I'd been eyeing this muscle puppy for a few weeks now. He always came into the little grocery store near my apartment same time every Tuesday. He was well-built, with a bit of trimmed scruff on his face and gold-brown hair cut in a designer fade. You could tell he spent quality time at the gym, making sure everything was ripped, shredded and perfectly symmetrical. Tonight, he was wearing a snug pair of A&F jeans that accentuated his tight ass and well-built thighs and a muscle-cut henley that showed off his smooth, powerful arms and chest.
And tonight, he was going to become the property of Ray-Ray Johnson.
I bought a package of gum and left the store while he was still on the checkout line, and ducked around the corner into a side alley. In my pocket I had the bottle of ethylene and a rag. My plan was to attack him as he passed, knock him out and drag him through the service alley and up to my place to fuck and fist his ass.
In a few moments, I saw the striped shirt pass and rushed out with the chemical-soaked rag. I clamped it onto his face and dragged him back out of sight. The bag of groceries he carried dropped to the concrete as he struggled against me. In a few moments, his resistance faltered until he finally went limp in my arms.
* * *
I brought him up via the service elevator to my apartment. First thing I did was dampen two cotton balls with some of the ethylene and tucked them lightly into his nostrils. I use the stuff because it's pretty weak and doesn't have any side effects. I wanted him to stay unconscious until I was finished getting him prepped.
I unlaced and removed his Nikes. Then I undid his belt and pulled off the jeans. I grinned to myself as I stroked the long, hairless, muscular legs. Socks and briefs were next. I fished his wallet out of the back pocket and put it on the table. Gotta check that out. He had a nice thick cock - about 5" soft - and I chuckled as I ran a dark hand over the trimmed hair at his crotch - good to see he was a firm believer in manscaping. I was just going to take it to the next level.
I propped him against the wall and pulled off his shirt. Niiice. He was completely smooth - even his pits - and he had a black tribal swirl covering a powerful deltoid and extending up his trap and down onto a slabbed pectoral. The muscle-puppy had a tightly etched set of six-pack abs and highly defined obliques as well.
"Mmmm,mmmm,mmmm... Ah iz gonna enjoy fuckin' an' fistin' yo' ass, whiteboy... okay, up we go...." I lifted him into a chair and fastened two thick leather belts around his chest to keep him upright. His head lolled forward. Then I turned on the clippers and proceeded to shave his head and face. With the pile of hair on the floor and no longer on him, I admired my work and grinned. Much better already.
* * *
Next step was the shaving cream. I washed his head, face and crotch with very warm water and soap and then proceeded to shave the stubble off. Seeing him naked already had my black horsecock snaking down my shorts; then I decided to go all the way and shave his eyebrows off as well. Seeing him completely hairless got me absolutely rigid and dripping with lust.
"Awright, muscle-puppy... now we needz tah getz you reddy fo' Breedin'..." I put a pillow on top of the table and laid him stretched across it with his ass sticking out over the edge. I used zip ties and then duct tape to fasten his wrists and ankles to the legs. One important fact I learned from Jamie - his feet were off the floor to prevent any traction. And to create a complete feeling of helplessness. Then I wrapped a length of the tape over his mouth, around his newly shorn head and removed the cotton balls from his nose.
I checked his pucker and shaved off what little hair was there as well. I rubbed his little pink rosebud. That ass is gonna be all mine, soon.
I stripped naked and admired myself in the mirror - God, I loved being a brutha. And a felon. My nearly black eyes admired every inch of the muscular African thug that grinned back at me. My own bald head glistened in the lights and a fine sheen of sweat covered my powerful body. Combined with the gleaming c-ring encircling my heavy horsedick and sac, my CZ studs twinkled and the steel rings on my fingers and thumbs gave me a dangerous and predatory look.
I opened the puppy's wallet and thumbed through its contents as I waited for him to wake up.
* * *
About ten minutes later, I saw the captive twitch out of the corner of my eye. I squatted down in front of him so I would be the first thing he saw when he woke up.
In a few moments later, his blue-green eyes fluttered open and were filled with panic as he found a naked black man leering at him and his body immobilized.
"Ah been keepin' an eye on you fo' a while now, whiteboy ... an' Ah knew it wuz time you an' me gotz tah know each otha in da biblical sense."
He thrashed about and tried to get loose from the restraints but soon stopped as he panted heavily out of his nose.
"You ain't gettin' loose till Ah letz you go, Brian ... 'sides, dat'll give you time tah think up an 'xcuse explainin' how you lookz." I took a barber's mirror from behind my back and showed him his newly hairless self. His eyes widened in shock and fear.
"Yeahhh ... you lookz much better wiff no hair. Ah wuz gonna leave yo' eyebrowz, but den SLAVEZ don' need hair. Ain't necessary. Like clothez. All you needz now iz a collar tah show you iz a black man's prope'ty. Ah'm gonna fuck yo' ass so hard, you gonna be walkin' bowlegged fo' a month."
He made muffled shouting noises and violently shook his head. "Ain't gonna do you no good, whiteboy. Noboddy cain hear you. Dat's wat Ah luvz 'bout duct tape ... turnz 'No! No! No!' inta 'Mmm-mmm-mmm...'. An' afta Ah getz done wiff you, you iz gonna be beggin' a black man tah fill yo' ass up wiff hiz cock 'least once a day."
I stood up and walked around him. I stroked his flanks and then gave his ass a hard slap. Then I filled the butt injector with lube and shoved it into his hole. I pushed down the plunger and Brian squirmed as the viscous fluid filled his guts and dribbled onto the floor.
"Oh yeah ... dat muscle-boy ass ov yo's lookz reddy fo' summ serious stretchin' ..." I rubbed a generous amount onto my own aching black rod and gripped his tight waist with two dark hands. In a single brutal thrust, my thick ebon shaft rammed into his ass
The puppy screamed into his gag as I breached him and I soon set up a punishing rhythm as I drove in and out of his chute. It felt good fucking his ass - he was so tight, but my heavy-duty activity was loosening him up rapidly.
"You likez gettin' fucked up da ass, don' you Brian?" He made moaning noises. "'Course you do... all whiteboyz like gettin' fucked by big black men, don' d'ey? D'ey needz it like sunshine an' fresh air." I reached down and pinched his nose shut. He went wild as his air was cut off as I continued to fuck him hard. I let go and watched his torso heave as he sucked air back into his tortured lungs.
"Don' d'ey, whiteboy?? O' duz Ah gotta keepz smotherin' you 'till you answer me co-rectly?"
"Mmm-hmmm" I patted his ass. "Good boy." Then I started fucking him again.
* * *
I must have exploded three or four times inside of the puppy and emptied a few quarts of spunk into his intestines. I finally pulled out and smiled to see his now-gaping pucker dribbling a combination of lube, blood and cum onto the linoleum floor. He had stopped crying after the first time I unloaded in him and now seemed to grunting in pleasure as his ass was stuffed by my black man-meat.
"Ah ain't dunn wiff you yet, muscle-puppy. Not by a long shot." Brian was now slumped exhausted on the table and barely responded as I rubbed his asshole with a rough thumb.
I took the rings off my right hand and covered it in a thick syrupy glove of J-Lube. I poked one finger, then two, into the ass of the prone puppy before me. He groaned and shifted a bit as I pulled out and put three fingers into his ass.
"Uh-huh. All whiteboyz gotz t'be able tah take black cock an' black fist any time, any place... we gotz t'make sure you iz pree-pared, don' we? Seemz dem lessonz been missin' frum yo' fancy edumacayshun." I had found a Columbia University student ID card in his wallet.
Four fingers in. Brian was more alert now and was starting to buck against the invading digits. At this point I wasn't sure if he was trying to get more of my fingers in his ass, or trying to avoid them - but it really didn't matter to me. My captive continued to moan as I pulled out completely, leaving a gaping, greased-up hole that was begging to be filled.
I tucked my thumb beneath my fingers and then pushed my fist into his ass. The puppy sobbed as he was invaded by my hand. "Mmmm..." I felt a tremendous sense of satisfaction as I saw my extended hand vanish up his hole and my wrist being gripped by his much-loosened pink muscle-ring. God, this feels so right. This had to be the way Uncle Danny felt when he 'broke in' new baby cops at the precinct.
I rotated my hand inside his velvety darkness. "You likez handball, don'chu whiteboy?" I chuckled. "Damn fool question... Wat whiteboy don' ?" He continued to moan and I could now tell by the altered pitch that he was indeed enjoying our intimate connection. And he was definitely pushing back onto my fist to deepen the invasion. I was happy to oblige as I clawed deeper into his guts and watched as more of my arm vanished into his body.
I fisted him for about an hour and a half and got past the elbow. I looked at the clock on the wall - it was getting near nine o'clock and it was time to let the puppy go. Any later and there may be someone who was concerned about his whereabouts and began to ask questions.
I pulled out and rubbed the lube and cum off of my arm then soaked the rag in ethylene again. "Time fo' 'nother nap, Brian..." as I pushed it against his nose. He struggled weakly as the chemical knocked him unconscious once more, and when he was out cold, I stuffed his nose again so I could untie him and get him back outside without interruption.
* * *
Brian Hogan woke to find himself naked in a service alley behind a large apartment building. Despite the heat of the night, he shivered. Concrete walls rose up and all sides and lights from nearby windows served to faintly illuminate the dumpsters and various other refuse around him. The far end of the alley opened onto the street, and he could see some light activity and traffic going on before him. He was leaning against a brick wall with a plastic grocery bag in his lap.
He opened the bag to find his clothes, wallet, watch and phone. He stood up and began to quickly dress. His hands felt his shorn crotch and then traveled up to his face to find all his hair missing as well. His fingers then found a leather collar fastened around his neck and locked in place. Tears overfilled his eyes and ran down his cheeks. Oh dear God, it wasn't a nightmare. I was raped by a black guy... and I loved every minute of it.
On top of the dumpster was his bag of groceries as well. He crept out of the alley and stayed to the shadows as he made his way home.
* * *
I made a brief mention of this event in my last "Thug Tales" entry, so I figured it was time to expand upon that statement and give the readers a view into the actual occurrence.
Firmly settled into his thug persona, Charlie (as Ray-Ray) has indeed lost any inhibitions he previously had - both regarding sex and the willingness of the partner involved. As opposed to just acting out tableaus with like-minded patrolmen at the 41st Precinct, this is the first time the Transformed black man has actually committed a crime of assault and rape. And had no compunction about it.
Who knows what else will happen before he comes to his senses? Only time will tell...
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