
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

YouTube Videos

I've posted several videos on YouTube - mostly as advertising for the site. Let me know what you think. Folks - this means COMMENT!

"Metamorphosis" was the first trailer for the blog. It highlights a number of the masks that have been showcased here.

The second, "Delectatio Morosa" is another set of story highlights, with a more military bent. This theological term represents a pleasure taken in sinful thought or imagination, such as brooding on sexual images. It is distinct from actual sexual desire, and involves voluntary and complacent erotic fantasizing, without any attempt to suppress such thoughts - which I think is a perfect description!


  1. Bet you had fun making these clips - you getting much traffic from them?

    See you know David Mason's Slick it Up gear too .... Cool stuff.

  2. Hey Sarge,

    I certainly did! Dave's stuff is top notch and I look damn good in it!
