(Well, I'm a man of my word - 150 views on Part I - Part II early! - Thanks, readers!!!)
Friday - 5:45am
I kept watching Ray fondle his cock and I couldn't stop fantasizing about him cumming all over his abs.
And me licking it off.
There was something so atavistically
erotic about a swaggering, black hustler in nothing but a leather chest harness and combat boots. My own dick was rock-hard and snaking down the leg of my jeans.
I had to do something before I embarrassed myself in front of Jamie and Tommy again. I got up and hooked my fingers into the black straps crossing his chest.
"C'mon Ray - let's get you dressed." His dark face lit up with a wicked smirk as he got up from the chair and followed me.
* * *
We went up the stairs to my bedroom. The
"CLUMP" of his boots on the stairs was making me absolutely incoherent with lust. When I opened the door, he looked at the room in approval, particularly at the king-size bed and cocked a dark eyebrow.
"Dat lookz comfo'table."
I winked at him.
"It is."
Ray-Ray stood close to me. His dark hands held my shoulders and he gave me a kiss. Not brutal or messy. Just right. They stroked down my flanks to the waist of my jeans and he began to undo them.
"Y'know, Zack, Ah ain't thank'd 'chu prop'ly fo' ev'rythin' you dunn fo' me...makin' me a reel brutha an' all... Ah knowz it wuz suppos'd t'be like a punishmen', but it ain't ... shee-it... bein' a lowlife black mutherfucka iz jus' AMAZIN'..." He continued to kiss me as he pushed my jeans off my butt and quads as they collapsed in a heap to the floor.
The horny African punk before me looked at my straining cock.
"Mmmm... commando. Jus' da way Ah likez it." He stroked the ink below my navel and rubbed the tip of my dick between his fingers. They came away sticky with pre-cum and he slowly licked them clean.
An intense and demanding look crossed his face. He grabbed my chin and glared into my eyes.
"Git on da bed!" The thug gave me a shove. His voice - since his transformation - had deepened and hoarsened.
As it should after using the spray and having forty cocks shoved down his throat multiple times. Plus the fact he was now speaking like a ghetto rat had me redlining as well.
I tripped as I stepped out of the pile of my jeans and climbed onto the mattress.
"On yo' fuckin' back, whiteboy!" The gang-banger growled.
"An' gimme summ lube! You needz summ propper ass-poundin' !!"
I pointed to the table near the window. He grabbed the bottle and loped back towards me like a wild animal stalking its prey. Ray-Ray crawled onto the bed and popped the bottle open, rubbing the shiny liquid over his massive prong. Once it was coated and dripping, he pushed the bottle into my ass and squeezed; then he rubbed the lube around my pucker as it dribbled out.
Ray hoisted my legs onto his dieseled black shoulders and reached over my head to pinion my arms above my head. Then he began to shove his horsecock into my ass.
The street hustler took things slow this time. We kissed as he set up an easy rhythm of filling my chute with his manhood. Ray would pull out, leaving just the mushroom head of his dick in my ass, then piston all the way back in; he'd grunt every time he gave that extra push to hit my prostate and ground his hips to make sure I got a massage. He stroked the ink of my pecs and shoulders with long, dark fingers.
I opened my mouth and our tongues dueled within.
"Ah jus' luvz fuckin' yo' muscle-puppy whiteboy ass..." His tempo began to speed up as I felt the head of his cock start to expand. He was ready to erupt.
"And I love you doing it..." Ray was my
Galatea. I didn't know how long I'd have him to myself, but I was determined to enjoy every minute I had. He pushed in deep; deeper than before. I felt him shudder as he groaned and his cum flooded my guts.
My black thug slid down my body until he was kissing the weeping slit of my rigid and aching rod. He got the head of my cock completely wet with his saliva then his mouth opened and he swallowed me whole. His teeth gently scraped the shaft as he sucked it down his throat. After a few minutes of such exquisite torture, I exploded as well.
He sucked me dry and then grinned up at me. A pink tongue gathered a bit of cum from the corner of his mouth. I got a final salacious lick before he sat back on his haunches.
"Okay, whiteboy... now getz me dress'd."
* * *
Friday - 6:00am
"I wasn't expecting that."
"You seem to the only one in the dark about that, lover." Tommy stretched himself out and gave a yawn.
"Sorry. He's completely slipped into this 'muscle brutha' headspace and loving every second of it. You saw how he couldn't wait for you fuck him? No, 'fuck' isn't the right word, Jamie. Ray-Ray wanted you to rape him. He wasn't acting like one of our guys, he was acting like the cock-hungry, sex-crazed felon we've made him."
My partner paused.
"You know he actually spat on me while I was fisting him? He dared me to go all the way to the shoulder. He was cursing me out so much I couldn't wait to do it and I wanted to HURT him badly. He certainly knows how to press our buttons."
Tommy gave me a sidelong glance.
"Are you even thinking of him as 'Officer Charlie Hawke' any more, Jamie? Or as 'Ray-Ray Johnson' the arrogant, foul-mouthed, black sex machine and lowlife street scum?"
My partner had hit the nail on the head.
"I look at him and I SEE Ray-Ray. God help me Tommy, I want to punishment-fuck his brains out again. And I want to HURT him too." In the back of my mind, I was afraid that he would want to remain a black thug.
I hoped I hadn't destroyed a good cop and created a monster. Zack didn't help any giving him the extra materiel or the identification and credit cards. I could just imagine him leaving the NYPD and becoming some drug dealer's enforcer. Or worse.
Zack could perform a permanent transformation if he wanted. If Charlie wanted. He'd done it before.
Tommy picked up on my worry.
"He'll be fine, Jamie. Underneath that persona, he's still Charlie. Still the best rookie in the Four-One. Still Danny's flesh and blood. Let him enjoy it and stay this way for a while. In a month or two, he'll be back to normal."
"I hope so. I really fucking hope so."
* * *
Friday - 6:30am
I was finally soft, and Zack didn't waste any time giving me two heavy stainless steel c-rings. It felt good to have some metal stretching my cock and balls that was under
my control again. I loved how they showed off the heft of my now-dark equipment.
I was a black Breeder now - and I had to let the world know it. Then he helped me slip the harness off my chest.
"You may want to take off those boots, Ray-Ray. It'll be easier putting the rest of the clothing on."
"Dat soundz 'bout right, whiteboy." I sat up on the edge of the bed and unlaced the boots. They dropped to the floor.
"Wat's nex' ?"
This was followed by a light blue camo bikini thong that barely covered my heavy, steel-shod package. I looked at myself in the mirror and grinned.
Damn, NOW I know why black guys - like I was now - act the way they do - we're fucking incredible.
Zack handed me a pair of digital camo fatigue pants and a heavy leather belt. Once I slid on the BDUs, I pulled the boots back onto my feet; I tucked the over-long legs of the pants into the boot tops and laced them back up. When I stood, I had a good-looking military blouse over the Corcorans.
This was followed by a a pair of dog-tags and a too-small black UnderArmour compression shirt. The silky material stretched over my torso, leaving the plateaus and mesas of my six-pack visible and my arms straining the short sleeves. I pushed it past the waistband and smoothed it out.
I stared at myself in the mirror.
Fuck yeah. Paramilitary ghetto motherfucker. "How do Ah look?"
"Incredible, Ray. 'Intimidating' to say the very least. Hey, I got some other stuff for you too."
Zack handed me my G-Shock, wallet, phone and keys that had been with the old clothes I had worn last night.
Before I became a gang-banger. He put the harness I had been wearing into a large black nylon backpack and handed it to me.
"There's some items in there you'll want to use as well. Don't forget the rest of your papers and cards below."
After I set the camo cap low over my eyes, I pulled him in for another deep, possessive kiss.
"T'anks Zack. T'anks fo' ev'rythin'. Ah'll be back reel soon tah deep-fuck yo' whiteboy ass agin." Hooking the backpack over one shoulder, I left the bedroom and sauntered downstairs for my ride home.
* * *
Friday - 6:45am
Jamie and Sergeant Namisato had a strange look on their faces as I came down. The clothes and the cock-rings made me feel like a new man.
I WAS a new man. A BLACK man. Eager to Breed with sucking, fucking and fisting on my daily to-do list.
“Where’s Zack?”
I gave them a leer and rubbed my bulging crotch.
"Ah hadda t'ank dat whiteboy prop'ly fo' all da 'xtra ID an' shit. He be re-cooperatin' frum an ass-poundin' he ain't nevva gonna fo'get. You guyz ready t'go?"
I grabbed the padded envelope that contained the other items from Zack and stuffed it into the backpack. Then I stood in front of Jamie and turned around with my hands behind me. I looked over my shoulder and licked my thick lips, giving him a crooked smile.
"Since Ah'm still in po-lice custody, don'chu think you shood restrain me? Don' want me runnin' loose an' causin' mayhem, right?" Damn... I REALLY loved getting shackled now...
A wicked smirk creased Sarge's face as he snapped cuffs on me again. Sergeant Namisato grabbed the backpack and we headed out the of the warehouse.
Friday – 6:50am
I got into the front of the 4x4 and Tommy pushed Ray-Ray into the back seat. He threw the backpack in after him and slammed the door. The he climbed in beside me. The sun had already been up for about an hour, but the traffic was still light on the Brooklyn streets. The dark-skinned thug struggled to a sitting position, laid his head back against the back seat and closed his eyes. The big studs in his ears twinkled in the morning light.
“Dayyum, Ah’m fuckin' beat.”
“Well, Ray-R...Charlie -- you’ve been a busy boy for the past eighteen hours. I’m not surprised. You feeling okay?”
“Yeah – jus' sore... an' feelin' reel empty wiffout dat mega-dildo up mah ass no mo'. An' Ah'm still horny az hell, Suh. But keepz on callin' me ‘Ray-Ray’ so longz Ah’m a muscle-brutha. 'Raymond' wuz Charlie's middle name… dat's why Zack an' me picked 'Rayshawn'.”
Damn... he's not even thinking of himself as 'Charlie' any more... or speaking like the man he was... “You going to show Mattie?”
"Uh-huh. He be travelin' on Kriatos comp'ny bizness fo' a few mo' weekz. Ah wantz t'see da look on hiz face when a black muthafucka openz da door when he cumms ovva..." He gave us a wicked leer.
"... An' Ah cain't wait t'getz 'im squirmin' unda me whilez Ah rapez hiz whiteboy ass…"
We kept to the side streets on our way back to the city. After all, there would be a bit of explaining to do about two half-naked leathermen transporting a trussed-up black gang member in their back seat with two sets of official police ID.
Better safe than sorry. We stopped at a light and to my left I noticed we just passed a small row of still-shuttered neighborhood stores with a service alley running behind it. I turned the wheel and doubled back; the alley was deserted save for one little beat-up Toyota.

I pulled up about thirty feet from the other car and turned off the ignition. I opened the glove compartment and grabbed a bottle of lube. Tommy gave me a puzzled look as I got out of the truck and opened the back door.
“Out of the car, Ray-Ray.” He looked as confused as my partner as I grabbed him by the waistband and marched him forward.
God, I loved the way his ass filled out the seat of those fatigues.
Tommy joined me.
“What’s going on, Jamie? Why’d we stop?”
I chuckled.
“Well, this lowlife here said he was uncomfortable. Said he felt empty without something up his chute and was horny as hell. We can’t let him go home feeling like that, can we?”
Tommy grinned back.
“We certainly can’t. We wouldn’t want a CCRB incident report filed, would we?”
Ray struggled a bit; it was one thing being fucked inside a building with all the environmental factors being controlled. It was something completely different to be out in the open and getting raped by two bodybuilders in leather. I had one hand gripping his cuffs like a handle and with the other, I shoved him down by the back of his neck so he was bent over the hood of the car with the side of his face pressed against the cool metal.
“Don’t you fucking move!” He quieted down.
I reached around to undo his belt and unbutton his BDUs. Then I yanked them down around his ankles to show off his muscular dark-chocolate legs and ass. I pulled down his thong as well and gave the glutes a slap; then I spread his cheeks to show off his dark pucker.
“You bring out the worst in me, you know that, Johnson? I haven’t been able to stop thinking about stuffing your lowlife ghetto ass again since we left Zack’s.”
I unsnapped my codpiece and got myself nice and slick, then rubbed a goodly amount of the lube up his chute as well. I grabbed the cuffs again and yanked his ass onto my cock like I was riding a bronco.
He certainly bucked like one and I enjoyed the struggle the horny black street fucker was putting up. I used the leverage of the restraints to pull him further onto the hood of the Toyota until his feet left the ground.
Amazing… even after all that we had done to him, Ray-Ray was still so TIGHT…
The bound thug grunted and moaned as I slammed in and out of him
“God-DAYUMM, dat feelz good!” He howled as I pushed deep and hit his sweet spot - I could tell he was getting into the public exposure and all the danger that that possibly entailed.
Damn... even this isn't phasing him... well, we'll make sure he gets plenty more of this type of action ... “Harda! Harda! Keepz it up, muthafucka! Keepz on fuckin' mah ass!!!” It didn’t take me long until I felt my nuts contract and I shot a massive load of cum up his tunnel. Ray-Ray was panting as I let go of his cuffs and he slid down till his boots touched the ground again. I could see that his legs were trembling with the effort to support himself. The silky surface of the Underarmor shirt provided no traction at all, and with his arms bound, he needed use his lower body to maintain his awkwardly semi-upright position.
Then Tommy lubed up his cock and hoisted him back onto the hood.
* * *
After my partner had filled him with his seed as well, the dark-skinned gang-banger was gulping in lungfuls of air to recuperate and could barely stand up by himself. I unlocked one of his cuffs and tossed a roll of paper towels onto the Toyota.
“Feel better, Ray?”
He levered himself painfully off the hood of the car and gave me a wan smile. His own prong was rigid in its stainless steel prison and I could see that he had blown a massive load onto the front of the vehicle as well. Silvery-white goo was dripping down the grill of the car and feeding the growing puddle of jism on the broken concrete below.
“Yeah… Ah didn’ knowz how much Ah needz lotsa thick po-lice cock up mah ass now ‘till Ah didn’ hav nunn insidez ov me.”
"Well, clean yourself up and let's go."
He proceeded to wipe himself off – front and back – and then pulled up his thong and fatigues and re-buttoned them. After he got his belt buckled, he trundled wearily back to the pickup.
Ray waited for me to re-lock the cuffs behind his back and then I helped the exhausted black hulk back into the rear seat and shut the door. I gunned the ignition and we sped off.
After a few minutes, he cleared his throat.
“Uhh... Sergeant Namisato?”
“Ray, I think after you swallowed my entire fucking ARM we’re on a close enough basis for you to start calling me ‘Tommy’ … what is it?”
“Suh… Tommy – Ah’m sorry Ah spat at'chu las' nite when you wuz fistin' me. Ah gotz carried away an' Ah wuz wrong. But it jus' felt right tah act dat way wiff you. Bein' foul-mowffed an' dissin' you like dat. Ah feelz like a complet'ly diff'rent man, y'know? - a reel thug. D'ere don' seem t'be nuthin' left ov da old me ... Ah gotz t'act like da lowlife nigga Ah IZ now - not summ whiteboy cop no mo' - itz amazin' wat Zack dunn tah me, ain't it? Dis whole muscle-brutha felon thing iz such a fuckin' turnon ... t'ank you... t'ank you bowff fo' doin' dis as part ov mah 'Nitiation. Shee-it... an' jus' afta a few hourz, Ah cain't b'leeve how much Ah getz off bein' cuff'd an' raped now too...”
Namisato chuckled.
“If you hadn’t acted the way you had – neither one of us would’ve reached the heights… or depths… we did, right?”
“Uh-huh... Yessuh.”
“Well, we'll make sure you see plenty of that kind of action in the next few weeks, Ray-Ray. Maybe even a trip or two to Rikers. Why don’t you just relax and try to get some sleep? We’ll be back in the city in a bit."
“Mmm-mmm-mmm... nekkid unda an orange jumpsuit an' bein' lock'd up twenny-fo'-sevven... Soundz like a dayumm good place fo' a ghetto muthafucka like me, Suh.”
In a few moments, I looked back to see the muscular black stud slumped across the back seat, snoring softly with a smile on his face.
Tommy stroked my thigh and said in a low voice.
“See? I told you there was nothing to worry about…”
I leaned over and gave him a quick kiss as we headed over the bridge.
But I was still afraid of what might come about from our actions...
* * *
Friday – 7:39am
I had weird and unsettling dreams as we drove back to the city. Most of them I didn’t remember, or they didn’t make much sense; in one of them, however, the locker room had been turned into some sort of assembly line, where the other guys had mega-dildos, chastity belts, cock cages and leather hoods locked onto them before they started putting on their uniforms.
Another one was really bad. I was standing in the middle of an empty city street at night and one of these leather copslaves was kneeling in front of me. I was angry as fuck. I was half naked in a pair of dark jeans and from the back of my waistband, I grabbed a big shiny H&K automatic. First I licked the gun then pulled the slide back and put it to the forehead of the copslave. My finger tightened on the trigger and…
I sat bolt upright in the back seat. My cuffs had been removed and my heart was racing.
“Ray… hey – you were having a nightmare. You’re home.”
I swallowed.
“T'anks, Suh. See ya inna coupla hourz.” I got out of the truck with the backpack over my shoulder and stumbled into the building.
* * *
Walking into my apartment I got hit in the face with a wall of hot, stale air. Before leaving yesterday afternoon I had shut the windows and the heat had built up with a vengeance. First thing I did was turn on the ACs in the living room and bedroom. They were old Fedders units filled with CFCs – bad for the environment, but great for dropping the temperature fast. I put the backpack on the dining room table and then went into the bathroom to take a shower and cool off.
I closed my eyes in pleasure as the water sluiced over me; what was even better was seeing the dark flesh of my body and my deep chocolate hands moving over it. I had been a little scared that I’d see the dye running off into the drain, but Zack had been as good as his word; I stayed as black as the ace of spades.
Just the way I wanted to be - even though that hadn't exactly been the Sarges' plan..
I dried off and wrapped a towel around my waist. It was so damned
carnal to look into the mirror and see a cocky, bald, black-eyed African stud grinning back at me.
The 'new and improved' version of ME ... God, being like this was incredible. I felt my tool start to twitch and thicken and I adjusted the heavy steel cockrings around my package to ease the growing discomfort of yet another massive erection.
May as well look inside the goodie bag. I sat down at the table and unzipped the backpack Zack had given me. I took out the package containing my “revised” IDs and cards and replaced the
“Charles Hawke” versions in my wallet with the
“Rayshawn Johnson” ones.
Zack had even duplicated the picture I kept of Mattie.
The new version had him kissing a hot black stud (me as Ray-Ray) instead of my old self. I took all of the originals along with the photo and put them in the top dresser drawer for safekeeping.
The rest of the material in the padded bag – the syringes and vials and other stuff – I put aside and continued to unload the backpack.
I took out the harness and put it on the chair next to me; the old clothes and sneakers I threw into the garbage.
Beneath the clothing there were a number of brown paper bags inside of the backpack. The first one I took out had “Daily Stuff” written in black marker. I opened it to find a couple of boxes of Crest White Strips (with a little post-it note that said “For More Contrast”), some bottles of HeadBlade shaving supplies along with some Headblades, a few pair of extra contacts and some boxes of Bausch&Lomb “rewetting” eye drops.
“Niiiice.” I took out the next labeled “Duty Gear” and opened it up.
“Jeezus Christ…”
There was a large tube of Surgi-Lube in a plastic Ziploc bag along with a penis plug in a smaller bag within it. A Post-It inside said ‘Thru-Hole Cock Plug’ I took it out and examined it. The plug was about the same width as the one that Zack had stuffed into me the night before, but about twice as long, and this one had a large ball at the end with a hole running through the middle. It might be a little harder to piss or cum with it stuffed down my cock, but I could definitely wear it 24/7 if I wanted.
Another plastic bag contained a shiny solid metal globe with a screw hole. There was also a short stem with screw thread on one end and a flat, metal button at the other. I put them together. The note said ‘On-Duty Butt Plug.’ The sphere was about 2 1/2 inches across and weighed at least three pounds. I licked my thick lips thinking of what this would feel like under my uniform.
And what it would look like once it was in. After swallowing Tommy’s entire arm and having the mega-dildo within me, inserting this should be a piece of cake.
But I needed that plug in my cock
My dick was now tenting the towel and I unwrapped it to expose my turgid black shaft. I opened the tube of surgical lube, covered the penis plug with the slick viscous fluid and then started to push it into my slit.

“Fuucckk…” It burned – but not as much as last night’s initial violation – and I kept pushing it deeper into my cock until the retaining ring was against the head of my dick. I rubbed a bit more of the lube onto the glans and right underneath it. Then I squeezed the meaty top of my cock and pushed it through. I grinned as once again, I saw the steel ring just underneath the swollen mocha head of my straining tool, the silvery wire curving into my piss slit and now, a steel ball snug against the tip. I stroked my cock and moaned as the inserted metal increased my sensitivity tenfold.
I kept going. There was a bag labeled ‘Hyperlube’ which contained a few containers of the heavy duty lube and the one labeled ‘Restraints’ had the bands I had worn on my wrists, biceps, ankles and neck – along with the locks and keys. It also had a leather chastity belt with a simple snap on pouch.
There was also a sheaf of papers with pictures and directions for everything from reinserting the nose wideners to reinjecting the lip thickener. There was also a full dossier on "Rayshawn Johnson" - all the information I would need to know about him... ME... to truly BE the black thug I was now, including a substantial rapsheet. I grinned. Damn... I'm not just a lowlife black thug... I'm a convicted felon as well...
Finally, there were two boxes at the bottom the backpack. One contained a lighted magnifying mirror.
The other contained a screw dildo. This one was a slightly different as it had a metal ring (as opposed to a leather loop) at its end. Just like the mega-dildo I wore for my Initiation.
My whole body shivered. I wasn’t sure if it was from being naked in the suddenly cool apartment or holding that massive plug in my hands. Perhaps it was a combination of both.
I looked at the clock – 8:15am. I needed sleep before I went on duty and I knew there was only one way now I was going to get any rest. First, I fastened the collar around my neck.
Then I buckled the leather around my wrists, biceps and ankles again and then adjusted them in front of the mirror so the D-rings faced out. Then I locked all of them in place. God... restraints looked so fucking HOT on a naked, ghetto-bred muscle-brutha. Just like they should always be a part of him. ME.
I got down on all fours and opened a jar of the Hyperlube; I spread it thickly first onto the large plug, then took a scoop of it and rubbed it into my pucker.

I pushed the tip of the screw dildo into my asshole and started to twist it in. My pulse was hammering as I watched my dark muscles strain within their leather bonds as I drilled the giant plug deeper and deeper into my guts.
I stopped for a moment, panting with exertion and pain.
Almost there. One more turn. Then another. Then one more. Finally, I felt the dildo disappear completely within me, leaving only the thick metal ring pressed tightly against my pucker. I continued to breathe shallowly for a few moments.
I did it. I got this monster into my guts all by myself.
Then I broke out in a cold sweat.
Oh, fuck... what if I can't get it back OUT?
Two fingers grabbed the ring and pulled.
Nothing moved. I bore down hard and felt, then finally saw the wide end slowly reappear. I was able to grasp it and start to unscrew it. Then I twisted it back in and watched my asslips close around the ring once more.
Slowly, I pushed up off the floor, savoring the sensations I was feeling and admiring myself in the mirror. I nodded in satisfaction at the absolute
authenticity of my reflection – an insatiable black gang-banger locked in leather strapping with giant plug up his butt and a massively erect metal-filled cock -
ready to rape the ass of any and every whiteboy he could find. I rubbed some of the Hyperlube on my aching prong and began to stroke the dark shaft. My fingers traced the hard metal tube within my dick and in a moment a stream of jizz splattered the mirror.
Cumming with that inserted penis plug was mindblowing.
I opened the box of White Strips and covered my upper teeth before I climbed naked into bed. I smiled at Zack’s comment of
‘more contrast’ as I lazily continued to touch myself until I fell asleep.
* * *
As always, I woke up a few minutes before the alarm went off. I rubbed my cock, twisting the ball at the tip and tracing the metal around the head disappearing into the slit; I was already achingly hard and had to piss. I swung my legs off the bed and grinned, seeing the locked leather bands around my ankles. As I bent down to unlock and remove the ankle bands, I felt the fullness of the screw plug deep within me shift a bit.
Damn... I was going to miss that giant inside me today.
Wrist and bicep bands came off next; then I got down on the floor to remove the dildo. Like last night’s mega-plug, my guts had clamped around this slightly less-massive intruder, but with some bearing down and a steady pull, the bulbous end slid out and I began unscrewing it from my ass. I stood up and looked out my window, still fondling my steel-shafted dick. Today was going to be a scorcher – despite the AC running, I could feel the heat outside radiating from the glass.

I ambled into the bathroom and smiled at the handsome black fucker staring back at me.
Wow, those White Strips DID work. I washed my face and ran a hand over my shaved pate, feeling the beginnings of some stubble. I rubbed some of the shaving cream on my head and with a few long swipes with the Headblade, I was smooth and shiny as a marble again. In this hot and humid weather, the lack of hair was a definite advantage and I was glad that it had been removed as part of my Initiation. Then I rubbed the
HeadLube Glossy aftershave onto my scalp and admired the gleaming skin. Then I unlocked the collar from my neck.
I hefted the gleaming butt sphere sitting on the top of the sink and licked my lips. Opening the jar of Hyperlube, I rubbed it onto the shiny surface. Then I bent over and began pushing it into my ass. Since it wasn’t tapered, there was a bit more difficulty getting it in at first, but once I opened up, it slipped in easily. I took a deep breath and spread my cheeks to display the steel button resting snugly against my pucker; it was a highly-charged sexual image to see the powerful black flesh at both ends – cock and ass – stuffed with metal. I could feel the mass of the thing inside me, but I had full freedom of movement – the button continuously rubbed against my rosebud and provided a steady low buzz of pleasure.
I pulled on the camo jock and re-donned the black UnderArmour shirt, fatigues and boots I had worn a few hours ago. Then I checked myself out in the mirror again, grinning and rubbing my bulging crotch.
"Ready fo' yo' duty shif', Ray-Ray?"
No one could even IMAGINE I wasn't a black man until yesterday. Myself included. I couldn't stop thinking about sex; my mind was filled with images of my black cock or my dark-skinned fist disappearing up some muscular whiteboy's ass.
Damn, being turned into a muscle-brutha was the best thing that ever happened to me...
Wallet, G-Shock, keys and sunglasses followed and I was ready to leave for the precinct. I eyed the chest harness draped over the chair and stuffed it into my bag as well as I headed out the door.
* * *
The subway station was hot as hell and I welcomed the blast of cool air as I got into the train car. Gleaming with sweat and combined with my shiny shaved head, I got more than my normal share of wanton looks from men and women alike. I flexed a bit as I held onto the pole and swayed as the subway headed uptown. Several times, I caught someone staring hungrily at my overstuffed crotch and I fantasized that the steel ball of the penis plug could be seen through the camouflage material. There were a couple of jacked-up black studs on the train that were giving me some definitely sexual looks as well. I cocked an eyebrow and returned an intimidatingly suggestive glare with a combination of a smirk and a snarl on my thick lips. Then I casually brushed my hand across the substantial bulge in my camos; the two looked away quickly and got off at the next stop –
they knew a true predator when they saw one.
Finally, the train juddered into my stop.
Because of the time of day, it was a bit less crowded on the platform as I headed for the exit. Ahead of me, I heard a woman scream
“Thief!! That man took my bag! STOP! Somebody stop him!”
I went into automatic cop mode. I pushed people aside as I ran towards – and then past - the woman, then spotted a black guy escaping up the stairs. I took the steps three at a time and in a moment, I was on him with his face smashed against the tiled wall and his arm twisted up and behind his back.
He dropped the purse and I grabbed it with my other hand. A crowd was gathering around us.
He was panting and whimpered,
“Owww! Hey man – lemme go! Wat’chu doin' ? Dat fuckin' HURTS…”
I twisted his arm harder.
“Jus'. Shut. Da. FUQ. Up.”
The woman who had been attacked finally made her way to the scene.
I turned to her,
“Ma’am, Ah b'leeve dis iz yo's?? He didn’ hurt 'chu, did he? ” I handed her her purse.
She looked stunned.
“N-no... he just grabbed it off me. You were amazing! I’ve never seen anyone move that fast! You’re not even breathing hard!”
I wasn’t. Then it hit me:
I just did what I did with a three-pound steel plug up my ass...
I smiled at her.
“Well, mah CO iz reel strict 'bout stayin' in shape...”
She looked surprised.
“Are you in the Army?”
I shook my head.
“Nope - Ah'm a ... cop. Officer Rayshawn Johnson, at yo' service.” Damn, I almost said 'felon'. I got a round of applause from the gathered crowd and several pats on the back. Finally, an overweight TA officer showed up to take care of the perp. I got a few suspicious looks until I showed him my ID - or rather, Zack's version of it - then headed out of the subway for the short walk to the precinct.
* * *
I made a quick stop in the bargain store; as I was leaving, I heard someone shout,
"Hey Ray!!"
Turning around, I saw Sam Halloran approaching with a big grin on his face. He had a shaved head as well with tightly trimmed ginger stubble. Sam was wearing an electric blue t-shirt that was stretched obscenely across his chest with sleeves rolled up to show off his tribal ink. Halloran was nearly as built as Jamie, but nowhere near as aggressive. He was one of the few guys last night that took it easy with me and I returned the favor when I had my chance with him once I was released from my bondage.
He eyed me up and down.
"Ready for some urban combat? Jeez, you look fucking incredible! Did you get any chance to rest after last night's... ummm... festivities?"
"Yeah - Ah got inna few good hourz. T'anks fo' axe-in'." With every stride, the plugs in my ass and cock were giving me a constant low buzz of pleasure.
We walked towards the precinct. Sam cleared his throat.
"You know, there's a pool going on trying to figure out who you really are." He shook his head.
"Even up close and personal in bright daylight, I can't tell. You're not really black, are you?"
I shook my head and grinned at him.
"Ah wuzn't befo' yestaday, bruh, but Ah IZ now. Shee-it.... Ah ain't jus' summ noboddy whiteboy no mo' !! You'll fin' out when Ah openz mah locker... 'sidez, Sam, Ah cain't b'gin tah tellz you how amazin' bein' a muscle-brutha like dis feelz!!! Ah even gotz a fuckin' rapsheet! How 'bout dat, huh??" And just after a few hours since my Conversion, speaking like a lowlife black thug was completely normal and natural now as well.
"It looks a hundred percent real. A criminal record? That's even more scary! And so incredibly sexy..."
Sam bit his lip.
"Ray - would you... could we... I mean... could we get together again after the shift ends tonight?'"
I gave him a sideways look.
"Sure - az long az you don' mind gettin' yo'self fuck'd an' fist'd agin afta you plowz mah ass. You gotz off on it big time las' nite..."
Sam was also the only guy besides me at the station that still blushed.
Both of us wore big grins as we entered the station and headed towards the locker room.
* * *
The locker room is a fairly boisterous place - guys coming in and out of the showers, bragging, bitching, trash talk, sports scores, doors slamming and the "clink" and "thump" of duty gear as it went on or came off. I saw a number of guys wincing as they sat down on the benches and several of them were moving stiffly as well.
I cleared my throat and gave the room a big smile.
"Well, afta fuckin' an' fistin' da bunch ov you bowlegg'd las' night, Ah figgered 'chu cood use summ help t'day."
Everyone looked up as I opened the shopping bag and pulled out a package of Depends.
That got a roar of laughter from the officers present. The laughter died down as every eye was on me; the patrolmen were waiting to see which locker I opened and to finally reveal the identity of the now-African stud in their midst.
And to see who won the pool.
I slowly ambled into the locker room and headed towards Mike Kohl's locker. I reached out to lift up the combination lock, then turned away and continued. I heard a muttered
"Goddamnit..." and I smiled as someone behind me lost their wager.
Wade Lopez was standing in front of his locker when I passed by and slapped his butt; he jumped nearly ten feet into the air. The young cop had been an energetic skull-fucker last night
(with me being the skull fuckee) and was just as enthusiastic when I raped his ass multiple times. The cock ring he was slipping on dropped and clattered on the floor as I stood next to him and opened my locker. His eyes were like marbles.
"Charlie? CHARLIE? Fuck! That's you? I don't fucking believe it! Oh shit! SHIT!"
That was the general consensus of the other guys present as I received powerful hugs and deep kisses - both of which I returned with the same intensity.
Jack Gilleran came up to me. He still had the chain and Master lock around his neck.
"God-DAMN!!! When we were watching you with the Sarges and then you getting fitted up with that dildo and that belt, we were thinking 'what did that poor bastard do to get treated that way?' ... it was fucking BRUTAL... I know I couldn't have taken HALF of what you did."
"D'ere wuz a video?"
I got a number of nods.
"We couldn't believe what we were seeing until Sarge came in with you thrown over his shoulder and chained you to the floor."
I pulled off the Underarmour shirt and then sat down to undo my boots. Then I stood up and shucked down my camos. There was an collective indrawn breath as I bent over to put the boots beneath the locker.
"What the hell is that?" One of the guys was pointing at my ass.
"Butt plug. Itz a solid metal ball almos' tree inchez 'cross. Weighs more'n tree pounds, too." I pulled down my jock to display the thick steel rings imprisoning my cock and balls and the shiny spherical end of the cock plug at the tip of my dick. I hefted my tool to show it off.
"An' a penis plug. Long az Ah'm a brutha, Ah'm keepin' plugg'd at bowff ends. Dis cock plug stays in alla da time, an' da butt plug cumms out only when Ah gotz t'go to da can o' d'ere be summ-one o' sumpthin' else fillin' up mah ass. Bein' empty jus' don' feel right no mo' "
That got a number of chuckles.
"How long is that for, Charlie?"
"Mah name iz RAY. 'Bout eight weekz. So thinkz ov 'Charlie Hawke' az bein' on leave fo' two monthz an' 'Rayshawn Johnson' fillin' in fo' him... 'least whilez Ah ain't committin' felonies..."
I removed the "Hawke" nameplate from my shield holder and replaced it with the "Johnson" one. Then I took the harness out of my bag and slipped it on before I put on a short sleeve uniform shirt. Breeches followed and then I stamped into a pair of patrol boots. Finally, I fastened the duty belt low around my waist and secured my Glock in its holster.
I grabbed my hat and gave the guys a grin.
"C'mon - letz finish gearin' up an' getz tah roll call. You knowz Sarge hatez it when we late."
* * *
The story is writing itself! Part II was more than sixty percent done in my head as I was finishing Part I, but I didn't want to wait longer to publish it. I also felt that it would have been perhaps too long of a read. As part of the Initiation process, Charlie is subject to the sexual urges of the other policemen, but I've slightly altered the rules of the game when it comes to Rayshawn Johnson - he'll give as much as he takes. My thought here is that the cops' fantasies of being (safely) assaulted by a black thug are just as powerful as Ray-Ray's inclination to do so. Everyone is happy.
There were some areas where I had originally thought to add more detail - like how 'Ray' gets into the precinct, for example. But the more I thought about it, those side trips into minutiae were only getting the main plot tangled in weeds, so out they went.
One detail - the dream sequence image I almost put in. While I have all the items to do the kneeling copslave, that was a line I was not going to cross. That dream was a night terror - and it should stay that way. Just like Lucio, harming a law enforcement officer is something I would never condone.
One thing I find a bit challenging in writing an "interstitial" story arc like this is I have to constantly go back to Stinger 2 and Stinger 3 to make sure I'm not revealing anything out of the original timeline. For example, Charlie's tats. He didn't have them in Stinger 2, but did in Stinger 3. So therefore, he can't have them in this storyline as Stinger 3 hasn't happened yet!
There will be at least one more story to finish off this arc - and at least part of one will entail Mateo's discovery and more than likely will also involve some additional action between Rayshawn and Zack. The details of the conclusion are still not clear to me, but no doubt they will begin to resolve themselves. My favorite method is just before I go to sleep, I start rolling the story in my head. More often than not, I get some great ideas during the night and write them down in the morning for further expansion!
And as another year comes to a close, I can’t believe that I’ve been masking and writing these stories now for over seven years! That’s longer than some relationships! (Mine included!) So again, on behalf of blue-eyed art forgers, randy Scottish inspectors, completely rubberized agent provocateurs, striking Corsican assassins and handsome rookie cops disguised as even handsomer black thugs …
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Wonderful New Year!!!