Guiliano's skills with daggers and swords - or any blade - is matched only by Lucio's swordmaster - Asim Bin Aziz.
Champuis is Corsican - pity the man that mistakenly assumes he is French. The last one was sent to the hospital with his jaw broken in twelve places.
Guiliano is just over six feet tall, with pale, pale blue eyes that resemble arctic ice. They are as cold and pitiless when he is on an operation, but are full of laughter when he is with friends and other soldieri. As with all of Giambi's assassins, he is well-muscled and he sports an inked (half-)sleeve on one arm. Guiliano has golden-brown hair and usually wears a small, well-trimmed goatee and mustache. He speaks fluent English, French, Italian and Arabic.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Monday, September 1, 2014
Cat and Mouse - Part V
The private plane descended into the Nice airport and taxied to a stop in front of a small hangar. Again, a vehicle was waiting for the two men and they roared down the highway southwest to their destination.
JD slowed the car as they climbed a narrow, pine-lined road. All at once, the trees fell away to reveal a grand Napoleon III edifice with the Mediterranean sparkling behind it.
“Damn …” Iain breathed in the sight before him as the dark-haired jewel thief pulled up to the main entrance.
“This is where all the celebrities stay during the Cannes Film Festival. We bought the place and renovated it. It’ll reopen soon, but for the time being, it’s a great place for the party!” The two men walked into the cool interior and up to the main desk. The concierge appeared as if magic.
JD wrapped a powerful arm around Iain’s waist. “Heya, Sven. This is Detective Chief Inspector Goddard. I called ahead to make arrangements for him.”
The other man smiled. “Of course, Mr. Franklin. I have a message for you: Mr. Khamar would like to see you both when you arrive. He’s working out of the Ville Elena – that’s the bungalow directly right of the seaward building.”
“Gotcha. C’mon, stud. Let’s go down and meet your new boss.”
* * *
“How do you know I’ll be accepted into this organization of yours, JD? And for that matter, how do you know I’m ready to leave Scotland Yard and Interpol?”
JD grinned. “The answer’s obvious, Iain. To both questions. You wouldn’t be here with me if you weren’t.”
Iain pursed his lips, but kept quiet. Blast him.
As Iain walked through the main building of the hotel, he was painfully aware of the number of handsome and powerfully-built young men about. Most knew JD on sight, as the thief was the subject of numerous smiles and waves. Obviously, he was as well. He was greeted by several “Hello Inspector”s and “Good Afternoon, Sir’s”. He mentioned this to his companion.
“Well, don’t forget you’re a celebrity, bud. Your picture has been plastered all over the papers for the past week...”
The ginger-haired Scot gave him a sour look and growled. “Don’t remind me.”
"... and not to mention you're handsome as fuck and brilliant as well."
Iain blushed scarlet. JD chuckled and patted his ass through the tight denim.
The pair walked down the gentle slope towards the building near the sea. Even with sunglasses, Iain’s eyes were dazzled by the glare, but he saw the silhouettes of two men approach them from the opposite direction. As they drew closer, the glare receded and he could see them more clearly. They were both in short lycra trunks and barefoot with sword-belts wrapped around trim waists; their bodies gleaming molten bronze with exertion under the hot sun. With a start, the Scot recognized one of the two as the handsome Arab that had played a major part in his rescue. A moment later, the other man was equally surprised as well as he recognized the policeman.
His swarthy face broke into an infectious grin. “Inspector! This is indeed a surprise!” The grin changed quickly to a more somber mien. “I do ask your forgiveness for my charade. I deeply regret any additional anguish I caused you, but we had to act quickly and there was some bit of improvisation required.
If we had been but a few minutes earlier, we may have been able to save your companion, as well. That failure has been laying heavily on my heart. I was hoping for some opportunity to see you, but I felt my walking into Interpol headquarters would have caused only more problems.”
Goddard was struck by the genuineness of the statement. “I should be the one thanking you …?”
“Asim. Asim bin Aziz”
“… Asim. I owe you my life.” At this proximity, he noticed several long, but faint scratches across both mens’ bodies. Damn, those swords are real…
Once again, Asim beamed. He turned to his companion. He topped the Arab by about 3 inches, and had the long, powerful muscular lines of a physique model. Or a professional dancer. His pale blue eyes sparkled in a sculpted face with a light-brown, well-trimmed beard. “This is one of my students – Guiliano Champuis. He was also on your extraction team.”
The young man shook hands with the inspector. “It’s a pleasure as well, sir. I’m glad to see you up and about! We were all worried about you when we got you out of that warehouse.”
Asim continued. “After the sparring session I’ve put this young pup through, we are going to spend some time in a nice cool shower together. Please join us on the veranda later for drinks, Inspector – you are always most welcome! The other members of the team would enjoy your company as well.” The two swordsmen continued up towards the main building. The Arab’s hand stroked down Champuis’ muscular back and rested possessively on his ass.
Once they were out of earshot, Goddard gave JD a quizzical glance.
JD nodded. “And daggers. And bows. As well as guns and numerous unarmed techniques. First and foremost, Iain, all of us are very highly trained assassins.”
* * *
As they grew nearer to the lower seaward building, the two veered right to the smaller bungalow to its side. JD knocked and the two entered.
“Boss? You here?”
“In back, JD … c’mon in…” came the faint reply.
The two walked through the villa and found another pair of men in the back room. Large French doors were open to display the vibrant blues of the Mediterrean Sea and sky. One – Iain assumed to Khamar – was a powerfully muscled man with a buzzcut and lightly tinted glasses. Silver cuffs pierced through both ears and he wore several steel rings on both hands. His warm smile gleamed on darker skin.
JD seemed taken aback by the presence of the other man. He was equally muscled, with piercing brown eyes and a small mustache covering sensual lips. He wore a pink polo shirt over a snug pair of white jeans. He gave them a wide smile as well. Iain experienced a slight shiver. It was not only his athletic beauty; it was the very way he held himself, aware and unaware at the same time, as if the world existed only to wait on him when he was ready. Power and command swirled about him like a living cloak.
Goddard felt JD tense. “M-Mr. Giambi?? T-this is a surprise…”
“Well, I would be remiss if I didn’t come here and meet the new soldieri personally. Besides, Jessie would have my head if I didn’t see her protégé off on his first assignment.” He winked at the young thief.
Khamar cleared his throat. “Umm, I really would like to see your low-light shooting skills improve a bit, JD … I asked Rafe to come here this weekend and give you some additional practice. He’s waiting for you at the archery range – go and put in a few hours with him.”
Franklin hesitated. Giambi made a rude noise. “Don’t worry about Inspector Goddard, JD – we aren’t going to eat him.”
“Yet.” The other man grinned.
Khamar shooed him out. He strode over to Iain and wrapped him in a quick embrace. “Thanks for coming, Inspector. My name’s Giaan Khamar, and this…” He gestured to the other man. “… is Lucio Giambi. It’s a pleasure to meet you in person.”
Iain reddened a bit. “I guess you’re the ones responsible for getting me out of that warehouse in Rouen. I don’t know what to say… except thank you for taking the risk to save my life…”
"Our pleasure, Iain....but you know, you ARE a major pain in the ass, though … don’t you?"
Giambi’s mouth twitched into an impish grin. I like this guy.
Giaan continued. “Besides yourself, there’s been only ONE other person on the outside who was able to pierce the veils of secrecy around Lucio’s organization … and that was me. Of course, I had some major hacker skills up my sleeve – plus a lot of luck, but you figured it out all with that steel-trap mind of yours. You’re an amazingly impressive man, Iain – your deductive skills border on the psychic.”
Lucio snorted. “When I caught Giaan in my computer systems, he was a 100-pound geek soaking wet – look at him now … I think we both benefited a good deal by our partnership. I’d like to give you the same opportunity. You're a brilliant man, Inspector ... you and your talents are being wasted where you are now.”
Iain blushed and then cocked a ginger eyebrow. “Is this where you make me the offer I can’t refuse?”
Lucio’s face grew somber. “Nope. No one in my organization ever harms a law enforcement officer. Ever. That’s an automatic death sentence. I want you to work for me, Inspector. I’ll do everything I can to persuade you, but I’ll never force your agreement. I may have to get you transferred somewhere where you won’t affect my operations, but that’s the extent of my doing anything TO you. One of the tenets that drives me and mine is '... and maybe just remind the few if ill of us they speak - that we are that which stands between the monsters and the weak.' ” The absolute conviction that Lucio demonstrated when he said that little rhyme affected him deeply.
Giaan smiled. “That’s not to say we don’t tweak the noses of the police from time to time. Or pull down their pants … Lucio and I feel you would be a tremendous asset as one of our Icemen.”
“IISE – that’s one of my departments that reports directly to Lucio – Investigation, Interrogation, Surveillance and Execution – you’d be responsible for fixing any problems that arise – you’d be cop, judge, jury … and executioner if necessary.”
Lucio spoke up. “My guys need to use their hearts as well as their brains and their muscle. Giaan’s picks have been a bit unorthodox, but amazingly effective. One guy – Jimmy – came up through the ranks as an enforcer, but we’ve got Javi – who was a military pilot, Alec – a magician, and hopefully, yourself.”
Giambi grasped the Scot by the shoulders. His dark eyes held Iain spellbound. He felt if those orbs were shattering his soul and examining the shards. “I think you’re ready, Iain – and so does everyone else of importance – JD, Alec, Jessie and Giaan. But you have to be certain. Can you do this? Can you work for me and my organization without looking back?”
Goddard’s mind spun. “Yes, sir. I can. I want to.” He never felt more certain in his life with a decision.
Lucio’s hands tightened. “We're all killers here, Iain. If I told you to murder someone, would you do it? Right now - this minute? No questions asked?"
He felt like he was drowning. “N-No. There are always questions. I’d want them answered first.”
A wolfish smile split the crime lord’s face and the spell was broken. “That’s exactly what I needed to hear. I can’t have my best guys acting like lemmings.” He wrapped his arms around the Scot’s broad shoulders. “Welcome to the organization!"
* * *
“Of course, we’ll need to get you Trained. That process takes about six months. Before that …”
Giaan interrupted. “Before that, we want to get you checked out medically – forgive my French, but your socialized medicine sucks. We’ll make sure everything is 110% with you and we’ll get you set up as the VP of Security for one of Lucio’s legitimate businesses.” He turned to the crime lord. “I was thinking the marine reinsurance company out of Oslo?”
Lucio nodded. “Good choice.” He looked down at his watch. "I’ve got to be in Santorini in an hour. Gotta catch my plane. “Giaan will take care of all the details. Now that that’s over – relax, enjoy yourself and have some fun."
Giambi trailed long fingers down the side of Iain’s face gave him a wink. "We’ll meet again soon.”
* * *
Goddard collapsed into a heavily cushioned chair. “God, I need a drink.”
Giaan chuckled and poured him one. “Lucio can be rather intense. But you passed the final interview with flying colors. I’m glad you’ve decided to work for us. In case you didn’t figure it out already, Paul Sebastien WAS responsible for your near-death experience in Rouen. He’s a dirty cop that enjoys the filth he wallows in.”
Iain put the cool glass to his forehead and closed his eyes. “I told him that this morning. After slamming him into the wall several times.” He took a sip of the liquor and replaced the icy glass on his forehead. “I also said that if he tried going after me again, the same people that skinned Francois Bertrand would do the same to him.”
The handsome Desi stroked his sensuous lips. “We had other plans for him, but actually, that would be a rather nice alternative. Let me see what we can do about that.”
Iain’s eyes flew open. “We’re killers, Iain. I’m still a geek, but I found out I had a real talent for explosives. And the garrote. We’ll see what you’ve an aptitude for and make you an expert. JD is an amazing thief, but he also an amazing archer. You'd be surprised what synthetic diamond tipped bodkins can do to body armor...”
Giaan paused. “One thing Lucio believes in for all his soldieri is sprezzatura. The art of doing everything gracefully and well, without the appearance of effort.” With that, Giaan bent over and placed a hand flat on the floor. In a moment, he was perfectly balanced upside-down. With a bright smile, he tipped forward and landed on his toes, with nary a sound. Iain’s mouth dropped open.
A dark brow arched behind the tinted glasses. “You’ve had a rather draining day – why don’t you go up to your room and rest up a bit? Dinner’s at 8pm. Casual. Black Party at 11pm. I’ll introduce you around then. I'm sure Asim and Guiliano are spreading the word you're here already.”
* * *
Iain walked slowly back to the main building, his mind still absorbing the events of the past few hours. He felt as if a great weight had been lifted from him. From cop to killer… and I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life…
He approached the front desk and got his card key.
* * *
Iain opened the door to his room and stopped in amazement. It was HUGE. Two king size beds, ceiling to floor windows, a terrace. As well as a living room that rivaled the size of his apartment. He walked over to one of the closets and opened it up.
“What the … ??” The clothing in there was not his own. They must have given me the wrong key. He was going to have to go back down to the desk and get this matter resolved.
The inspector spun around and framed within the doorway of the bathroom was Alec Reynard.
* * *
The art forger had a fluffy white towel wrapped around his middle and nothing else. Dark, wet hair was plastered in wet ringlets over his skull and his muscular torso gleamed with droplets of moisture. A wide grin split his face as he walked over to the Scot and wrapped him in his arms.
Alec didn’t hesitate. He forced his lips against Iain’s and sucked his tongue into his mouth. Goddard growled. He clutched Alec’s wet back, scraping him with fingernails and kissing like he could drown the thief with his heat.
“What are you doing here?”
“JD brought me. He said he was going to a graduation party and wanted me here. He wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer.” The inspector held Reynard’s waist in his hands and began to stroke the smooth skin with his thumbs. The slightly callused fingers sent bolts of electricity through the thief as he looked into the intense whiskey-brown eyes.
“I … I’m leaving Interpol, Alec. There’s nothing for me there any longer. Giaan and Lucio want me to work for them and I agreed.”
“You met Lucio?” Damn that was fast.
Goddard nodded. “He was with Giaan. For my interview.” He gave him a wry grin. “I think I did okay. Why are you here? You graduating too?”
Reynard shook his head. “I just got off a rather intense assignment and Jessie suggested I take a few days off. She mentioned that the hotel was being used for some final Training for the new soldieri and one more person wouldn’t matter any to the staff.”
Iain ran his lips along the strong jawline and gave him a gentle kiss. “You do realize we’ve been set up, don’t you? Me with JD and you with Jessie.” Alec grinned back at the policeman. Jessie, you sneaky, delightful old broad, you….
The inspector trailed a hand down the hard chest, between the rock-hard pectorals and down the washboard abs. He grabbed the stiffening manhood of his lover under the towel. His brown eyes smouldered with a combination of passion and lust, need and want.
“I want you, Alec. I want you now…”
* * *
In a few moments, Goddard was as naked as his companion and looked over at the dark-haired thief. He licked his lips, a wickedly suggestive smile on his face.
My God, he’s hung like a horse. Alec thought.
“Lube?” Iain demanded.
Alec stuttered. “B-bathroom counter.” This was a facet of the man he had never seen. He shivered. He’s got some of the same power of command as Lucio….
“Wait.” Iain pulled away, darted into the other room and snatched the bottle off the counter. It was cool in his hand, like ice against his burning skin. Goddard was relentless and fierce, and Alec was actually unnerved by him but amazingly turned on at the same time. The policeman began kissing him and started walking him backwards.
“Yeah.” The back of Alec’s knees hit the bed. He let Iain shove him down. Goddard climbed on top and forced his knee between Reynard’s thighs. Iain bent Alec in half, pressing until Reynard’s ass came off the bed.
“Oh G... —” He knew what the inspector would do a split second before he did it, but Alec still yelped when Iain buried his face between the cheeks of his ass.
“Oh God.” It was so intense, Iain’s tongue against his rim. Reynard wanted to squirm away, but the Scot held him pinned. Iain’s arms were thick, and brawny and way stronger than Alec remembered. He’s been working out since I pinned him to the office chair. He could have fought against him, but Alec didn’t want to fight. Not really. He had wanted this since the first time he crossed paths with the policeman above him.
Iain shifted, pulling Alec’s knees together, so he could hold them against Alec’s chest. With his free hand, he pushed a finger into his pucker. Alec caught his breath. He tried to wiggle away, or closer. Iain’s finger was thick and rough - he went slowly, licking and stretching, but it still felt too big to be only one digit.
“Is this what you wanted?” Iain met Alec’s blue eyes, waiting for an answer. It was too much. Reynard’s knees were against his chest, his ass exposed and sore just from the rub of Goddard’s finger.
“Oh, yes,” Alec said. This was everything he wanted and yet everything he feared — because Alec loved what Iain was doing to him.
Goddard nodded, his face intense. Spreading the thief wide, he moved between his thighs and fit his erection into the crease of Alec’s ass. He rubbed that hot, thick weight against the black-haired man’s opening; the precum from his cap slid alongside Reynard’s balls. He grabbed the bottle of lube and poured a copious amount onto his digits.
Iain’s touch was warm. He slid in a lubed finger easily, then added some more and pressed in two. “You’re so tight.” His touch was gentler than it had been before. Less punishing. That was a good thing, because his two fingers stretched Alec to bursting.
“Fuck.” Reynard bucked back, rubbing Iain’s cock between his ass cheeks. “Do it,” he gasped. He was going to shoot soon if the inspector didn’t start fucking him. He arched into the massive dick, feeling every ridge and vein. The Scot was so hard…
Iain lowered him gently onto the bed and crawled over him. The ginger-haired inspector kissed his back, his shoulder. Then he rolled the thief onto his side, spooning him.
This time, it hurt a lot less when Goddard pressed in. The stretch was deep and burning but didn’t sting as before.
“Better?” The burred voice asked against his shoulder.
“Yeah.” Alec blew out a long breath, relaxing into the other’s arms. As he did, Iain’s cock slid into him, all the way inside. There was so much, and he was so full, and he thought he might have a stroke if the policeman moved. “Oh God.” Iain held Reynard’s leg under the knee. He pulled out slowly, his thick cock dragging against the thief’s sensitive walls. Then he pressed inside just as carefully.
“You’re gorgeous,” Iain said in a husky whisper. Alec clutched Goddard’s forearm. He needed to have some part of the inspector to grip, or he might pass out.
“Still hurt?” the policeman whispered. Alec shook his head. “Yes. No. I mean… don’t stop.”
And he didn’t. The pace and pounding increased until Alec felt as if his body would crack in half. His balls churned and he reached for his own purpled member to stroke himself to oblivion.
Iain reached for Alec’s cock as well, covered his hand and pumped him in time. The feel of those calluses and that familiar grip— Alec shouted. He flew. His every sinew strung tight and vibrated as if all his nerves were on fire. Iain rolled onto his back and dragged Reynard back onto his cock, so he was impaled and sitting on Iain’s lap. The policeman spasmed, inside and all around him. He cried out like he was sobbing and then tightened his grip around him as he continued to explode deep within him.
* * *
Goddard felt himself get positioned with strong hands— before he knew it, he was up on his knees, his face in the mattress, his breath hammering out of his mouth. It was all so foreign, letting someone else take charge— “Oh fuck!” he bellowed as the possession was struck, the sensations of pain and pleasure, stretching and accommodation, mixing into a cocktail that made him come so hard again he saw stars.
As Alec’s arm snaked around his chest and locked on, the angle changed, the penetrations going deeper and deeper, faster and faster, the heavy bed beginning to rock back and forth against the wall, the panting in his ear growing harsher and harsher…. The cusp was the single greatest burn he’d ever felt, the edge of not just his release, but Alec’s, tightening him up all over, his thighs clenching , his pelvis tilting to receive, his arms straining, holding them both up off the bed - When the thief came, the thrusts locked him in so hard that Iain’s head slammed into the headboard.
Iain released the tension in his arms and sank down to the bed , turning onto his side. Alec was apparently exhausted as well, his body following the lead and stretching out behind him. Reynard’s arm stayed in place. As Alec took a deep breath and seemed content to settle in for the duration, Iain closed his eyes… and dared to thread his fingers through the other’s, forming a seal of their hands.
Utterly spent, the lovers collapsed into a dreamless sleep...
* * *
... only to awaken to a pounding on the door. Consciousness returned to the couple like a reluctant lover.
"Hey guys - it's JD.... let me in! Guys! C'mon!"
Groaning, Iain grabbed Alec's damp towel and wrapped it around his waist. He padded to the door and opened it. The sight before him jolted him to full awareness faster than a bucket of ice cold water.
A gleaming black man-shaped thing stood at the door with a wheeled serving tray in front of him. It grinned – breaking the inky expanse of its eyeless face with gleaming white teeth.
“When you didn’t make it down to dinner, I figured you two were a bit … busy, so I asked the kitchen to make something up for you before the party.”
Once Iain had a chance to recover, he recognized the amazing physique of the jewel thief beneath the skintight black covering. He also noticed that it … he was barefoot – the smooth ebon toes sinking into the deep carpet. The material was stretched tightly over his friend’s body, leaving every muscle in perfect … and carnal … definition. Not a wrinkle was apparent and the ginger-haired Scot felt his cock begin to stir with desire.
Alec turned the corner and he too stopped dead in his tracks, his deep blue eyes widening at the figure glistening before him.
“Is that one of the new combat sheaths?”
“Nope. This is the undercoat for a camo sheath. My first assignment is going to be a long-term destabilization project. Nothing destroys a shaky partnership faster than some rape, robbery and overall douche-baggery. Get two triads at the throats of each other and soon they'll destroy themselves. Lucio wants to get control of the opium fields outside Bangkok and I’m going to be the one to do it.”
Iain reached out to touch the ebon body in front of him. It was smooth and slick and slightly cool to the touch. He stroked the dark face in wonderment.
“This is amazing! How can you see?” Fantasies of being enclosed in the same material had him growing harder by the moment.
JD grinned. “Not sure myself – it has something to do with the material. It’s like I’m seeing everything through a pair of light sunglasses. I can see out, but no one can see in.”
“Is it rubber?” Iain’s cock was now fully erect and tenting the towel wrapped around his trim waist. He couldn’t stop fondling the thief and the material covering his body. A black hand gave a tug and the towel slithered to the floor. JD licked his lips.
“Some form of it. First thing they did was get rid of all my hair – with the exception of my eyebrows and eyelashes, I’m as smooth as a baby’s butt beneath this stuff and I’ll stay that way until they remove it and apply some counteragent to get my hair growing again.”
JD slowly turned around to show off the back of his second skin. “No zipper, either. Neck entry. The suit was pretty well lubed up already and they smeared a bunch of stuff all over me as well. Then they started pulling it up. Just slid up my body like a piece of silk. Once they finished and I was up past my adam's apple in this, they pulled the hood over my bald head and tucked it into the collar. I felt it tightening around me a bit after I was in it for about 10 minutes."
He held out his shiny black hands. The gloves surrounding his fingers were so snug that each nail was apparent through the material, as well as each crease in his palms.
"That’s normal, I was told. Perfects the fit. That stuff was a combination lube and adhesive. I’m sealed in here until they cut it off me with some special blades. Regular knives and razors can’t get through this stuff”
“Aren’t you hot?”
JD shook his smooth, ebon head. “Not in the least. Feels like I’m naked. I've been told I can stay in this for up to nine months at a pop.”
Alec was admiring the body and the inky covering as well. He was having the same problem as Iain in being unable to stop stroking the rubberized soldieri before him.
“But … but, what about your … “ Goddard gestured to his smooth crotch.
JD took a step back and hooked ebon fingers around his waist. He slid down a skintight pair of black rubber trunks to expose a semi-hard smooth black cock and a substantial rounded black sac beneath it. The line of the trunks had been completely invisible against the polished smoothness of his body.
A black hand stroked the ebon tool until it was erect and swollen.
“See? Fully functional!” He bent over and grabbed his ankles to display a smooth black pucker as well. “Front and back.”
He straightened up and looked at the two men before him. “Hmm … seems like those tools of yours need some attention. Can’t see you getting into cockrings and leather jockstraps like that.”
Iain and Alec looked at each other.
A dark hand stroked the inspector’s manhood. Iain shivered at the touch of those black, rubberized fingers. Even though he knew it was JD beneath the covering, that appearance of utter alienness was driving him insensate with lust.
“I’ve wanted that monster in me since I first saw it…” JD growled. The eyeless face turned to azure-eyed man. “… And I owe YOU a solid pounding, mister.” A pink tongue licked around the thin black lips as he grasped his engorged ebon tool.
He crawled onto the rumpled bed. “You sex maniacs up for a three-way?”
* * *
The three men stood in the huge shower and let the warm water splash over their muscular bodies. Iain yelped as JD twisted the dial and a blast of cold water hit them.
"Damn, JD ... what did you do that for?"
Ebon lips curled into a grin. "Well, there's no way either of you are going to get a cock ring on without breaking something important. Now that you've gotten the shock treatment, best put those bad boys on right away."
Alec chuckled as he stepped out of the shower and toweled off quickly. He tossed towels to the other two as he spread a small amount of lube onto a thick electric-blue aluminum cockring and slipped it over his balls and pulled his semi-soft dick through the opening.
"Iain - you have one too?"
JD spoke up. "Yep. I put the one I found with his leathers. Should be in the overnight case." The rubber-encased soldieri padded back into the bedroom. Alec gave his lover a lopsided grin.
"Leathers? Iain, you pervert, you ..."
The Scot blushed and nodded. "I've not a large collection. But bespoke. I wonder which one he packed..."
JD returned with a heavy hinged-steel prison in his dark hands. "Let me help you on with this, Iain.". The ebon-covered man knelt down and wrapped the metal around Goddard's already thickening prong. Once it was in place, he used the allen wrench to secure the ring around the inspector's cock and balls. Within a few moments, Iain's tool was already swollen with lust. JD gave the tip a delicate lick before he stood up. "Just in time..."
"I've got to get back downstairs. I'll see you two down in the Salon Iles de Lérins." He paused. "I'm so glad you two are together." With a jaunty salute, the slick black soldieri exited the room and quietly closed the door.
Alec wrapped his arms around Iain's neck and gave him a soft kiss. "Did you know that that rubber suit was originally designed for the inventor and his lover to have some rough and tumble sex in full encapsulation?" He licked the Scot's ear. "Still being manufactured, I've been told. Made to measure only, Inspector... Hidden zipper in the back with locking pulls. Front and back sheaths. Harnesses. Ankle- and wrist-bands. Collars. Everything rubber. Everything lockable and completely inescapable..."
Iain's head buzzed with that fantasy. He trailed his lips across Alec's jawline. "Perhaps I should get us a pair with accessories with my signing bonus... But we should get ready. Don't want to give my brand new employer the impression I'm unreliable."
Alec squeezed his package surrounded by the shiny steel cockring. The two men broke apart and each went to their respective closets in the enormous suite.
* * *
Iain had donned an English harness and pulled his heavy cock through the front opening of the leather jockstrap. He tied it around his trim waist and with difficulty, began to snap the pouch of the codpiece around his swollen package and steel prison. A pair of soft, thick leather chaps followed and a short sleeve leather police shirt with NYPD patches was pulled over his powerful chest and arms. Iain stamped into a well-polished pair of smooth police boots and admired himself in the full length mirror. A leather Muir cap with pewter eagle was pulled over his short, ginger hair and the outfit was completed by his mirrored sunglasses.
"Mmmm .... YOU look fucking amazing as a leathercop!"
Iain heard the bed squeak and turned around to look at his lover reclining on the mattress. Alec too, was in a leather police uniform. A short sleeve leather shirt was bisected by a Sam Browne chest rig and a silver badge glittered on the leather that was straining to contain his muscular physique. Tight leather pants with a white stripe running down the sides were tucked into tall dark boots that were similar, but not identical to Goddard's.
Tight black gloves covered his hands. A similar Muir cap - this one with a silver edging on the brim - was pulled low over a pair of dark Ray-Bans. Alec stood up and Iain noticed a baton swinging at his side. Alec gave him a wicked smile - one that was only made more wicked by the leather outfit gleaming on his body.
"You never know if any of the new class is going to need a little ... discipline ..." He sauntered over to the Scot and a gloved hand stroked the tender skin exposed between the pouch of the jockstrap and the edge of the chaps. The forger's hands moved to the trim leathered waist of his lover. He pulled him close and the two began to spin slowly around. Alec started to hum and then quietly began to sing:
Goddard felt a drop of moisture splash on his neck. He pulled away to see Alec's eyes bright with unshed tears. "I love you too. More than you can ever imagine.... When did you find out my real name?"
"It was something JD mentioned off-handedly. 'He's a wizard with locks' ... Wizard. Magic. Magician. Illusionist. Then I started trawling the Interpol databases for American magicians convicted of crimes. You're going to have to tell me some day how you got out of a maximum security prison - while you're still supposedly in lockup."
Alec took his hand and they headed towards the door. "Well let's show off Lucio's latest Iceman!"
* * *
Iain sat on the terrace and enjoyed his late breakfast. Despite partying late into the night, he felt amazingly refreshed and clear-headed. The scot had been introduced to several other high-ranking members of Lucio's syndicate and had been welcomed with open arms.That unforced acceptance had been an eye-opening and well-appreciated difference from the machinations and skullduggery at Interpol. He had woken up to a note on the pillow next to him:
"Hey stud - mind if I join you?" JD's voice drifted over his shoulder.
"Have a seat - the porridge is delic-" Iain stopped in mid-sentence, shock painted over his lightly stubbled face. The man who sat down across from him was NOT the jewel thief who had brought him to the hotel.
"Shocking, ain't it?" The handsome golden-skinned Asian flashed him a bright white grin and gave him a salacious wink. He was massively muscled, and the open white shirt strained to cover highly-developed pectorals and incredibly built arms. Triceps and biceps threatened to split the material and the sleeves were rolled up to display smooth powerful forearms. A purple and lilac silk repp tie was knotted loosely around the open collar and a pair of snug pinstripe pants stretched sinfully over his well-developed quads. Slanted deep brown eyes were surmounted by expressive brows and short, black hair completed the transformation of the jewel thief via the camouflage sheath.
Ian reached out to touch JD's new face and run fingers through the hair. It was warm and pliable and felt completely human. "It's amazing... that really is YOU under there?"
"Yep - berneath two layers of rubber. And I can feel everything through this stuff. It's incredible! The eyes are the most mind-blowing piece of the camouflage sheath" He rolled his eyes, blinked, winked and even crossed them. "Watch this..."
The muscles in his forearms flexed as JD grabbed one of his eyes and gave it a tug. After a moment, there was a muffled "pop" and the artificial eye covering was in the palm of his hand. Iain could now see the inky blackness of the undersheath in his apparently empty eye socket.
JD widened his eyes and slipped the eye back in place. It spun around in the socket for a moment before settling back into place. "Meet Gao Zhensheng - one of the top members in the Black Dragon Triad...." He cracked his knuckles as he got up to help himself to the buffet. Iain licked his lips as he watched the slightly rolling gait caused by the massive muscles of JD's lower body move within the pinstripes. "... we've got the real Gao in a safe place - his body will make an appearance when everything has gone sideways and the triads are primed to eradicate each other..."
JD returned to the table with a full plate and a pensive look on his new face. "Iain ... would you do me a favor?"
"Of course, JD. What is it?"
JD leaned over and stroked the inspector's face. "I'm leaving in an hour for Hong Kong. Would you -- I mean I know you and Alec are together ... but would you ... could you come up to my suite and ..."
Iain kissed the golden-skinned hand. "It would be my pleasure." He looked down at the other's plate and cocked a ginger eyebrow. "Best you fortify yourself first, however..."
* * *
The two men walked back into the hotel and took the elevator to the second floor. The soldieri's suite was smaller than Iain and Alec's, but still lavishly appointed. JD spared no time in removing his clothing and crawled onto the bed. Iain peeled his t-shirt over his head and slipped out of his trunks, then joined the disguised thief on the down mattress. Goddard stroked the smooth skin and rubbed the substantial cock until it was erect and darkened with need. He gave the tip a lick and JD squirmed in a combination of anticipation and lust. Iain's whiskey-brown eyes bored into the slanted eyes of the ersatz asian gangster before him.
"Right now, I want you bent over and taking me as deep as you can."
The soldieri scrambled to comply. Iain's cool hand landed on the small of JD's back. Goose bumps and shivers traveled over his artificial skin as the policeman stroked the globes of his ass. "Brace your hands on the bed," Goddard ordered, "and spread your legs more."
Doing as commanded, JD imagined how wanton he must look as his hips tilted and his ass pushed out to encourage the other man's touch. "Iain, I want..." A hard slap to his ass made him gasp and jump. Glancing over his shoulder at Goddard, the asian met the inspector's gaze. "What was that for?"
"No reason. I just wanted to see how your camouflage sheath would react to it."
Iain's wicked grin caused JD's cock to swell further. "Where's the lube?"
He closed his eyes because the sight of Goddard's engorged horsecock and naked body drove the ability to think out of his mind. "Ummm...under the pillow, I think."
Another slap to the other cheek and Iain reached over the golden-skinned back to search under the pillow closest to them. JD couldn't help rocking back and rubbing his ass against Goddard's erection.
Iain held up the lube. "Got it." JD bit his lip at the loss of the inspector's weight and touch.
"Iain - I need..."
"I know. Don't worry. I won't let you wait for long." The ginger-haired man trailed long fingers over JD's spine to tease the top of his crease before dipping down to rub over his hole. It's so real ... Dropping his head forward, JD arched his back and twisted his hands in the sheets. The pop of the bottle warned him before cold liquid dropped onto his skin.
"Oh." His voice was little more than a groan. Iain chuckled, but stayed silent.
JD closed his eyes, absorbing every touch and letting them sink into his heart. There was caring and even love in each stroke and pinch of the inspector's fingers. Then he pressed the tip of one digit inside JD's ass, pushing the lube in. He relaxed and the invading digit sank farther into his channel. Tightening his muscles, he tried to keep Goddard there, but the policeman eased out his finger. The asian gangster protested his emptiness.
"Hush..." More slick and two fingers thrust in, this time with a little more force. JD hissed and rocked through the burn, allowing the slight pain to fade. Iain never stopped touching the thief's back, sides, and cock, reveling in the feel of the artificial skin against his fingertips. Goddard wrapped JD's prick in his fist, pumping in rhythm with the pace of his fingers opening the prone man's chute. One of Iain's knuckles hit JD's gland and he cried out as electricity shot through him.
A wicked chuckle. "We're getting to that. I don't think you're going to be bottoming any time soon..."
"You'll get all you want." The two fingers disappeared, only to be replaced by three and Goddard fucked him hard and fast with them, hitting just the right spot with each shove. Nick bucked and rocked, artificial muscles rippling across his golden skin, taking everything the inspector gave him and begging for more. Iain's hand gripped JD's thick cock tightly and with each upstroke, he twisted his palm over the head, drawing cries from the asian gangster until his throat was hoarse.

Leaning over, Goddard growled in JD's ear. "I want you to cum now, love. Don't hold back and after you've cum all over my hand, then I'll ride your ass until you cum again."
A sharp bite to the tattoo on JD's thickly muscled shoulder, along with the thought of Goddard's cock in his ass again, drove him over the edge. His seed spilled from him, covering the policeman's hand and the comforter underneath him. He jerked and moaned, allowing the ginger-haired man to demand every drop from him. His trembling hadn't faded before the inspector yanked his fingers out of his hole and shoved his cock in as deep as he could go. The hair at the base of Iain's shaft tickled JD's butt cheeks. The sheathed soldieri clamped down on the man inside him, massaging the cock with his inner passage and two layers of rubber.
"Oh my God, Iain, make me feel you for days!" Goddard gripped the thickly muscled hips and took control. JD allowed the man topping him to move his body the way he needed. Each thrust slammed into him hard enough to steal his breath. Iain held his hips at just the right angle to hit his gland with each stroke.
Screaming, he clawed the sheets while his second climax overwhelmed him. His sheathed passage took Goddard's cock in a vise-like grip and threw the policeman into his own orgasm. Hot liquid filled the asian-appearing soldieri as the ginger-haired man pumped his cum into him. His herculean arms finally gave out before Goddard finished emptying his seed. JD fell facefirst onto the bed, not even flinching at the wet, sticky mess he landed in. Iain smoothed back the sweaty black hair and licked the whorls of an exposed ear then eased away from him. They moaned as Goddard's softened cock left the asian's body. The policeman patted JD's butt and walked over to the bathroom.
The jewel thief flinched when a warm damp cloth swiped over his ass. Shooting a glance over his massive shoulder, he watched as Goddard cleaned him off. When the policeman finished with his back, he helped the disguised man stand.
"You best get dressed - all the way this time," Goddard grinned as he landed a soft kiss on the sensuous lips. "I don't think you'd want to give the wrong impression to the triad you're going to eliminate."
* * *
'Elated' could barely describe the feelings Sebastien felt when he arrived the next morning to find Goddard's resignation on his desk. The Interpol chief breathed a sigh of relief - he could continue his illicit dealings and not worry about the ginger-haired Inspector uncovering his criminal activities, and on a different level, with Iain Goddard out of law enforcement, he wouldn't need to have him eliminated. Sebastien shivered - the ex-inspector's whispered threat still managed to clutch his heart in an icy grip. Someone else had been watching over the Scot and he hoped their attention on Interpol (and himself) would now fade.
That elation, however, was short lived. Misfortune and bad luck began to plague the Division and only intensified as time wore on. Members of Art Crimes who had hoped to secure choice assignments from Sebastien had followed his lead in denigrating and belittling the Scot; it was those people who now openly complained of the poor quality of information now being supplied to them. The clearance ratio of cases began to dip and then dropped precipitously. The Inspector General soon became involved and the tensions in the Division began to escalate. Suspicion and paranoia became a regular part of daily life and more and more attention was focused on Sebastien ... and his antagonistic relationship to Iain Goddard. He received a suspension from his duties three months later.
Two months following his suspension, Sebastien received a shock when Le Figaro's headline blared "Drug Lord Caught in Morphine Sting"
Laigle had been responsible for the initial blackmail of Sebastien, but over the years, the two had developed a solid working friendship. Laigle had even returned the original damning evidence to Sebastien in the past - but by then, the Art Crimes Director had developed a taste for the criminal demimonde and preferred to keep his relationship with the drug lord rather than sever it. The Interpol chief knew without a doubt that Laigle would give him up without a second thought if it would serve his needs.
The final straw was a certified letter from Interpol. He had been terminated from the police force and his involvement with Laigle had been uncovered. He was to present himself to the authorities the following Monday or be tracked down and arrested.
Sebastien was ready to flee. Over the years, he had built up a not-inconsiderable fund financed by skimming profits from Laigle's operations. He had another identity already set up, as well as credit and another passport. Life would be comfortable in the Caymans.
* * *
"What do you mean, 'there is no account with that designation' ??!!" Sebastien screamed into the phone. "That account was set up 15 years ago! It can't just vanish!"
The banker on the other side of the line was imperturbable. "I am sorry, sir. We have no record of that account, nor of any of the transactions that you have faxed to us. That account simply does not exist."
The Interpol Chief was filled with cold dread. How could this happen? Why? You know why. A quiet inner voice replied. And you can guess who did it. He grabbed his coat and flew out of his apartment.
* * *
Paul Sebastien pushed open the door to the dimly lit bar and sat tiredly at the wide wooden expanse.
"What can I get you, sir?"
"Who are you? Where's Jean-Claude?" The skin beneath his eyes was deeply smudged and his eyes were bloodshot. His hands shook as he lit a cigarette.

"He had to go out of town for a funeral." The replacement bartender was a young man with pale blue eyes and a well-trimmed beard on a ruggedly handsome face. "I'm Guiliano."
"Give me a yellow Izarra and mineral water." The bartender moved aside and put a glass in front of the Interpol Art Crimes director and poured the almond-flavored liqueur.
"Leave the bottle."
He knocked back the Izarra and then put his head in his hands.
* * *
"What's with him?" Another patron nodded towards the figure of Sebastien slumped over the bar.
"He came in terribly upset and nearly drank a whole bottle of Izarra.Then he passed out. I'd better let him sleep it off in the back room." With that, Guiliano came around the bar and attempted to walk the Interpol chief to the back of the establishment. Finding him a dead weight, he altered his stance and hoisted him over his shoulder in a fireman's carry.
Damn, he's strong. The other patron thought as he watched Guiliano effortlessly haul the man through the establishment. Better behave myself. He sipped his Pernod and smiled as he caught the eye of a young lady further down the bar.
* * *
"He'll be clear-headed in a minute." The voice echoed strangely in Sebastien's ears as the world swam back into focus. He found himself fastened upright to a heavy wooden chair, with the bartender clinically observing him. He looked ... different somehow. Harder. The face was the same, but gone was the exhibited cheerfulness while serving drinks. There was a distinct look of professionalism with a hint of underlying violence.
Sebastien felt a hand stroke across the back of his neck and shivered. The hand was warm with rough fingertips, but it felt as if Death itself had just caressed him. The man walked around and looked down at the captive ex-Interpol director.
"Hello Paul." Iain Goddard smiled. It never reached his eyes.
* * *
"My, you've been a very naughty boy, haven't you?" Iain lightly slapped his face. Sebastien struggled in his bonds.
"No need for that ... they'll be coming off in a few moments anyway ... regardless of how I feel towards you ... and make no mistake how I do feel towards you..." The whiskey brown eyes blazed in fury. "I've been ... asked ... to permit you one last chance at redemption." Sebastien stared up at the man in terror. As with the bartender, Goddard's whole demeanor had changed since the last time they had been together - there was a cold deliberateness to him now, and he could feel an unimaginable well of violence within him being held in check by the tightest of controls.
Goddard smirked. "That little nest egg of yours will stand Egon's widow and child in good stead. At least some of your blood money will find itself benefiting someone other than yourself."
Despite his situation, Sebastien erupted with fury. "You ... you stole my money!!!" He began to curse fluently in French.
Guiliano slapped him. Hard. "Iain didn't take your money, monsieur ... the people that rescued him from your setup in Rouen did. He merely asked us to give a sizeable portion of it to the family of the policeman you murdered."
Realization dawned on the Interpol chief as the import of those words sank in. Goddard saw the knowledge bloom behind the captive's horrified eyes. They bounced between the two men like a pair of dice in a backgammon cup.
"That's right, Paul - that organization and myself - we're just one big happy family now. We take harming a policeman very, very seriously. Unfortunately for you, you're no longer in that category."
* * *
Goddard laid a H&K on the desk next to the wooden chair. "There's one bullet in the gun, Paul. We're going to give you the chance to do the honorable thing. You have five minutes."
Iain and Guiliano left the room and Sebastien heard the lock click behind them. Suddenly, the fastenings around him dropped away and he leapt from the chair to reach for the gun.
* * *
"Monsieur Sebastien? We're coming in."
Goddard kicked the door open, half hoping his former boss was behind it and wanted to have the heavy oak planks smash in his face. The ex-Director stood near the chair, the gun steady in a two-handed grip. He pointed it at the ginger-haired former inspector.
"Move out of the way, or I'll kill you!"
Iain shook his head and sighed. "No, you won't." As he began to walk towards Sebastian, the Frenchman pulled the trigger.
In a flash, he found himself lying on the floor with Goddard staring down at him, gun in hand. A booted foot was planted heavily on his chest. Mon Dieu - I didn't even see him move...
"That gun has a fingerprint sensor in the grip. It will only fire if it recognizes the proper owner." Goddard aimed the gun down and pulled the trigger. Sebastien winced as the expected explosion and agony of a fatal gunshot wound never came. Instead, he looked down to see a small dart poking out of his chest. A terrible lethargy began to creep over him and within moments, he found himself unable to move. Or speak.
"That's a wonderful compound we've developed ... completely paralyzes the voluntary motor nerves, but leaves the sensory ones on overdrive..."
Guiliano knelt down beside the paralyzed man. Iain turned his head so he could observe the other assassin. Champuis took a black felt package from the table, laid it on the floor and began to unroll it. If Sebastien could have screamed, he would have. Wicked steel instruments gleamed in the overhead lights. The bright-eyed assassin pulled on a pair of surgical gloves and tossed a pair to Goddard as well.
Goddard began to undo the prone man's clothes. "I did tell you that if you went after me, I'd make sure that you'd suffer the same fate as Francois Bertrand..." He pulled the belt off and began to pull down the trousers. "And you know I'm a man of my word ..."
Sebastien felt the sharp prick of the scalpel as it moved along his forehead and the slow drip of blood down the sides of his face. Guiliano grabbed a handful of dark hair and ripped it off the paralyzed man's head. He dangled the severed scalp in front of him and then tossed it into a plastic waste bag.
Iain smiled. It was terrifying. "Ah, Paul .... even in Hell, your suffering is going to be LEGENDARY..."
* * *
Dirty Cop Found Murdered
The Paris Surete found the flayed body of former Interpol Art Crimes Division Director Paul Sebastien today at the base of Les Fontaines de la Concorde early this morning. Sebastien had been suspended from his position after an investigation had linked him to the organized crime activities of Anatole Laigle, indicted earlier this month. Police are unsure of the motive behind the murder, but is reminiscent of the similar mutilation murder of Francois Bertrand, a well-known drug dealer. Bertrand was an independent operator involved with Syrian drug cartels and was unaffiliated with Laigle's operations. Current supposition is that the person or person's responsible for Bertrand's death were concerned that Sebastien may have exposed their criminal enterprises to receive a reduced sentence or immunity for providing evidence. No suspects have yet been identified this early in the investigation, but the focus will be on Bertrand's drug associations.
* * *
Done, done and finally done! I find that doing these long story arcs is getting harder and harder since the depth and breadth of my imaginary world imposes it's own set of rules to maintain consistency. I think I will try to do some "shorter" stories in the future and recharge my batteries for these longer sagas. This story indeed had a great deal of twists and turns in it.
Originally, it was more of a light-hearted pursuit between two men, but then took a darker turn with the attempts on Iain's life. I did have more than one request to also incorporate the concepts of my "camouflage sheath" and I was happy to oblige. JD becoming a rubberman and going on a long assignment for Lucio seemed a perfect way to incorporate the purchases from Peter Davidson's Arriflex company into Lucio's criminal enterprises. Of course, I felt I had to put some element of tisis into the story; Sebastien needed to be punished for his transgressions and Iain was the perfect foil to do it. I may have mentioned it before, but CFX again provided the raw material for Iain Goddard, in the form of a very customized "Mac" mask.
JD slowed the car as they climbed a narrow, pine-lined road. All at once, the trees fell away to reveal a grand Napoleon III edifice with the Mediterranean sparkling behind it.
“Damn …” Iain breathed in the sight before him as the dark-haired jewel thief pulled up to the main entrance.
“This is where all the celebrities stay during the Cannes Film Festival. We bought the place and renovated it. It’ll reopen soon, but for the time being, it’s a great place for the party!” The two men walked into the cool interior and up to the main desk. The concierge appeared as if magic.
JD wrapped a powerful arm around Iain’s waist. “Heya, Sven. This is Detective Chief Inspector Goddard. I called ahead to make arrangements for him.”
The other man smiled. “Of course, Mr. Franklin. I have a message for you: Mr. Khamar would like to see you both when you arrive. He’s working out of the Ville Elena – that’s the bungalow directly right of the seaward building.”
“Gotcha. C’mon, stud. Let’s go down and meet your new boss.”
* * *
“How do you know I’ll be accepted into this organization of yours, JD? And for that matter, how do you know I’m ready to leave Scotland Yard and Interpol?”
JD grinned. “The answer’s obvious, Iain. To both questions. You wouldn’t be here with me if you weren’t.”
Iain pursed his lips, but kept quiet. Blast him.
As Iain walked through the main building of the hotel, he was painfully aware of the number of handsome and powerfully-built young men about. Most knew JD on sight, as the thief was the subject of numerous smiles and waves. Obviously, he was as well. He was greeted by several “Hello Inspector”s and “Good Afternoon, Sir’s”. He mentioned this to his companion.
“Well, don’t forget you’re a celebrity, bud. Your picture has been plastered all over the papers for the past week...”
The ginger-haired Scot gave him a sour look and growled. “Don’t remind me.”
"... and not to mention you're handsome as fuck and brilliant as well."
Iain blushed scarlet. JD chuckled and patted his ass through the tight denim.
The pair walked down the gentle slope towards the building near the sea. Even with sunglasses, Iain’s eyes were dazzled by the glare, but he saw the silhouettes of two men approach them from the opposite direction. As they drew closer, the glare receded and he could see them more clearly. They were both in short lycra trunks and barefoot with sword-belts wrapped around trim waists; their bodies gleaming molten bronze with exertion under the hot sun. With a start, the Scot recognized one of the two as the handsome Arab that had played a major part in his rescue. A moment later, the other man was equally surprised as well as he recognized the policeman.
His swarthy face broke into an infectious grin. “Inspector! This is indeed a surprise!” The grin changed quickly to a more somber mien. “I do ask your forgiveness for my charade. I deeply regret any additional anguish I caused you, but we had to act quickly and there was some bit of improvisation required.
If we had been but a few minutes earlier, we may have been able to save your companion, as well. That failure has been laying heavily on my heart. I was hoping for some opportunity to see you, but I felt my walking into Interpol headquarters would have caused only more problems.”
Goddard was struck by the genuineness of the statement. “I should be the one thanking you …?”
“Asim. Asim bin Aziz”
“… Asim. I owe you my life.” At this proximity, he noticed several long, but faint scratches across both mens’ bodies. Damn, those swords are real…
Once again, Asim beamed. He turned to his companion. He topped the Arab by about 3 inches, and had the long, powerful muscular lines of a physique model. Or a professional dancer. His pale blue eyes sparkled in a sculpted face with a light-brown, well-trimmed beard. “This is one of my students – Guiliano Champuis. He was also on your extraction team.”
The young man shook hands with the inspector. “It’s a pleasure as well, sir. I’m glad to see you up and about! We were all worried about you when we got you out of that warehouse.”
Asim continued. “After the sparring session I’ve put this young pup through, we are going to spend some time in a nice cool shower together. Please join us on the veranda later for drinks, Inspector – you are always most welcome! The other members of the team would enjoy your company as well.” The two swordsmen continued up towards the main building. The Arab’s hand stroked down Champuis’ muscular back and rested possessively on his ass.
Once they were out of earshot, Goddard gave JD a quizzical glance.
JD nodded. “And daggers. And bows. As well as guns and numerous unarmed techniques. First and foremost, Iain, all of us are very highly trained assassins.”
* * *
As they grew nearer to the lower seaward building, the two veered right to the smaller bungalow to its side. JD knocked and the two entered.
“Boss? You here?”
“In back, JD … c’mon in…” came the faint reply.
The two walked through the villa and found another pair of men in the back room. Large French doors were open to display the vibrant blues of the Mediterrean Sea and sky. One – Iain assumed to Khamar – was a powerfully muscled man with a buzzcut and lightly tinted glasses. Silver cuffs pierced through both ears and he wore several steel rings on both hands. His warm smile gleamed on darker skin.
JD seemed taken aback by the presence of the other man. He was equally muscled, with piercing brown eyes and a small mustache covering sensual lips. He wore a pink polo shirt over a snug pair of white jeans. He gave them a wide smile as well. Iain experienced a slight shiver. It was not only his athletic beauty; it was the very way he held himself, aware and unaware at the same time, as if the world existed only to wait on him when he was ready. Power and command swirled about him like a living cloak.
Goddard felt JD tense. “M-Mr. Giambi?? T-this is a surprise…”
“Well, I would be remiss if I didn’t come here and meet the new soldieri personally. Besides, Jessie would have my head if I didn’t see her protégé off on his first assignment.” He winked at the young thief.
Khamar cleared his throat. “Umm, I really would like to see your low-light shooting skills improve a bit, JD … I asked Rafe to come here this weekend and give you some additional practice. He’s waiting for you at the archery range – go and put in a few hours with him.”
Franklin hesitated. Giambi made a rude noise. “Don’t worry about Inspector Goddard, JD – we aren’t going to eat him.”
“Yet.” The other man grinned.
Khamar shooed him out. He strode over to Iain and wrapped him in a quick embrace. “Thanks for coming, Inspector. My name’s Giaan Khamar, and this…” He gestured to the other man. “… is Lucio Giambi. It’s a pleasure to meet you in person.”
Iain reddened a bit. “I guess you’re the ones responsible for getting me out of that warehouse in Rouen. I don’t know what to say… except thank you for taking the risk to save my life…”
"Our pleasure, Iain....but you know, you ARE a major pain in the ass, though … don’t you?"
Giambi’s mouth twitched into an impish grin. I like this guy.
Giaan continued. “Besides yourself, there’s been only ONE other person on the outside who was able to pierce the veils of secrecy around Lucio’s organization … and that was me. Of course, I had some major hacker skills up my sleeve – plus a lot of luck, but you figured it out all with that steel-trap mind of yours. You’re an amazingly impressive man, Iain – your deductive skills border on the psychic.”
Lucio snorted. “When I caught Giaan in my computer systems, he was a 100-pound geek soaking wet – look at him now … I think we both benefited a good deal by our partnership. I’d like to give you the same opportunity. You're a brilliant man, Inspector ... you and your talents are being wasted where you are now.”
Iain blushed and then cocked a ginger eyebrow. “Is this where you make me the offer I can’t refuse?”
Lucio’s face grew somber. “Nope. No one in my organization ever harms a law enforcement officer. Ever. That’s an automatic death sentence. I want you to work for me, Inspector. I’ll do everything I can to persuade you, but I’ll never force your agreement. I may have to get you transferred somewhere where you won’t affect my operations, but that’s the extent of my doing anything TO you. One of the tenets that drives me and mine is '... and maybe just remind the few if ill of us they speak - that we are that which stands between the monsters and the weak.' ” The absolute conviction that Lucio demonstrated when he said that little rhyme affected him deeply.
Giaan smiled. “That’s not to say we don’t tweak the noses of the police from time to time. Or pull down their pants … Lucio and I feel you would be a tremendous asset as one of our Icemen.”
“IISE – that’s one of my departments that reports directly to Lucio – Investigation, Interrogation, Surveillance and Execution – you’d be responsible for fixing any problems that arise – you’d be cop, judge, jury … and executioner if necessary.”
Lucio spoke up. “My guys need to use their hearts as well as their brains and their muscle. Giaan’s picks have been a bit unorthodox, but amazingly effective. One guy – Jimmy – came up through the ranks as an enforcer, but we’ve got Javi – who was a military pilot, Alec – a magician, and hopefully, yourself.”
Giambi grasped the Scot by the shoulders. His dark eyes held Iain spellbound. He felt if those orbs were shattering his soul and examining the shards. “I think you’re ready, Iain – and so does everyone else of importance – JD, Alec, Jessie and Giaan. But you have to be certain. Can you do this? Can you work for me and my organization without looking back?”
Goddard’s mind spun. “Yes, sir. I can. I want to.” He never felt more certain in his life with a decision.
Lucio’s hands tightened. “We're all killers here, Iain. If I told you to murder someone, would you do it? Right now - this minute? No questions asked?"
He felt like he was drowning. “N-No. There are always questions. I’d want them answered first.”
A wolfish smile split the crime lord’s face and the spell was broken. “That’s exactly what I needed to hear. I can’t have my best guys acting like lemmings.” He wrapped his arms around the Scot’s broad shoulders. “Welcome to the organization!"
* * *
“Of course, we’ll need to get you Trained. That process takes about six months. Before that …”
Giaan interrupted. “Before that, we want to get you checked out medically – forgive my French, but your socialized medicine sucks. We’ll make sure everything is 110% with you and we’ll get you set up as the VP of Security for one of Lucio’s legitimate businesses.” He turned to the crime lord. “I was thinking the marine reinsurance company out of Oslo?”
Lucio nodded. “Good choice.” He looked down at his watch. "I’ve got to be in Santorini in an hour. Gotta catch my plane. “Giaan will take care of all the details. Now that that’s over – relax, enjoy yourself and have some fun."
Giambi trailed long fingers down the side of Iain’s face gave him a wink. "We’ll meet again soon.”
* * *
Goddard collapsed into a heavily cushioned chair. “God, I need a drink.”
Giaan chuckled and poured him one. “Lucio can be rather intense. But you passed the final interview with flying colors. I’m glad you’ve decided to work for us. In case you didn’t figure it out already, Paul Sebastien WAS responsible for your near-death experience in Rouen. He’s a dirty cop that enjoys the filth he wallows in.”
Iain put the cool glass to his forehead and closed his eyes. “I told him that this morning. After slamming him into the wall several times.” He took a sip of the liquor and replaced the icy glass on his forehead. “I also said that if he tried going after me again, the same people that skinned Francois Bertrand would do the same to him.”
The handsome Desi stroked his sensuous lips. “We had other plans for him, but actually, that would be a rather nice alternative. Let me see what we can do about that.”
Iain’s eyes flew open. “We’re killers, Iain. I’m still a geek, but I found out I had a real talent for explosives. And the garrote. We’ll see what you’ve an aptitude for and make you an expert. JD is an amazing thief, but he also an amazing archer. You'd be surprised what synthetic diamond tipped bodkins can do to body armor...”
Giaan paused. “One thing Lucio believes in for all his soldieri is sprezzatura. The art of doing everything gracefully and well, without the appearance of effort.” With that, Giaan bent over and placed a hand flat on the floor. In a moment, he was perfectly balanced upside-down. With a bright smile, he tipped forward and landed on his toes, with nary a sound. Iain’s mouth dropped open.
A dark brow arched behind the tinted glasses. “You’ve had a rather draining day – why don’t you go up to your room and rest up a bit? Dinner’s at 8pm. Casual. Black Party at 11pm. I’ll introduce you around then. I'm sure Asim and Guiliano are spreading the word you're here already.”
* * *
Iain walked slowly back to the main building, his mind still absorbing the events of the past few hours. He felt as if a great weight had been lifted from him. From cop to killer… and I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life…
He approached the front desk and got his card key.
* * *
Iain opened the door to his room and stopped in amazement. It was HUGE. Two king size beds, ceiling to floor windows, a terrace. As well as a living room that rivaled the size of his apartment. He walked over to one of the closets and opened it up.
“What the … ??” The clothing in there was not his own. They must have given me the wrong key. He was going to have to go back down to the desk and get this matter resolved.
The inspector spun around and framed within the doorway of the bathroom was Alec Reynard.
* * *
The art forger had a fluffy white towel wrapped around his middle and nothing else. Dark, wet hair was plastered in wet ringlets over his skull and his muscular torso gleamed with droplets of moisture. A wide grin split his face as he walked over to the Scot and wrapped him in his arms.

“What are you doing here?”
“JD brought me. He said he was going to a graduation party and wanted me here. He wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer.” The inspector held Reynard’s waist in his hands and began to stroke the smooth skin with his thumbs. The slightly callused fingers sent bolts of electricity through the thief as he looked into the intense whiskey-brown eyes.
“I … I’m leaving Interpol, Alec. There’s nothing for me there any longer. Giaan and Lucio want me to work for them and I agreed.”
“You met Lucio?” Damn that was fast.
Goddard nodded. “He was with Giaan. For my interview.” He gave him a wry grin. “I think I did okay. Why are you here? You graduating too?”
Reynard shook his head. “I just got off a rather intense assignment and Jessie suggested I take a few days off. She mentioned that the hotel was being used for some final Training for the new soldieri and one more person wouldn’t matter any to the staff.”
Iain ran his lips along the strong jawline and gave him a gentle kiss. “You do realize we’ve been set up, don’t you? Me with JD and you with Jessie.” Alec grinned back at the policeman. Jessie, you sneaky, delightful old broad, you….
The inspector trailed a hand down the hard chest, between the rock-hard pectorals and down the washboard abs. He grabbed the stiffening manhood of his lover under the towel. His brown eyes smouldered with a combination of passion and lust, need and want.
“I want you, Alec. I want you now…”
* * *
In a few moments, Goddard was as naked as his companion and looked over at the dark-haired thief. He licked his lips, a wickedly suggestive smile on his face.
My God, he’s hung like a horse. Alec thought.
“Lube?” Iain demanded.
Alec stuttered. “B-bathroom counter.” This was a facet of the man he had never seen. He shivered. He’s got some of the same power of command as Lucio….
“Wait.” Iain pulled away, darted into the other room and snatched the bottle off the counter. It was cool in his hand, like ice against his burning skin. Goddard was relentless and fierce, and Alec was actually unnerved by him but amazingly turned on at the same time. The policeman began kissing him and started walking him backwards.
“Yeah.” The back of Alec’s knees hit the bed. He let Iain shove him down. Goddard climbed on top and forced his knee between Reynard’s thighs. Iain bent Alec in half, pressing until Reynard’s ass came off the bed.
“Oh G... —” He knew what the inspector would do a split second before he did it, but Alec still yelped when Iain buried his face between the cheeks of his ass.
“Oh God.” It was so intense, Iain’s tongue against his rim. Reynard wanted to squirm away, but the Scot held him pinned. Iain’s arms were thick, and brawny and way stronger than Alec remembered. He’s been working out since I pinned him to the office chair. He could have fought against him, but Alec didn’t want to fight. Not really. He had wanted this since the first time he crossed paths with the policeman above him.
Iain shifted, pulling Alec’s knees together, so he could hold them against Alec’s chest. With his free hand, he pushed a finger into his pucker. Alec caught his breath. He tried to wiggle away, or closer. Iain’s finger was thick and rough - he went slowly, licking and stretching, but it still felt too big to be only one digit.
“Is this what you wanted?” Iain met Alec’s blue eyes, waiting for an answer. It was too much. Reynard’s knees were against his chest, his ass exposed and sore just from the rub of Goddard’s finger.
“Oh, yes,” Alec said. This was everything he wanted and yet everything he feared — because Alec loved what Iain was doing to him.
Goddard nodded, his face intense. Spreading the thief wide, he moved between his thighs and fit his erection into the crease of Alec’s ass. He rubbed that hot, thick weight against the black-haired man’s opening; the precum from his cap slid alongside Reynard’s balls. He grabbed the bottle of lube and poured a copious amount onto his digits.
Iain’s touch was warm. He slid in a lubed finger easily, then added some more and pressed in two. “You’re so tight.” His touch was gentler than it had been before. Less punishing. That was a good thing, because his two fingers stretched Alec to bursting.
“Fuck.” Reynard bucked back, rubbing Iain’s cock between his ass cheeks. “Do it,” he gasped. He was going to shoot soon if the inspector didn’t start fucking him. He arched into the massive dick, feeling every ridge and vein. The Scot was so hard…
Iain lowered him gently onto the bed and crawled over him. The ginger-haired inspector kissed his back, his shoulder. Then he rolled the thief onto his side, spooning him.
This time, it hurt a lot less when Goddard pressed in. The stretch was deep and burning but didn’t sting as before.
“Better?” The burred voice asked against his shoulder.
“Yeah.” Alec blew out a long breath, relaxing into the other’s arms. As he did, Iain’s cock slid into him, all the way inside. There was so much, and he was so full, and he thought he might have a stroke if the policeman moved. “Oh God.” Iain held Reynard’s leg under the knee. He pulled out slowly, his thick cock dragging against the thief’s sensitive walls. Then he pressed inside just as carefully.
“You’re gorgeous,” Iain said in a husky whisper. Alec clutched Goddard’s forearm. He needed to have some part of the inspector to grip, or he might pass out.
“Still hurt?” the policeman whispered. Alec shook his head. “Yes. No. I mean… don’t stop.”
And he didn’t. The pace and pounding increased until Alec felt as if his body would crack in half. His balls churned and he reached for his own purpled member to stroke himself to oblivion.
Iain reached for Alec’s cock as well, covered his hand and pumped him in time. The feel of those calluses and that familiar grip— Alec shouted. He flew. His every sinew strung tight and vibrated as if all his nerves were on fire. Iain rolled onto his back and dragged Reynard back onto his cock, so he was impaled and sitting on Iain’s lap. The policeman spasmed, inside and all around him. He cried out like he was sobbing and then tightened his grip around him as he continued to explode deep within him.
* * *
Goddard felt himself get positioned with strong hands— before he knew it, he was up on his knees, his face in the mattress, his breath hammering out of his mouth. It was all so foreign, letting someone else take charge— “Oh fuck!” he bellowed as the possession was struck, the sensations of pain and pleasure, stretching and accommodation, mixing into a cocktail that made him come so hard again he saw stars.
As Alec’s arm snaked around his chest and locked on, the angle changed, the penetrations going deeper and deeper, faster and faster, the heavy bed beginning to rock back and forth against the wall, the panting in his ear growing harsher and harsher…. The cusp was the single greatest burn he’d ever felt, the edge of not just his release, but Alec’s, tightening him up all over, his thighs clenching , his pelvis tilting to receive, his arms straining, holding them both up off the bed - When the thief came, the thrusts locked him in so hard that Iain’s head slammed into the headboard.
Iain released the tension in his arms and sank down to the bed , turning onto his side. Alec was apparently exhausted as well, his body following the lead and stretching out behind him. Reynard’s arm stayed in place. As Alec took a deep breath and seemed content to settle in for the duration, Iain closed his eyes… and dared to thread his fingers through the other’s, forming a seal of their hands.
Utterly spent, the lovers collapsed into a dreamless sleep...
* * *
... only to awaken to a pounding on the door. Consciousness returned to the couple like a reluctant lover.
"Hey guys - it's JD.... let me in! Guys! C'mon!"
Groaning, Iain grabbed Alec's damp towel and wrapped it around his waist. He padded to the door and opened it. The sight before him jolted him to full awareness faster than a bucket of ice cold water.
A gleaming black man-shaped thing stood at the door with a wheeled serving tray in front of him. It grinned – breaking the inky expanse of its eyeless face with gleaming white teeth.
“When you didn’t make it down to dinner, I figured you two were a bit … busy, so I asked the kitchen to make something up for you before the party.”
Once Iain had a chance to recover, he recognized the amazing physique of the jewel thief beneath the skintight black covering. He also noticed that it … he was barefoot – the smooth ebon toes sinking into the deep carpet. The material was stretched tightly over his friend’s body, leaving every muscle in perfect … and carnal … definition. Not a wrinkle was apparent and the ginger-haired Scot felt his cock begin to stir with desire.
Alec turned the corner and he too stopped dead in his tracks, his deep blue eyes widening at the figure glistening before him.
“Is that one of the new combat sheaths?”
“Nope. This is the undercoat for a camo sheath. My first assignment is going to be a long-term destabilization project. Nothing destroys a shaky partnership faster than some rape, robbery and overall douche-baggery. Get two triads at the throats of each other and soon they'll destroy themselves. Lucio wants to get control of the opium fields outside Bangkok and I’m going to be the one to do it.”
Iain reached out to touch the ebon body in front of him. It was smooth and slick and slightly cool to the touch. He stroked the dark face in wonderment.
“This is amazing! How can you see?” Fantasies of being enclosed in the same material had him growing harder by the moment.
JD grinned. “Not sure myself – it has something to do with the material. It’s like I’m seeing everything through a pair of light sunglasses. I can see out, but no one can see in.”
“Is it rubber?” Iain’s cock was now fully erect and tenting the towel wrapped around his trim waist. He couldn’t stop fondling the thief and the material covering his body. A black hand gave a tug and the towel slithered to the floor. JD licked his lips.
“Some form of it. First thing they did was get rid of all my hair – with the exception of my eyebrows and eyelashes, I’m as smooth as a baby’s butt beneath this stuff and I’ll stay that way until they remove it and apply some counteragent to get my hair growing again.”
JD slowly turned around to show off the back of his second skin. “No zipper, either. Neck entry. The suit was pretty well lubed up already and they smeared a bunch of stuff all over me as well. Then they started pulling it up. Just slid up my body like a piece of silk. Once they finished and I was up past my adam's apple in this, they pulled the hood over my bald head and tucked it into the collar. I felt it tightening around me a bit after I was in it for about 10 minutes."
He held out his shiny black hands. The gloves surrounding his fingers were so snug that each nail was apparent through the material, as well as each crease in his palms.
"That’s normal, I was told. Perfects the fit. That stuff was a combination lube and adhesive. I’m sealed in here until they cut it off me with some special blades. Regular knives and razors can’t get through this stuff”
“Aren’t you hot?”
JD shook his smooth, ebon head. “Not in the least. Feels like I’m naked. I've been told I can stay in this for up to nine months at a pop.”
Alec was admiring the body and the inky covering as well. He was having the same problem as Iain in being unable to stop stroking the rubberized soldieri before him.
“But … but, what about your … “ Goddard gestured to his smooth crotch.
JD took a step back and hooked ebon fingers around his waist. He slid down a skintight pair of black rubber trunks to expose a semi-hard smooth black cock and a substantial rounded black sac beneath it. The line of the trunks had been completely invisible against the polished smoothness of his body.
A black hand stroked the ebon tool until it was erect and swollen.

He straightened up and looked at the two men before him. “Hmm … seems like those tools of yours need some attention. Can’t see you getting into cockrings and leather jockstraps like that.”
Iain and Alec looked at each other.
A dark hand stroked the inspector’s manhood. Iain shivered at the touch of those black, rubberized fingers. Even though he knew it was JD beneath the covering, that appearance of utter alienness was driving him insensate with lust.
“I’ve wanted that monster in me since I first saw it…” JD growled. The eyeless face turned to azure-eyed man. “… And I owe YOU a solid pounding, mister.” A pink tongue licked around the thin black lips as he grasped his engorged ebon tool.
He crawled onto the rumpled bed. “You sex maniacs up for a three-way?”
* * *
The three men stood in the huge shower and let the warm water splash over their muscular bodies. Iain yelped as JD twisted the dial and a blast of cold water hit them.
"Damn, JD ... what did you do that for?"
Ebon lips curled into a grin. "Well, there's no way either of you are going to get a cock ring on without breaking something important. Now that you've gotten the shock treatment, best put those bad boys on right away."
Alec chuckled as he stepped out of the shower and toweled off quickly. He tossed towels to the other two as he spread a small amount of lube onto a thick electric-blue aluminum cockring and slipped it over his balls and pulled his semi-soft dick through the opening.
"Iain - you have one too?"
JD spoke up. "Yep. I put the one I found with his leathers. Should be in the overnight case." The rubber-encased soldieri padded back into the bedroom. Alec gave his lover a lopsided grin.
"Leathers? Iain, you pervert, you ..."
The Scot blushed and nodded. "I've not a large collection. But bespoke. I wonder which one he packed..."
JD returned with a heavy hinged-steel prison in his dark hands. "Let me help you on with this, Iain.". The ebon-covered man knelt down and wrapped the metal around Goddard's already thickening prong. Once it was in place, he used the allen wrench to secure the ring around the inspector's cock and balls. Within a few moments, Iain's tool was already swollen with lust. JD gave the tip a delicate lick before he stood up. "Just in time..."
"I've got to get back downstairs. I'll see you two down in the Salon Iles de Lérins." He paused. "I'm so glad you two are together." With a jaunty salute, the slick black soldieri exited the room and quietly closed the door.
Alec wrapped his arms around Iain's neck and gave him a soft kiss. "Did you know that that rubber suit was originally designed for the inventor and his lover to have some rough and tumble sex in full encapsulation?" He licked the Scot's ear. "Still being manufactured, I've been told. Made to measure only, Inspector... Hidden zipper in the back with locking pulls. Front and back sheaths. Harnesses. Ankle- and wrist-bands. Collars. Everything rubber. Everything lockable and completely inescapable..."
Iain's head buzzed with that fantasy. He trailed his lips across Alec's jawline. "Perhaps I should get us a pair with accessories with my signing bonus... But we should get ready. Don't want to give my brand new employer the impression I'm unreliable."
Alec squeezed his package surrounded by the shiny steel cockring. The two men broke apart and each went to their respective closets in the enormous suite.
* * *

"Mmmm .... YOU look fucking amazing as a leathercop!"

Tight black gloves covered his hands. A similar Muir cap - this one with a silver edging on the brim - was pulled low over a pair of dark Ray-Bans. Alec stood up and Iain noticed a baton swinging at his side. Alec gave him a wicked smile - one that was only made more wicked by the leather outfit gleaming on his body.
"You never know if any of the new class is going to need a little ... discipline ..." He sauntered over to the Scot and a gloved hand stroked the tender skin exposed between the pouch of the jockstrap and the edge of the chaps. The forger's hands moved to the trim leathered waist of his lover. He pulled him close and the two began to spin slowly around. Alec started to hum and then quietly began to sing:
The two kissed. Gently. Iain felt as if some long-lost part of him had finally been found. He felt whole for the first time in life, with this black-haired, blue-eyed man in his arms. "God, I love you, Alec Saldana. I love you with all my heart."Bring out the old, bring in the new,
A midnight wish to share with you.
Your lips are warm, my head is light,
Were we alive before tonight?
I don't need a crowded ballroom,
Everything I want is here.
If you're with me, next year will be,
The perfect year.
It's New Year's Eve, and hopes are high,
Dance one life in, kiss one good-bye.
Another chance, another start,
So many dreams to tease the heart.
We don't need a crowded ballroom,
Everything we want is here.
And face to face, we will embrace,
The perfect year.
Goddard felt a drop of moisture splash on his neck. He pulled away to see Alec's eyes bright with unshed tears. "I love you too. More than you can ever imagine.... When did you find out my real name?"
"It was something JD mentioned off-handedly. 'He's a wizard with locks' ... Wizard. Magic. Magician. Illusionist. Then I started trawling the Interpol databases for American magicians convicted of crimes. You're going to have to tell me some day how you got out of a maximum security prison - while you're still supposedly in lockup."
Alec took his hand and they headed towards the door. "Well let's show off Lucio's latest Iceman!"
* * *
Iain sat on the terrace and enjoyed his late breakfast. Despite partying late into the night, he felt amazingly refreshed and clear-headed. The scot had been introduced to several other high-ranking members of Lucio's syndicate and had been welcomed with open arms.That unforced acceptance had been an eye-opening and well-appreciated difference from the machinations and skullduggery at Interpol. He had woken up to a note on the pillow next to him:
Gone to give Jessie the news ... don't go anywhere, sweetheart - I'll be back before dinner.
"Hey stud - mind if I join you?" JD's voice drifted over his shoulder.
"Have a seat - the porridge is delic-" Iain stopped in mid-sentence, shock painted over his lightly stubbled face. The man who sat down across from him was NOT the jewel thief who had brought him to the hotel.
"Shocking, ain't it?" The handsome golden-skinned Asian flashed him a bright white grin and gave him a salacious wink. He was massively muscled, and the open white shirt strained to cover highly-developed pectorals and incredibly built arms. Triceps and biceps threatened to split the material and the sleeves were rolled up to display smooth powerful forearms. A purple and lilac silk repp tie was knotted loosely around the open collar and a pair of snug pinstripe pants stretched sinfully over his well-developed quads. Slanted deep brown eyes were surmounted by expressive brows and short, black hair completed the transformation of the jewel thief via the camouflage sheath.
Ian reached out to touch JD's new face and run fingers through the hair. It was warm and pliable and felt completely human. "It's amazing... that really is YOU under there?"
"Yep - berneath two layers of rubber. And I can feel everything through this stuff. It's incredible! The eyes are the most mind-blowing piece of the camouflage sheath" He rolled his eyes, blinked, winked and even crossed them. "Watch this..."
The muscles in his forearms flexed as JD grabbed one of his eyes and gave it a tug. After a moment, there was a muffled "pop" and the artificial eye covering was in the palm of his hand. Iain could now see the inky blackness of the undersheath in his apparently empty eye socket.
JD widened his eyes and slipped the eye back in place. It spun around in the socket for a moment before settling back into place. "Meet Gao Zhensheng - one of the top members in the Black Dragon Triad...." He cracked his knuckles as he got up to help himself to the buffet. Iain licked his lips as he watched the slightly rolling gait caused by the massive muscles of JD's lower body move within the pinstripes. "... we've got the real Gao in a safe place - his body will make an appearance when everything has gone sideways and the triads are primed to eradicate each other..."
JD returned to the table with a full plate and a pensive look on his new face. "Iain ... would you do me a favor?"
"Of course, JD. What is it?"
JD leaned over and stroked the inspector's face. "I'm leaving in an hour for Hong Kong. Would you -- I mean I know you and Alec are together ... but would you ... could you come up to my suite and ..."
Iain kissed the golden-skinned hand. "It would be my pleasure." He looked down at the other's plate and cocked a ginger eyebrow. "Best you fortify yourself first, however..."
* * *
The two men walked back into the hotel and took the elevator to the second floor. The soldieri's suite was smaller than Iain and Alec's, but still lavishly appointed. JD spared no time in removing his clothing and crawled onto the bed. Iain peeled his t-shirt over his head and slipped out of his trunks, then joined the disguised thief on the down mattress. Goddard stroked the smooth skin and rubbed the substantial cock until it was erect and darkened with need. He gave the tip a lick and JD squirmed in a combination of anticipation and lust. Iain's whiskey-brown eyes bored into the slanted eyes of the ersatz asian gangster before him.
"Right now, I want you bent over and taking me as deep as you can."
The soldieri scrambled to comply. Iain's cool hand landed on the small of JD's back. Goose bumps and shivers traveled over his artificial skin as the policeman stroked the globes of his ass. "Brace your hands on the bed," Goddard ordered, "and spread your legs more."
Doing as commanded, JD imagined how wanton he must look as his hips tilted and his ass pushed out to encourage the other man's touch. "Iain, I want..." A hard slap to his ass made him gasp and jump. Glancing over his shoulder at Goddard, the asian met the inspector's gaze. "What was that for?"
"No reason. I just wanted to see how your camouflage sheath would react to it."
Iain's wicked grin caused JD's cock to swell further. "Where's the lube?"
He closed his eyes because the sight of Goddard's engorged horsecock and naked body drove the ability to think out of his mind. "Ummm...under the pillow, I think."
Another slap to the other cheek and Iain reached over the golden-skinned back to search under the pillow closest to them. JD couldn't help rocking back and rubbing his ass against Goddard's erection.
Iain held up the lube. "Got it." JD bit his lip at the loss of the inspector's weight and touch.
"Iain - I need..."
"I know. Don't worry. I won't let you wait for long." The ginger-haired man trailed long fingers over JD's spine to tease the top of his crease before dipping down to rub over his hole. It's so real ... Dropping his head forward, JD arched his back and twisted his hands in the sheets. The pop of the bottle warned him before cold liquid dropped onto his skin.
"Oh." His voice was little more than a groan. Iain chuckled, but stayed silent.
JD closed his eyes, absorbing every touch and letting them sink into his heart. There was caring and even love in each stroke and pinch of the inspector's fingers. Then he pressed the tip of one digit inside JD's ass, pushing the lube in. He relaxed and the invading digit sank farther into his channel. Tightening his muscles, he tried to keep Goddard there, but the policeman eased out his finger. The asian gangster protested his emptiness.
"Hush..." More slick and two fingers thrust in, this time with a little more force. JD hissed and rocked through the burn, allowing the slight pain to fade. Iain never stopped touching the thief's back, sides, and cock, reveling in the feel of the artificial skin against his fingertips. Goddard wrapped JD's prick in his fist, pumping in rhythm with the pace of his fingers opening the prone man's chute. One of Iain's knuckles hit JD's gland and he cried out as electricity shot through him.
A wicked chuckle. "We're getting to that. I don't think you're going to be bottoming any time soon..."
"You'll get all you want." The two fingers disappeared, only to be replaced by three and Goddard fucked him hard and fast with them, hitting just the right spot with each shove. Nick bucked and rocked, artificial muscles rippling across his golden skin, taking everything the inspector gave him and begging for more. Iain's hand gripped JD's thick cock tightly and with each upstroke, he twisted his palm over the head, drawing cries from the asian gangster until his throat was hoarse.

Leaning over, Goddard growled in JD's ear. "I want you to cum now, love. Don't hold back and after you've cum all over my hand, then I'll ride your ass until you cum again."
A sharp bite to the tattoo on JD's thickly muscled shoulder, along with the thought of Goddard's cock in his ass again, drove him over the edge. His seed spilled from him, covering the policeman's hand and the comforter underneath him. He jerked and moaned, allowing the ginger-haired man to demand every drop from him. His trembling hadn't faded before the inspector yanked his fingers out of his hole and shoved his cock in as deep as he could go. The hair at the base of Iain's shaft tickled JD's butt cheeks. The sheathed soldieri clamped down on the man inside him, massaging the cock with his inner passage and two layers of rubber.
"Oh my God, Iain, make me feel you for days!" Goddard gripped the thickly muscled hips and took control. JD allowed the man topping him to move his body the way he needed. Each thrust slammed into him hard enough to steal his breath. Iain held his hips at just the right angle to hit his gland with each stroke.
Screaming, he clawed the sheets while his second climax overwhelmed him. His sheathed passage took Goddard's cock in a vise-like grip and threw the policeman into his own orgasm. Hot liquid filled the asian-appearing soldieri as the ginger-haired man pumped his cum into him. His herculean arms finally gave out before Goddard finished emptying his seed. JD fell facefirst onto the bed, not even flinching at the wet, sticky mess he landed in. Iain smoothed back the sweaty black hair and licked the whorls of an exposed ear then eased away from him. They moaned as Goddard's softened cock left the asian's body. The policeman patted JD's butt and walked over to the bathroom.
The jewel thief flinched when a warm damp cloth swiped over his ass. Shooting a glance over his massive shoulder, he watched as Goddard cleaned him off. When the policeman finished with his back, he helped the disguised man stand.
"You best get dressed - all the way this time," Goddard grinned as he landed a soft kiss on the sensuous lips. "I don't think you'd want to give the wrong impression to the triad you're going to eliminate."
* * *
'Elated' could barely describe the feelings Sebastien felt when he arrived the next morning to find Goddard's resignation on his desk. The Interpol chief breathed a sigh of relief - he could continue his illicit dealings and not worry about the ginger-haired Inspector uncovering his criminal activities, and on a different level, with Iain Goddard out of law enforcement, he wouldn't need to have him eliminated. Sebastien shivered - the ex-inspector's whispered threat still managed to clutch his heart in an icy grip. Someone else had been watching over the Scot and he hoped their attention on Interpol (and himself) would now fade.
That elation, however, was short lived. Misfortune and bad luck began to plague the Division and only intensified as time wore on. Members of Art Crimes who had hoped to secure choice assignments from Sebastien had followed his lead in denigrating and belittling the Scot; it was those people who now openly complained of the poor quality of information now being supplied to them. The clearance ratio of cases began to dip and then dropped precipitously. The Inspector General soon became involved and the tensions in the Division began to escalate. Suspicion and paranoia became a regular part of daily life and more and more attention was focused on Sebastien ... and his antagonistic relationship to Iain Goddard. He received a suspension from his duties three months later.
Two months following his suspension, Sebastien received a shock when Le Figaro's headline blared "Drug Lord Caught in Morphine Sting"
Anatole Laigle - one of France's most infamous criminals - was arrested today in an undercover operation that has broken the back of one of the largest illegal drug operations in the country. Laigle has been implicated in a number of criminal enterprises - drug-trafficking, murder, extortion - but to date, no concrete evidence was available to prosecute the kingpin. This condition has now taken a dramatic shift against the criminal, thanks to a long-term Surete operation that has now borne fruit. If convicted, Laigle will be facing the death sentence; sources indicate that he is cooperating with the authorities in hopes of facing life in prison.
Laigle had been responsible for the initial blackmail of Sebastien, but over the years, the two had developed a solid working friendship. Laigle had even returned the original damning evidence to Sebastien in the past - but by then, the Art Crimes Director had developed a taste for the criminal demimonde and preferred to keep his relationship with the drug lord rather than sever it. The Interpol chief knew without a doubt that Laigle would give him up without a second thought if it would serve his needs.
The final straw was a certified letter from Interpol. He had been terminated from the police force and his involvement with Laigle had been uncovered. He was to present himself to the authorities the following Monday or be tracked down and arrested.
Sebastien was ready to flee. Over the years, he had built up a not-inconsiderable fund financed by skimming profits from Laigle's operations. He had another identity already set up, as well as credit and another passport. Life would be comfortable in the Caymans.
* * *
"What do you mean, 'there is no account with that designation' ??!!" Sebastien screamed into the phone. "That account was set up 15 years ago! It can't just vanish!"
The banker on the other side of the line was imperturbable. "I am sorry, sir. We have no record of that account, nor of any of the transactions that you have faxed to us. That account simply does not exist."
The Interpol Chief was filled with cold dread. How could this happen? Why? You know why. A quiet inner voice replied. And you can guess who did it. He grabbed his coat and flew out of his apartment.
* * *
Paul Sebastien pushed open the door to the dimly lit bar and sat tiredly at the wide wooden expanse.
"What can I get you, sir?"
"Who are you? Where's Jean-Claude?" The skin beneath his eyes was deeply smudged and his eyes were bloodshot. His hands shook as he lit a cigarette.

"He had to go out of town for a funeral." The replacement bartender was a young man with pale blue eyes and a well-trimmed beard on a ruggedly handsome face. "I'm Guiliano."
"Give me a yellow Izarra and mineral water." The bartender moved aside and put a glass in front of the Interpol Art Crimes director and poured the almond-flavored liqueur.
"Leave the bottle."
He knocked back the Izarra and then put his head in his hands.
* * *
"What's with him?" Another patron nodded towards the figure of Sebastien slumped over the bar.
"He came in terribly upset and nearly drank a whole bottle of Izarra.Then he passed out. I'd better let him sleep it off in the back room." With that, Guiliano came around the bar and attempted to walk the Interpol chief to the back of the establishment. Finding him a dead weight, he altered his stance and hoisted him over his shoulder in a fireman's carry.
Damn, he's strong. The other patron thought as he watched Guiliano effortlessly haul the man through the establishment. Better behave myself. He sipped his Pernod and smiled as he caught the eye of a young lady further down the bar.
* * *
"He'll be clear-headed in a minute." The voice echoed strangely in Sebastien's ears as the world swam back into focus. He found himself fastened upright to a heavy wooden chair, with the bartender clinically observing him. He looked ... different somehow. Harder. The face was the same, but gone was the exhibited cheerfulness while serving drinks. There was a distinct look of professionalism with a hint of underlying violence.
Sebastien felt a hand stroke across the back of his neck and shivered. The hand was warm with rough fingertips, but it felt as if Death itself had just caressed him. The man walked around and looked down at the captive ex-Interpol director.
"Hello Paul." Iain Goddard smiled. It never reached his eyes.
* * *
"My, you've been a very naughty boy, haven't you?" Iain lightly slapped his face. Sebastien struggled in his bonds.
"No need for that ... they'll be coming off in a few moments anyway ... regardless of how I feel towards you ... and make no mistake how I do feel towards you..." The whiskey brown eyes blazed in fury. "I've been ... asked ... to permit you one last chance at redemption." Sebastien stared up at the man in terror. As with the bartender, Goddard's whole demeanor had changed since the last time they had been together - there was a cold deliberateness to him now, and he could feel an unimaginable well of violence within him being held in check by the tightest of controls.
Goddard smirked. "That little nest egg of yours will stand Egon's widow and child in good stead. At least some of your blood money will find itself benefiting someone other than yourself."
Despite his situation, Sebastien erupted with fury. "You ... you stole my money!!!" He began to curse fluently in French.
Guiliano slapped him. Hard. "Iain didn't take your money, monsieur ... the people that rescued him from your setup in Rouen did. He merely asked us to give a sizeable portion of it to the family of the policeman you murdered."
Realization dawned on the Interpol chief as the import of those words sank in. Goddard saw the knowledge bloom behind the captive's horrified eyes. They bounced between the two men like a pair of dice in a backgammon cup.
"That's right, Paul - that organization and myself - we're just one big happy family now. We take harming a policeman very, very seriously. Unfortunately for you, you're no longer in that category."
* * *
Goddard laid a H&K on the desk next to the wooden chair. "There's one bullet in the gun, Paul. We're going to give you the chance to do the honorable thing. You have five minutes."
Iain and Guiliano left the room and Sebastien heard the lock click behind them. Suddenly, the fastenings around him dropped away and he leapt from the chair to reach for the gun.
* * *
"Monsieur Sebastien? We're coming in."
Goddard kicked the door open, half hoping his former boss was behind it and wanted to have the heavy oak planks smash in his face. The ex-Director stood near the chair, the gun steady in a two-handed grip. He pointed it at the ginger-haired former inspector.
"Move out of the way, or I'll kill you!"
Iain shook his head and sighed. "No, you won't." As he began to walk towards Sebastian, the Frenchman pulled the trigger.
In a flash, he found himself lying on the floor with Goddard staring down at him, gun in hand. A booted foot was planted heavily on his chest. Mon Dieu - I didn't even see him move...
"That gun has a fingerprint sensor in the grip. It will only fire if it recognizes the proper owner." Goddard aimed the gun down and pulled the trigger. Sebastien winced as the expected explosion and agony of a fatal gunshot wound never came. Instead, he looked down to see a small dart poking out of his chest. A terrible lethargy began to creep over him and within moments, he found himself unable to move. Or speak.
"That's a wonderful compound we've developed ... completely paralyzes the voluntary motor nerves, but leaves the sensory ones on overdrive..."
Guiliano knelt down beside the paralyzed man. Iain turned his head so he could observe the other assassin. Champuis took a black felt package from the table, laid it on the floor and began to unroll it. If Sebastien could have screamed, he would have. Wicked steel instruments gleamed in the overhead lights. The bright-eyed assassin pulled on a pair of surgical gloves and tossed a pair to Goddard as well.
Goddard began to undo the prone man's clothes. "I did tell you that if you went after me, I'd make sure that you'd suffer the same fate as Francois Bertrand..." He pulled the belt off and began to pull down the trousers. "And you know I'm a man of my word ..."
Sebastien felt the sharp prick of the scalpel as it moved along his forehead and the slow drip of blood down the sides of his face. Guiliano grabbed a handful of dark hair and ripped it off the paralyzed man's head. He dangled the severed scalp in front of him and then tossed it into a plastic waste bag.
Iain smiled. It was terrifying. "Ah, Paul .... even in Hell, your suffering is going to be LEGENDARY..."
* * *
Dirty Cop Found Murdered
The Paris Surete found the flayed body of former Interpol Art Crimes Division Director Paul Sebastien today at the base of Les Fontaines de la Concorde early this morning. Sebastien had been suspended from his position after an investigation had linked him to the organized crime activities of Anatole Laigle, indicted earlier this month. Police are unsure of the motive behind the murder, but is reminiscent of the similar mutilation murder of Francois Bertrand, a well-known drug dealer. Bertrand was an independent operator involved with Syrian drug cartels and was unaffiliated with Laigle's operations. Current supposition is that the person or person's responsible for Bertrand's death were concerned that Sebastien may have exposed their criminal enterprises to receive a reduced sentence or immunity for providing evidence. No suspects have yet been identified this early in the investigation, but the focus will be on Bertrand's drug associations.
* * *
Done, done and finally done! I find that doing these long story arcs is getting harder and harder since the depth and breadth of my imaginary world imposes it's own set of rules to maintain consistency. I think I will try to do some "shorter" stories in the future and recharge my batteries for these longer sagas. This story indeed had a great deal of twists and turns in it.
Originally, it was more of a light-hearted pursuit between two men, but then took a darker turn with the attempts on Iain's life. I did have more than one request to also incorporate the concepts of my "camouflage sheath" and I was happy to oblige. JD becoming a rubberman and going on a long assignment for Lucio seemed a perfect way to incorporate the purchases from Peter Davidson's Arriflex company into Lucio's criminal enterprises. Of course, I felt I had to put some element of tisis into the story; Sebastien needed to be punished for his transgressions and Iain was the perfect foil to do it. I may have mentioned it before, but CFX again provided the raw material for Iain Goddard, in the form of a very customized "Mac" mask.
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