
Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Rant of the day: Politically incorrect fat-shaming

I have just about had it with the whole "I'm fat and I'm proud of it" thing.

You shouldn't be. It's not only unhealthy, but you look repulsive and you probably have body odor because of the high lipid intake metabolizing poorly. You know when someone drinks too much beer they "smell like a brewery"?? Well, boys and girls, a similar miasma permeates the air around you.

Fat-shaming is GOOD because it's the plain, unvarnished (and yes, painful) truth - whether you want to hear it or not. You probably got yourself into that predicament because of all the moral (and immoral) relativism around. If someone actually said to you, "You've put on some weight - you looked better when you were thinner" I sincerely doubt you'd be where you are today.

I can say this because I used to be a porker myself. The best day of my life was when I no longer had to go to the department store and get pants from the "husky" section. I went on a diet, exercised and lost about 60-70 pounds. Not using Slim-Fast. Not Nutrisystem. Not Jenny Craig. Just common sense and portion control. And I've kept it off for 38 years.

I can tell when I put on 5 pounds and I simply cut back on everything until I lose it.

This rant was brought to you by this picture.

I can only imagine what this guy looks like in regular clothes. Rubber can be slimming, but in this case, there's a limit of what it can compress. Honestly, if you want to feel sexy about yourself, looking like that, spend money on healthy food, and an exercise program. Just walk, for God's sake! That and swimming are the two best exercises around. And just imagine how sexy you'd feel when your pants start getting looser and looser!!

You may never get to look like a physique model, but you'll look a helluva lot better in rubber and everything else!

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