(Just describing Jovian16's work was really not enough ... that artwork really deserved a story, so here it is... my only pet peeve is the concept violates the Law of Conservation of Mass, but that's the geek in me speaking!
And for the Blogger censors ... this a work of fiction - any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely coincidental. Language, situations and behaviors are only utilized within the confines of the story itself to enhance the story itself and do not represent any real-life circumstances in any way.)
"Havin' secund thoughts, bruh?"
Jasper Newsome looked at the capsule in the glassine bag and then up to muscular black man stretching next to him against the wall. He was wearing a pair of tight shorts that highlighted his incredible physique and intricate blackwork tattoos created an amazing sleeve down one powerful arm.
The Nubian grinned. "Dat ain't enuff blakformin fo' a perm'nent Change …. jus' enuff fo' you t'see wat da new an’ improved YOU wood be. Dat amount'll only last fo' a few dayz… an' den you be back t'bein' jus' da way you iz now."
"Mom and Dad are still mad as hell at you, Davey… they can't understand why you decided to Change…"
" 'Cause Ah cain do shit az a Changed black man dat Ah nevva cood bein' jus' a whiteboy! Ah gotz such a BOOST becummin' wat Ah iz now, Jaz! IQ, musclez, stamina, improv'd hearin' and eyesight, Ah cain't getz sick, Ah don' git old …" He laughed. "Ah'm handsumm az fuck an' Ah gotz a HUGE set ov cock an' ballz dat seez plenty ov ackshun…" David Newsome rubbed his crotch and his baby brother stared at the massive bulge growing in his shorts. "White guyz make da best black men!"
"What happens to black guys that take the drug?"
"Far as Ah know – blakformin don' do shit fo' dem… but it workz on latinos an' asians too... makez alla us inta big an' HOT ovvasexx'd muscle-bruthas..."
"What about the, uh … you know… the uh…."
"Need ta breed?"
Jasper nodded.
"Yeah, dat's true. Once you Change, you needz t'fuck like nevva befo' … an' you reely needz t'fuck GUYZ…"
The younger Newsome swallowed hard, but his brother continued.
" ...'Cause nuthin' feelz az good as shovin' yo' big black cock up summboddy's ass … 'less'n itz gettin' a monster dick up yo' own…"
"Doesn't that hurt?"
The black man shook his head. "Nope. Well, jus' a bit. An' only da firs' few timez... Only REEL pain in da ass iz gettin' new legal shit like driverz licensez an' diplomas… but itz pretty qwik now dat so many whiteboyz iz Changed bruthas now…" He pulled a wallet out and handed it to his brother.
Jasper looked at the ID cards with a look of surprise. "You changed your name to 'DeWayne Nelson' ?"
He chuckled and nodded. "Makez da whole process easier. Out wiff da old an' in wiff da new! Still gotz da same job an' doin' da same shit… payin' da same taxes... Nuthin' chang'd. 'Cept me… an' wat Ah wearz ... o' not ... at work..."
His brother gave him a questioning look. Dewayne grinned. "Jewelry likez CZ studs in mah earz; steel bracelets or beadz wrapped 'round mah wrists an' steel ringz on ev'ry finga. ... sumptimez jist a leatha harness, shortz, an' combat bootz, rubba shit, jockstrapz, compression tees an' camo pantz... hevvy chainz lock'd round mah neck... an' dey cain't do a fuckin' thing 'bout it..."
The black man grew serious. "You tellz yo' momma an' daddy wat you iz thinkin' ov doin'?" Jake noticed that he no longer referred to them as 'mom' or 'dad' – they had disowned him after his Change, and he had taken their disapproval in stride; they were Jasper's parents – not his. Not any longer.
"I… I told them I wanted to see what it was like. Mom started crying and dad told me if I did it, he'd disown me too. He said I had no right to put mom through losing both her sons."
DeWayne scowled. "He always wuz an ovvabearin' fucker, Jaz. My way o' da highway… an' bowff ov dem ain't above usin' guilt - an' plenty ov it - t'get wat dey wantz outta you…" Jasper wanted to argue with his brother, but deep down, he knew he was correct; both his parents were master manipulators.
The dark-skinned man took the capsule back. "You cain stayz wiff me durin' yo' tryout. An' if'n you decidez to Change an' becumm da new and improv'd you, you cain live wiff me and my budz… jus' comez ovva whenevva you iz reddy. But no matta wat, you gotz t'finish school firs'... you 'kay wiff dat?" Jasper nodded and the Nubian kissed his brother on the forehead. "An' now you shood head back home befo' dey sendz da copz out afta me fo' kidnappin' you…"
* * *
"Hey! You gotta be Jaz! Mah namez Jace … Jace Monroe... C'mon in!"
Jasper had texted his brother about his decision and had headed up to his apartment. The man opening the door was dark chocolate brown and sported a lean and ripped physique with a razor-cut stache and chinstrap beard; his short, curly black hair was in a tight fade. He was naked except for a skimpy maroon thong that left nothing to the imagination. He gave him the youngster a bright white smile and ushered him into the living room.
"Wayne! Yo baby bro iz here!"
DeWayne Nelson entered and gave his brother a huge smile and a crushing hug. The black man had just come out of the shower and was pulling on a pair of Calvin Kleins; Jasper noticed that his brother sported two or three steel cockrings around his considerable endowment. Even semi-soft, his brother's ebon cock and balls were enormous.
"So, wat's happenin' ?"
"Mom stopped talking to me after I told them I wanted to see what being a black man was like. Dad said, 'I can't stop you from trying this… this… abomination, but if you decide to stay that way, don't come home. You're no longer our son.' "
His brother made a disgusted grunt. Jace shook his head. "Whatta piece ov shit…"
Another man entered the room. His dark skin gleamed and his musculature and size rivaled that of Jasper's brother. He gave the young Newsome a wide smile and a wink.
Like the other two black men, he was nearly naked, wearing only a tight black pair of micro-rowers. "Hey bud… Wayne's tol' us all 'bout you! Ah'm Deke Wilson." He lifted the young man off the ground and gave him a crushing hug and laughed. "Dayumm, you iz one cute little whiteboy!"
"We iz going to da Adam Lounge inna few hourz … dat's a local sex club. You wanna cumm wiff us? As a brutha?"
Jasper looked at the three nearly naked black men… and nodded.
* * *
Jasper stood in front of the floor length mirror. He was naked, save for a pair of stretchy lycra rowers and shivered slightly in the cool air. "What's going to happen now, Davey…sorry…Wayne?"
"Once da blakformin getz inta yo' bloodstreem, you is gonna git summ reel bad…"
"Aughhhh!!!" Jasper groaned and doubled up.

"...stomach cramps… afta dat, you iz gonna feel reel sore az you startz growin'…"
The cramps continued and then began to abate. Jasper felt a deep ache in all his muscles and bones and stretched to try to alleviate the pain. "Oh Christ, this hurts..."
"You iz getting bigger, bruh. You iz gettin' taller and puttin' on some nice muscle, too…"
Deke chuckled. "Yeahhhh...you iz gettin' t'be one hot-lookin' fuckable whiteboy, Jaz!"

The pain faded and Jasper turned to look at himself in the mirror. "Damn…"
The young man viewed his reflection. He had added at least thirty pounds of muscle and had grown at least five inches. He facial features had strengthened and become more defined and matured as well; overall he looked to be in his mid-twenties (versus his actual sixteen years).
"This is amazing…" he turned around and admired himself from different angles.
"You ain't dunn yet, bruh…"

The aching started again, but not quite as intense this time. Jake watched in the mirror as he continued to grow. At the same time, his skin was growing darker and darker, and his features began to shift into those of a striking Nubian male. In a few more moments, the pain vanished and he stared at the handsome-as-hell, powerfully muscled black man he had become. Jasper now sported dark hair on his head, cut into a very short, tight fade, and his brown-black eyes were surmounted by heavy ebon brows. He stared wide-eyed at the impressive muscle-brutha he had become. The rowers were stretched to the ripping point on his newly massive quads and lower body. He fondled his silky dark skin and felt the incredible heft of his newly enlarged manhood.
"Fuckkk…." He surprised himself by his (much) deeper voice.
His brother grinned in appreciation. "Dayumm… you is one reel handsumm fucker now, Jaz… you def'nitely needz summ cock ringz to keep dat monsta tool reddy fo' breedin' !!"
"Shee-it… Ah cain't be-leeve dis iz me…" I'm almost as big as Deke... He did a front double-biceps and his muscles burst into obscene definition. A bright white grin split his now dark ethnic visage. The newly developed thick lips and wider nose completely dominated the lower third of his face.
Jace sidled up to him and gave him a deep kiss on the lips. "Itz STUNNIN', ain't it?? Dis iz da new an' improv'd version of you, Jaz. An' if'n you takez da Change all da way, you iz gonna feel even mo' amazin' than you doez now..." Jaz held the other man's face in his dark hands and returned the kiss as the two mens' tongues dueled within.
"Mmmmm…." He fondled the other man's package and felt it grow and twitch beneath his fingers. Oh hell yeah, being like this was like winning the lottery...
Jace turned to Deke – "Getz summ lube, bruh. We gotz t'get Jaz here used to takin' big black cock up da ass so he don' git hurt to-nite…"
Deke jogged into another room. He called back. "No worries, Jaz… we iz gonna deep-dick you nice an' slow now so d'ere ain't no problemz at da sex club…"
He came back with a large bottle of Gun-Oil and pulled off his rowers.
Jace and Dewayne did the same.
The newly transformed black man grinned at the naked trio and peeled off his too-tight rowers as well. "Ah cain't wait!"