Wednesday, July 29, 2009
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Friday, July 24, 2009
Les jeux sont faits
"Happy Anniversary, Sir!"
"Here's to your Twenty and many more!"
The three officers toasted Captain Edmund Tiernan and he clinked each of their glasses in turn. He was smiling and laughing, a recent sea-change in the demeanor for the CHP captain. The head of the Santa Monica Division wore a pair of chino slacks and a pale blue short sleeve shirt that wrapped around a strong chest and arms.

A highway accident had robbed Tiernan of his family. Frances and Jennifer Tiernan had been driving to meet their father when a freak accident caused their car to crash into a gasoline tanker. The captain had responded to the 11-80 and discovered to his horror that among the victims were his daughters. Several of his officers had to restrain him as he screamed and fought to run to the burning wreckage; Joshua had to knock Tiernan unconscious to drag him away from the accident.
Those deaths left him a shambling wreck of a man. Edmund Tiernan could barely function; it was all that every officer in the Division could do to take turns and keep watch over him every day - getting him up in the morning, shaving him, getting their captain to work - and even taking shifts during those early months to stay with Tiernan through the night - his depression was so profound they all feared for his safety.
Lieutenants Joshua Bateman and Perry Yamato took over running the Division's operations. They kept the incapacitation of their captain under the deepest of cover. No one in the CHP hierarchy was aware of the true extent of Tiernan's disability, and thanks to some help from both Lucio Giambi and Giaan Khamar, no one ever did.
Ever so slowly, Tiernan recovered from his grief and began to enjoy the business of living once more. At unguarded moments though, one could sometimes see a wave of profound sadness pass over his features - fortunately, these moments happened far less frequently as of late.
The captain was movie-star handsome in a 1940's leading-man sort of way, in his early fifties with thick, sable hair shot through with more than a few strands of silver. He was lean and trim, though not as heavily developed as his officers. Clear grey eyes beneath straight dark brows looked at one of his lieutenants and closest friend.
"Josh, I've been meaning to ask you something ..." Tiernan rolled the glass between his fingers.
"Shoot, Cap ..."
"... Do all of my guys bat for the other team?"
Bateman froze. Phil looked shocked. It was only TJ that appeared unfazed by the question and gave his CO a 100-watt grin. Since they were all off-duty, the hitman-now-patrolman was wearing his septum crescent . His slate-blue eyes twinkled.
"Every one as queer as a 3-dollar bill, Sir ..."
Tiernan laughed. His entire face lit up, making him look at least ten years younger. "Christ Almighty, Josh, the look on your face is priceless! Seriously, though -- I haven't been exactly been the model policeman for the past fourteen months - hell, there were days I could barely get myself dressed - but I'm not blind ..."
He took a sip of his drink, smiling. "I've seen the changes you've made in the department. I've seen how all of you have been taking care of me - even when I was being a bitter, self-pitying sonofabitch; I've seen the ways some of the officers look at each other - Rob and Joe, you and Perry ... and particularly these two ... smooching in the third floor classroom when they thought the coast was clear ..."
Zeeman blushed. TJ leaned over and ran his lips across his lover's lantern jaw. He winked at the captain and smiled. Phil held TJ's face in his hands and gave him a deep kiss. He chuckled as the crescent tickled his upper lip.
"... and I am SO damn proud of each and every one of you. I couldn't ask for a better, more honest, more decent set of men if I tried."
Josh knocked back his drink. Tiernan's revelation had come as a shock to him. "Damn ... I didn't think we were that obvious." He paused. "And truth to tell, Cap - we were probably a bit sloppy - we really thought you weren't running on all cylinders, either."
Tiernan laughed. "Not obvious at all. But it started to make an impression on me. I was catching glances between officers that had nothing to do with work."
"Like what, Sir?"
"Like ... that fucking gorgeous bald guy at the bar that's been eyeing Josh like he wants to eat him up."
TJ and Phil turned around. At the bar was an amazingly handsome man with a shaved head and tinted glasses. He wore a dark hoodie that did nothing to disguise the amazing physique beneath it. Faded blue jeans wrapped themselves snugly around brutal legs and harness boots completed the outfit. Tight, black leather gloves covered his hands and produced an amazingly sexual tableau as he smoked a cigarette while drinking. He turned his head slightly away when he saw he had become the object of scrutiny.
"Damn, Sir - you've got incredible gaydar! You sure you're straight? Maybe some of our good habits are rubbing off on you!"
Tiernan gave the patrolman a wistful smile. "I'm curious, TJ. But who'd be interested in a wreck like me? All of you have opened my eyes ... perhaps if only I were twenty or thirty years younger ... Maybe ...."
The four officers continued enjoying their celebration; TJ was the designated driver and had stopped after his second drink, but at the end of the night, no one was feeling any pain. Bateman did not feel intoxicated, but found he needed to steady himself as he rose from the table.
"Hey guys ... be right back. Gotta take a bio-break ...." The blonde lieutenant moved unsteadily from the table and towards the men's room.
Bateman entered the washroom and stood in front of the urinal. He unzipped his fly and sighed as the pressure that had built up during the night was finally relieved. He zipped up and moved to the sink, washing his hands. Joshua heard a flush from one of the stalls and in the mirror he saw the bald man from the bar cross behind him. The police lieutenant bent down to splash some water on his face; when he straightened up, a gloved hand clamped a damp cloth around his nose and mouth while the other held him in an iron grip. Bateman struggled but quickly succumbed to the faintly sweet odor as he spiraled into unconsciousness.
* * *

"You think you'll be back for our anniversary, Perry?"
Yamato sighed. "I don't know, Josh. I hope so. Uncle Henry was loaded and between the funeral arrangements and the reading of the will, I may be stuck there for a week. All of Sacramento is crying crocodile tears over the old bastard ... and the vultures are circling already. I don't know why he even mentioned me - I barely knew him."
"The two men hugged. "Have a safe trip, love. I'm going to miss you."
Perry waved to Bateman and waited until he saw the silver BMW leave the parking lot. He pulled out his cellphone and dialed a number. "Joe? Hey, it's Perry. Josh just left -- I'm at the airport. Pick me up!"
* * *
Joe Wolfe arrived at the terminal in a short while - he gave the other CHP officer a hug as he bounded into the Jeep as they drove away.
"Josh has no idea, does he?"
"Nope. He thinks I'm on the way to Sacramento for some family business."
Wolfe chuckled. "I don't know if he's going to be surprised, freaked out or really pissed off about this, Perry. Maybe I shouldn't have encouraged you to do this..."
The CHP lieutenant grinned. "The die is cast, Joe. What's the worst that could happen? He does the same thing to me?"
Wolfe shook his head and chuckled as the duo sped onto the highway.
* * *
The two officers arrived at Joe's home and quickly set about the business at hand. Once they got into the bronze-haired patrolman's workroom, Yamato began to strip. In a moment, he was naked in front of the other officer. Joe shucked off his clothes also, leaving only a red rubber jock which barely contained his huge package. The officer rummaged in a drawer and took out a steel cock ring.
"Put this on Perry. If you lose a nut in the suit, you're not going to get it back out."
The other man slipped on the ring and found himself growing hard immediately. Geez ... I should wear one of these more often ... no wonder Josh wears three at a time ...
Wolfe pulled out two bottles of Gun Oil and tossed one of them to the CHP lieutenant. He opened a closet and took out the black latex item on a hanger. Perry could see the attached hood, gloves and feet of the suit. Joe shook it out and unzipped it; the rubber master slipped on a pair of disposable gloves and began squeezing the Gun Oil out of the bottle and into the suit.
"This is Spexter's top-of-the line product. You're gonna love it. So will Josh ... Lube up, bud. I'll take care of slicking up the inside of the suit."
Perry squeezed some of the lube onto his hand and began to rubbing it onto his legs and crotch. He poured more of the Gun Oil onto his chest and proceeded to spread the fluid down each his arms.
"Turn around, Perry. Let me do your back."
Wolfe rubbed the lubricant onto his exposed skin. Soon, Yamato stood in front of the other man - naked, glistening and rigid. Perry's partner-in-crime then stripped off the gloves and tossed them into a wastebasket.
Joe smiled. "Nice..." He hooked a stool with his foot and motioned the other man to sit.
"Ever put a catsuit on before?" Perry shook his head.
Wolfe tsked. "OK, with a full coverage catsuit like this, lube is really important. The easier it is to get on, the better it's going to feel." He held the suit out to Yamato so the hood flopped forward. He stood behind the other officer.
"Slide your left leg in first. When your foot hits the sock, stretch the ankle area a bit and it'll pop in. Then do the same on the right leg."
Perry pulled the leg up. The rubber felt incredibly sensual against his bare lubed skin. When his foot hit the sock, he stretched it, and with a liquid *plop* the foot was now firmly encased. It looked incredible to see that ebon blackness covering his leg. He flexed his calf and he could see the muscles bunch beneath the dark surface. He did the same with his right leg.
"OK, you're doing fine ... stand up."
Joe helped pull and smooth the rubber up Yamato's thighs and then reached around to help guide him into the sheath. Thanks to the lube, Perry's rigid member slipped easily into the enclosure. Wolfe gave him a squeeze and his nuts popped into the latex sac. The CHP lieutenant stared down at his huge rubbered member.
"Arms next ..."
Wolfe guided the other man's arms into the sleeves. Again, the slick feeling was amazing as Perry's hands slid down the sleeves and into the gloves. They were so tight that he could see the outlines of his fingernails. Joe squeezed his hands to remove any air pockets and again smoothed the arms out, leaving a inky darkness enclosing Yamato's bulging muscles.
"Lean your head back..."
Joe lifted the hood and stretched it over Yamato's face. The sensation was unsettling in a way, but amazingly erotic. The other man adjusted the area around the eyes, nose and mouth. The hood had clear plastic lenses covered in a mirrored film, small nostril holes and an open mouth. He then zipped the hood down to the middle of his neck and pulled the other zipper from his lower back to meet it's partner. The suit was extremely snug, with the zipper separating the muscular globes of his ass.
"Okay, stud -- turn around and look at your transformation."

"My God, Joe ... I can't believe how this feels! How I look! Jesus!"
Wolfe stood behind him and smiled. "I knew there was a rubberman in there just waiting to get out!"

"You want a plug?"
Silvery eyes looked at the near naked man. A smile crossed the new rubberman's lips. "Oh, HELL yes!"
"Bend over, then..."
Perry stretched himself across the table and Wolfe separated the two lower zipper pulls - exposing his tightly muscled ass. He unpackaged a black plug, 2.5" in diameter, and rubbed lube onto its surface. It gleamed wetly in the overhead lights. He spread more Gun Oil onto and into the CHP lieutenant's pucker. Slowly, Joe pushed the dark tool into the waiting chute. With a grunt, Yamato sucked the tool in and it lay pulled tightly against his asscheeks. The other man closed the zippers.
"Feels good, Perry? You like everything so far?"
"Oh, Joe - Absolutely fucking incredible!" Yamato writhed as he felt the plug settle deeper within him.

He held out his hand to show two small locks.
"If I put these through the zipper pulls, you won't be able to get out of the suit without the keys ... do you want to do it? It's completely up to you."
Yamato looked at Wolfe. He licked his lips. Swallowed. Joe noticed how arousing it was to see that rubbered adam's apple move on the other man's corded neck.
Perry nodded. "Go for it."
Joe smiled as he turned the lieutenant around and fastened a lock on the two lowest zipper pulls. Between the tightness of the suit and the now-locked zipper, the butt plug was unremovable.
He grasped the upper zipper pulls at the back of the CHP officer's neck.
"You're sure, Perry? No harm, no foul ..."
Yamato took a deep breath. Nodded. "Yeah. Go ahead."
Wolfe snapped the lock onto the upper zipper pulls and stood back to admire his work. Yamato shivered. Two brass locks stood in stark contrast against the sea of black. Perry reached behind his neck to fondle the lock there, and then moved his rubbered arm down to gently pull on the lock near his ass. He moved the zipper heads up and down a bit, but the zipper was firmly closed.
"Oh God, I feel like I'm gonna explode ..."
"Go ahead, bud ... that suit's made to be enjoyed!"

"Dear ... Lord ... in .. Heaven ..." he panted.
"As the late, great Billy Mays would say, 'But wait! There's more!' " Wolfe left the room and returned with some clothing and boots. He also brought in a flesh-colored something in a clear plastic bag.
"As much as I'd like to see you in nothing more than a pair of Tredairs with that suit, we're going to need to cover you up. No sense in getting arrested for indecent exposure, right? Put these on."
Joe stuffed Yamato's rubber-covered cock down and snapped the latex codpiece onto the suit; Perry slipped on the socks and trunks over his rubbered body, followed by a pair of snug jeans and a black hoodie with the Triple-H WWF logo on it. He sat down and pulled on a pair of harness boots. He then took the flesh colored item out of the plastic bag.

"Christ! It's a mask!" Perry held the lifelike mask in his hands and looked at it. "It's so realistic!"

Wolfe rubbed a bit more lube onto Perry's ebon skull. The mask slipped on easily. Yamato adjusted it slightly and tucked it into the neck of the hoodie. He received another shock as he turned and looked into the mirror. It had been enough of a surprise to see the black rubbered thing he had become; it was even more of a jolt now to see a handsome, pale-skinned bald man staring back at him. The mask fit him like a second (or in this case, third) skin and the only indication that something was amiss was the silver lenses peeking through the mask's eyeholes. He felt himself growing painfully large once more in his sheath.
"DAMN Joe! This is mind-blowing!" The mouth moved in unison with his own.
The other CHP officer grinned as he looked at the object of his transformation.
"You'd look great in that mask without the Spexter too, Perry. Becoming someone else is a great feeling, isn't it?"
Yamato smiled back. "You do this a lot?"
Wolfe nodded.

Wolfe walked around his creation and nodded approvingly.
"Perfect. Absolutely perfect. No one is going to recognize you, and no one is going to discover that black latex beneath the disguise. Except you and me." He gave Yamato a wicked grin. "And Josh."
"What are you going to do now?"
"Josh is taking Captain Tiernan out for his twentieth tonight. Along with TJ and Phil. I thought I'd hang out and watch what's going on at a discreet distance ... and when the time is right, knock him out and bring him to the playroom I rented."
"How are you going to knock him out? "
"Xander gave me some ethylene. Soak a rag and hold it over his nose and mouth ... he'll be out in about 10 seconds. Nice thing with this is it's perfectly safe and doesn't have any lasting effects ... except make the person a little anxious for a while."
Yamato checked his watch. He chuckled. "I've got to get going. I want to arrive early at Michaela's and set up my observation post."
Joe clapped him on the back. "Good luck, Perry! Have fun tonight!"
* * *
Joshua woke with a start. The last thing he remembered was being smothered by the bald man in the restroom. He found himself chained upright in a near-empty concrete room. Bateman was naked except for his overstuffed jock. His arms were cuffed to a spreader bar pulled over his head and his feet were cuffed to another bar bolted to the floor. Rubber gaskets covered both wrists and ankles beneath the restraints -- there was no way he could slip out of them. A video camera was set on a tripod - facing him. A table and chair stood against the nearby wall; on it was a plain cardboard box and a tape recorder.
Joshua rattled the shackles. "Goddamnit! Let me go!" he screamed.
In a few moments, the door opened and the bald man stepped through. He gave the captive an approving nod and walked over to the table. He pressed the "Play" button on the recorder. A voice - electronically distorted - echoed through the small room.
"Well, Lieutenant Bateman, this has been a long time in preparation. You have been interfering in our operations for far too long. And now its time for your comeuppance"
The voice paused. "Our associate is going to have some entertainment at your unfortunate expense. Of course, we are going to record the performance in its entirety. Your future behavior will determine if ... or when ... that information is delivered to your superiors. And major news organizations. I doubt you'll be riding a CHP motorcycle after that happens."
"You sonofabitch!" Bateman struggled against the restraints. The lieutenant let loose a stream of invective at the disembodied voice and the henchman in the room. The thug moved over to the video camera and turned it on.
The bald kidnapper approached him and lifted the officer's off-duty revolver from his waistband. He pulled the Glock's slide back and cocked the weapon. He pointed it at the captive's forehead.
Joshua snarled. "Go ahead and pull it, fucker ... your master won't want a dead body hanging here, will he?"
The thug (or whatever he was) removed the gun and placed a leather-covered finger across the CHP officer's lips. He gave his head a slight shake. The smell of the leather beneath his nose began to make Bateman's cock grow and twitch.
"Shhhhh..." he whispered. His lips barely moved.
"You want me to shut up?"A slight nod.
Well, I'm not gonna do anything to make you or your ..."
The man gently dragged the barrel of the gun down the crevasse between Bateman's pecs and proceeded to trace the rifts and valleys of the captive's six-pack abs with the weapon. The metal was almost hot to the touch; Joshua shivered under the onslaught. The kidnapper brought the Glock lower and moved the gun softly on and around the policeman's growing erection.
"Shit ..." Bateman had indeed quieted and his breath shuddered loudly in the silent room.
The bald man gave the officer a pat on his cheek and strode over to the chair and sat down. He pulled off the harness boots to reveal thick white socks; then, he slowly removed each of the socks off to reveal shiny black rubber beneath.
Bateman gaped. The kidnapper stood up and began to undo his pants. He let them drop to the floor, stepped out of them and kicked them into a corner. Slick black, muscular legs were revealed. Joshua's breathing began to increase. The red trunks followed the jeans into the corner. The CHP lieutenant stared at the muscled expanse of the kidnapper's lower body covered in black latex. The other man then proceeded to slowly strip off his gloves to reveal rubber-covered hands.
A 3-snap codpiece was strained to bursting at the rubberman's crotch; gloved hands grasped the lower edge of the hoodie and pulled it up and over his head. The CHP lieutenant swallowed hard.

"Hey! Are these guys forcing you to do this? What do they have on you? Damnit, ans-!"
The kidnapper paid him no attention. The sunglasses were placed on the table and black hands slid beneath the surface of the mask, lifting it off his head. Joshua saw the second lock at the back of the thug's neck. He put the mask down on the table and turned to face his captive.
Bateman's voice died in his throat. "...swer me ...."
The thug's head was encased in the same smooth, black latex and gleamed wetly in the harsh overhead lights. Silvered lenses looked at the policeman, hiding any trace of emotion or humanity. A latex bike mask was fitted over the nose and mouth area, covering any hint of flesh.
He stood motionless facing the CHP lieutenant, his ebon arms crossed.
"Oh, Jesus Christ ..."

Josh rattled his chains again. Despite the circumstances, he found himself growing painfully large at the position he found himself.
The rubberman returned to the table. He removed a large bottle of lube and a pair of scissors. The other man slowly undid the snaps on his codpiece and placed the covering piece of rubber on the table. Joshua could not take his eyes off the massive black cock holding itself rigid in front of the kidnapper.
Again the rubber-covered criminal slowly walked towards his captive. He put the bottle of lube onto the floor and cut away Bateman's jockstrap. Joshua's engorged member - made even larger by the three steel cockrings he always wore - sprung free and pointed painfully upwards and out. The kidnapper stroked rubber-coated hands down the captive policeman's arms, across his torso and gave his cock several gentle caresses. By this time, Joshua was growing more aroused by the moment - at this point, he didn't care who saw the recording being made - he just wanted to wrestle his torturer to the ground and mount him.
The rubberman then moved behind the lieutenant and Bateman felt the heat of the massive latex tool slide slowly and teasingly beneath his asscheeks. Joshua heard his captor open the bottle of the lube and felt it being spread onto and into his waiting pucker.
The massive black arms of the kidnapper wrapped around the captive's trim torso - black hands fondled and tugged the chain of the clamps as well as stroking the tightly muscled abs and caressing the slabbed pecs. The huge rubbered tool paused at the entrance of his ass and then slowly pressed itself into him. Joshua tried resisting - clamping himself tight - but the thug pulled the two of them tightly together. The massive latex-covered cock began to slide itself into the expectant cavity.
"Shhhh...." his captor again whispered. "Don't struggle ..." The rubberman brushed the edge of the latex bike mask across Bateman's square jaw as he thrust himself into the lieutenant.
Joshua gasped as he felt the massive tool invade his chute. He took a deep breath as he felt the latex ballsac rest against his asscheeks. The rubberman pulled out, leaving only the tip of the sheath within the policeman. He thrust back into Bateman's ass. The policeman howled as he was invaded over and over again. Not from pain. Far from it. From pleasure. Guilty pleasure. He tried hard to think of Perry, but the pistoning of that huge tool was driving him mad with lust.
His captor's rhythm increased in both tempo and intensity. Joshua felt a searing heat as the rubberman bellowed and exploded within the sheath buried inside of him. The massive arms slipped lower and grasped the policeman around his narrow hips. The two men panted in unison. The kidnapper began to stroke Bateman's engorged member.
"Oh, God, yes ... YES!" Joshua moaned.
The rubberman poured lube onto the policeman's member and continued his assault. The combination of the massive rubber tool still in his chute and the intense stroking proved too much for Bateman. With a scream, Joshua erupted and a pearlescent arc spattered against the opposite wall. The lieutenant slumped in his chains. The captor held the policeman up and and the smooth rubbered head laid wearily on the sweat-soaked shoulder of the lieutenant.
"Happy Anniversary, hon ..."
Joshua's eyes flew open. He turned his head to his captor.
"Perry? PERRY????"
His lover disengaged from the lieutenant and stood facing him. He removed the bike mask to show his full, sensuous lips in a broad smile.
Joshua began to chuckle which soon grew to full grown gales of laughter.
"You sonofabitch!! How the hell did you pull this off?"
Yamato reached down and unlocked the shackles from the floor and then reached up to remove those from his wrists.
"David, Xander, Joe, Phil and TJ were all in on it. I wanted to do something special for our fourth year of being together, and I figured it was time for me to jump into latex with both feet. You like the suit?"
Joshua wrapped his arms around his lover's rubbered shoulders. "You look so fucking sexy in it it's amazing!"
"Since we're the same size, I figure you'd like to use it too?"
"Mmm-hmmm ..." Bateman nuzzled Perry's neck. "How about now?"
Yamato grinned. "The keys are in my jeans and there's more lube in the box ..."
* * *

"Ready for some action, sweetheart?"

He looked at his lover's shaft enveloped by the racing gloves.
"Is that all for me?"
Bateman sauntered over to Yamato and grasped the latex-clad head in his gloves. Perry slid his hands up to grip Joshua's leather-covered thighs.
"What do you think?" the blonde lieutenant chuckled.
* * *

Re-reading my past couple of stories, I've tended to focus on some of the darker aspects of my AE's - not that that's bad, per se, but personal and business circumstances seemed to have been dictating their actions. I had originally conceived this story to be a far more sinister abduction and semi-torture of Joshua; it languished for a while since I didn't like where I seemed to be going.
I needed to take several steps back from that dark brink and bring my AEs back into a kinder and gentler vein. My thoughts came to rest on Edmund Tiernan - a throwaway character in my "Joshua" story.
First of all, how did a CHP captain get to a point where his two lieutenants ran everything? How could the makeup of SMD change so radically without either his tacit consent or his complete obliviousness? Was something wrong? How long could or would this go on? What would happen when he found out?
Captain Tiernan grew a good deal in this story, and I'm pondering plans for him in another yarn. He does share some emotional aspects with some successful Elixir quaffers - Xander and Bobby - perhaps I'll do a "fountain of youth" story.
Perry Yamato, too, grew into a full-blown character here. I've always felt that Perry was more of the "thinker" to Joshua's "doer" and while he enjoyed most of Bateman's fetishes - boots and leather - he never quite made the quantum leap to latex. After 4 years together, I decided that he decided it was time to join his partner in latex. The name of the story "Les jeux sont faits" - "the die is cast" - is representative of Perry's decision to become a rubberman.
Also, as mentioned in the story, I'm wearing Sidi boots with the W-Frame suit - they are indeed some of the most comfortable racing boots I've purchased and the mask is from Eurocatsuits. I also want to thank my good buddy Matt for some spot-on photographic assistance with the story.
Friday, July 3, 2009
"Here Be Dragons ..."
I just received a rather nice comment on one of my stories - "Strike Force" - the commenter asked me to give a "map" of which stories to read first.
As long-time readers know, who am I to disappoint my fans?
The best answer I can give you is ... start at the bottom and work your way up.
When I started this blog, I was still a bit unsure of myself and of my writing abilities. The earliest entries read more like personal ads, or as some prose to solidify around the pictures I was taking. I also think I was a bit more "stiff" - photographically speaking - in those earlier entries.
Practice does make perfect (or much, much better!) and I think the turning point in my entries was "Shayn and the SEAL." In that particular post, the story became the focal point for the pictures, rather than the pictures taking the lead.
Another milestone was "Richard" - while the story was paramount, this was the first time I actually felt like the character I was creating, rather than simply donning a mask and outfit.
So dear readers (and to Dream Nephilim in particular) - start at the beginning and work your way forward. Enjoy the journey ... I certainly am!