(For the Blogger censors ... this a work of FICTION - any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely coincidental. Language, situations and behaviors are only utilized within the confines of the post to enhance the story itself and do not represent any real-life circumstances in any way.)
TONYAfter we got back to his apartment, Ray fished out a takeout menu and made a call. He ordered the stuff we normally got – beef with broccoli, General Tsao's chicken, lots of brown rice and egg rolls.
"You wantz summ chow fun too, bruh?" I nodded and he added that to the order. About twenty minutes later, the buzzer rang and Ray pushed the button to let the delivery guy up. We both were still nearly naked – after our fuck-fest in the alley we had just pulled our cutoffs back on – and he sauntered to the door and opened it.
"Hey Jason! You cain putz dem bagz on da table…" Ray gave the delivery boy a big grin. "Lemme getz summ cash… how much Ah owez you?" The young half-Asian returned the smile and came in, depositing two plastic bags on the dining room table.
"Twenty-four fifty, Mr. Johnson…"
God, he was handsome as fuck. Rangy and muscular, he was built like a dancer and his half-open white shirt and snug jeans did nothing to hide the amazing body beneath them. His hair was silky black and wavy and cut stylishly short. I got a thorough once-over, with his dark, almond eyes making a full stop at my crotch. He stepped over to me and ran his hands gently over my chest and down my arms.
"Mmmm…. Nice ink, mister…." He leaned down and gave my nipple a lick.
At that point, Ray came back in. He had pulled a red baseball cap backwards on his bald head. A dark hand pushed two twenties into the delivery guy's back pocket, and then pulled him around to hold his face and give him a deep kiss.
My partner winked at me. "Jason here alwayz bringz mah stuff 'cause he knowz he getz hisself an xtra-speshul tip…" Jason grinned and started unbuttoning his jeans.
"Dis iz mah buddy, Tony. Lookz like you iz gonna getz yo'self TWO xtra-speshul tipz dis time, China-boy…" Ray pulled down his cutoffs and kicked them off. His ebon horsecock was rigid and ready for action.
Jason grinned as he continued to strip. In a moment, he was as naked as my partner. "Guess this is my lucky day, Mr. Johnson … I guess I should buy a Powerball ticket tonight, huh?? ..."
Ray grabbed Jason by the waist and hoisted him up as the Asian wrapped his legs around the dark torso and his arms around Ray's muscular neck. The two headed towards the bedroom.
The thug looked over his shoulder and motioned me to follow.
"Yeah, dat's a good idea … if'n you iz able tah walk afta we getz dunn wiff you…"
* * *
The delivery boy limped out of the apartment after the two of us had drilled his ass several times, and Ray fisted him past the elbow for good measure. We didn't even bother to get dressed to eat the takeout. After we finished most of the meal, both of us were horny as hell again and ready for some additional horsefucking.
"Letz do it on da bed..." He chuckled. " 'less'n you wantz me tah put you inna armlock an' fuckz you 'gainst da wall???…"
As we were naked already we went into his bedroom when he shoved me onto the mattress. Ray fished out two pairs of handcuffs from the night table and gave me wicked white grin. He snapped one end of the cuffs onto each of my wrists.
"Put dem gunz ov yo's out fo' me, Tony." He straddled me and gave me a deep kiss; then he pulled my arms up and out and cuffed each one to an eyelet set in the wall above the corners of the headboard. I was now completely at his mercy. His dark hands stroked down my lats and I shivered at the touch.
"Damn…" I grinned. He definitely knew how to get me excited.
"Mmmmm-hmmmm…mah stable stud needz lotsa deep ass-fuckin' by hiz owner 'least once a day tah keepz 'im in line…" he pulled the metal plug out of my ass and proceeded to lift my legs onto his shoulders. Then he poured a jacket of lube onto his nine hard inches and plunged his thick black dick back into my guts.
Both of us were grunting with pleasure; I was hard as a rock and leaking as well while Ray continued to piston in and out of my ass. As I watched the sweat make his darkly muscled body gleam, I realized I couldn't think of him either as anything but what he had shifted into - I was being raped by a sex-hungry African felon. There wasn't a 'Charlie' any longer ... only a 'Ray'. The thug my partner had truly become was more vocal, more aggressive, more daring … a real cocky black lowlife without a shred of morals – he was everything I now wanted to be myself.
After a particularly deep thrust, he groaned and I felt a thick warmness fill my guts as he erupted within me. He gave me a triumphantly evil grin which fit perfectly on his dark face. "You likez dis, don'chu, Tony? You reelly luvz gettin' yo' ass raped by a muscle-brutha now, huh?" He pulled out and straddled me again, running his dark-brown hands over my arms and grasping my shackled hands in his own. He bent down and gave me a hard, possessive kiss. "An' Ah luvz havin' you nekkid an' cuff'd unnerneath me ... jus' where you whiteboyz oughtta be alla da time... 'speshully copz."
"Shitchyeah, Ray. It's a completely different level. Being locked up and drilled by a black fucker like you is incredible."
He gave a deep chuckle and kissed me again. "Glad it getz you excitable, whiteboy..." He slid down my body and gave my aching prong a lick. " ... 'Cause you iz gonna be gettin' LOADZ ov bruthas' spunk up dat sweet cop ass ov yo's to-nite!"
With that, he swallowed my shaft and began to suck.
* * *
I think I may have passed out for a minute or two – after I exploded down his throat, my vision went black, and the next thing I knew, the Nubian thug was removing the cuffs.
"Letz get you reddy fo' da Greasetank, stud. Like I sed, we gotz tah keep da fact dat you iz a cop on da down-low an' make sure dat no one cain figger out who you really iz…"
He reached out a dark hand and helped pull me off the bed. As I stood, I felt some of his cum leak out of my ass and dribble down my leg.
Ray loped over to the dresser and came back shaking a small spraycan. "Zack sed dis stuff coverz up tats. Sed it makez 'em completely in-visible. Lemme clean you off firs' wiff summ alcohol."
The Nubian thug left the bedroom and returned with a bottle of isopropyl and a roll of paper towels. He proceeded to wipe down my arms and chest with the stuff and I got a bit dizzy from the fumes as it evaporated. I sat down heavily on the bed.
"You 'kay?"
"Yeah, just a little light-headed…"
"Letz see how dis works…" He popped the cap off and proceeded to lightly spray the military skull on my pec with a zigzag motion until it was completely covered. It smelled even worse than the alcohol.
I looked down. "Ray, this stuff is fucking PINK!!!" I couldn't believe it. I was pissed. I had this shiny, easter-bunny pink splotch on my chest. "Jeez, I look like I was on the losing end of a paintball fight!"
"Dayumm…" He shook his head. "Zack sed ta givez it 'bout ten minnits ta dry off – if'n dat shit still lookz dis bad, Ah gotz da solvent he gavez me tah cleanz it off wiff…"
I was still muttering under my breath as I went back into the living room to get my bag of leathers. When I came back into the bedroom, Ray's brown-black eyes grew wide.
"Shee-it!! Tony! Look at yo' chest!" I went over to the mirror and my mouth dropped open in shock; my tat was gone. In its place was a smooth expanse of unbroken skin that was the exact shade as the rest of my chest – as I watched, a tiny spot of pink – right in the middle – faded and disappeared. I felt my other pec and then the one that had had the ink – they felt exactly the same – I rubbed my left pec HARD with my fingers – nothing came off and my fingers were completely clean.
"Jesus…" This was amazing.
Ray shook the spraycan again. "Lemme do yo' arms, stud…"
* * *
Half an hour later, the spray had completed it work – there was not a spot of ink visible on my chest or arms. It was more than a bit disorienting to not see the extensive ink that had been part of my Initiation into the Four-One any longer.
I had slipped the harness over my chest and had pulled on a leather jock with a snap-on pouch. Even semi-hard, my junk made an obscene bulge thanks in part to the steel prison still locked around my cock and balls.
I had strapped some heavy leather gauntlets around my wrists (and forearms) as well – they had three buckles each, and the thick steel D-rings glittered in the light. I grinned as I adjusted the items of my equipage in the mirror. Damn, I look good in just skin and leather... I wish I could wear it 24/7... I was just about finished tying my Corcorans when Ray came back into the room.
He was similarly kitted out – a full leather harness stretched itself over his massive chocolate-colored torso, with a strap disappearing down into a fully packed leather pouch - and his ladder-laced paratrooper boots gleamed with a fresh shine. He was holding a piece of black leather in his hand and shook it out to display a full over-the-head mask with a zipper and laces.
His thick lips quirked into a sly grin. "Letz make shure dis fitz you good … r'memba, you iz mah stable stud to-nite – you da one dat makez sure alla mah whiteboyz knowz how t'make d'eir Nubian masta happy…"
He slipped it over my head. The hood was made of perforated, glove-soft leather – just like a high-end racing suit. My field of vision was completely unchanged; sight itself was a little dimmer than normal, but it was okay; the mask had grommeted openings for my nostrils and a black zippered opening for my mouth.
"Feelz good, Tony?" Ray smoothed the hair on the back of my head and pulled the zipper down. The mask suddenly grew tighter. He gave the back of my neck a kiss.
"Yes Sir. Thank you Sir." I'd better get used to addressing him that way for tonight.
He chuckled. "Dis iz like da mask Ah wore at mah 'Nitiation…" I remembered that mask. It had molded to his face and had looked so incredibly HOT on a ripped and shredded guy wearing just leather strapping and boots. "Only da best fo' mah numba-one slave."
Ray started to tighten the laces. I could feel him stretching the kangaroo leather cord through the eyelets and giving each horizontal pair a tug as he proceeded downwards. The leather was now tightly against my face, and surprisingly, I found that I could now see even better. The mask tightened further around my neck, and I felt my master make a knot and tuck the laces up into the mask. Then he was fiddling with the back and I heard a SNICK.
"Ah lock'd da las' pair ov eyelets t'gether so's no one cain take dat offa you 'cept me…"
This was followed by a two-inch leather collar which he wrapped around my neck and locked as well. My partner then zipped up my mouth opening and locked it too.
To finish off, Ray wrapped a thick steel chain around my neck and fastened it with a Master lock. He nodded in appreciation.
"Now, bend ovva an' grab yo' ankles…"
I felt him push something heavy into my ass. It was a metal plug, but it wasn't as big as the one in the alley. He gave it a tug to make sure it was settled into my guts and was tight against my pucker, then he did something to it. At once, I felt it grow larger and larger inside of me. Then I heard a CLICK as its growth stopped. He slapped my ass for me to straighten up.
I grunted as a cramp passed through my guts.
"What'd you put up my ass, Ray?" My voice was muffled as I reached around to feel a smooth, curved metal plate covering my hole with an elevated section right in the middle with another, smaller irregular section rising in the center of that.
"Expandin' ass lock. Once Ah putz it in, it openz it up an' lockz in place. Cain't cumm out wiffout unlockin' it, an' Ah'm da only one wiff yo' keyz."
He proceeded to thread that key onto a chain along with its mates for my mask and collar and slipped it over his head.
Then he handed me a pair of black patrol gloves and I slipped them on. They were so so tight the impressions of my nails dimpled the leather.
"Takez a look at yo'self, whiteboy..."
I turned around to look in the mirror and stared in awe. It was a shock to see myself without ink, and the tight hood, collar and chain around my neck - all locked and unable to be removed - presented a completely different – but no less sexually intimidating – image than before. I was truly Ray's property now – and I loved it. I ran my gloved hands over my body and my cock thickened in pleasure, making the snap-on pouch bulge to near bursting.
Ray licked his thick lips. "You iz one FIIINE lookin' stable stud slave, Tony … a reel intimidatin' muthafucka. Letz get summ clothes on so's we don' getz arrested on da way to da Greasetank."
* * *
Tony and I pulled on some warmup pants and windbreakers and headed out. I loved the appalled looks we were getting both on the street and on the subway: a ripped and shredded mean-as-fuck bald, black thug fondling a huge, muscular guy in an eyeless leather mask – I could tell my partner was enjoying it as well as our two crotches ground against each other as his hands massaged my ass. In our own ways, we were both completely incognito and we took advantage of that situation all the way to the Greasetank.
"Wat da fuq 'chu lookin' at, huh?" I shouted at the people in the subway car. "Dis is mah piece of slave-meat an' Ah cain do wat Ah wantz wiff it!"
After about forty-five minutes, we got off of the train and began walking towards the sex club. We stripped off our jackets and once we got on line, the two of us – Tony in particular - received some amazingly appreciative glances.
"Who's the gimp, Ray?"
"Duz he LOOK like a fuckin' gimp, Dennis? Dis iz mah stable stud. Trainz allz mah whiteboyz t'be reddy fo' reg'lar fuckin' an' fistin' ev'ry day…" Tony definitely looked the part with his promethean frame highlighted by the leather strapping and his muscles rippling beneath his skin.
"He got a name?"
"Not no mo' … you gotta a name, slaveboy?" I stroked his sweaty back and Tony shivered.
"No, Sir." His voice was well-muffled. "I'm my master's personal fuck machine." Another benefit of that mask… no one could recognize his voice, either.
"Well, shit…" Dennis' eyebrows rose in appreciation.
The line moved rapidly, and soon we were in the club. The two of us went into the changing room and we quickly removed the track pants and put the rest of our clothing (including his pouch) into a locker. I opened the zipper over Tony's mouth and refastened the lock onto one of the pulls as we headed into the club proper. My partner's featureless black face looked around in amazement.
"Dis yo' firs' time?"
He nodded. He put his hooded face close to my ear to be heard over the music. "Sarge wouldn't let me come here without him... he said I wasn't ready..."
I looked around the venue – there was plenty of meat for both of us tonight.
"Letz fin' you summ Breedin' stock…"
* * *
Ray clipped a leash onto my collar and we moved deeper in the club. My cock was painfully hard and leaking as I watched the goings-on about me and with every step, the expanded plug in my ass ground against my prostate, giving me a constant buzz of pleasure. I was grateful for the featureless leather mask - I was guiltily enjoying the sights and I was completely anonymous as my partner's property.
He was a good as his word – in no time, I had this cute Latino – dressed in jeans with his plaid shirt tied around his waist – stripped naked, locked onto a padded sawhorse and was fucking him senseless. The guy was crying out as he was being penetrated, and his cries only served to amp my thrusts in and out of his ass. My vision dimmed at the edges, and I exploded within him. Ray gave my chain a jerk and I pulled out, stepping to the side. He gave the mocha ass that was dribbling lube and cum a thoughtful look and then rammed his fist into the waiting hole.
The twenty-something screamed as Ray's fist, then forearm, vanished into his guts. My partner widened his stance and began grinding his arm deeper into the captive beneath him. He kept at it and managed to get his nineteen-inch bicep into the Latino beneath him before he passed out. Then he pulled out and started again.
Ray finally finished and was wiping off his arm with paper towels; the figure sprawled over the sawhorse was whimpering in Spanish.
He patted my ass; "Nice work, whiteboy."
"Thank you, Sir." I stood at parade rest.
I realized that we had had company. A bunch of guys were around us and had been enjoying the spectacle we had provided.
Two were heavily muscled black thugs wearing only cutoff jeans and work boots; another was a big Dominican with a sinfully evil smirk and the final member was a mean-looking brawny white guy in tight racing leathers with his cock and balls encased in rubber and jutting out - ready for action.
"That is one fine-looking side of beef, Ray. Anyone we know?" The blatino grinned and stroked my chest.
Ray smiled back. "Dis iz mah stable stud, Tavi. He getz mah prop'ety in da right headspace… an' butt-space… fo' bein' own'd by a brutha. Also beatz da shit outta 'em when dey misbehave..."
"Well, Ah hopez we cain sample dat fine ass ov hiz later…" One of the black guys stroked my back and fondled the large piece of metal covering my pucker and gave a hiss of exasperation. "Jeez, Ray – you an' ass lockz…"
My owner chuckled. "Ah tol' you, Kevin… 'cause you needz permission t'get inta mah hole o' any holez dat belong tah me, dey stayz closed to da public…"
The guy in racing leathers spoke up, slowly stroking his cock with a leathered hand. "How is he with tops?" Shit, I'd love to take that giant rubber cock up my ass...
Ray gave him an evil smile. "You volunteerin', Chris? He'd break you in haff..."
The biker shook his head. He scanned the room and then pointed to a powerfully muscled leatherman that was currently fucking another well-built guy cuffed and strung up to a large pipe running across the ceiling.
"No, that one."
My master turned to me and unclipped the leash. "Go an' soften 'im up fo' me, stud."
I cracked my knuckles through the thin patrol gloves. "Yessir!"
* * *
I walked across the floor and stopped about thirty feet away from the other two men. Despite the fact that for all intents and purposes I appeared to be Ray's slave (or maybe because of it), I was given a wide berth by both tops and bottoms alike. My subject had stopped fucking the guy in chains and was currently stroking a gloved hand down his powerfully muscled back. At that point, I saw that the chained guy was bleeding from some very deep, very nasty-looking lashes in his back.
I also realized that the gloved guy was wearing a sidearm and holding a whip. He pulled out a Red and lit it, surveying his work.
"Hmmm... I don't think you've learned your lesson yet, mate..." He had an Australian accent. The bottom of the whip shifted on the floor, looking like a snake ready to strike.
"P-please Sir ... no more, I can't take no m-more..." The chained guy was sobbing.
The whip wielder tsked. "Rubbish. I've only just started on you, luv... You'd be amazed at how much pain a bloke can take... and next time, when you're told to pull your head in, you will..." He pulled his arm back to strike again, and that's when I stepped in.
I grabbed the end of the whip and yanked. He was so surprised that the handle jerked right out of his hand. He was even more surprised when he turned around to see a faceless leatherslave toss the whip away, grab his arm, twist it around his back and lock it painfully behind him in an unbreakable grip. Then I frogmarched him back to Ray and his buddies.
* * *
Otis whistled as he watched Tony's takedown of the leatherman with the whip. The black man gave me an impressed, but suspicious look.
"Dayumm, he good. He a cop?"
Shit. Think quick. It would be disastrous if anyone here, particularly the Resnikov brothers, found out that cops were regular customers here.
"Nope. Speshul Forces. Mah boy got discharg'd afta two tours in Afghanistan. Hiz haid gotz all fuck'd up - PTSD o' summ shit - stripp'd hisself nekkid an' beat a guy ta death."
Tony and his captive arrived. The other guy was squirming and cursing a blue streak; Tony tightened his armlock. His curses turned to screams of agony. Tony shook the leatherman like a rag doll.
"You don't fucking talk like that in front of my Master! Understand?"
"Sorry, mate. Sorry... Aaauuughhhh!!!" The captive was sobbing now.
I motioned to my property for the night. "Let 'im go, whiteboy." Tony hesitated.
"Ah sed… Let 'im GO!" I gave him an open-handed slap across the leather of his mask.
"Yes Sir, Sorry Sir." Tony released him and the man stumbled in front of us. I hooked a leg and he crashed to floor.
Then I booted him in ribs. I grinned as I watched him curl up in pain and kicked him again. And again.
Otis and Kevin each grabbed an arm and hauled him to his feet. "Ah thinkz dis sumbitch needz sling time fo' summ attitude a'justment…" The topman yelled as Tavi proceeded to strip him naked and the three of them locked him in a nearby sling. Then I tossed Tony a bottle of lube and told him to fuck him senseless.
My slave proceeded to rape the leatherman with violent enthusiasm. I patted a massive shoulder. "An' don' stop breedin' dat muthafucka till you cummz at leas' twice."
A much larger crowd gathered to watch. Obviously, this was not a well-liked customer at the Greasetank and many were cheering at his comeuppance. I gave my buddies a knowing grin as his sobbing was replaced now with groans of pleasure from Tony's attack on his ass.
I grabbed his stubbled lantern jaw. "You ain't no reel Top, you l'il bitch." I slapped his face. Tony finished and pulled out, standing to the side, his cock dripping with cum and lube. I grabbed the bottle of Gun Oil and coated my arm and hand, closed my fist and punch-fucked my forearm into his ass.
His shrieks even drowned out the music. He continued to scream as I twisted my arm within his guts.
"Who be yo' masta?" Tony gave him a quick jab to the face. No answer. He punched him even harder. Blood starting running out of his nose.
"Who. Be. Yo'. Fuckin'. Masta??"
He took a shuddering breath... "You…"
"You… WAT, muthafucka?"
"You... Sir!!"
A satisfied smile creased my face. I poured more lube onto my arm and turned to Tavi.
"Make sure mah boy here getz summ mo' muscle-puppies tah breed raw, bruh? Ah gotz t'finish up here an' den Ah think dat Chris wantz t'sample da goodz...??"
Chris gave an evil chuckle as Tavi and Tony walked away and I began to force the rest of my arm up his ass.
* * *
Tavi was an excellent host - I was brought into a playroom and before long I had a young inked and bearded stud strapped over a padded sawhorse to be Bred. I raped him mercilessly and his cries only served to amp my enjoyment of his situation; Ray's buddy brought in five more before I was finally milked dry. After the third one, my Master joined me and before each puppy was released, the Nubian thug either fucked or fisted them as well.
"You havin' a good time, whiteboy?" He was cleaning off his muscular arm of the jacket of lube, mucus and blood from our final puppy.
My eyeless face turned to him "This place is amazing, Ray! I can get away with anything here! The guys here are hot as fuck, too…"
Suddenly, I found myself grabbed on either side by Otis and Kevin, the two huge black men that had forced the whip guy into the sling and was immobilized in their grip.
"Glad tah hear dat, slave – since you gonna be da main attraction afta we getz you reddy…"
I stumbled along as I was brought to very small cell where my wrists were locked to the walls with two pair of heavy-duty handcuffs.
"Ray! What the fuck are you…" A thick, penis-shaped gag was shoved in my mouth. Ray quickly zipped the opening shut and locked it once more. I continued struggling and grunting at the black men smirking at me and my imprisonment.
My partner winked to the other thugs. "He knowz he be my speshul slave, but ev'ry few monthz he needz sumpthin' t'remind him he still be mah prop'ety…"
Ray disappeared behind me and I felt him doing something to the plug embedded in my ass. Suddenly I felt a jolting electric shock through my body.
Ray moved in front of me and grinned. "You needz some 'lectro tah getz you calmed down. Ah'll be back inna few hours…"
I screamed and arched my back as another massive jolt ran through me. Ray sauntered out of the cell and pulled the iron-barred door shut with a heavy CLANG.
"Hav fun, whiteboy!"
* * *
Tony kept pulling at restraints with no success. Shocks – different types - and at different intervals - ripped through his muscular body. No two were the same in terms of frequency or power, either. Eventually, the leathered slave passed out - his body stood limp and twitched as voltage surged through the metallic intruder embedded in his chute.
* * *
Consciousness returned like an engine sputtering on fumes. I woke up to find myself flat on the floor with Ray's boot on my chest and my arms locked behind my back. I struggled to get up, but my Master's boot pushed me flat on the floor.
"Get 'im in da sling." Otis and Kevin pulled me up and removed the cuffs then proceeded to lock my wrists and ankles into a sling. I struggled and grunted to free myself. But as with my time in the cell, the restraints were too strong to escape. Nevertheless, I continued to writhe until Ray's dark hand grabbed my balls and squeezed. My featureless face looked over in panic to see his angry mien.
"Stop dat shit NOW, whiteboy..." I quieted down as the black man's hand squeezed harder, then released. He then snapped the pouch over my package once again.
At that point, I realized the room was full and a loud murmuring filled the air. Ray let loose a piercing whistle which quieted down the men present; I turned my head to see at least twenty heavily-muscled leathermen - black, brown and white. All were grinning. Waiting. With a shock, I also recognized several officers from the Four-One. Without my ink, I wasn't ME - I was just another piece of slave meat to them to be as violently abused as they wanted, with no repercussions whatsoever.
"Who wantz ta fuck mah stable stud? Two yards a pop… c'mon, c'mon... Step up! Step up!"

"Now, dis ain't jus' ANY bottum boi tah plow… mah stud needz t'be fuck'd hard an' ruff an' deep ... but if'n you damage mah prop'ety, you gonna get zapped…"
Ray pulled out a taser wand and jabbed it between dark pecs of other black man.
"OW!!" The thug stumbled back and landed on his ass. He rubbed the spot with a wounded look on his face.
The hulking black man nodded, and Ray put out a hand to help him back up. Then he gave him bottle of lube.
The dark-skinned thug covered his prong with a thick jacket of the oily liquid, grabbed my thighs, and shoved himself in.
I was violently raped repeatedly over the course of several hours. Most were black men, some were latinos, and even one or two were the boys I bred previously that evening. Some got tasered when Ray felt they were 'messin' wiff hiz prop'ety' and I felt the electric shock thru the guy's cock in my ass. All of the officers from the Four-One had participated as well... some more than once.
Finally, it was over. Ray held up his hand. "Okay, dat's enuff. Lemme getz mah boy clean'd up."
After some grumbling, the room cleared. My ass ached and continued to dribble cum onto a growing puddle on floor. Ray hummed happily to himself as riffled through a huge stack of bills and then tucked them into his jock. With weary eyes, I watched as my master reinserted the ass lock and expanded it in place. Finally, the dark-skinned thug unlocked the mouth zipper and removed the penis gag.
I licked my lips and coughed. "Jesus Christ…"
Ray grinned at his property. "Y'know, Tony, itz SO sexy seein' a bound up, faceless whiteboy in nuthin' but leathers an' a giant steel plug wiff cum drippin' outta hiz ass…"
I coughed again and he kissed me.

"Wha- what…huh??"
"You ain't deaf, bruh... Yo' slave-boy hole made uz Ovva. Eight. Thousan'. Dollas." Ray proceeded to unlock me from sling and helped me stand.
"You hadda good time?"
I nodded. "I feel like my asshole is the size of the Lincoln Tunnel..."
"Prob'ly iz. You hadz mo' guyz fuckin' yo' ass to-nite d'an all da guyz at las' tree 'Nitiations put t'getha… an' nunn ov dem wuz holdin' back nuthin' ..."
"Goddamn, I'm so sore. I don't think I can even walk." My legs felt like jelly and I could feel a river of cum dribbling down my sweaty legs.
Ray kissed me again. "Ah gotz us a room to relax. We cain rest up an' d'en we cain go back home. You gonna feel betta once you inna nice soft bed wiff mah mouff 'round yo' cock an' later, mah dick up yo' ass agin... jus' where it shood alwayz be inna whiteboy..." He chuckled. "... tho we gotz t'lock up dat slaveboy hole agin befo' we leave..."
The Nubian thug wrapped my powerful arm around his dark shoulder and helped me limp towards the open cell door. "Ah ain't evva changin' back, Tony....Seez wat you cain do as a Nubian, bruh? You seez dat whiteboyz ain't nuthin' but prop'ety fo' breedin' ? You gonna axe Sarge tah let you becumm a muscle-brutha, now, right?"
The eyeless leathered face turned to him and a tired grin was seen within the dark material. "Oh hell yeah…after tonight, I've GOT to become a black man, too!"
* * *
I had a dream about the first part of this story, "Thug Tales: Tony" continuing the escapades that night in which Ray-Ray brought his partner to the Greasetank. I don't remember what the dream actually entailed, but it was enough to get to start thinking. There DID seem to be a gap between that first story, and when Tony actually became a muscle-brutha and I felt that was something that I should remedy.
The more I write about him, the more intriguing Tony McLaren becomes. There are hidden depths to both him and Charlie, but in Tony's case, there definitely seems to be a bit more innocence around this rookie cop than his partner.
In this story, we also see the moral descent of Charlie (or Ray-Ray) accelerating. There is no consideration given to the casual rape of anyone here, and there is no hesitation in torturing his own partner and charging for his repeated violation at the sex club by anyone with the money to spend.