Just as there are degrees of dressing in rubber, there are also degrees of full rubber enclosure. While I normally go for the single layer and hood, I really have been intrigued for a while with rebreather combinations. As you all know, the only way I know to remove a temptation is to succumb to it, so I decided to see how it felt.
My 'mentor' in this area is "Rubberrobbie1" on Xtube. He had previously had a number of incredible videos on the old Ning-hosted GuyzInGear site, but sadly, many of those have been lost or never re-uploaded.
So first, I started out with a base layer ... thin latex mask, sheath pants and shoulder length transparent gloves (one became a high elbow length after a little mishap)
This was followed by a catsuit and then a zip-on hood.
Next came the rebreather and the waders. The waders are lined and I turned them down to give sort of the "bucket boot" or "musketeer" look. The rebreather strapped around my head and had a slight O-ring type gag built into it. Two air tubes came out from the mouthpiece and joined in back to a connector with a rebreather bag on it. There were valves in a number of places to restrict (or allow) the air to come through easily.
Added to that were a pair of thick rubber industrial gloves to go over the transparent ones beneath the suit.
Okay - I'll bet that a number of you rubbermen out there are now thinking --
My buddy - all 6 feet and 220 pounds of him - was relaxing on the bed waiting for a little fun. While we're both versatile, I knew he was anticipating to be more of the top that day. Needless to say, he was flabbergasted when I strode into the room and mounted him! No words, just forcing him down, putting his legs on my shoulders and thrusting myself into him. Shock and fear did play a part here, since he's got about 40 pounds of solid muscle on me.
(I *could* have rang my front door bell, snapped the locks, dropped something heavy on the floor and *then* strode in there acting like some type of home invasion, but that would have really screwed with his head!)
He likes rubber, but this was completely over the top for him. At some level, he knew it was me, but at a more visceral level, he was scared to death that this rubber-clad, eyeless THING with mouth tubes and a black rubber bag inflating and deflating on its back was fucking him senseless. I could see it in his eyes and I could feel it in the tension of his body. It made for a very interesting dynamic.
This was definitely a new experience for me and I did experience a rush of power doing it. Although it was my first time, it definitely won't be my last.

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