Phil Zeeman woke first. He brushed his fingers lightly across the other's forehead and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. The other woke at the touch and smiled into the CHP officer's pale brown eyes. He returned the kiss and traced shapes on the other man's smooth, solid chest.
"Happy birthday, handsome!"
"That was some present you gave me last night, Phil. I don't think I'm gonna be able to sit on a cycle for a week!"
TJ Kane grinned at his lover. The grin grew into a 100-watt smile that traveled all the way to his eyes. They had been together for over six months, but it felt that they had been together for far longer. Mentally and physically, they fit together like two long-separated puzzle pieces. TJ had been a former soldier in the crime family of Don Leone, and had been instructed to infiltrate Lucio Giambi's organization with the goal of killing the powerful, young crime lord. The soldier had met Phil, and ensuing circumstances had forced Kane to admit his duplicity to his lover and to Lucio himself. Surprisingly enough, Giambi had not killed him; rather he was welcomed with open arms into the organization and had managed the unthinkable - the weapon Don Leone had aimed so perfectly at Lucio had backfired. There is nothing so unpredictable as an independent tool. Leone was dead - his organization in shambles. What pieces Lucio could use, he took. The remainder was left to rot, shrink and die away like some foul weed. TJ - with Lucio's blessing - decided to join the CHP to be closer to his lover, and in some way, atone for the blood on his hands.

"It's a surprise. I'm not telling!"
"Really? I guess I'm going to have to force it out of you, then!"
TJ began to tickle his lover and Zeeman tried to squirm away. Kane sat on his legs and began to hit all of Phil's sensitive spots. Phil's giggles grew into laughs and then to guffaws as TJ continued the assault. Kane laughed along with him.
"Stop! Stop! I give up! I'll tell!"
Phil took in a few ragged breaths as his laughter finally died down.
"OK, lover ... I know how much you love my SkinTightRubber suit. I got you one too."
TJ's face took on the appearance of a small child on Christmas morning. He grabbed Phil's head and planted a brutal kiss on his lips. He held it until the two were breathless.
"Plus I got some other stuff for you. And for us. Rob and Joe helped me pick the stuff out. They're throwing a party for us later."
"Well, I guess I should thank you for my present ..."
* * *
After a rather strenuous romp, the two officers hit the bathroom. They spent almost as much time in the shower together as they had in bed; the vanilla scent of the body wash encouraged them to slowly massage the other and work the material into a lather; the pulsating warm water encouraged a languorous session of intimate caresses. The two shaved and began to dress.
"Wear something easy to get out of, Teej. Rob and Joe have a great playroom. We're going to be geared up once we get there."

"Lead the way!"
* * *
Rob Fairchilde was heir to the Norfolk lumber fortune; Joe Wolfe was the son of a forest ranger. The two had grown up side-by-side and were as close as brothers. Closer. They joined the Army Rangers together and after their stint, both had applied to the California Highway Patrol. Giaan's CLEAT modifications had been in force for several months, and the two rookies had been assigned to Joshua Bateman and the Santa Monica Division. A few months into their new career, Joe purchased a winning ticket to the Mega Millions lottery.
Phil and TJ arrived at the large home and were greeted by Joe at the door. Wolfe was in his mid-thirties, about 6'2" with the trim and muscular build shared by all the SMD officers. A pale yellow polo shirt stretched tightly across his chest and a pair of white cargo shorts complimented his strongly developed legs. His cinnamon-bronze hair blazed in the morning sunlight
Joe gathered TJ in his arms and gave him a crushing hug.
"Happy birthday, TJ! I take it Phil told you about your presents?"
Kane wrapped an arm around his lover. "Well, I had to beat it out of him, but he still wouldn't tell me everything."
Joe grinned. "As well he shouldn't! After all, we've got a lot planned for you two and the surprise is more than half the fun! C'mon in and let's get started!"
Joe's leather treads slapped quietly on the flooring as the three made their way into the house. This was TJ's first time here, and he was quietly impressed by the home and the elegant furnishings. They chatted as they walked, talking about business at the Division, as well as goings-on amongst the other officers. The three rounded another corner and entered a large sunroom. Rob sat at the table and stood up when they came in. He came over and gave each of the officers a bear hug. He nibbled Phil's square jaw. He breathed deeply and smiled.
"Damn, Phil - you always remind me of vanilla frosting - I love the way you taste!"
Phil blushed. Rob laughed and kissed the tall and striking half-breed on the tip of his nose.
Rob could have been mistaken for Joe's brother. His hair was a pale bronze with threads of copper running though it. Moss-green eyes always held a look of mischief and he wore a bright and disarming smile. He wore a leather thong around his neck and a pair of blood red Adidas compression shorts, which failed miserably in hiding the officer's bulging package.
"Want some coffee? Juice?"
"Coffee is great."
The four sat at the large table, surrounded by large potted plants and sunlight.
"TJ, Phil told us that you really enjoy rubber play, and that you've been drooling over his SkinTightRubber suit. We were able to get one for you on some short notice."
Joe laughed. "Well, for all the business we give them, they should open an outlet in the house!"
Rob spoke up. "We also know you've always fantasized about total enclosure. Well, just think of us as your fairy godfathers."
"Pun intended."
Rob looked mock-seriously at Joe. He continued. "You're going to get that wish come true today."
An indrawn rush of breath came from TJ. He looked at Phil, who was beaming at him. Zeeman took his hand.
"Just what you always wanted, hon ... and I'll be there beside you."
"There's a bit of preparation involved for this -- you haven't had breakfast yet, have you?"
The two shook their heads.
"Good. Just fluids for now. We want to make sure you're comfortable for the long haul."
* * *
The first step in the preparation was the removal of body hair. Rob brought the two into a sumptuous bathroom and told them to strip. He gave each of them a large jar of cream which smelled faintly of oranges.
"Now, rub this stuff all over yourselves - and I mean, everywhere! Just make sure that you don't touch your face or hair before you wash your hands. This stuff is powerful. It won't irritate your skin, but regrowth is very slow. You don't want to have bald spots or missing eyebrows!"
He pointed to a kitchen timer on the bathroom sink. "Keep the stuff on for fifteen minutes, and then rinse off in the shower. Use cool water."
He winked at the two. "I'll be back in about 20 minutes."
He paused. "TJ, you need to take that crescent out, too."

"It's funny what Rob said about you smelling like vanilla, you know?"
"You're gonna smell like a popsickle when we're done here!"
The creme produced a tingling sensation on their skin and the two men spent the time slowly kissing each other; their lips and faces the only points of contact as they nibbled and nuzzled.
The timer rang and the two went into the large shower. Phil adjusted the water to a refreshing coolness and the two gently massaged the concoction off one another. Despite the temperature of the water, the two were fully engorged as they left the shower and toweled themselves dry.

TJ stroked his lover's arms and then brought his hands up to caress the thick pectoral muscles and nips. "Mmmmm .... I wonder if we could get some more of this stuff for later...."
As he wrapped the towel around his waist, there was a light knock on the door and Joe stuck his head in. He looked at the two naked, hairless men in front of him and licked his lips.
"Ready for the next step?"
"Sure!" came the chorused reply.
* * *
"Now we can actually start rubbering you two up."
Joe turned back as he led TJ and Phil into another room. The house had central air conditioning, and TJ could feel the currents wash across his skin. He shivered - partially from the cold and partially in anticipation of things to come.
Rob was there with bottles of lube and polish on a table. In the corner of the room, two SkinTightRubber suits were on hangers. On the table were also several black latex items which TJ did not recognize, but made him instantly harder.
"Now, first rule of total enclosure is ..... lube, lube, lube. The more you've got on, the easier it is to get in. "

"These are double-sheath shorts from Blackstyle. The latex is thick enough to know you have it on, but not too thick to reduce any feeling."
Rob and Joe rubbed Gun Oil into the shorts and poured generous amounts into the front sheaths as well as lubricating the inside and outside of the rear one.
"Lube yourselves up guys. This is only the first layer!"
Only the first layer? Oh, bloody Christ! TJ thought to himself. I'm gonna blow any minute!
The former mafia soldier pulled them up and on. The feeling was incredible as his equipment slipped into the sheath and the inner rings around the base of his cock and around his balls grabbed hold. A thrill - almost like an electric current - swept through him as Joe tucked the rear sheath up into his cavity.
TJ looked over at Phil who finished pulling up the shorts and was adjusting his package in the front sheaths.

"We need to make sure we keep that tool of yours under control. This cocklock has a split ring. See?"
He separated the cockring portion of the tool into two arcs. The top portion was a simple arch. The bottom portion had the connection to a curved rod and a 80mm anal ball.
"You're way too big to slide this on and pull it through."
Rob placed the top portion over Phil's heavy rubbered member and then mated the lower portion to it. A solid "click" was heard as the two pieces came together and Rob locked them in place with the attached hex screws. Finally, he bent Zeeman over and pushed the steel ball into the anal sheath. Phil grunted as the ball disappeared into him, leaving the heavy cocklock and a steel bar traveling under his perineum and disappearing into his rubbered pucker.
"That's not coming off any time soon!" Rob laughed.
Zeeman's now-ebon cock looked even larger captured in its shiny steel prison. He reached down and stroked himself.
"Feels great, Rob. That ball feels so GOOD in there!"
"Okay, now that the base layer is on, we need to lube the rest of you for the catsuits!"

Even with the lube, the suits were an extremely snug fit. These particular models had a shoulder-zip entry, which made the wearer appear to be seamlessly enclosed within a body-hugging, ebon sheath.
Once the suits were on, the shoulder zips were left half undone. The necks on the suits were about 2" in height and once the zippers would be brought to the top, the collars would reach almost to their jawlines.
"Hey! We're not done yet!"
Joe shook out pairs of toe socks from Blackstyle and gloves from Libidex. The toe socks were given a generous coating of lube and slipped onto the two officers' feet. The sensation was one of sliding into a pool of oil and they felt amazing once toes were settled in each of the pockets. They looked amazing also. TJ stared down past the huge rubbered bulge of his crotch and saw the black rubbered feet - distinct, yet indistinct. He felt his pulse pound in his groin and the suit slide around him with every movement. He couldn't wait to undo that crotch zipper.
The gloves went on next. Up to the elbow, they were thin, but extremely strong. In fact, they were so tight that nail impressions were visible. Phil looked at his lover and was filled with a surge of lust so strong he wanted nothing more than to crush TJ against him and run his hands down his rubbered body. He wanted to throw him down and ravish him on the spot. Kane felt his burning glance and smiled seductively back. He licked his lips in anticipation.
"After everything is on, we'll polish your rubber up, too. It'll feel even more erotic."
"We're also going to leave you with some toys and some bottles of lube."
"And the final touch!" Rob took out two condom masks from Latexa. One has a red mouth, the other a metallic blue. The only openings were two small nose holes. The masks zipped up the back. "What do you think?"
Both men stared hungrily at the masks, imagining what it will feel like to have them in place. To be cut off completely from the outside world and be enclosed completely in rubber. A dream made reality.
"Let me go first." said Phil. Rob sat Phil down. Phil grinned and gave TJ a thumbs up.
Fairchilde stands in front of Phil. "Before I put on the mask, I want to put these silicone plugs in your ears. It's going to cut down what you can hear to nearly nothing. You're going to be blind AND deaf with the mask on. Phil ... are you okay with this? If not, we don't need to use the plugs, but you'll get a lot more out of the experience if you do."
Phil looked up at Rob with a combination of fear and lust. Lust won out. "Go ahead."
"Now when I put the mask on, I want to make sure you can breathe normally through your nose. Squeeze my hand once for yes and twice for no, okay?"
Rob put what looked like blue putty into Phil's ears.
"Can you hear me now?" Rob yelled.
"I can see your mouth moving but all I hear is some low murmur."

Rob slowly zipped the hood down and tucked it into neck opening of catsuit. "Still OK, handsome?" Rob grabbed Phil's hand. He squeezed back again - once. Joe zipped up shoulders to the top. TJ stared at the rubbery black Thing and couldn't wait to become one himself. Phil turned his blank ebon face to TJ and slowly stroked his huge member, held captive and jutting out from his body by the circular steel prison. Kane was beside himself - he couldn't wait to feel that massive black tool fill up his rear sheath.
"One last piece" Joe took a 2.5" rubber collar and put it around Phil's neck. It had 3 "D" rings - front and sides. He wrapped it around the patrolman's muscular neck, fastened it and held up a lock. Wolfe put it through the attachment point on the collar and snapped it shut. Phil spun around and looked blindly back at Joe. The patrolman clawed at collar. Everyone in the room could tell his breathing has quickened as the tight mask seemed to inflate slightly. Wolfe stroked Phil's masked face. All the zipper pulls were now securely covered - and completely unreachable - by the snug rubber restraint.
"You're not getting out of your rubber until Rob and I feel like it. This lock just makes sure of that." Phil calmed as Joe continued to stroke him.
Rob approached TJ with the condom mask. He stared - transfixed - at the red mouth.
"Ready, TJ? You want the plugs too?"
He swallowed hard and nodded.
"Phil also wanted to give you this." He held out his hand. A steel nose ring with a captive ruby bead in was his palm.
"I know you wear the crescent when you're off duty - Phil thought this would be a nice addition to the suit. Now, I don't know if it's going to affect your breathing. We'll try it once you're masked and collared, okay?"
TJ nodded.

Rob's hands threaded the ring through the nostril opening in TJ's mask and the fellow officer gently probed for the opening in his septum. He threaded the ring through to the other side and out of the other nostril opening.
Rob tapped TJ's nose and grasped TJ hand. TJ squeezed once.
"Good. No problems breathing."
The mask was tight, but not uncomfortable. The darkness and silence was initially terrifying, but that frisson of fear only increased the sexual excitement he experienced. He felt Rob threading the bead in place. He reached up to feel his masked face and fondled the nose ring.
"OK, toys. We just have to get you nice and polished and you can play together for a while."
TJ heard the slight noise of a voice but deafened as he was, he failed to recognize the slightly sinister undertone. He was far too busy blindly stroking Phil's rubbered body to really care.
The two were separated as each felt a set of hands pour polish onto their bodies and began to rub them to a high sheen.
"Nice. Really nice."
TJ felt about to explode as a hand stroked his member and gave his balls a squeeze as it polished his suit. Hands traveled down his legs and stroked the inside of his thighs - rubbing the polish into the suit and making it glisten wetly in the overhead lights.
Rob and Joe completed their task and stared at the two living rubber toys in front of them. The SkinTightRubber suits followed every muscled curve of the two officer's physiques and Phil's jutting rubbered cock made the two masters burn with desire themselves. They grinned at each other. Later, they think. The fun's only about to start. Rob pushed Zeeman's huge ebon tool into the suit and closed the lower zippers.
Each man guided one of the encased rubbermen to what they jokingly called the "screw room" and set them in each other's arms. Rob forced them down on all fours.
He guided their hands to several items that were laying on the floor within easy reach of them. He placed each item into their hands and let them identify the item by touch.
"Lube. Lube. Lube. Dildo. Plug. Another dildo. Bigger plug. Have fun!"
The two pulled the rubbermen to their feet again.
"Let's get them warmed up, shall we?"
Joe took out two additional locks and fastened the ends of the crotch zippers together on both suits. The raging black rubber cocks were now completely inaccessible. He guided Phil and TJ's hands onto the locks and chuckled at their panic.
The two looked around blindly and moaned. Rob and Joe stepped back and let the two explore each other and feel their rubbered cocks trapped underneath their suits. The grasping and pulling reached a fever pitch as the two tried vainly to unzip their crotches, only to move the conjoined zipper heads around the zipper rails themselves. The hosts placed a dildo into the hand of each encased patrolman.

"They looked like they enjoyed that! Let's open them up and let them have some more fun!"
Rob took the keys from Joe and unlocked the crotches of the two encased men. The lower zippers were opened on the suits, exposing raging black tools and dark, rubbered puckers. Both men faced each other with raging ebon erections.
Fairchilde guided the former mafia soldier over to Zeeman. TJ and Phil began to fondle one another. The two explored each other's rubbered bodies with their hands. TJ ran his hands down Phil's chest and felt the steel encircling his rubbered cock. Phil reached through the air and found TJ's head. His hand followed the contours of the masked face to find the nose and fingered the ring embedded there.

With frightening rapidity, the two officers stopped thinking of each other as Phil and TJ. They thought of themselves as rubber Things, living sex toys whose only purpose was to give and receive pleasure at the hands of the other. They thought of themselves as BlueMouth and RedMouth.
BlueMouth placed the open bottle down within reach and pushed RedMouth flat onto its back. The toy reached for the dildo and put it into RedMouth's hand. It guided RedMouth's hand to its scarlet oral sheath and inserted the object. RedMouth comprehended and began sucking on the large toy. It was an arresting site to see the large, black cock-shaped dildo slip into and out of the crimson cavity. A muffled moaning could be heard as the tool was again used by RedMouth.

Redmouth writhed in ecstasy as its covered pucker was invaded. It continued to pump the dildo down its covered throat and thrashed and moaned as BlueMouth continued its examination. Bluemouth withdrew its digits from the sheathed opening and grabbed one of its partner's legs. It placed the leg onto its massive shoulders; followed by the other. Its hands located the pucker; and it drove its sheathed member into the hole.
Bluemouth's tool forced it's way into the dark recess of Redmouth and buried itself deeply. Bluemouth could feel the hardness of the steel ring press against its crotch and against RedMouth's asscheeks. It could feel its own flesh squeeze against the hard steel ball inserted into its own sheath. Redmouth dropped the dildo and now reached blindly to find something of BlueMouth to grasp. It found the other's trim waist and held tightly as BlueMouth began a brutal, pumping rhythm.
For several minutes the tableau remained the same. Bluemouth holding onto RedMouth's shoulders with the latter's rubber-toed feet in the air; RedMouth's legs on BlueMouth's shoulders and its arms gripped onto the other's waist. The lock at the back of it's neck swung back and forth, mirroring the gyrations going on below. Finally, Bluemouth shuddered as it thrust into the prone figure below it. One could tell by the quivering in its muscular covered legs that it had exploded within its suit. The toy held RedMouth for several moments and then withdrew. Bluemouth fell onto its back, spent. Panting.

RedMouth grabbed its partner's head and held it tightly to itself. From the arching of its back to the curling of its toes, the watchers could see that it, too, had expended itself. RedMouth released its fellow toy, although BlueMouth continued to nuzzle RedMouth's equipment and stroked the ebony flanks of its rubbered companion.
Bluemouth stopped for moment. It appeared that another idea had come to the toy. It pulled RedMouth onto its side and reversed itself so its blue sheath was poised over RedMouth's rubbered cock and balls. It stroked the inner portion of RedMouth's thighs and again fastened itself onto its partner's length. RedMouth, too felt the heavy member of BlueMouth against its masked face and guided its crimson cavity onto the massive rod. The nose ring and cockring produced a faint chime each time the two collided with each other. Rubber-covered hands explored each other - RedMouth fondled the attachment from the cocklock to the anal ball and stroked the muscular ass of its partner. BlueMouth, too, let gloves explore the body of its fellow toy, stroked down the muscular, rubbered back, and again, kneaded the firm latex-covered ass. It inserted digits again into the still-lubed hole.
The gentle caressses and sucking continued for a long time. Finally, it appeared that the two toys - exhausted at last - fell asleep in each other's embrace.
* * *
Rob and Joe congratulated themselves on the transformation before them.
"The cameras are still running, right?"
"Uh-huh. We'll have to edit the four units for the best angles and shots."
"What about their faces?"
"Giaan gave me the face-morphing software. No problem. Lucio will have another blockbuster on his hands!"
"Too bad we'll have to let them out in a few hours."
Joe nuzzled his partner's neck. "Who's to say we can't find some guys for permanent duty, hmmm?"
Rob looked sharply at him. Joe just smiled back.
"Let's get geared up, lover. We're expecting company in a little while."
* * *
Unbeknowst to the toys, the two hosts had invited other SMD officers for TJ's birthday party. The other guests were told to come "dressed" for the occasion. The two arrived at nearly the same time.

Josh approached the leathered officer and stroked his exposed ass. "Mmm-mm-mmm! Looking good stud!"
"You're nothing to sneeze at either, boss." Jaz grabbed the back of Bateman's head and pulled him into a brutal kiss.
"How's Perry? I thought he'd be here today."
"Ahh, he's visiting his sister up in Seattle. He'll be back next week."

"Hey, you guys look fucking HOT!" came the slightly muffled voice of Joe.
Jaz fingered the white gasmask - "Really nice! Never thought of that before. Where's the birthday boy?"
"Oh, he and Phil are going to be a little late. Meanwhile, I've gotten some new toys to play with. C'mon. Let me show you."
Joe brought the two fellow officers to the Screw room. Josh and Jaz stopped and stared - dumbfounded. Rob was in black catsuit with a similar gasmask to Joe's, laying on the floor, propped up on his elbows. His cock and balls were exposed - the codpiece of his suit had been popped off, and was laying next to him. RedMouth was servicing him, and in turn, RedMouth was being mounted by BlueMouth.
"Holy fucking shit!"
"Like the toys?"
"Rob! Where are you manners? Share the toys with our guests!"

Rob chuckled through the gasmask and pointed at the two toys.
"Well guys, we have two models. As bottoms, the blue one is for sucking only. You'll notice that there's a cocklock and plug in that one. And NO, I'm not taking it out. The red one, on the other hand, is for anything. The toys love to be sucked off too. Give them a chance to top you, too. Amazing. Absolutely amazing."
"Joe, let's get them slicked up again."
Josh and Jaz remained transfixed as Rob and Joe got the toys to their feet and started polishing them up again to a wet sheen. The officers noticed the captive cockring on BlueMouth and the nose ring on RedMouth as the toys slicked up.
"Let them feel you first to get used to you. If you need to indicate something, squeeze a hand once for yes and twice for no. We'll leave you two alone right now - we have to finish getting ready for the Phil and TJ." The two rubbermen - one in white, the other in black - left the room.
Josh pulled his cycle gloves off to reveal a pair of black latex gloves underneath. He unzipped his suit to show off a dark expanse of rubbered chest. "Which one do you want first, Jaz?"
"I like the blue one."
"I was hoping you'd say that." the lieutenant grinned as sensuous lips curled into a smile beneath his dark mask.

Romanov's excitement reached a fever pitch as the toy sank to it's knees and held onto his waist. It looked up with its blank ebon face and cerulean mouth and moaned. Jaz could hardly contain himself; he unsnapped the blue-striped pouch as his length sprung out. BlueMouth felt the officer's manhood and moved it's oral cavity onto the tool. Jaz grabbed the back of the toy's slick head and forced it onto the massive shaft invading its mouth opening. A brutal dance was established as the leatherman's thrusts reached a crescendo. With a bellow combined with a scream, Jaz threw his head back as he exploded into BlueMouth's cavity. The toy, too, groaned as the silvery goo dripped out of its mouth and onto the floor. Jaz' legs were quivering after the session; the toy reached beneath the officer's equipment and played with his tight pucker. It made a few inquisitive grunts as it again looked blindly up at its master.
Jaz had seen the size of the rubber-covered tool of the toy and remembered Rob's advice. The only other tool he's ever seen as long and as thick belonged to Phil Zeeman, but the drop-dead handsome half-breed had never approached the subject with him. After all, the rookie was still a little shy sometimes. Particularly around him.
What the hell ... when am I gonna have this opportunity again?
Jaz grasped BlueMouth's hand and squeezed once. The toy sat back on its haunches. Waiting.
The leathered officer located a bottle of lube and came back to the toy. He rubbed a generous amount onto the huge rubber tool and licked his lips in anticipation of the experience to come. The heavy c-ring was nearly hot to the touch - obviously BlueMouth had been wearing this device for a considerable time.
Jaz got down on all fours and squirted an equally generous amount of the lube into his pucker. He slowly backed into the toy. As he bumped into BlueMouth, the object reached out and felt the other's muscular back and lightly ran covered hands down Romanov's muscular flanks. It felt the hard round curve of his ass. It got up on it's knees, located the pucker, grabbed Jaz by the waist, and thrust itself in.
The pain was intense, but fleeting. The rubbered tool - slick with lube - invaded him and the toy grasped his waist tightly as it pumped into him. BlueMouth was incredibly strong, and the leather officer reveled in the intense pistoning he was receiving. Suddenly, he felt a rush of heat as the rubbered human drove into him deeper than ever before. He could feel in the quivering of its arms that the object had spilled its seed within its enclosure. The two - officer and toy - stayed connected for a long moment - the only sound between them was the labored breathing of both.
* * *

When the toy felt the pull on its ring, it sank to its knees and began to search for Joshua's cock. It was about to bury itself onto Bateman's shaft, but the Lieutenant laid his latex-gloved hand over the toy's and squeezed twice. The toy stopped. Joshua had other ideas.
The lieutenant found the large plug he noticed earlier and lubed the tool up. The black plug glistened wetly in the overhead lights as the lube dripped down the shaft and onto his latex-covered hand. He approached RedMouth and applied slight pressure to a spot between its shoulderblades. Joshua wanted it bent over. The toy complied. Bateman's pulse roared in his head as he saw the dark pucker facing him and the trail of clear lube dripping out of the sheath's opening.

Bateman rolled the toy onto its back. RedMouth was breathing heavily and grunted as the base of the plug made contact with the floor. He stroked the toy's black face and nibbled along its jawline. RedMouth reached up a hand and returned the stroking gesture. Its breathing had calmed. Joshua stood up and placed his booted feet on either side of the toy's head. He got down on his knees; he stretched himself out over the toy and lowered his mouth onto the toy's rubbered shaft. RedMouth searched for and found Joshua's insistent member and inserted it into it's own scarlet sheath.
Thick shafts, heavy with need, found willing and eager throats. Each partner in the fandango held the other's waist as they moved in and out; gloved hands explored and caressed leather and latex. The toy moaned as Joshua felt the shaft in his throat swell and grow hot. He continued to suck and nibble the massive rubber tool as he bucked and released a torrent of himself into the other's willing cavity. The two continued to hold each other as they rested from their exertions.
Joshua got up first. He chuckled. Joe had been true to his word. These "toys" had been incredible. But there was still one more thing he wanted to do.
He squatted down and pulled RedMouth into a sitting position. He grabbed the toy by the waist and turned him over, so again it was on hands and knees. Joshua himself got on his knees and attempted to pull the plug out of the toy. The effort was harder this time; the tool was firmly embedded in the toy's chute, but with a liquid "plop", the massive plug was again freed from it's enclosure. The toy grunted as its anal cavity was once again available.
But not for long.
Joshua, turgid, grabbed the toy by its waist and thrust deeply into the now-empty cavity. His member was wrapped tightly by the anal sheath and it produced an indescribable feeling as his shaft buried itself deeper and deeper into the toy. The latex gripped him tightly and at the same time, provided additional resistance for his thrusts.
The toy grunted each time the lieutenant drilled into him and the knowledge that RedMouth could not speak was in itself a guilty pleasure for Bateman. The feeling of absolute power over the toy - albeit temporarily - was a potent aphrodisiac. Joshua felt the incipient pressure mounting within him and with a shout, erupted again into the toy's cavity. He held onto to the toy as he panted from his exertions. The toy, also worn out, slumped onto the floor.
* * *
"Damn, we should have these on hand all the time!"
"Oh, HELL yeah!" Jaz was leaning against the wall of the room, with BlueMouth cradled in his arms. The leather cop was playing idly with the cocklock as BlueMouth snuggled in his embrace.
Joshua pulled RedMouth to him and followed Jaz' lead. He held the toy against his chest and a deep sense of contentment filled him. He nestled the muscled bulk of the rubber body against his and felt the deep steady breathing and heartbeat of the toy.
He hugged RedMouth closer. "I wonder where TJ and Phil are?"
"It's not like them to be this late. I wonder if everything is okay? Hey ... wanna switch?"
"I'm beat. Besides, we should let these fellas rest up for the birthday boy and his lover."
At that point, Joe walked into the room. He had removed his gasmask and hood, but was still in his white latex suit. He looked at the tableau before him and smiled.
"I see you've enjoyed playing with the toys ... Rob and I were talking about something before ... we're thinking we should try and get some permanent toys for the Division ... what do you think, guys?"
"I like it! I like it a lot!" The leather cop hugged BlueMouth closer. "What about these two?"
"No, these were only temporary. In fact, they've been at it now for ..." he looked at the digital clock high on the wall.
"... about 10 hours. It's about time to let them out."

Weary, exhausted, but with a tired smile on his face, Phil looked up at Jaz. He licked his lips and gave a weak laugh that sounded more like a croak. He turned to Wolfe.
"Damn Joe, this has been the best day of my life!"
Jaz was thunderstruck by the unmasking. Phil was everything he thought he would be. And more.
"Phil, I didn't know it was you! Jesus Christ, I didn't hurt you, did I?"
Phil looked blearily at him, his face screwed up in concentration. Comprehension dawned slowly for the former toy as he reached up and removed the silicone ear plugs.
"Sorry Jaz, I couldn't hear a thing you said. I've been blind and deaf the whole time."
"I didn't hurt you?"
"Nah." He coughed. "The sheaths did a good job of protecting everything. Joe promised me a great party with TJ for his birthday and he made good on that!"

"Hiya boss! Did you have a good time? I sure did!"
Joshua still had on his latex mask and was a bit surprised that the rookie patrolman recognized him. For some strange reason, he was slightly embarrassed. He had used TJ in ways he would have otherwise balked at. He would never have treated one of his officers in the ways he used TJ while he was a toy.
"How did you know it was me?"
TJ gently hefted Joshua's substantial cock and balls in an ebon-covered hand. "I don't know anyone else who wears three cockrings. It's amazing how sensitive your sense of touch becomes when you can't see or hear."
"The guys were saying that having toys around the Division on a regular basis would be great. What do you think? You've experienced this from the toy end ... how would you like to do what Jaz and Josh did today?"
Phil cleared his throat. "I'd like it. A lot. I know when I first got rubbered up, it was terrifying. Not being able to see; not being able to hear - dependent on Rob and Joe here to make sure I was okay - but it changed. Once I was in the room with TJ, and I was able to hold him - I felt safe. I knew nothing was gonna happen to me that I didn't want to happen. I'd ... I'd do it again."
TJ chimed in. "When Rob and Joe came in and played with us, it was a MAJOR turnon. Then you two. Christ, it was amazing!"
He reached up to stroke Joshua's face, still behind the latex mask.
"Hell, if I treated a toy the same way you did me, it would be in heaven!"
During the conversation, Rob had entered the room. He, too had removed his mask, but continued to wear the latex suit which clung to his frame and moved like a second skin. He held up a DVD. It glittered in the light.
"Happy birthday, TJ!"
"What's that?"
"You. And Phil. And us." He nodded to the other two SMD officers. "Josh and Jaz too. From the beginning ... starting with the creme and the shower."
"Is that for me?"
"Well, yes and no. The unedited version is for you and Phil. The edited version ... which has everyone's face digitally altered -- is going to be the next video released by Lucio's adult entertainment division. What with the residuals and royalties, we're going to be rather well off patrol officers."
"What's it gonna be called?"
"Encasement - The Beginning."
* * *
First off, I have to thank my buddy Reid for his excellent portrayal of TJ as RedMouth. And as Joe Wolfe. The story could not have been anywhere as detailed without him. Check out his blog here
Well, there are some stories I want to write, and some stories I need to write. This one fell into the latter category. The fact that I enjoy the masking experience and becoming another person is one thing; the idea of donning the equivalent of a full body mask and becoming not another person, but a Thing - was an experience well worth the effort, equipment and cost.
I said in my very first post that I liked leather, latex and boots. Sort of like a fetish Trifecta. Realistic masks came later, and with them, the ideas for juxtapositions of real and unreal and even layering a black latex mask over a greyland or an SPFX, or vice versa.
In some ways, masking is an intensely personal experience. It is also an extremely liberating one. Each one of my masks - my alter egos - gives me a chance to act and think differently than I would ordinarily do. I've also experienced what I can only think of as "bleed-over" from some of my alter egos. Even in "real" life, I've found myself thinking and acting differently from what I would have done in the past and I can attribute it directly to the masking experience. "What would Duncan do?" or "How would Jason handle this?" -- even "What would Richard say?" have run through my mind on more than one occasion. The wonderful thing is, I know each of these guys is ME - I just have to let them float up to the top.
With this rubber outfit though, it was not a chance to be a different person, but a different Thing. A creature. Primal. I had the chance to NOT think. NOT say something. Only react.
It was a trip.