part ov who Ah reely IZ now, Mattie. Itz such a min'fuckin' RUSH bein' a crim'nal an' a lowlife black muthfucka. 'Nutha time, Ah wuz in dis ghetto bar an' two ov da guyz in plainclothes came in, slamm'd me onto da bar, cuff'd me an' dragg'd me out. Ah gotz thrown inta da back ovva patrol car an' brung tah a 'bandoned warehouse. Mah clothez wuz slic'd off an' Ah got raped by 'bout eight copz. Dey left me nekkid an' chain'd tah a standpipe till mornin' when 'nother car pick'd me up an' took me home. Ah made sure Ah gotz back at 'em fo' dat.”
“Wouldn’t they get angry and take it out on you?”
He shook his head. “Nuh-uh. Dey wuz waitin' fo' it. Well, Ah madez sure dey wuz waitin' fo' it. Mah 'Nitiation been diff'rent frum da otha baby copz. Ah sorta chang'd da rulez. Da Sarges don’ mind afta wat dey put me troo.”
He chuckled. “Ah dunn an ambush. Gotz two o' da guyz at gunpoint t'call fo' backup. Ev'ryone sorta knew wat wuz goin' down, but we all played 'long. Stripp'd 'em naked an' fucked an' fisted da lot ov dem. Ah dunn home invasionz too - jus' when a cop thinkz he be safe in hiz 'partment o' house Ah jumpz out, knockz him out an' den when he wakez up, getz raped, skull-fuck'd an' handball'd.”
“You weren’t joking about fisting me, were you?” I had never been fisted; although at some level, the thought of having a rough black hoodlum forcing his hand up my ass ignited a simultaneous frisson of terror and pleasure.
He kissed me. “You, yes. Dem, no. Ah’d only fist yo' ass if'n you axed me, Mattie. An' Ah’d only go upta da wrist - 'less'n you wanted me t'go deepa. Ah’ve fistballed guyz at da precinct up pas' mah elbow. Sergeant Namisato fist'd me upta hiz deltoid. Ah swallow'd hiz whole arm.”
“Dios, that must have been excruciating!”
“Only near da end afta Ah took hiz bicep an' tricep. Wat really hurt wuz dat mega-dildo Ah hadz insidez ov me fo' sev'ral hours. Ah felt like Ah wuz gettin' torn apart when dat gotz shov'd up mah ass an' it took Zack an' Jamie t'gether tah pull it outta me...”
“How big was it?”

“You had THAT inside you?”
Ray laughed. "Ah did, but dis one wasn' 'substanshul' 'nuff. Da one Ah had in me fo' mah 'Nitiation wuz at leas' two feet long an' twice az wide.”
“I can’t believe you had that monster inside you!”
“No? Okay, Mattie – screwz it in. Ah’ll provez it.”
The African gang-banger opened a jar of strong-smelling lube and proceeded to slather the plug with the thick, viscous material and followed up by pushing a dollop up his chute. He handed me the monster and got on all fours. There was a subtle change in his body language as he fully shifted back into his ‘Ray-Ray’ persona.
“Go fo' it, Greekboy… Ah needz mah ass stuffed fo' da nite anywayz..." The thug grinned. "No whiteboy's dick - even one big az yo's - ain't enuff tah satisfy me fo' long."
I was appalled at the level of pain I would undoubtedly inflict on him, but at some twisted, perverted level, I also wanted to see this cocky black thug suffer and see if his boasting was true.
So, I pressed the tip of the spiraled monster against his dark pucker and began to twist.
* * *
Ray grunted in a combination of pain and pleasure as I drove the dildo further into his guts.
He was panting. Nearly half of the plug was already within him. “Fuck!! FUCK YEAH!! Keep screwin' it inta me, Mattie! DAYUMM!!! Dat feels GOOD!! YEAHHH!”
I kept going. I couldn’t believe my eyes as more and more of the intruder disappeared. Finally, there was only the large end left with a large steel ring embedded on the bottom.
“Mmmmm… keepz goin' – you... you ain’t dunn yet…”
He looked at me over his shoulder. Ray’s arms were trembling with the effort of keeping himself from collapsing onto the bed.
“Keepz twistin' ! Jus' leavez da metal ring outside mah ass!” he panted.
One more twist. Then another. His sphincter stretched wide as the massive base demanded entrance and his guts sucked the monster deeper within him. One more turn. All of a sudden the plug disappeared completely into his ass. Only the heavy steel ring was visible pressed against his dark rosebud. I hooked a finger and pulled. It didn’t move.
“Oh my God… you weren’t joking…” I was shocked at what Ray had been able to accomplish.
He gave a weak chuckle. "Not if'n it cumms tah takin' super-plugs up mah ass, Ah ain't..."
The dieseled African felon winced as he eased himself into a sitting position and opened the drawer of the nightstand. He took out three pairs of heavy leather restraints and a Ziploc bag full of small steel padlocks. He reached in to grab a condom and rolled it down over his turgid, steel-shafted black cock. Then he added some more J-Lube to his horsedick that had it gleaming wickedly in the light.
“Put dem on me, whiteboy, an' lock ‘em up. Wristz, anklez an' uppa armz.” It took me a couple of moments to figure out which pairs went where, but soon I had Ray shackled up in the leather bindings.
“Ah reelly getz off now bein' locked up an' cuff'd... an' havin' extra-ruff back alley sex, too… we gotz t'do dat soon now you be back...” I was hard and aching myself just seeing him in the leather restraints as well - they made the black thug look even more dangerous ... and CARNAL.
He lay down on the bed and I spooned into him. Soon, I felt his thick tool penetrate slowly up my chute until I felt his ballsac press against my asscheeks and the metal tip of his cock plug massage my prostate as he gently pumped his hips. Powerful brown arms with locked leather bands wrapped around me and pulled us tighter together. A dark thigh slipped over my legs to complete and tighten our embrace.
Ray’s hands gently fondled my cock as I luxuriated in his arms and we both dozed off to sleep.
* * *
Wednesday - Friday
Mattie and I indulged ourselves either at home or going out to some of our favorite leather clubs. We even went to some of the raunchier ones that Zack and I had frequented while my lover was away. There were definitely times I knew Mattie was apprehensive, but he put up a good facade and never once complained.
One incident really stood out in my mind, however; we harnessed and booted up and then proceeded to pull on some warmups to get into the Greasetank, a very hard-core leather S&M venue. I had to lock a leather hood on him before we entered (as the proprietors videotaped everything and they were not above using blackmail on their clientele). While the DJ blasted Salt N' Pepa's "Push It" through the loudspeakers, I handlecuffed Mattie with his hands behind his back and fucked him unmercifully as it was broadcast across the large-screen TVs throughout the converted warehouse.
I could feel him trembling as I rode him while the dirt-trade leathermen hooted and jeered as he was violated over and over again. There was an overconfident muscle-brutha that wanted a piece of his ass as well, but one well-placed punch into the solar-plexus curled him retching onto the floor. Then I kicked him hard in the ribs. I grabbed him by his harness and shook him. "Dis boi iz mah prop'ety an' noboddy fuckz 'im 'cept me wiffout per-misshun! Unnerstand?!" Zack and I had established our dominance there as we had become frequent visitors with slaves in tow. This must have been a newcomer. Or an asshole. Or both.
* * *
The day after that incident I had off and Mattie had come back to my apartment after the long night. We were having breakfast and I finally voiced the thought that had been fermenting in my mind for these long weeks.
"Mattie? Ah don' even thinkz ov mahself az a whiteboy no mo'. Ah ain't fo' weekz, now... Ah ain't sure if Ah kin go back tah bein' jist 'Charlie Hawke' ... 'cause bein' a black ghetto muthafucka feelz like da way Ah always shooda been..."
He looked shocked. "Have you talked to Sergeant Reardon about this?"
I shook my head. "Ah don' knowz if Ah still wantz t'be a cop, neither - dat jus' ain't ME no mo'. Bein' a lowlife black gang-banger iz jus' such a life-changin' 'xperience, Mattie. Itz like a fantasy cumm true. Ah luvz bein' a muscle-brutha... an' Ah reely IZ a muscle-brutha now - Ah KNOWZ Ah ain't no whiteboy no mo' . Ah luvz da gangsta lifestyle. Ah stolez a gun outta evidence an' Ah've dunn felonies off-duty dat gavez me da rush ov mah fuckin' life! Ah kin seez mahself workin' fo' Zack's uncle an' becummin' a thug fo' reel. Ah knowz he cain make 'Rayshawn Johnson' a reel person wiff an offishul crim'nal record. Zack even tol' me he cood make mah transfo'mayshun perm'nent if'n Ah wanted it... an' Ah do. Ah wanna stayz dis way...Ah gotz tah stay dis way..."
Mateo looked at me. "Ray - Charlie ... I love you. I always will. Black or white. Even when you scare me now, I really like being with you as a black man. But I fell in love with that sweet, raven-haired, blue eyed cop named Charlie Hawke. And even though it's like a fantasy come true, amor - it's still a fantasy. It's not real." He paused. You'll never really be a criminal either, no matter how hard you try."
His eyes started to fill with unshed tears. "I want to see those sapphire eyes when I wake up in your arms. I want to run my fingers through that soft black hair again... I... I want my Charlie back."
Something snapped inside me. Mattie's words shot through Ray-Ray's persona and shattered it into a million pieces.
My own eyes filled with tears and I pulled him into my arms. "Oh God, Mattie - Ah luvz you. Ah luvz you so much. What would Ah do wiffout 'chu?" I sniffled back my tears. We held each other for a while and then we both sort of noticed at the same time we were getting hard again.

* * *
After we had spent ourselves, I grabbed my Samsung Galaxy and called Zack.
"Yo, Zack - itz Charlie."
There was a pause on the line. "So it's not 'Ray' any more... What's up?"

"Ah wuz wonderin' if Ah cood cumm ovva today an' getz da dye remov'd?"
He gave a sad chuckle. "Well, all good things must come to an end, right? Sure, Charlie... one o'clock okay?"
"Fine. Seez you den... an' t'anks fo' ev'rythin'... you made da las' few monthz sumpthin' Ah'll nevva fo'getz..."
* * *
Monday - 8:08am
I entered the locker room and a sudden silence blanketed the area. I felt every eye on me as I walked over to my locker and peeled off the masking tape that had had "Johnson" on it. It felt good to see the name "Hawke" back on the door again. The nose plugs were gone, the dye was completely removed and there was even a bit of black stubble on my head already. My lips were still a little thick, but they'd be back to normal by Friday. My eyes were bright blue.
Tony McLaren came out of the showers and gave me a surprised look that transformed into an astonished smile. "R-Charlie???" Then I got a crushing hug and a deep kiss.
I grinned at the show of affection. "Yeah... I'm back."
But I was still wearing the CZ studs in my ears...
* * *

I had been writing in those hints into the other parts of the story, but only realized it now - my subconscious is a devious bastard when it comes to plot twists, isn't he?
Zack, of course, would be instrumental in this endeavor and would likely also benefit at Mateo's expense. Ray-Ray would naturally gravitate towards the man who effected his permanent physical and societal transformation and away from his former lover.
Therefore, I needed something to shock Charlie back to reality (and more importantly - back to the main story line) - so the accidental torture of Officer Kenny Wynand became the catalyst.
Captain Morgan is both attracted to the thuggish charm of Ray-Ray Johnson and appalled at the changes that have been wrought in his favorite rookie's personality. He is angry at Jamie Reardon for creating the conditions that produced Ray, but (like the rest of the precinct) enjoys the guilty pleasure of the thug's cocky and sexually demanding behavior.
We also received a glimpse of some of Morgan's darker passions and more sadistic inclinations in his encounter with the street hustler that he keeps under rigid control. And (un)fortunately, the black thug has found a way to let Morgan's demons loose to his detriment.

Finally, I didn't anticipate Charlie asking Mateo about remaining a black thug and leaving the police, either. That was a conversation I realized that needed to be had (as Jamie himself was afraid of this particular outcome), and it closed this story and provided a smooth entrance into Stinger Part III.
A final thing quite important to emphasize is the ability Charlie possesses to redeem himself when dealing with extreme temptation. Regardless of the allure, Officer Hawke may succumb, but always finds a hidden well of strength to finally resist and overcome. This quality (amongst others) is what endears him to both the Demon Prince Carreau and the Archangel Michael.