Hey Flynn,
We are going to be running another set of experiments – this will be considerably longer than the normal weekend affair. Probably 7-14 days. Interested? Let me know.
The young man quickly replied in the affirmative and then put in the paperwork for a 2-week vacation.
* * *
Ryder had always enjoyed bondage, both ways, to tie and to be tied; though he mainly was the one tying other willing men and leaving them for hours in their restraints with no hope of escape. Then again, each time he had one of them well ‘stored’ in his playroom, he was thinking of how it would be, wishing actually that he himself could have been in his victim's place.
In the past few months his urge to become such a victim grew more and more, so he kept looking around on the net, hoping to find some good rubber and bondage top searching for someone to keep tied up for awhile.
One day, on one of those contact-sites he then found an intriguing advertisement:
Group of Rubber and Bondagemen with regular play parties seeking willing bondagetoys for use at events as servants, decoration, toys and research subjects. Some bondage experience useful, but not necessary. Send your details to 47124@anony.net.
That sounded just perfect for him - to be kept regularly in restraints - so he sent his stats and some pics to the given email address and asked for some further information at the same time.
The reply took only a day and he was curious as to what they wrote. It was explained that the group was not looking for one-time players; they wanted to have regular people (“long term subjects” was the exact term) and perhaps permanent ones that would depend on how the situation would evolve over time. If they found a candidate interesting, they would arrange a weekend for a meet, organize an interview for that potential new subject and at the end, decide if he would become a regular participant.
Flynn’s cock twitched. So at least one weekend would be certain, even if they then determined that it wasn’t the right chemistry … so there would be nothing to lose; on the contrary, perhaps everything to gain – he replied that he would be interested and willing to undergo the interview process and accept whatever the outcome would be. He also added some information on several dates where he would not be available, but left it to them to make a suggestion.
It took several days before he received another reply and he was quite happy to see the mail arrive. They indicated that the third weekend from now they would have another of their evaluations and that this would be an ideal time for his interview. If he would agree to that date, he should make time from Friday morning until Sunday night and should return the attached sheet with all of his body measurements and any taboos.
Ryder quickly checked his calendar and as there was nothing important planned for that weekend he agreed. A few hours later he received the instructions where to go, when to be there and that he would not need to bring anything but himself.
* * *
The day finally arrived and it was half past nine in the morning when Flynn sat in the bus to the destination they gave him – a bus stop somewhere outside town where he should be arriving at 10am – so if the bus was on time, he would be in time for the pickup. It felt a bit strange to go somewhere for a weekend and having nothing on him but the clothes on his back, but they said he wouldn’t need any. That in itself had him hard and leaking in his cargo shorts.
At 10.06 the bus arrived at the mentioned stop – it was really out in the middle of nowhere – there were a few houses far away and from the bus stop one small path lead away from the main street into some woods; and absolutely no traffic nor people this early in the morning - but that was all around here, except – a black van parked opposite the bus stop – his pickup.
Flynn went over to the van, but all windows were blacked out, he could not see anyone inside and knocking on the window didn’t get any reply either. His next thought was to check the back of the van, perhaps he could see someone or something. He didn’t see anyone, but the door wasn’t completely shut, so he took a peek inside. The interior was empty except for a small box in the middle of the floor with a piece of paper on top. He went inside and checked the paper – it was further instructions.
It said:
Before you read any further, decide if you want to do this or not. If you continue, you will be released on Sunday evening after 23.00 hours - but not before - and in the meantime you will be object of the interview. As agreed previously, there will be no harm to your health and body, the taboos you gave us will be completely respected, but besides that there are no limits as to when, what, or how you will be kept during that time, you do not have the right to cancel the interview at that time.
Of course Ryder wanted to have this weekend of bondage, so he kept reading.
The rest of the instructions were easy and clear: strip completely, take the duct tape and cuffs out of the box and put all your clothes inside. Loop the leg cuffs through the hook on the floor and lock them, loop the handcuffs through the hook on the ceiling, then tape your mouth shut and eyes closed before locking the handcuffs on you. And don’t cheat, if we find out you’ll be sent home immediately.
He did as instructed and waited. As he finished taping his clothes inside the box and cuffing himself to the floor, he found himself getting harder and harder. By the time he had taped over his mouth and eyes and locked the cuffs onto his hands above him, he was leaking and longed to jerk himself to climax. It wasn’t very long after when the engine started and the van moved. After what felt about 30 minutes driving, the van stopped and he heard someone entering from the back. The hand/leg cuffs were taken off the hooks, but left on and he was frog-marched out of the van, naked as he was, over on some stony ground until he felt tiled floor under his feet. He was led down a flight of stairs and then was laid on a table – several heavy leather bands immobilized his arms, torso and legs. Not being released at all showed Ryder already that they wouldn’t let him go before the agreed upon time and his balls churned at that thought of his helplessness.
Suddenly a voice spoke to him. It had a British accent with more than a casual thread of cruelty running through it. “You’re here for your interview, and there will be no delay in getting you ready for it.”
With that, an inhaler mask was clamped painfully onto his mouth and nose. In a panic, he began to struggle and inhaled a heavy blast of cloyingly sweet air. He immediately grew dizzy and blacked out.
* * *
Consciousness returned to Flynn Ryder like a reluctant lover. Blearily, he opened his eyes and the room slowly swam into focus. White walls, racks of equipment … a laboratory.
His thoughts were still muzzy. The pressure of the straps were gone and he tried to move off of the table, but found himself bound even tighter than before. He looked down to see himself mummified in a black rubber cocoon.
He tried to yell and found himself gagged. Something soft and inflatable filled his mouth; not exactly uncomfortable, but prevented him from speaking in anything but grunts. He began to thrash and found himself banging against the table’s metal rails.
After several moments, he stopped. Flynn was breathing heavily through his nose. He continued to squirm when he heard a voice from behind him.
“Ahh – finally awake. I must admit that you look quite pervy in that suit. Fits you to a tee. And gives the lot of us quite the hardon when you struggle so…”
It was the same voice he had heard before he passed out.
“Mmmpph!! Mmmm! Rrrrr!”
A black rubberized hand reached down to squeeze his shoulder. He craned his neck to look at his captor and froze.
An eyeless being encased in rubber stood next to him. With the exception of the full, sensuous mouth, every inch was covered in the dark material that gleamed wetly in the overhead lighting. A black body harness accentuated the powerful body and black restraints encircled wrists and neck. Steel buckles and rings decorated the equipage and small shiny locks made them a permanent part of the man beside him.
Flynn continued to stare. The lips of his captor moved into a lopsided quirk as he stroked the young man’s still-heaving chest.
“I take it you like what you see?” The rubberman moved further down in Flynn’s vision. The young captive could see the harness continued down to encircle a heavy rubber-sheathed cock and balls that jutted out from the ebon body.
The black hand moved from Ryder’s chest to stroke his own rigid tool. The captor chuckled as he followed the young man's eyes. “You’ll be experiencing that in a while, love. But for now, I think you need a bit of – stimulation.”
Flynn screamed into the gag as a bolt crashed through his guts. He doubled up and grunted as the electricity twisted him inside and out. He screamed again as another shot of electricity exploded through his balls.
He moaned as the pain subsided.
“We’ll be testing our new e-stim equipment on you, Mr. Ryder. You can expect to get jolts like that in various body parts during the weekend, as well as some more pleasurable settings. Like this.”
With that, the electricity started again. This time is was not the mind-numbing blast as before; rather it was a gentle pulse that started in his guts again and a complementary tempo began in his sac. He squirmed in pleasure.
“Well, I’ll leave you for now, but I’ll be back in a bit.” As the rubberman moved away, Ryder noticed that the harness strap bisected the hard globes of his rubbered ass as it connected up to a belt around the waist; his captor also wore similar locking restraints about his ankles. He closed his eyes and drifted as the electricity within him continued it’s erotic massage.
* * *
The passage of time was defined by periods of gentle waves and mind-ripping bolts of excruciating pain as the electricity coursed through Flynn’s body. The power ebbed and flowed, but never stopped. Nipples, ass, balls and cock were all subject to the effects of the stimulation and served to slowly, but surely exhaust the mummified man.
It was during a period of uneasy sleep that he was shocked awake by a massive jolt of power attacking every part of his body. He arched his back and grunted as finally, the current stopped. He must have passed out for a moment; when he came to once more, two rubbermen stood at the foot of the table.
He wasn’t sure if he was seeing double; both were identical with eyeless faces, harnesses and restraints. However, The one on the right was more powerfully built than his twin. It was only when the one on the left spoke that he recognized him as his first captor.
“Well, Flynn – you’ve been an outstanding subject. We’ve gathered a good deal of data from your responses and we’re very pleased.” The lips curled into a smile.
The other rubberman spoke. His was a deeper and harsher tone than that of his companion. “I know we have to let him go soon, but I’d love to fuck that tight ass of his. This sac has the anal sheath in it, right?”
The first rubberman nodded. “I think that can be arranged, Jack…”
* * *
The two rubbermen flipped Ryder over and tucked a pillow beneath his hips to raise his ass above the surface of the table. The one named Jack then straddled the captive and fished around the surface of the sac until he found the opening to the sheath. The first rubberman tossed him a bottle of lube which he opened and poured a copious amount onto his thick rubbered prong and then filled the sheath with the oily fluid.
Flynn felt a thick rubber digit invade his hole; then two; then three. He squirmed as the fingers dove deeper, twisting and widening the rubber-coated tunnel. Ryder jumped when a hand slapped his ass.
“Relax, bud – you’re gonna enjoy this …” Flynn whimpered as he felt the fingers withdraw and the massive rubber cock spear him in a single thrust.
The young man woke again in the back of the van. He was dressed in his clothes, with the exception of his sneakers, which were neatly laid beside him. An envelope was sandwiched between them; upon opening he found a letter and a thick sheath of $20 bills. Quickly, he read:
Dear Flynn,
Congratulations on passing the interview! Thank you for your cooperation with our research and we will be contacting you again for other experiments in the future. Enclosed is a stipend for your participation. The next bus will arrive at 8:30am.
Best regards,
Dr. Trevor Brandon
The young man thumbed through the wad of cash - $2000. All for a weekend of being at the mercy of some pervy doctors and no worse for the wear. He winced as he reached to tie his shoes. His ass was still a bit sore from the fucking he had received from the second rubberman. It would have been worse without that sheath up my chute. He thought. That guy was brutal.
Dressed, he opened the back door of the van and greeted the morning. He looked at his watch – 7:45am. He followed the road into town to find a coffee shop. He was starved.
* * *
(Five months later)
Ryder was finishing up an important presentation when the email came through. Eagerly, he clicked the button to open it.
Dear Flynn,
We’d like you to participate in another study. Please let me know what times are convenient and we’ll make arrangements.
Dr. Trevor Brandon
* * *
The following week, Flynn found himself in a rundown section of town in front of a rusty, abandoned warehouse. Despite its appearance, the small utility door opened quietly on well oiled hinges. Sunlight passed through the grimy skylights and gave at least a modicum of visibility in the dilapidated structure. He walked carefully in and spotted the black van.

Again, he opened the back door and found the same cardboard box as he had previously. Inside were two pairs of cuffs and duct tape. And further instructions.
Same as before … see you in a bit!
* * *
A similar procedure ensued and once again Flynn found himself being led down a flight of stairs, albeit this time more gently than the first. He was assisted onto the edge of a table and the tape was removed from his eyes and mouth.
In a moment, a rubberman entered the room. Ryder’s cock twitched at the sight of the muscular body and eyeless face enclosed in the ebon sheath with the harness and restraints in place. The exposed lips quirked into a smile.
“Hey Flynn – good to see you again! My, you’ve put on a bit of muscle! Looks quite good! You should get some ink now and you’d really stand out!”
It was Trevor. “What’s up, Doc?” He smiled back.
The other man chuckled. “Well, this time we’re going to be evaluating something similar to the cocoon you used before, but it will be a bit more … enclosed … are you comfortable with that?"
Ryder thought about it. “Sure, I guess.”
Brandon’s mouth again quirked. “Well, regardless of your opinion, you’re going in anyway. Being cooperative makes the prep much easier, however. We don’t need to knock you out this time, do we?"
"No, sir."
“Good. Let’s get started.”
* * *
The first thing Ryder received was a thorough cleaning out. There was some initial cramping as the warm fluid distended his abdomen, but it soon passed and soon he only felt slightly tired from the procedure. He was attended by Trevor and another rubberman. This one wore a biker jacket and MX boots over his black, featureless face and body.
Next, he was bent over a steel table as an e-stim sphere was pressed into his ass; a curved instrument was used to push it further and further within him and he gasped and clawed the surface as a sharp pain briefly clenched his intestines.
“Sorry about that, love. We pushed the electrode past your second sphincter muscle. It can’t be forced out by you – only removed by us.” He jumped as the hand moved lower and slapped his ass. “But we have more to do … let’s get you suited up.”
Flynn shuffled behind Trevor, with the second rubberman behind him. He was still naked and cuffed and the cool air of the facility prickled his skin with goosebumps. The trio stopped at a door and the first rubberman opened it and gestured him in. The second man closed the door behind him.
Trevor took a set of keys off the wall and tossed them to his partner. As the cuffs were unlocked, Brandon selected a suit from a rack and brought it over to his willing captive.
“This is your inner suit, Flynn. Once you’re encased in this, then we’ll fit you into the outer suit.”
He handed him a bottle of lube. “Get yourself slicked up and we’ll help you get kitted out.”
* * *
Gleaming wetly from the lube, the two rubbermen assisted Flynn in his transformation. The suit had toes (as opposed to just socks) and it took some maneuvering to get all ten digits in place. The young man grew hard as he looked down and wiggled his feet in their inky casings. Inch by inch, the suit was pulled up and around him. There was a sheath for his cock and balls as well; his turgid manhood filled the tube and the inner ring closed tightly to his groin once both cock and balls filled their assigned cavities. The wire from the estim sphere was threaded through a tiny hole in the back of the suit and sealed. Arms and mask were slipped on and finally, the zippers were closed and locked at the neck. Unlike his captors (although he really no longer thought of them that way), there were small openings for both his eyes and mouth.
As he stroked his sheathed member with an ebon hand, he felt the suit tighten slightly against his skin. He closed his eyes in pleasure.
A viselike grip wrenched his hand away.
A cruel smile split the other rubberman’s face. “OK bud – enough fondling your cock. Time to become a maggot.”
* * *
“M-maggot?” Flynn stuttered. A rubber hand stroked his muscular back. Trevor.
The second rubberman nodded. “Yeah – take a look through the window – all nice and squirmy like them.”
Ryder hadn’t noticed the observation window in the wall when he entered the room. He moved over to it now and looked in.

“Time to get into your wormsack, now. Come along, Flynn.”
When he backed up against the glass, a jolt of electricity exploded in his guts; Flynn doubled over and sank to his knees. He panted, looking up at the two rubbermen.
Trevor’s mouth compressed into a thin line. “That was a warning, Flynn. Don’t make me hurt you again and don’t make us knock you out. Now ... GET UP!”
Ryder struggled to his feet. His two captors opened a door and frog-marched their charge into the next room.
* * *
An operating table lay under bright surgical lights and atop it, an outer suit lay unzipped and waiting for its occupant. He heard the door lock behind him.
The rubberman named Jack gave him a push further into the room. “Bend down and grab your ankles. I need to get the ass tunnel in.”
Flynn complied and he felt the other rubberman exploring his butt. Soon, he located the opening in the suit and he felt a thick object against his pucker, demanding entrance. He bit his lip and stifled a cry as inch by inch, the heavy object was forced into his ass. The thick head pressed deeper and deeper and finally his asslips closed around the smaller neck of the tunnel. He felt the rim press tightly against his cheeks.Jack gave it a tug and was satisfied with the fit. He then sealed the item to the rubber suit itself.
Despite the initial pain, Flynn enjoyed the fullness the tunnel gave him.
Jack admired his handiwork. “Mmmm … looks real nice … nice hard rubbered ass with a black hole just waiting to be filled up … okay, up on the table, and lower your butt onto that tube in the middle.”
Flynn did as he was instructed. The tube was made of a firm rubber material and he held it steady as he positioned himself above it and pressed down. The tube mated perfectly with the tunnel within his chute and he felt a slight “squish” as his butt pressed against the material.
The two rubbermen then proceeded to position their subject within the sack. First Ryder’s legs were stretched out and slipped into what resembled a pair of chaps within the lower portion of the unit. Then, he was pushed firmly flat onto the table, where his arms were slid into pockets on either side of his body. There was a slight amount of give to the rubber confining him, but essentially he was trapped. The thoughts of both captivity and immobilization had his sheathed cock hard and leaking within the suit.
Trevor gave the rubbered tool a squeeze. He grinned at the man lying prone below him. “After we finish, love – I promise you you’ll have some fun with that!!!”
The suit was zipped up to mid chest. It had yet to be inflated. A rubber breathing mask – similar in shape to a surgical one – was then lowered over his nose and mouth. It was made of a firm rubber mesh material and two small tubes were tucked into his mouth.
Jack explained as he sealed the mask onto Flynn’s rubbered face. “Those are hydration tubes, bud. See the little horns on the maggots? We hook the tubes up to the connectors on the outer suit and then to a tank – then you can suck in the fluid we want to give you.”
Next, the tubes from his breathing mask were fastened to the connectors in the the hood and it was pulled down over Ryder’s face. It was a tight fit, but thanks to the well-lubed interior, it slid down easily. Absolute blackness descended upon the supine rubberman and he experienced a moment of panic. A rubbered hand stroked his chest and the electro-sphere in his ass began a soothing pulse. He breathed easily but quickly through the mesh mask and the respirator hole in the outer hood.
“Take it easy, Flynn. Everything is alright. Nothing is going to happen to you. I promise. We’re testing the limits of isolation and encapsulation with this experiment. Now, do you feel a lump near your right hand?”
Flynn stretched out his glove and felt a mass near his thigh. He nodded.
“Yes, sir.”
“Good. If you’re getting panicked, give that a squeeze. That will alert us that you’re in distress. We’re going to zip you up now and inflate the sack.”
The zipper pull on his chest was pulled up to meet it’s mate beneath his neck. Ryder heard the “snick” of a lock being put in place and then the suit began to fill with air.
* * *

At once, he heard a voice near his ear. “I know, love. It’s downright frightening to be where you are now. We’re going to give you a little something to calm you down. It’s called Entomox. Just breathe deeply.”
Flynn smelled and tasted a slightly sweet odor. In a matter of moments, his pulse had slowed and he relaxed within his restraints. Despite the blackness, he enjoyed the sensations he was experiencing – the perfect fit of the suit against his skin, the tight but pillowy firmness of the wormsack, the tunnel up his ass … he calmed and let his mind drift.
The test subject then found himself being rolled onto his stomach and felt some motion as he was moved along on what he assumed was some sort of cart. After a few minutes, the surface beneath him tipped and he felt himself sliding downwards. A bump later, he found himself on another flat surface and began to inch along.
The two rubbermen looked at each other and grinned. Jack grabbed Trevor’s trim rubbered hips and knelt. His eyeless face looked up at his fellow researcher as he gave the ebon cock in front of him a salacious lick.
“Well Trev, now that he’s getting used to his surroundings, I want that cock of yours down my throat.”
The Englishman grabbed the slick black head and pulled it down onto his rigid shaft. He soon established a grinding, skull-fucking rhythm. He paused and grinned down at the ebon-clad cocksucker reciprocating below him.
“Of course, when I’m done, I fully expect to be howling as well when that monster knob of yours splits me apart!”
* * *
Ryder – the newly-encased rubber maggot – came down quickly from the high of the Entomox gas and took stock of his situation.
While he was blind and nearly immobile with tubes his only connection to the outside world, the feel of the multiple layers of rubber against him was intoxicating. Despite the on-and-off again sadism of the researchers, he knew that nothing truly untoward would happen to him while in their care. In fact, as he squirmed along the floor, he thought of Trevor’s promise to him after the experiment was completed.
It seemed like an eternity of crawling when he finally bumped into something. It was firm, but not hard; his guess was it was another rubber maggot.
“Hello??” He squirmed closer to the soft mass. Suddenly, he doubled up as a strong jolt of electricity exploded within him.
“NO TALKING!” A voice thundered about him.
Flynn struggled to reorient himself in the darkness and find his companion. After a few moments, he did. He snuggled up to the other body and dozed off.
The current experiment was as tumultuous as the first one, only this time he lacked the ability to gauge his surroundings. He was subjected to various types and durations of e-stim: there were pleasurable periods when he was told to perform certain actions and he did, as well as spine-cracking pain when he was slow to respond to directives. He was fed what tasted to be an energy drink through the hydration tubes. There were times he almost squeezed the panic device within his wormsack, but he resisted; he wanted to ride out this experience fully and not show any sign of weakness to the researchers; particularly to Dr. Brandon.
Any attempts at speech was met with intense and painful convulsions from the e-stim within him. He soon learned to keep any verbal responses to grunts and moans.
Several more times he was given the Entomox gas; there were also periods after some major disorientation where he felt the surface beneath him had changed. It felt slightly lumpy and he could smell the scent of grass and flowers. It embarrassed him at first to think that he was out in the open, but soon realized (with a mental chuckle) that no one knew who was in the wormsack save the researchers and given the level of secrecy of these “experiments”, he doubted that they would be making any public announcements.
At one point, he felt some manipulation on his breathing hose and was rewarded by a lungful of amyl. He immediately experienced a sexual high and felt his cock swell within the confines of the wormsack. Then he was mounted by presumably one of the rubbermen (which one he didn’t know or at this point, care) and was vigorously raped through the opening the ass-tunnel tube provided. The feeling of a cock was somewhat lessened by the tunnel itself, but the sensation of the tunnel twisting and stretching itself based on the pounding through it made up for any loss. He felt the hot seed of the man mounting him searing his innards as the e-stim sphere provided a constant pulse deep within him in sync with the pounding he was receiving.
The assaults continued – time since the beginning of the experiment had lost meaning – and Flynn could not be sure if it was the same or different people, but the sensations through the tunnel served to bring him ever closer to climax. He moaned in a combination of agony and ecstasy as he was penetrated over and over again. After the fifth or sixth attack, he felt his own cock swell and with a scream, felt his own cum explode within its rubber prison. Whoever had been riding him was bucked off and he felt the “thump” as a body landed hard on the floor next to him. Between his own massive orgasm and the gang rape, the young man was utterly spent. He curled into a ball.
Ryder heard a muttered curse. “God damnit!! … just like being thrown by a fucking horse...”
Another voice. Chuckling. “Well, cowboy – up you go … we’ll have to make note of that on the safety sheet…”
The amyl was removed and he soon drifted off into an exhausted sleep.
* * *
Flynn awoke with light in his eyes and lifted himself onto his elbows to look blearily about. He was back on the examining table and out of the wormsack. The facial mask had been removed, but he was still locked within his original rubber suit. His cock was semi hard and the ass tunnel was still in place.
A harnessed rubberman entered the room, a smile on his eyeless face and the silvery locks of his equipage swinging with his movements. He put dark hands onto ebon hips.
“Enjoyed yourself, Flynn?” It was Trevor.
He gave the researcher a tired grin. “You never fail to surprise me, Doc. I didn’t think I could manage that – but I did. And fuck, it was worth it!”
Trevor stroked Flynn’s rubbered chest and bent down to kiss the captive’s lips. It was hard and demanding, but not rough; Ryder opened his mouth and let the Englishman’s tongue do to his mouth what his cock had probably been doing to his ass the entire weekend.
The researcher reached down and began to pump the young man’s tool. In a few moments, it was fully hard and painfully rigid.
“Oh, Doc … dammit … I’m gonna shoot again …” Flynn felt himself on the verge of explosion.
The eyeless face grinned. “Well, we’d best take care of that situation immediately…”
Brandon handed the erect rubberman a bottle of lube and bent over to grab his ankles. He too was wearing an ass tunnel and the dark hole beckoned to be packed with Flynn’s swollen rubbered cock.
Ryder hopped off the table and poured the thick liquid onto his engorged and aching black-sheathed weapon. And with a single thrust, he shoved its full length into the waiting scientist.
* * *

Exhausted, Flynn let the cock slip from his mouth and laid his head on the rubbered lap of the doctor. A dark hand stroked his head and fondled the locked zipper at the back of his neck.
“Mmmm?” The young man wanted to stay like this forever.
“As much as I’d like to remain, we have to get you cleaned up and back home. Rules are rules.”
The two rubbermen struggled to their feet. “Let me unlock the suit and get you to the showers.”
* * *
Trevor removed the lock and unsealed the suit. He opened the zippers and helped Flynn pull the hood from his head; the dark mass dangled in front of him as they entered a large, communal shower.
“Get yourself washed up, love. I’ll fetch your clothes.”
The young subject peeled the suit from his body and then stepped into a stall. The hot jets felt amazing on his skin and he closed his eyes in pleasure at the gentle massage of water. After a while, he grabbed the soap dispenser and began to lather up.
Ryder finally turned off the jets and wrapped a towel about his trim waist. His rubber suit had been removed from the bench, and in its place was a neatly folded pile of his clothes. Beside it was a small square of black fabric, a piece of paper and an envelope.
He dressed first, then picked up the paper.
Dear Flynn,
Again, we can’t thank you enough for your participation. For more than several reasons (and a number of them quite personal), you are growing to be our favorite subject!
Please get dressed. When you are done, pull the provided hood over your head. We will bring you back into town.
And please accept our grateful stipend for your participation.
Best regards,
Ryder opened the thick envelope. This time, there was a thick wad of $100 bills. Shit, there must be ten grand in here, he thought to himself.
He tucked the envelope into his back pocket and pulled on the hood. Again, total darkness enveloped him, but this time he welcomed it. He sat down and waited.
After a few moments, he heard the door open and footsteps approach.
“Okay kid, stand up. We’re taking you home.” The voice was somewhat like the rubberman he only knew as Jack, but warmer and with a bit of a drawl.
A chuckle. “Nope, the name’s Alan. I’m still a bit sore from when you threw me like a bronco. Can’t say I didn’t enjoy the ride, though.”
So this was one of the guys that fucked me. “I’m sorry about that.”
“No worries. No one got hurt. Put your hands behind your back for me, please?”
Flynn complied and he felt a pair of cuffs bind his wrists. The fit was snug, but not painful. Alan gave him a pat on the ass and a soft kiss on the neck. “C’mon Flynn – up a flight of stairs and into the van. You’ll be home in no time.”
* * *
The young man took an additional day off to get himself prepared for the extended experiment. As Trevor had mentioned, Flynn had gained about 10 pounds of muscle at the time of their last encounter; now, Ryder had added an additional 5 pounds of slabbed meat to his physique. He was never hirsute to begin with, but with his regular schedule of body waxing, the test subject now kept his hard and hard-won body perfectly smooth to the touch. The next step of his transformation involved the clippers he purchased on the way home. Facing the mirror, he placed them on his scalp and began to buzz. He stopped when his head was covered by only a short dark stubble and his dark hair lay heaped in the sink.

Then he reached for the shaving cream and razor.
* * *
A new man – completely without hair -- grinned at Flynn in the mirror. Fuck, this looks amazing. I should stay this way from now on. He ran a hand across his smooth scalp and reveled at the sensitivity of the freshly shaved skin. As he stared at himself; a strange thought entered his mind and began to take root. The more he thought about it, the more it seemed … proper … under the circumstances. This was a natural progression to his transformation and something he knew that Trevor would appreciate as an outward symbol of his dedication.
Ryder shaved off his eyebrows as well.
Flynn admired his handiwork. God, a difference. By now, his cock was swollen and purple with need and desire. He reached for a bottle of lube and began to stroke his steel-hard member.
The sight of a hairless rubberslave – what he imagined himself to be for the next two weeks – redlined his need for release. Faster and faster he pumped himself and he felt his nuts churn within their smooth sac. With a bellow, the young man erupted; a geyser of silvery cum hit the mirror and slowly dripped down its surface.
Panting, he grinned at his reflection. Tomorrow is the big day.
* * *
Flynn arrived at the location specified in the email. It was swelteringly hot and he had dressed accordingly – a thin t-shirt, lycra exercise shorts, a jock, slouchy white socks and workboots. A cap was pulled low over his eyes and shadowed his smooth face. The AC in the bus had been working poorly and when he exited, he pulled the shirt back over his head, leaving it looking like a harness riding atop his slabbed pecs and six pack abs. Ryder’s skin gleamed with sweat and he looked about for the black van.
The young slave walked down the road and as he rounded a bend, saw the edge of the bumper of a dark vehicle. He continued and the van came into view. What surprised him was the man standing in the middle of the road.
The other young man wore a pair of tight, faded jeans, soccer shoes and little else. Tats gleamed on his muscled body and a baseball cap was tilted back to show off bright blue eyes and a blazing smile. He winked at the Ryder. “Hello, you handsome fucking bastard…”
Trevor Brandon grinned. “None other … Mmmm … you look good enough to mount right here and now. But we have to pick up another subject as well, and I thought you’d like to ride up front with me this time.”
The two men got into the van and Trevor started the engine. The doctor removed his cap; he was bald as well. Flynn pulled off his cap and showed off his newly shorn self to the scientist.
“Oh, bloody fuck! Flynn when did you go smooth?” The hairless young man could see the researcher’s tool begin to snake down the tight legs of his jeans.
“Well, Doc … I’ve been waxing since last time we met and I shaved everything off my head last night. I figured it’d be easier getting in and out of stuff being hairless. And it’ll grow back anyway. I can always say I got drunk and woke up like this.”
Brandon pulled Ryder in for a kiss. It was hard and rough. “I’m sure the lads will be just as amazed as I am at your transformation. This puts a bit of a wrinkle into the script we had planned, but in a good sense … a good sense indeed.” The scientist kneaded the swollen crotch of his companion and grinned. “Let’s go!”
* * *
Brandon had taken the van onto Interstate 290 and after about 30 minutes, took the exit onto Interstate 88.
“The new subject responded to one of our print advertisements. His stats are in the folder on the dash, if you’d care to take a look.”
Flynn opened the package and flipped through the information. He stopped when he saw the full size picture of the new rubber recruit. He was powerfully built, but extremely trim. A full tattoo sleeve ran down one well-muscled arm and he had a soft, shy smile. He looked all of 17 years old.
“Damn, Doc … looks like you’re robbing the cradle … you sure he’s legal?”
Trevor chuckled. “That was our first impression as well. But yes, he’s over the age of consent. We checked. Thrice. Cute little bugger, isn’t he? We’ll see how he fares.”
“Can you tell me anything about this experiment? Why is it for so long? Not that I’m complaining, of course…” Ryder grinned.
Brandon stroked a sweaty, muscled thigh and the slave shivered at the intimate touch. “Well, love … it’s more of a trade show than an true experiment. You see, we’ve reached a point where we can begin selling our developments to a group of very interested people. I can explain more when we get to the lab. I also want to show you around and describe a bit of what you’ve helped us develop.”
* * *
They continued onwards for another 20 minutes until they entered a grassy, suburban community. The van left the highway at the Sugar Grove exit and parked at the far end of a large parking lot. The two men got out of the vehicle and Trevor unlocked the back door; the researcher pulled on a cut-off t-shirt and shrugged a backpack over one muscled shoulder.
“Now we’ll wait for young Mr. Standish to arrive and make himself presentable.” He gave Flynn a sidelong grin. “In the meantime …” The scientist slid a hand into the back of Ryder’s shorts to fondle the muscular ass. “… let’s find someplace where we can have a bit of fun.”
* * *
At this time of the morning, the mall was fairly empty and after a cool drink, the two men located an empty washroom. Brandon locked the door and gave the other man a wicked grin.
Both pulled off their caps and peeled off their sweaty t-shirts. Trevor held Flynn by the waist and shucked down the shorts and jock. He then turned him around and bent him over a sink. The young man looked over his shoulder to see the researcher unzip his pants (he was commando) and remove a bottle of lube from his backpack.
Within moments, both men were naked. Trevor's cock was thick and dripping with pre-cum as he poured a generous amount of the slick fluid onto the rigid shaft. He then rubbed an equally generous amount onto the other man’s smooth pucker that was twitching in need. Trevor lined up his cock and rammed his tool into the eager chute. The hairless subject felt the other’s hand clamp over his mouth as he bit back a cry at the violent breach. The first thrust had gone deep within his innards and he felt the other man’s smooth ballsac on his asscheeks.

Flynn grunted in the affirmative as Brandon continued to mouth obscenities. Trevor certainly knew how to press his buttons. Looking at his hairless, sweaty face in the mirror, a hand clamped over his mouth and being raped by a muscular inked guy was a dream come true for him.
In a moment, Brandon established a brutal rhythm – forcing himself deep within, pulling nearly all the way out and then slamming back in once again; Flynn wanted to jerk his own painfully rigid prong in sync with his attacker but needed both hands to brace himself against the powerful thrusts of the scientist.
Brandon removed the hand from Flynn’s mouth and grabbed his trim waist in both hands. The scientist thrust deep and screamed as Ryder felt a hot blast of seed fill within him. Flynn grabbed his cock and almost immediately, he grunted as he himself exploded onto the tiles.
Trevor laid down atop him as he gathered his breath. He was spent, as was the man he just violated. A muffled tone sounded in Brandon’s backpack; after a few moments, he kissed Flynn’s ear.
“There will be plenty more sex like this later, Mr. Ryder … meanwhile that little tone means our subject has arrived. Let’s get cleaned up and head back to the van.”
* * *
The two hairless men dressed and left the restroom. When they reached the atrium, Trevor stopped and pulled an iPad from his backpack.
“Now … has our Mr. Standish been a good boy or not? …”
“Now … has our Mr. Standish been a good boy or not? …”
Flynn looked at the screen. A hidden camera showed the inside back of the van. The young man – Douglas – had already stripped naked and was in the process of putting the duct tape over his eyes and mouth. The box containing his clothing was already sealed. His ankles were fastened together and a cuff was already dangling from one wrist. As they watched, the tape was pressed against his flesh and he reached up fasten his wrist into the remaining cuff; he then attached it to the hook in the ceiling of the van.
“Excellent … now we can proceed.” Trevor and Flynn walked back to the van and the scientist opened the door to display the naked and bound young man. His blinded head turned in the direction of the sound; Flynn opened his mouth to say something, but the researcher put his finger to his lips and shook his head. He slammed the doors shut and locked them.
The two reentered the cab. “The subject doesn’t hear any voices until he’s at the facility.” He handed Ryder a blackout hood.
“Protocols, Flynn. Put that on, please.” The hairless slave complied and once again was surrounded by welcome darkness. Trevor squeezed his crotch as they drove off.
* * *
About 20 minutes later, the van stopped .
“Can I take this off, Doc?”
“In a moment. Let me pull into the loading bay first.”
The two men exited the van and the hairless subject saw the young, handcuffed captive being hustled from the vehicle by two rubbermen and into the bowels of the facility.
An arm snaked around his waist. “Come on, handsome. Let’s get you introduced to the rest of the gents and give you a tour of the facility.”
Trevor fished a passcard from his backpack and swiped a reader next to a heavy metal door. It hissed open and the two proceeded down a brightly lit corridor. Flynn could hear some faint music and smelled the intoxicating scent of rubber and coffee.
Brandon reached a door and opened it and gestured Flynn to enter. It was a locker room already filled with a number of strikingly handsome men in various stages of undress. Many had shaved heads as Trevor and Flynn; most also sported elaborate tattoos on their arms and/or torsos. One entire wall was covered in mirrors.
The scientist pulled off Flynn’s cap, cleared his throat and spoke in a loud voice. “May I have your attention, please?” The general hubbub quieted and all heads turned to face the duo that just entered. Brandon had pulled off his t-shirt; Ryder followed suit and tucked it into the back of his shorts.
“Gents, in case you don’t recognize him, this is Flynn Ryder. As you can see, he chose to go smooth all on his own. I've decided we’re going to use him to showcase the trustee model.”
The hairless slave was greeted by whistles and catcalls, as well as a number of lascivious looks. Despite the explosive ejaculation in the restroom, he felt his cock twitch and again snake down his leg. He fantasized about being raped by every man in the room, lying spent on the tiles, and with silvery jism dribbling out of his mouth and ass.
Trevor trailed a hand across the subject’s broad shoulders and the young man shivered at the touch. “Flynn, these aren’t test subjects … these are our researchers. You happen to be in the presence of an august body of brilliant perverts…” A chuckle echoed through the room. He kissed Ryder’s ear and began the introductions.
The two closest were heavily inked with shaved heads. One sported a jockstrap that framed his muscular ass; the other was wearing a mesh thong.
“Carson and Lyle Talbot – part of our materiels research team.”
The two smiled at Flynn and Lyle gave him a hug. “Welcome to the gang, mate!” He sported an Australian accent.
“James Rivera – fabrication”
James was a light colored latino with cognac-brown eyes and an infectious smile. “Hey Flynn – nice to see you in the flesh!”
“I believe you’re familiar with Alan Drake – he drove you home the last time. Alan is my principal partner-in-crime in this endeavor.”
Drake was one of the few men in the locker room with a full head of wavy black hair, albeit trimmed short. He was in the process of removing a white tank, which left his rippled abs and slabbed pecs prominently displayed.
Drake was one of the few men in the locker room with a full head of wavy black hair, albeit trimmed short. He was in the process of removing a white tank, which left his rippled abs and slabbed pecs prominently displayed.
He sported an elaborate tattoo sleeve down one powerful arm and his deep blue eyes twinkled as he gave Ryder a hug.
“Hey handsome …” Flynn remembered the soft drawl from the previous encounter. “Still gotta get myself cleaned up some and smoothed out, but I’ll be seeing you a little bit.”
“And of course you remember Jack Pearson. Jack is in charge of security. He came very highly recommended from one of our major investors.”
Jack was easily the most intimidating man in the room. I bet he could break me in half. Flynn thought to himself.
“I want to be on the record that I don’t like this, Trevor. I think it’s a mistake bringing him in here.”
“And I think you’re acting like a bloody arsehole.” Pearson glared at the doctor. Brandon stepped up to the enforcer and gave him a playful kiss on the nose.
Pearson laughed and the tense atmosphere was broken. He grabbed the researcher and the two exchanged a deep kiss. “I’ll see you two later.” Flynn and Trevor continued.
Zack was shaved smooth as well; he sported a tribal tat stretching across his torso and continuing around his back.
“And last, but not least, Joachim Von Schroeder. Joe is in charge of design. He’s also our resident psychologist.”
Despite the somewhat imposing name, the German appeared to be the happiest member of the team. He was built in a classic “V” with broad shoulders tapering down to a trim waist. Elaborate tattoos covered the powerful chest and crawled down both arms. Blue-gray eyes twinkled in the strong face.
He swung Flynn around and dipped him in his arms low to the ground. He gave him a gentle kiss on the lips and swung him back up. The young subject was breathless and the designer gave him a happy grin.
“Wilkommen, Flynn! You will love what we have planned for you!”
“Wilkommen, Flynn! You will love what we have planned for you!”
By this time, Ryder and Brandon had reached a door at the far end of the locker room. He turned to the assembled group as they were leaving. “I’ll leave you all to get kitted up. I’m taking Flynn for the tour of the facility and the prep for the exhibition.”
The door swung closed behind them.
* * *
The two shirtless men walked down a corridor, and were greeted by others in various stages of undress and/or rubberization – everything from fabric jockstraps to rubber leggings to the familiar complete enclosure and harness combinations that Ryder found so erotic.
“This was originally sort of a pet project for our company’s founder and his lover – it grew out of some of the research I had been doing for composite materials. However, it was his lover that saw the potential to adapt and market our wares and services to like-minded individuals or groups …” He grinned at the slave. “… or governments – anyone that has the need for long-term bondage and enclosure with a bit of pain, pleasure and sadism in the mix. Any high-value client that wants or needs our unique products.”
They entered a room. Two latex-suited men – completely enclosed in the dark material except for their bald heads – were guiding a fully rubberized subject between two inky sheets in a black rubberized frame. They fiddled with the placement of the body and then proceeded to seal the man within. Soon afterward, a motor started and he saw the sheets tighten perfectly around the captive within; a breathing tube was the only thing to disturb the perfectly detailed black surface. The two operators proceeded to hook clamps to the frame and it was hauled upright and wheeled to a corner. There were already three other frames with captives squirming in their vacuum sealed bonds.
Another prep area had subjects in more conventional types of rubber bondage; further along, another room had victims being forced into maggot suits. Continuing the tour, the two entered still another room and watched as a transformation occurred. Again, a similar setup was in place with powerful latex-covered operators working on a subject. Flynn noticed that the man had two small tubes exiting his mouth area and a similar but larger tube protruding from his ass.
The subject was on a low table and was guided to kneel down and sit on his feet. Then, a rubber-clad operator took one of his arms and pulled something over it. The rubber of outer suit was well lubed already so it slid easily over the subject’s existing rubber skin. At the end of that sleeve there was a heavily padded mitt – Flynn guessed that the man had to make a fist to fit it in. The process was repeated with the other arm. Next a doglike hood was pulled over his head - this was attached to the suit - and the tubes were carefully pulled through the hood, but the enclosure was not yet zipped up the back. The victim’s upper body was then pushed forward and his fists held on the floor; he was leaning on his arms as they lifted his ass, but he remained on his knees. The operators pulled the suit now down along his back and torso towards the smooth crotch and butt. Then the right foot was pulled up towards his ass and the leg lifted up. Hands fiddled his knee inside some sleeve and the leg was again lowered to the surface. The same procedure was followed for other leg as well.
The ass-tube was connected to a valve in the back of the suit, right below a curled rubber tail and glued in place. Then the feet were pulled tightly towards his ass before closing the zipper of the suit. The zip went all the way up to the hood, sealing him in a second layer of heavy rubber, and kept him in the kneeling position. The final touch for this pup was a wide collar being buckled around his neck. As the two men lifted him off the table and placed him on the floor, another rubber subject was brought in and the process initiated once more.
At this point, Flynn’s cock was ready to punch a hole through concrete. He slid a hand into his shorts to adjust his swollen package to a less painful position. Trevor laughed and patted his ass.
With the aid of the passcard and a retinal scan, the two entered an elevator and descended several additional floors. A cool draft of air prickled Ryder's skin as the doors opened. Trevor ushered him into another locker room.
Present were two other men; one half-naked in a pair of track pants and the other in a hoodless one-piece rubber outfit – Flynn guessed this was more or less the standard uniform at this facility.
The man in the track pants had pierced nips and ink all over his torso. He was extremely hairy with smouldering, dark eyes and darker hair; he looked intense and Flynn had the distinct impression that he was in the presence of a dangerous criminal. However, the apparent thug's mien changed completely when he saw the scientist enter. A broad smile split his face and he embraced Brandon in a strong hug.
"Cam has been helping me with my prison face. And this has to be my co-star!" His voice was a soft bass.
“This was originally sort of a pet project for our company’s founder and his lover – it grew out of some of the research I had been doing for composite materials. However, it was his lover that saw the potential to adapt and market our wares and services to like-minded individuals or groups …” He grinned at the slave. “… or governments – anyone that has the need for long-term bondage and enclosure with a bit of pain, pleasure and sadism in the mix. Any high-value client that wants or needs our unique products.”
They entered a room. Two latex-suited men – completely enclosed in the dark material except for their bald heads – were guiding a fully rubberized subject between two inky sheets in a black rubberized frame. They fiddled with the placement of the body and then proceeded to seal the man within. Soon afterward, a motor started and he saw the sheets tighten perfectly around the captive within; a breathing tube was the only thing to disturb the perfectly detailed black surface. The two operators proceeded to hook clamps to the frame and it was hauled upright and wheeled to a corner. There were already three other frames with captives squirming in their vacuum sealed bonds.
Another prep area had subjects in more conventional types of rubber bondage; further along, another room had victims being forced into maggot suits. Continuing the tour, the two entered still another room and watched as a transformation occurred. Again, a similar setup was in place with powerful latex-covered operators working on a subject. Flynn noticed that the man had two small tubes exiting his mouth area and a similar but larger tube protruding from his ass.
The subject was on a low table and was guided to kneel down and sit on his feet. Then, a rubber-clad operator took one of his arms and pulled something over it. The rubber of outer suit was well lubed already so it slid easily over the subject’s existing rubber skin. At the end of that sleeve there was a heavily padded mitt – Flynn guessed that the man had to make a fist to fit it in. The process was repeated with the other arm. Next a doglike hood was pulled over his head - this was attached to the suit - and the tubes were carefully pulled through the hood, but the enclosure was not yet zipped up the back. The victim’s upper body was then pushed forward and his fists held on the floor; he was leaning on his arms as they lifted his ass, but he remained on his knees. The operators pulled the suit now down along his back and torso towards the smooth crotch and butt. Then the right foot was pulled up towards his ass and the leg lifted up. Hands fiddled his knee inside some sleeve and the leg was again lowered to the surface. The same procedure was followed for other leg as well.
The ass-tube was connected to a valve in the back of the suit, right below a curled rubber tail and glued in place. Then the feet were pulled tightly towards his ass before closing the zipper of the suit. The zip went all the way up to the hood, sealing him in a second layer of heavy rubber, and kept him in the kneeling position. The final touch for this pup was a wide collar being buckled around his neck. As the two men lifted him off the table and placed him on the floor, another rubber subject was brought in and the process initiated once more.
At this point, Flynn’s cock was ready to punch a hole through concrete. He slid a hand into his shorts to adjust his swollen package to a less painful position. Trevor laughed and patted his ass.
With the aid of the passcard and a retinal scan, the two entered an elevator and descended several additional floors. A cool draft of air prickled Ryder's skin as the doors opened. Trevor ushered him into another locker room.
Present were two other men; one half-naked in a pair of track pants and the other in a hoodless one-piece rubber outfit – Flynn guessed this was more or less the standard uniform at this facility.
The man in the track pants had pierced nips and ink all over his torso. He was extremely hairy with smouldering, dark eyes and darker hair; he looked intense and Flynn had the distinct impression that he was in the presence of a dangerous criminal. However, the apparent thug's mien changed completely when he saw the scientist enter. A broad smile split his face and he embraced Brandon in a strong hug.
"Cam has been helping me with my prison face. And this has to be my co-star!" His voice was a soft bass.
Trevor turned to hairless slave. “Flynn, this is Chase Hughes – another one of our very long-term test subjects – we’re going to be doing promotional videos for some of offerings at the exhibition. As you'll see, we're going with a law-enforcement motif … the production studio is on this floor as well.”
He then introduced the rubber-clad man. “And this is Cameron Taylor - he’ll be assisting me in getting the two of you ready. I have to get kitted up myself, so I’ll see you both in about half an hour.”
“Cam, Flynn here is going to be in the trustee suit. We’re going to be using the OC enhancements, so please prep accordingly.”
“Sure, Doctor Brandon . No problem.” The young man had a soft tenor and a bright smile.
The researcher gave Ryder a kiss. “I’ll be back soon. See you in a tick!”
* * *
Trevor left the room and Taylor turned to the other man. “Mr. Hughes, you can relax in the green room – the guys will be ready in a bit for you … Mr. Ryder, please come with me.”He then introduced the rubber-clad man. “And this is Cameron Taylor - he’ll be assisting me in getting the two of you ready. I have to get kitted up myself, so I’ll see you both in about half an hour.”
“Cam, Flynn here is going to be in the trustee suit. We’re going to be using the OC enhancements, so please prep accordingly.”
“Sure, Doctor Brandon . No problem.” The young man had a soft tenor and a bright smile.
The researcher gave Ryder a kiss. “I’ll be back soon. See you in a tick!”
* * *
Flynn followed the other researcher.
“Well, first thing is getting you stripped and cleaned out. Then I’m going to put some hair remover on you – thanks for doing a lot of the work already! After that, I’m going to spray some stuff on certain areas of your skin and then we’re going to do some vocal recordings. Okay?”
Despite being on a liquid diet for two days, Flynn still felt some cramping from the cleanout. Three times his guts were filled with warm liquid until the draining fluid was completely clear. Then the young man handed him a large container of cream. It was soft to the touch and had a faint citrus scent.
“That’s a hair remover and growth inhibitor. It’ll keep you baby smooth for about four weeks. Close your eyes for a moment, sir?"
Ryder complied and rubbered fingers spread some Vaseline onto the faint stubble of his brows and his eyelashes.
“That’ll block the cream from the hair – you definitely want those areas protected.”
Between the two of them, Flynn’s body was soon completely slathered in the depilatory.
“That needs to be on for about 15 minutes. Can I get you something while we’re waiting? Juice, soda, water?”
“Juice sounds good. Cranberry?”
The researcher grinned. “I’ll be right back.” As the man turned away, Ryder noticed a tube protruding between the muscled mounds of his rubbered ass.
Good as his word, the young man returned with a bottle of cranberry juice and a straw. Flynn sipped it as the cream did its work.
“Cam, can you tell me anything about what’ll be happening? If you can, I mean. I don’t want you disclosing anything secret.”
“Well, you know that you’ll be fully enclosed, right?” Flynn nodded.
Taylor continued. “The reason you have to be completely smooth is we’ve developed some specialized organic circuitry that’ll be sprayed onto you. That assists in monitoring vital signs as well as activating nerve endings and certain functions of the suits.”
“Can I ask what’s that tube sticking out of your ass?”
Taylor smiled. “It’s part of a chastity arrangement. My dick is basically connected to my ass and that’s the waste tube. You and Chase will be getting these too. Here … feel my crotch.”
Cam guided Flynn’s hand over the smooth thick bulge between his powerful legs.
Flynn’s eyes widened. “It’s hard!”
“Yep! And it feels amazing once you’re in it! A number of the staff here are pulling double-duty. Once we get our regular test subjects set up, we’re prepping ourselves as exhibits or demonstration units as well.”
“Trevor mentioned recordings. What are those for?”
Cam paused. “I think I’ll let Doctor Brandon explain all of that. Suffice to say that you really never consciously hear what your own voice sounds like, and that’s an important facet to some of the capabilities we want to showcase.” He looked at the clock on the wall. “Okay, times up – you can remove the cream now. Shower is through that door on your right.”
* * *
Flynn toweled himself dry and looked at himself in the full length mirror. The cream had removed the slight dark stubble from his head and face; his skin had grown even more sensitive to the touch. He turned around and bent over and spread his cheeks – even his pucker was smooth now; the pinkish skin pulsed hungrily as he flexed. His prong was hard and jutting out like a flagpole. There was a bottle of lotion soap on the sink and he used that to gently clean the Vaseline from his face. He pulled a loose pair of white shorts around his trim waist as Cam knocked on the door and entered.
The rubbered assistant grinned approvingly. “Looking really HOT, Mr. Ryder!! Let’s get the circuitry on you and then get you dressed."
The two men proceeded out to an adjoining examination room. Cam patted the table. “Up you go and pull off the shorts. Knees bent and feet flat on the table.”
Flynn complied and the latex-clad technician approached with what looked like a small commercial paint sprayer.
The hairless slave closed his eyes as a fine, cool mist settled on his neck. A similar mist settled on his cock and balls. Within a few seconds, there was a slight tightening of the skin in those areas and then the feeling passed.
“Stay still for a few moments. I want to make sure that the circuitry has completely dried.”
Cam waved a device over his neck and then his crotch. Apparently satisfied, he gestured Flynn to get off the table. The two men returned to the locker room where a pair of thick white socks, an orange jumpsuit and a thick pair of boots were laid out.
“Get dressed, bud. Voice recordings next and then and we’ll go to the sound stage and control room. You can watch the video being shot and pick up some pointers as well!”
* * *
The two men exited the locker room and walked down the corridor to a small recording studio. The bulk of the room was taken up with electronic equipment and at the end of the room was a door leading to a small soundproof booth with an observation window.
Cam sat down at the console and gestured for Flynn to enter the booth. The rubber-clad technician donned a pair of headphones and gestured to the slave to do the same.
“OK, Flynn – this is going to be real easy. I want you to recite 'Mary Had a Little Lamb.'”
Ryder gave him a disbelieving look through the glass. He heard a chuckle through the headphones.
“Yeah, I know. But there’s a method to our madness here. Go ahead.”
Flynn delivered the nursery rhyme. Cameron nodded.
“Again, please?”
The process was completed several more times. Then Flynn heard some music begin to play. It was 'Happy Birthday.' Cameron grinned. “Now, sing along. Use yourself.”
The music stopped and Taylor signaled for Flynn to come out. “See? I told you it wouldn’t be bad … time to go down to the production stage.”
* * *
The sound stage was broken into several enclosed areas. Many of the “rooms” had cinderblock “walls” and had a definite municipal and utilitarian feel. Another area looked like an operating room, replete with table and large overhead lights; another was a tiled room with a large drain in the middle – this room had a spreader bar attached to the floor via a short chain and a similar spreader bar dangled from a chain on the ceiling. All had directors giving instructions as technicians scurried about adjusting lighting or moving cameras or props.
They approached a room with a red light blinking outside. A sign taped on the door said:
Industrial Espionage
Camouflage Sheaths
Cameron stopped. “Hey, let’s watch a bit.” He quietly opened the door and the two stepped inside.
This set resembled a cross between the changing room in some type of warehouse and a dressing room. There were a set of small lockers in one corner of the space, a large lighted mirror with a bench before it, and several mobile racks that had various items of clothing and what appeared to be a number of flesh-toned leotards.
The director turned around to the newcomers and motioned them to be quiet.
Two rubbermen entered the scene. They were eyeless and for the most part featureless; but the pair did have perfectly formed rubber mouths – one of them sat down in front of the mirror and pulled down his dark lips to apply some liquid to his own and then readjusted the inky covering once more. The other one moved over to one of the racks and removed an item from one of the hangers. Flynn had been incorrect – it was not a leotard, but a realistic, full body covering of a well-muscled and tattooed light-skinned black man.
The rubbermen assisted each other in slathering their ebon frames with lubricant; in a short while, the participants gleamed like dark, polished metal. Then the second assisted the first in pulling the garment onto his muscular physique. The upper torso and arms were first; thanks to the lube, the silicone skin slid onto the slick black body. The lower portion was brought forward – dark toes found their spots in the attached socks and the creamy dark flesh was pulled over the muscular black rubbered legs.

The final step involved the face mask. The first rubberman sat down on the bench once more as the second assisted him in sliding the dark face over his own featureless skull. Once in place, it was tucked into the upper torso and sealed; again, the edges of the mask’s bib served to add further muscle definition to the neck and traps as any trace that it was not real flesh vanished. The mask was haired as well. The black hair was buzzed close to the head, dark eyebrows surmounted the eyes and a razor-cut beard surrounded sensuous lips and a strong chin. Ryder was amazed when the eyebrows moved in a completely natural manner and the lips quirked up to grin at the reflection in the mirror.
The only telltale sign of the rubberman beneath the realistic suit were the empty black eyeholes, but this was soon to be remedied. The seated man took a small bottle and proceeded to squeeze some fluid into the black sockets and then inserted eye covers between the lids. They were spectacularly perfect – the white scleras and dark brown pupils added the final touch of humanity to the doubly-encased rubberman. Then he BLINKED.
Flynn was shocked at that ability – and the simulated eyes rolled around in the sockets until they finally locked in place. At that point, the humaniform rubberman blinked several more times and darted his eyes in all directions – ostensibly to show the perfection of their design – and he grinned to show bright white teeth. His face went through a range of emotions - happiness, sorrow, anger, fear - all to demonstrate the perfection of the camouflage. He then got up from the bench and selected a pair of cargo pants from another rack. He pulled them over his well-muscled ass and adjusted his horsecock in front. After that, he selected another suit from the rack – holding it up the face to the camera – this was a lean and muscular Eurasian model with silky dark hair, golden skin and small rings through pierced nips.
“CUT! PERFECT!” The director yelled.
Cameron gave Flynn a hug – the hairless slave was breathing heavily and he could feel a dribble of precum filling his jock.
“You like the exosuits, Flynn? This is one of our premiere “stealth” models…”
The half-naked black man came over to them. Cam reached up to feel the black man’s face and smoothed rubbered thumbs over the dark eyebrows. “How are the eyes tracking?”
“Really good, Cam. This new amplifier solution works a helluva lot better than the previous version.”
He turned to Ryder to give the slave a bright smile. He hefted his package through the pants. “Feel like having some prison sex, stud?”
Flynn was shocked. “Alan??”
“In the flesh, or at least, beneath two layers of rubber …” The man grinned. He gave the hairless convict a quick kiss and squeezed his crotch. “I gotta help Joachim get skinned up, but I’ll see you later.”
"Isn't that hot in there?"
The artificial black man shook his handsome head. "Not at all. I've been in sheaths like this for six or seven months at a stretch!" He sauntered back over to the other rubberman.
Flynn's mind spun as he grasped that remark as the now-black man began assisting the other participant in the camouflage process. Cam put an arm around his shoulder and they began to walk away.
“Time to get to our prison set! We don't want to be late!”
* * *
The two men turned several corners and arrived at the portion of the soundstage that included the tiled room. Chase was manacled to the spreader bars and was getting some bruise makeup applied to his face, he turned at the movement and grinned at Ryder.
“Hey Flynn! You look great as a convict! I’d come over there, but I seem to be tied up at the moment!”
At that point, the director walked over to the two newcomers. “Cam, finish getting ready for your scene, please?” He then turned to the slave. “And you must be Flynn – nice to meet you! My name is George. We’ll be ready for you in a few moments, so if you just step over behind the cameras and out of the way, I’d appreciate it.”
Flynn walked past the technicians. Suddenly, a massively powerful rubbered arm snaked around his waist and pulled him gently backwards. Trevor’s voice whispered in his ear. “Chase is right, love … I think I’d like to have my way with you this very instant…”
The orange-clad slave twisted around in the embrace and gasped. The rubberman holding him was easily 250 pounds of solid, black, rippling muscle. The face was somewhat human – similar to a mannequin – but indistinct and brutal in its simplicity. A thick steel collar encircled the corded neck. The mouth curled into a smile. “I saw Cam brought you to see one of our exosuits in action. The one I have on is the military/enforcement model.” Flynn felt something large and hard against him and looked down to see a monstrous black cock and equally massive balls encircled by a thick steel cockring – a perfect mate to the collar around his neck. Ryder stoked the thick tool – which was at least 10” in length and 3” in girth – and the godlike rubberman shivered at the intimate touch. Dark lips pressed against his own. “We’ll steal away in a few, handsome. I still have some things to show you for your screen debut.” Flynn turned around again and Trevor held him gently against his powerful body.
The chain attached to Chase’s spreader bar was tightened and in a moment, the other captive was stretched tightly in his restraints.
Hughes struggled in his bonds. “What the fuck is going on here! Let me out! Let me out!” His deep voice now had a guttural Spanish accent and his face was twisted into a mask of anger and fear.
He looked to his right and stopped. “Oh, holy fuck … shit! SHIT! Get away from me!” A powerful rubberman – identical to Trevor – entered the tiled set and approached the brutally restrained man. Flynn noticed that he sported a snap-on codpiece that did little to hide the massive package at his crotch; if anything, the thin rubber covering only accentuated the monstrous contents within. The giant rubberman grasped the waist of the captive and tore off the pants as easily as a piece of tissue.
Chase’s chest was heaving with terror as the rubberman moved over to a table and moistened a wad of fabric. The captive was screaming as the rubberman approached and struggled as the fabric was pressed to his face. The thrashing slowed and finally stopped as Hughes dangled unconscious in his bonds.
Cam now entered the scene – he sported a faceless black rubber hood in addition to his skintight latex. A heavy chain was locked loosely around his neck. The massive latex-clad guard gave a curt command. “Get the prisoner ready for his enclosure.” The smaller rubberman nodded but did not speak.
He grabbed a set of clippers from a drawer and began to shear the unconscious man of his hair. A black pile grew on the floor until only a dark stubble remained on his head, face and body. He returned to the utility area and picked up a large container of the hair remover. As he had with Flynn, Cameron began to slather the cream all over the captive’s body.
Trevor gave him a squeeze and the two men quietly left the set.
* * *
Hairless slave and giant enforcer found themselves once again in a lighted corridor and the two proceeded a short distance into another area of the sound stage. This set had an operating table on it, and there were several black suits on a rack against the wall.
Trevor moved to the rack and took one off. “There will be some more intense differences this time, Flynn. First, you and Chase will be placed in these inner rubber suits.” It was a one piece arrangement with gloves and toe socks attached.
“Cam told you about the chastity arrangement?”
Ryder nodded.
“Good. The other thing that is going to happen is that you’re going to be intubated – you’ll be breathing and drinking via tubes down your throat and up your nose. We’ve found that it’s much easier for the insertion if you’re unconscious, so as part of your initial scene, you’ll get knocked out as well. We’ll also be placing some other equipment into you as well as the e-stim sphere.”
Ryder looked apprehensive. Trevor replaced the thin suit back on the rack and took off a heavier one.
“This is the trustee model of the exosuit. It’s quite similar to the one I’m wearing, but it does have some limitations. This is being marketed for those slaves or captives that are given a bit more independence.” Body-wise, it was nearly identical to the one the researcher wore, with the exception that there was no mouth opening and the features were even less distinct. A ponderous cock and balls swung from the crotch of the exosuit. Flynn fondled the massive package.
The latex head turned to him.
“If my cock and balls are going to be locked up, what’s this for? Just for show?”
The smooth face smiled. “Yes and no. I’ll demonstrate later, okay?”
Flynn bit his lip. “Trevor? Before all of that happens, will you …” He stopped - not sure how to continue.
Powerful dark hands cradled his face. “What, love?”
The slave stroked the giant black cock that was thickening in his hands.
“… will you give me good pounding with this monster dick of yours?”
The researcher pulled the orange-clad slave to him. “Part of the script involves you getting filled at both ends before you get encased. I’ll make sure I’m the one reaming your ass.” He cocked his black head as if hearing something. “Let’s get back to the set, Flynn. You’re about ready for your new life as a porn star.”
* * *
The two men returned to the studio floor where Chase was still chained and slathered in the depilatory. He was awake and one of the stage hands held a bottle for him as he sipped the water.
George walked over to the orange-clad slave, clipboard in hand. “OK, Flynn, we’re going to be putting you into a cell. I need you to look dejected and hopeless while you’re in there. Then, Trevor here … “ he pointed to the giant rubberman “… and Jack are going to come in and get ready to haul you out. At that point, I need you to act frightened – terrified - and resist.”
He smiled. “Of course, there’s going to be repercussions for your behavior…” Trevor snaked a powerful rubbered arm around the prisoner and squeezed his package. Even with that lightest of touches, Flynn realized that these enforcer suits gave the wearer extraordinary strength. They could break every bone in my body. He leaned back into the researcher and another black arm wrapped around him to rub his nips through the orange cloth.
The hairless man shook himself out of his reverie. “Sorry, sir. My mind wandered a bit.”
The director smiled. “Perfectly understandable. Now … do you think you can act frightened enough, or do you want something that’ll help you out a bit?”
“We’ve got a short-acting inhaler that’ll have you as twitchy as a junkie needing a fix. It lasts all of five minutes, but the results are really great.”
Flynn thought about it as Trevor continued to rub him, then nodded.
“Good boy.” Trevor’s black lips whispered in his ear.
George shouted. “OK folks … showtime! Let’s go!”
* * *
Flynn was at the end of a cinderblock corridor with cells stretching down each side. His hands had been cuffed behind his back, and another man in a well-tailored black uniform of breeches, boots and military shirt stood behind him.
The guard gave Ryder a shove. “Keep moving!”
Flynn stumbled and nearly fell to his knees but continued. The guard grabbed him by the cuffs and pushed him along the corridor and then turned to open one of the cells. The solid steel door opened quietly on well-oiled hinges and the guard roughly pushed the slave in. Flynn stumbled once more and landed on a thin bunk that was bolted into one of the walls. The guard gave him an evil grin. “I don’t know who the hell you pissed off, buddy … but you’re gonna wish you were dead very, very soon!”
The door slammed shut with a clang.
The prisoner struggled to sit upright and looked around the bare, dingy cell. He hung down his hairless head and began to weep. The camera continued to roll for a few moments.
“CUT! Nice touch, Flynn!”
The back wall of the cell was slid away to reveal another set of cameramen and additional flood lights. An assistant came up to the orange-clad man and took out an inhaler.
“Okay, Mr. Ryder … one big sniff in each nostril …”
Flynn complied and within seconds, an overwhelming sense of panic enveloped him.
Ryder stared in terror as he heard the lock on the steel door turn and blanched as the two tall and powerful rubbered enforcers entered the cell.
The one on the left spoke. “Get up, you little shit. Time to get what’s coming to you.” The voice was hard and inflectionless; almost, but not quite human.
Flynn backed into a corner of the cot. “No! Get the fuck away from me!” As the one on the right approached, he kicked out, continuing to shriek.
The enforcer grabbed a flailing foot with lightning-fast reflexes and then the other with one strong hand. With the other, he gave the prisoner a backhanded slap across the face. The blow stunned the smaller man and pitched him to the floor.
Two rubbered hands grabbed the orange coverall and tore the back seam open, leaving the two halves to flutter apart to reveal the strong back and muscled ass of the captive.
“Looks like this one needs a lesson.” The enforcer unsnapped the thin rubber codpiece and a massive cock and balls tumbled out. The other followed suit. Whereas the first guard's tool was thick with black veining, the other’s was smooth but extremely long. Within seconds, the ebon prongs had grown erect and hard, jutting out from their muscular rubberized bodies like some massive instruments of torture. The enforcer opened a pouch on the web belt over his hips to remove a bottle and poured a generous amount of lube onto his monstrous tool.
A rubberman lifted the still-dazed prisoner by the cuffs and held him by the hips; with one thrust, he pulled the hairless man onto the giant shaft until his ass cheeks were slapped by the heavy black sac.
The prisoner screamed in agony as his chute was torn open by the massive intruder. Then his head was gripped by the second enforcer who shoved his equally prodigious tool into his mouth. The prisoner gagged as six, then eight, then ten inches of the black behemoth forced itself down his throat; a camera zoomed in to document the progress of the giant cock and the bulge it was making in the captive’s neck. He began to purple as his air was cut off by the vicious thrusts of the guard.
Both enforcers established a brutal rhythm with the prisoner, alternately taking turns filling a hole and in unison filling throat and ass with their massive cocks and watching the slave struggle to near-unconsciousness. Finally, the two pulled out in concert and the orange-clad captive dropped to the floor.
George widened his eyes in appreciation. “He’s never acted before?” Trevor shook his head.
He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “After this, maybe I’ll offer him a job at Thor … he’d make a great porn star.”
Brandon picked up the hairless man as easily as a small child. “Well, while you’re finishing up filming Chase getting rinsed off and encased I’ll get Flynn intubated and then we can continue with the shooting.”
The researcher, still cradling the unconscious Ryder, left the set.
* * *
Waking up, Flynn immediately felt the need to choke and vomit; when at once Brandon’s calming voice spoke to him: “Easy love, eeeeeasy … you get used to the tubes very quickly, just breath normally, calm down…”
Ryder was strapped to an operating table, obviously a precaution for this moment of waking up. He tried to open his mouth but couldn’t - instead he felt some tubing in his mouth and continuing down his throat and also felt tubes in his nose. A latex-clad hand stroked his chest and he relaxed as the rubber-clad scientist came into his view.
Trevor continued. “As I mentioned, we sedated you for the more difficult procedures - there’s the nose-tubing, to make sure you get air through your nose at all times – those go directly into your lungs - and there are two additional tubes down your throat, one going to your stomach, so you can be fed nutritious, liquid food with it, plus other fluids as well…” The latex face gave an evil grin.
“... and the second tube in your throat also goes down into your lungs, guaranteeing airflow for your breathing. Of course, we had to ensure all remains as and where it is, so you have also been gagged using a special formed rubber gag with two holes through it to accomodate the two tubes. We also used dental plates to cement your teeth around the rubber gag.”
The muscular latex researcher removed the straps from Ryder and helped him sit up on the table. “There is rubber between your lips and teeth as well; it’s part of the gag, just as the rubber outside your lips. The outer rubber has strong adhesive sealed to your skin - your lips are perfectly glued to it. It needs a special counteragent to get it off.”
Flynn reached up to feel his face. The rubber was warm and soft to the touch, but there was no way he could remove it. The gag was now permanently fixed inside and out and with it, the tubes were permanent as well for the length of the exhibition.
Brandon explained further: ‘The tubes pass your vocal cords, and with the blocked cords you’ll be effectively mute as well.” A frisson of terror and excitement made his cock start to twitch and grow.
A low pulse started deep within his guts. “As you see, the e-stim sphere is in place too…”
A low whistle sounded behind him. “Mmm-mmm-mmm … I can’t wait to see you all rubbered and sealed up, Flynn … I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep my hands off of you… but then again, you won’t be able to do anything about that, will you?”
The hairless slave turned around to see Alan – smirking in his guise as a powerfully muscled and inked black man – accompanied by Joachim. The other man was sheathed as well and the golden Eurasian face gave him a broad grin. Silky black hair tumbled down over his forehead and dark almond-shaped eyes; the smooth muscular body was clad only in a large white towel tucked around narrow hips and steel rings gleamed in the pierced nips.
Joachim spoke. It was odd to hear the slight German accent coming out of an (apparently) asian face. “We finished putting Chase in his inner suit and we’re here to help you into yours. He gave the captive a wicked smile. “Want to see what you’ll look like?”
Flynn’s dick was hard and purple with need. He nodded. The trio of researchers and their subject walked out of the room and around the corner. A one-way observation window was in place, and Ryder could see that additional footage was being filmed in the room on the opposite side of the glass.
Chase’s suit was an unbroken expanse of shiny black rubber. There was not a wrinkle on any part of the material and the faceless hood was sealed perfectly to the body of his equipage. Flynn could see the hard, smooth bulge at the other man’s crotch and the tube protruding out of his ass. He was manacled to a heavy chain fixed into the floor and was pulling against it without success. Muscles danced beneath the inky skin and he could see the powerful chest heave with exertion. Finally, he gave up and sank to the floor.
Flynn was breathing hard through his tubes and he shivered when a hand trailed down his muscular back. Joachim kissed his ear.
“That is so amazingly … carnal … is it not? Just imagine what you will be feeling when you are encased like that, Flynn … encased as we are.” The Eurasian sank to his knees and looked up at the hairless slave’s face. “It appears that this tool of yours needs some attention. I believe that I should make sure it is completely relaxed before we continue, no?”
Joachim licked the purpled head of the engorged cock and delicately raked his teeth down the surface of the veiny shaft. Golden hands grasped Flynn’s muscular ass and he began to take the thick shaft into his throat. Flynn reached down to hold the head bobbing in front of him and marveled at the absolutely authentic touch of the camouflage sheath. His dick hardened even further with the thought that beneath the asian appearance, the handsome German was completely encased in black rubber – a destiny soon to be his own.
* * *
Dark arms encircled him and Ryder found himself pulled gently but firmly against Brandon’s massive rubbered form. That one simple act threw him over the edge. Flynn tensed in the scientist’s arms and his toes curled as he erupted down the throat of the man kneeling before him. Joachim continued to suck his dick until every drop of cum was milked from it. The Eurasian finally withdrew and gave the tip of the slave’s cock a final, playful lick. As he stood, he readjusted the towel around his waist and gave the group a smile. “Well, that was most enjoyable!! Let us now proceed to the matter at hand – your rubberization!”
* * *
The men returned to the original room to continue Flynn’s transformation. Brandon now inserted something small in each of his ears; then he squirted a thick paste into round rubber cups and pressed them over each ear. The slave felt the material grip his skin and harden into rubbery firmness almost instantly; the ear covers were now permanently attached to him as the gag was in his mouth. Immediately, Ryder was isolated from all sound around him. A slight clicking sounded in his ears and then he heard Trevor’s voice again: “Your only contact for the rest of your time will be possible through these mini earphones; the next step will be the ass plug and cock belt”. Another click and all was silent again.
Flynn was shown a rubber plug with two tubes attached. A generous coating of lube was rubbed into its surface until it gleamed wetly in the overhead lights. “Turn around Flynn, and lean over the table.” The slave complied and he felt the plug penetrate and move deeper and deeper within him. Finally, his pucker closed around the neck and the flange rested tightly against his asscheeks. However, the procedure was not complete. Rubbered fingers folded the base and pushed that into his hole as well until only the two tubes – one longer than the other - protruded from his ass. He then felt the plug begin to inflate and fill him completely. The sensation was just shy of painful.
He knew instinctively that once it was pumped up it could not be pressed out by any means; his ass could be filled or drained by the two tubes whenever his masters wanted.

A black fiberglass belt was first fixed around his hips and beneath his balls he saw more of the material being connected. First, they fitted his prong on it, making sure the balls were separated on each side of the dick, then another part was added to the topside of his package. Both parts fitted perfectly together, sealing his cock and balls tight inside their shiny prison. It left little room at all, so getting hard would definitely be a problem from now on. The catheter was now connected to one of the tubes in the plug, so each time he pissed, he would fill his own ass with it – I hope the other tube in the plug remains open...
Another piece of fiberglass was now added going between his legs, from the middle front of the hip belt to the middle back, pressing his encased dick and balls backwards between his legs. The front piece had a substantial bulge and there was a sculptured outline of a thick cut cockhead at its lowest point. I definitely won't be able to have a painless hardon anymore. Flynn felt more fiddling around in and on the belt; finally all was snapped and locked in place and no longer removable. The smooth expanse of the device was broken only by the tube sticking out of his ass from the plug. Despite the initial pain and fear, Cameron was right – it did feel amazingly good once it was on; his dick throbbed within it’s rigid confines and the massive plug gave him a satisfying feeling of fullness.
Trevor’s hand caressed the hard casing surrounding Flynn’s crotch and the slave jumped as he felt an explosion of sensation following the trail of the dark fingers. He looked quizzically at the massive rubberman.
Dark lips curled into a smile and the researcher’s voice sounded in his earphones. “That organic circuitry we sprayed on your crotch transmits nerve impulses to and from the casing. That can be turned on or off as a reward…”
Ryder doubled over as white-hot needles of pain shot through his cock and balls. In a second, the pain was replaced by a low vibration of the butt plug.
“… as well as being used as an effective tool for behavioral reinforcement.”
Joachim and Alan then proceeded to slather his head and neck with lube and pull on a featureless, thin latex hood. They made sure the breathing and feeding tubes were passed through the small well-fitting holes in the hood – sealing him off in complete darkness. Small grommets were put into the end of the nasal tubes and pushed into his nostrils. Ryder felt a smooth liquid inside of the grommets that rapidly adhered to the inside of his nose; he was now breathing completely through the tubes as opposed to partially around them. The researchers had now guaranteed that he could neither speak, nor hear nor see anything. All access to the outside world was through the tubes and the mercy of the men around him. He was surprised by the feeling of contentment he was experiencing at this turn of events.
The microphones clicked in his ears and he heard the recording of his own voice reciting the nursery rhyme and singing the birthday song. The recording was on a loop and played over and over again.
The team then started to force Flynn’s body into a thin one piece latex suit, gloves and feet attached. The neck-entry suit was well-lubed and inch by inch, an inky blackness covered his muscular body. As it was pulled up over his torso, his captors made sure the tube of the plug found its place out of the hole on the backside; another grommet was attached to seal and secure the tube in place. Once the suit covered his entire body, they glued the neck to the base of the thin latex hood. Ryder felt the suit tighten around him and he was now totally sealed up in latex. With rubbered fingers he felt the smooth inky blackness that covered him and he experienced another orgasmic wave of pleasure when he stroked the rigid cock cover encased by the latex suit. The rubber around his waist was thickened and tapered slightly so he could not feel where the fiberglass chastity began or ended – his fingers brushed over his well-defined muscles and seamlessly to the hard, nullifying prison containing his manhood.
The recording finally stopped and Trevor’s voice again was heard through the earphones.
“Now, that was a rather inane recording wasn’t it?”
Another crackle. “Yeah, it was stupid.” He started as he heard his own voice in his ears. “Hey, I can talk!”
Alan’s voice chuckled through the connection. “More or less. You’re actually doing what’s called ‘sub-vocalizing’ – your voice box can’t move, but the nerves are shooting off like it can. That circuitry on your neck amplifies the neural signals and transmits it to your ear phones. We can turn that on or off as well."
Trevor spoke. “The concept here is that we have taken control over each of your body openings and all your primary senses, the tubes prevent any smell and taste and also block your vocal cords, the earplugs prevent hearing, the hood prevents sight, your dick is securely out of order and the e-stim sphere, catheter and plug tubes will let us also control that part of your body as well. Being sealed inside the rubber, you are nothing but a rubber object, no longer a person acting on his own, but a toy to be played with or used as your captors see fit.”
Flynn’s cock swelled painfully within its rigid prison at that chilling statement.
* * *
Flynn the rubberslave was now assisted into his outer suit. It was well-lubed and his ebon body slid easily into the imposing musculature of the trustee model. As with his inner suit, the process of pulling and stretching the dark material over him was repeated and in a short time, a godlike body was superimposed over his own. After some final adjustments to the suit, the zippers were locked closed and permanently sealed behind a nearly invisible rubber flap that stretched from the top of his head down to just above the tube protruding from his ass. Ryder felt a slight vibration as something heavy was placed around his neck and locked in place. He reached up to feel a thick rounded collar and from the hardness, his guess was that it was some type of metal. Additional grommets were then inserted into his nasal tubes and sealed in place as well.
In utter blackness, Flynn sighed in contentment as his now-larger hands caressed the massive muscles of his new body. Down slabbed pecs the black hands traveled, inky fingers exploring the mesas and valleys of his shredded rubber abs, the powerful asscheeks and finally, stroking the gigantic, semi-hard cock and squeezing the enormous black balls.
“Hands off your dildo, Flynn. We need to put the cock controller on.”
After a few moments, Trevor spoke again.
“Well, love – I must say you look rather intimidating. I see before me a giant, muscular rubberman with a gleaming steel slave collar around his neck and a matching cock collar pushing his weapon of mass destruction up and out. You feeding and mouth breathing tubes are connected to the outer suit beneath your chin, and there are shunt valves in place if we need to hook you up to an external air supply. Why don’t you give that giant black cock of yours a wank?”
Flynn reached down to his tool and gave a mental gasp as he felt the cock grow in his hand and the sensations transmitted and amplified to his own prong deep within its fiberglass enclosure.
“Holy shit … this is amazing!!”
Trevor’s voice chuckled in his earphones. “In addition to everything else, we can also control the sensations and flaccidity of the artificial cock you’re wearing.” Suddenly the friction between his enclosed hand and the inky prong vanished. “I just put some lube on that monster of yours. Go ahead and enjoy yourself!”
Flynn wasted no time. Every touch to the giant black rubbered dildo was transmitted to the nerve ending of his own captive member. Faster and faster he stroked his tool until he bellowed soundlessly and a load of cum was shot through the catheter and into his ass.
The three researchers watched in fascination as the fourth member of their party silently stroked himself into a frenzy and then arched his back as the orgasm ripped through his encased body. The rubberslave leaned back against the table, spent - his chest heaving with exertion.
A voice crackled over the communication line. “Fuck … that was the most intense orgasm I’ve ever had in my life … thanks, Doc! Can we do this again soon?”
Alan, Trevor and Joachim grinned at each other. Success. “Of course … but now that you’re all packaged, we have to get you and the rest of the captives caged up and transported to the exhibition.”
Flynn’s arms were pulled behind him and a heavy set of manacles were fastened around his dark wrists. Then something snapped around his collar and he felt a tug urge him forward. A leash.
“Off we go, Flynn …” The plug vibrated deep within his guts in sync with the e-sphere's throbbing pulses as the rubberslave was brought out of the room. Ryder was led along unseen corridors and made several turns which had him completely disoriented within his rubber prison. At one point, movement ceased and with a jerk, he realized that the group was in an elevator.
Another jerk as the elevator stopped. The walking continued and finally ended. The leash was removed from his collar and a hand between his shoulder blades pushed his upper body down.
“Hands and knees, Flynn. Crawl forward.”
The captive obeyed and Ryder was herded into a cage. He tried crawling further in but to his surprise, he didn’t get very far before feeling something in his way. Flynn felt the vibrations of the cage door being slammed and locked shut. A click and Joachim’s soft accent came again through his ears: “Get yourself some rest while we finish up here. We’ll see you at the exhibition” another click and silence descended once again.
The muscular rubberslave tried to get comfortable by curling himself up in the cage and getting some sleep. While trying to position himself within the cage he felt things inside - they weren’t pillows, they weren't blankets, they weren't stiff or hard either – since he could neither see nor feel what it was through his layers of rubber, he put his head on it. There was more than one and it felt like a chest moving up and down from breathing. Unable to see, hear or speak, with hands shackled behind him, there was not much he could do – stretching around, he felt what appeared to be a neck, and further up, a head. He assumed that other rubbermen were in a similar situation, so he snuggled himself together with the other prisoners. Flynn had no idea who they were, but by the reaction of those other bodies he felt that they too was glad about that closeness just as much as he was himself; they tried to wrap around Ryder as well – and despite the discomfort of the manacles and the distraction of the plug and e-stim pulses, the rubberman managed to doze off.
* * *
With Ryder now settled in for his transport, Brandon followed up on several other last-minute items and then entered the private elevator to take him up to Peter Davidson’s office. The muscular CEO was stripped to the waist in a pair of tight leather pants and shiny paratrooper boots as the researcher slid the fake wall panel aside and stepped into the CEO’s suite.
“Good afternoon, sir … just wanted to let you know that we’ve finished all the preparations and we’re loading the merchandise into the trucks.”
Davidson smiled. “Thanks Trev … I didn’t know who was in there until you spoke. Just a rubber god walking into my office.”
The giant rubberman grinned. “Well, if I had made use of the vocal interchanger, you wouldn’t have even known that!”
“That’s fully working now?”
Brandon nodded. “Final glitches were ironed out last night. We’re in great shape.”
Peter rubbed his crotch. “Y’know, Trev … I 'd like to rubber myself up as well and wear a camo sheath. Having the interchanger working has really convinced me. 'I’m not only the CEO, I’m a customer too!’" The two men laughed.
“Any ideas about which sheath, boss?”
The CEO handed him a tablet. “I was thinking about one of these … what do you think?”
Trevor flipped through the different personas Davidson had chosen.
“Peter, what are you planning to wear?”
At his quizzical glance, Brandon continued. “Well, I like all of them, but the slim latinos look better with the minimum of clothes on – jock or g-string; also they appear to be a little too submissive. The bald bulls appear hot in just what you’re wearing now – jeans or leather pants and boots, but if you’re selling the product, they may appear too rough. If I’d have to pick one, I like the delightfully wicked latino with the fade and ink and wearing the headphones. He’d make a perfect ringmaster for our particular hellish circus of the damned… and for some reason, he looks more professional whilst half naked.”
The CEO grinned at his top researcher. “OK, it’s settled. Can you give me an Javier Bardem accent as well?”
“Not a problem. Come down to the lab and I’ll kit you up personally.”
“What about you? You traveling in back with the captives?”
The massive rubberman shook his head. “I was thinking of attempting a sheath over this enforcer suit as well. The improved amplifier fluid is so good, I doubt I’d have any problems with the artificial eyes. If I do, I’ll travel in back and let Joachim drive the tractor trailer. I do enjoy being in this suit immensely.” A dark hand reached down and fondled his massive cock.
Peter nodded his head. “Well, I can’t wait to see how you’ll turn out. I’ll be down in about 30 minutes.”
Brandon pushed the call button and re-entered the elevator. “See you in a tick, boss!”
* * *
Half an hour later, Davidson entered into the lab and stopped in amazement. “Trev, that is fucking incredible! That is you, isn’t it?”
“It sure is, boss. I was kind of surprised myself how well it turned out.” Brandon was sheathed in a trucker’s body – a cap was pulled low over mischievous hazel eyes in a chiseled face with a sharply trimmed beard; the powerful torso was haired with small nips and a pair of half-buttoned jeans rode sinfully low and tight to expose a dark thatch of hair at his crotch. He had a metal armband over one thick bicep and a plaid shirt thrown over a massive shoulder. He also had made use of the intercharger and his voice was far deeper with a soft southern accent.
The CEO’s hands traveled over the rock-solid pecs and felt the hard pebbles of the nips beneath his fingers. “That interchanger is a work of art. It’s making it quite hard to picture what you actually look like knowing that there’s three layers of rubber between my skin and yours. That sheath and your new voice are definite distractions!”
Bright white teeth flashed a brilliant smile and the researcher/trucker pulled his employer close to him. Peter could feel the heavy tool of his top scientist press against his crotch and reached into the half-open jeans to fondle the massive cock within.
Brandon gave him a soft kiss. “Care to feel that up close and personal, boss? We have some time and after all ... I think it would be a good for sales if you can describe your personal experiences…” Trevor whispered that last phrase into Davidson's ear as he gave the whorls a delicate lick.
Peter groaned and drew himself closer. “You’re a mind reader, Trev. Of course once I’m in, how about I ream that tight ass of yours as well?”
Brandon’s strong hands slid down past Davidson’s waistband to squeeze the muscular cheeks of his ass. “I wouldn’t have it any other way, sir. Let’s get started.”
* * *
The fifty participants to Davidson’s exhibition were ushered into a small auditorium and took seats. The CEO – enclosed first in black rubber and then in the darkly handsome latino sheath – spoke with Trevor before he was to make his entrance. Brandon was also still encased within his trucker’s persona; he had shed the plaid shirt and cap and was magnificently carnal in the jeans, boots and armband.
“Well, Trev, the people inside have been extremely impressed with the standard models – you and Tom were so right about opening up my particular perversion for profit…”
Davidson was half naked as before, but the exotic sheath served to provide a mix of wanton wickedness with sinister intent. He was wearing his leather jeans unbuttoned at the top, with a pair of gleaming Corcoran paratrooper boots. His chiseled physique was accentuated by the elaborate inking and a soft leather holster harness which served to highlight his powerful chest and shoulders.
“Time for the videos and presentations, then …” Davidson held the researcher around the waist. “… you’re okay doing the grand reveal?”
Brandon nodded. “Not a problem, Peter. I’m sure Flynn will also be a bit surprised at his part in the goings-on as well. Speaking of Mr. Ryder … I think we should put him on salary …”
At the CEO’s quirked eyebrow, the researcher continued. “He’s a great marketer and he’s an amazing actor. In addition to being one of our best test subjects. He’s really been instrumental in getting our product out to the buyers. Lastly, he’s as perverted as the rest of us – such talent shouldn’t be wasted…”
Davidson fondled the small beard on his chin. “I’ll talk to him about it then.”
* * *
The auditorium lights dimmed and a screen descended from the ceiling. In a moment, Manowar’s “Overture to the Hymn of the Immortal Warriors” began to play and the video began play.
“Bloody fuck … with that music and the silent black and white film, this is porn at it’s finest!” Brandon whispered to his companion.
Davidson and Brandon observed the audience as they watched Flynn and Chase being manhandled and raped by the godlike rubber enforcers and how the prisoners were then depilated, intubated and had the e-stim spheres inserted deep within them. The watchers gripped handrests and unconsciously moved to the edge of their seats as they saw the captives were first sealed into their chastity and then into their initial rubber suits. Then they watched Flynn being enclosed within the enforcer suit and a gasp as a closeup of the rubberslave fondling his massive rubber cock and balls.
Other vignettes then appeared on the screen showing slaves in their inner suits being forced into vacbeds, other restraint devices and how the feeding, waste and breathing tubes were being used to further abuse the rubbermen. Finally, there was a massive indrawn breath as the assembly saw Alan and Joachim being fitted into their camouflage sheaths. As the music reached a crescendo, the screen slowly faded and the lights came up. A moment of silence and then the sound of applause thundered through the hall. Davidson sauntered from behind the screen and gave the audience a wicked half-grin and a bow.
“Thank you, everyone. Thank you very much.” His voice was a melodious mid-bass with a sensual Spanish accent. “On behalf of my company and my exhibits, thank you for attending. I hope these presentations – as well as the subjects you’ve been able to examine up close and personal – have convinced you to make some purchases. You have all been invited because of how your specialized interests …” Again that wicked smirk crossed his face. “… generally intersects quite closely with my own. Now, I’d like to open the floor and address any questions you may have… Yes? The person in the second row?”
“These ‘camouflage sheaths’ are amazing … how long can they be worn? I’m assuming that the inner suits are a requirement…?”
“To answer your second question first, yes. Our major tenet here is that full rubberization is a requirement for any further enhancements. The enclosure can be as restrictive - or not - as you want it to be. We’ve had subjects in sheaths up to a continuous nine months without incident.” He gestured off stage. “Alan, James, Joachim … come out here, please?”
The two scientists from the film appeared on the stage. They were naked save for thongs that did little to disguise their massive packages. Another rubberman entered with them. He sported the same inner suit that lay beneath the camouflaged researchers.
“As you saw in the videos, this particular model of inner suit is built for maximum flexibility for the user. We generally pair it with the camouflage sheaths for long-term wear. These suits have integral penis and anal sheaths built into them and are capable of the most … strenuous of activities …”
With that Joachim bent over to display his tight hairless pucker. Alan unsnapped the cover of his own jock to display an extremely large cock already hard and dark with need. He poured some lube onto his turgid member and proceeded to push his way into the waiting chute of his partner. Strong dark hands grasped the golden hips and the inked skin over the muscled arms rippled in the effort of heavy and deep fucking.

“What we haven’t been able to demonstrate to you previously is our vocal interchanger technology. However … you’re hearing it right now.” Davidson paused. “I’m wearing a sheath myself and I thought I should sound a bit more in line with how I look.”
He met with some disbelieving stares. “Un momento, por favor…” He grinned as he opened his eyes wide and pulled the artificial eye cups out, revealing the dark unbroken rubber stare beneath. He then took a small tool out of his back pocket and proceeded to trace it around his powerful upper arm. He replaced it and then with the other hand slipped fingers beneath the skin and pulled. Davidson rolled the inked flesh down to reveal the gleaming rubber beneath and then pulled it off his body to show the skintight ebon covering.
“A picture is worth a thousand words …” his voice was back to his normal deep tenor and cadence. “I’d also like to do a similar demonstration with my chief researcher, Dr. Trevor Brandon.”
Trevor stepped onto the stage. The sheathed trucker started to strip out of his jeans and boots until he stood naked on the stage. His massive cock was thick and purple with need and his heavy sac hung low between muscled legs. Once more, the sheathed latino made use of the tool and scored down the rear of Brandon’s head, neck, back and legs. With Joachim and Alan, the three men proceeded to peel off the sheath until the scientist’s enforcer exosuit was visible to all present. He stepped out of the pile of discarded rubber skin at his feet and his giant black cock stood at attention to the assembled crowd.
The doctor’s chipper British accent echoed through the room. “As you saw in the video, this is the military/enforcement version of our exosuit. Beneath this, I’m wearing one of our high-flexibility inner suits that James is displaying.” Dark rubbered lips in the mannequin-like face curled into a grin. “The artificial musculature in these suits amplifies the wearer’s strength by about a factor of 50. With the vocal interchanger technology, the suits themselves make the wearers completely anonymous and your victims/captives can be completely terrified by the prospect of being in the presence of the wearer. You have a question, sir?” He looked at a bald man in a business suit in the first row. Bright eyes appraised the massive rubberman.
“How do you see? I don’t see any holes …”
Trevor chuckled. “There aren’t any.” He turned his head back and forth to show the unbroken expanse of the dark material across his face. “We’ve perfected a technique of polarizing the rubber composite we use to produce the equivalent of one-way mirrors. I can see out perfectly, but to you, I appear completely eyeless. Again, another very intimidating effect on your captives.”
The researcher continued. “I want to thank you for bringing up that question. I’d like to take this opportunity to show you the trustee model of our exosuit as well.”
At that cue, two rubbermen wheeled out Flynn who was shackled to a large wooden cross. Powerful hands opened and closed in their restraints and the muscular body shifted in its bonds.
“The rubberslave within this suit has been fully intubated and fitted with all of the punishment and chastity devices that are described in your catalogs. At the moment, he is unable to see, unable to speak and can only hear through a set of miniaturized earphones that have been inserted into his ears.” Brandon pointed to the sides of Ryder’s head. “The anechoic earcups that prevent any external noise were sealed to the slave’s skin before the initial inner suit was fastened onto him.” The researcher placed a wireless headphone and mike onto his rubbered head.
“Flynn! You’re on display right now. Stand up straight.” The captive’s rubber-toed feet pushed his body upright in his bonds.
“Good boy.” Trevor stroked the heavy black rubber cock and the crowd watched in fascination as it began to lengthen and thicken. Flynn squirmed in apparent pleasure.
He then turned to the crowd. “I’ve set his e-stim sphere within his intestines on a low pulse – this is one of our pleasure settings. There is also microcircuitry that allows the controller – you - to activate the artificial cock and balls you see in front as well as transmit neural impulses through the chastity device and directly to the captive’s genitalia as well. Our subject here has already experienced that remote orgasm and responded quite favorably. One thing he has not experienced was the restoration of his sight. Polarization can be turned on or off on this model. Let me demonstrate.”
* * *
Ryder had been awakened by a sharp bolt of pain through his guts and bumped his head against the bars of the cage. Alan’s voice echoed in his headphones.
“OK, bud – time to get up and ready! The cage door is open – you can come out.”
The rubberslave crawled out and pulled himself into a standing position. He felt the cuffs being released from his wrists and rubbed the dark material. As he stood, he experienced a wave of dizziness and felt the beginnings of cramps deep within his body.
“Alan, I’m not feeling so hot…”
“Yeah. A little dizzy too.”
“Ahhhh... we locked the waste valve shut during the transport – you’ve probably overfilled your guts with piss. In the regular setting, once you fill yourself with enough urine, the valve opens automatically and empties. Here – let me open it up.”
At once, the pressure in his gut lessened and vanished along with the cramping.
“Does that feel better?”
“Much better. Thanks. I don’t want to do anything to mess up your show.”
Alan’s voice chuckled in his phones. “You’re a damn fine addition to our team, Flynn. That’s why you’re in that particular suit. We’re going to lock you onto a cross and put you on display. But before that - since you’ve been in there for more than a few days - we want to get you fed and hydrated.”
“Yep. We had you lightly sedated for the transport and also kept you under until we got most of the exhibition set up. You’re probably real hungry too, right?”
The giant rubberslave nodded his head.
He sensed something clip onto his collar once more and Alan let him forward. Flynn felt Alan fiddle with something under his chin and then felt something liquid flowing through one of the tubes in his neck.
This continued for about ten minutes and then he the flow stopped. The sphere within him began a slow pulse and the butt plug hummed softly. He felt good; he reached to fondle his artificial cock and to his surprise, he found the neural interface was working. He rubbed the massive tool and was rewarded with it becoming erect and even larger; the sensations were exquisite – he was enjoying his captivity more than he had ever thought possible.
“I’ll leave you jerking off while I get the other slaves ready. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do…”
A quick, sharp pulse of the e-stim surprised him and then continued its languorous pulse. Flynn lifted a massive rubbered hand and gave his captor the finger.
“Fuck you, Alan … wherever you are.” Flynn laughed.
Alan returned the chuckle. “That’s a definite possibility later on, stud … see you in a bit.”
* * *
Some time passed and Flynn was led onto a platform and pushed against an upright frame. His arms were pulled up and out from his sides and he felt heavy manacles fasten them in place. His legs were stretched apart and his ankles were fastened to the frame in a similar manner. Perhaps there had been a little alcohol in the fluid he had been given, or perhaps it was the constant low pulse and vibration of the devices within him, but his mind could not seem to focus on anything except the pleasure he was experiencing.
A white-hot bolt of pain shot through him and shattered his reverie. Trevor’s voice echoed in his ears.
“Flynn! You’re on display right now. Stand up straight.”
Ryder stood erect in his restraints. His black rubbered feet pressed against the base of the platform and he threw out his chest to display the dark perfection of his artificial musculature. He flexed his arms in the restraints and lifted his unformed face high. I am Trevor’s rubberslave and I intend to do him proud.
“Good boy.” Inwardly, he glowed at the compliment.
Joachim’s voice clicked in his ears. “Be prepared for a surprise in a moment, putzi…”
All at once, light blazed into his eyes. It took a moment for him to readjust after his long blindness, but he looked out to find himself on a stage with a number of people in the audience, staring at him. He turned his head to see Trevor in his enforcer exosuit give him a wide grin. His vision was near perfect – it was a little darker than normal – equivalent to wearing a pair of lightly tinted sunglasses indoors.
“I can see!” The researchers had made use of the interchanger for Flynn as well. The audience heard his exclamation in a rough Australian accent. The slave, however, heard his own voice through his earphones.
“The captive has been blinded for approximately seven days. We’ve found that denying sight and then restoring it does increase behavioral compliance by a factor of twelve; the threat of returning blindness provides an excellent reinforcing incentive. You’re also hearing his voice. An offshoot of our interchanger technology allows us to provide sub-vocalization transceiver functions in all models.”
A rubberman came onto the stage and proceeded to unlock Flynn from his restraints.
A click, and a familiar voice echoed in his earphones. “It’s Cam, buddy – you’re doing great!”
Once completed, the rubbered assistant stood off to the side at parade rest. Flynn followed suit – powerful legs spread apart; hands clasped behind his back - but did not leave the platform. Doc will tell me what he wants me to do.
Trevor pointed to a person in the front row. “Flynn – how many fingers is that man holding up?”
Ryder stepped off the platform and walked closer to the edge of the stage and peered down. He then turned his featureless face back to the researcher.
“Seven, sir.” His accented voice echoed through the speakers. He strode back to stand next to Cameron.
Trevor walked over to the two rubbermen on display.
“I would like to point out how our encasement process is built up. The captive is first intubated, plugged and catheterized and the chastity device is attached. A one-piece seamless suit is then pulled over the body and a hood then permanently sealed to the suit.”
He rapped on the fiberglass shell. “The prisoner’s genitalia are completely enclosed and completely inaccessible; the only sensations are available through the neural interfaces from the organic circuitry and the chastity device.” He then turned Cameron around to display the waste tube protruding from his ass. “Since the encased slave can no longer receive solid food, we only need to be concerned with liquid waste. The bladder involuntarily empties directly into the intestines and once sufficient pressure is built up, a valve on the waste tube opens and the liquid is expelled. As with all of our equipment, that pressure setting is completely customizable.”
Cam turned around to his original position and Brandon then turned his attention to Ryder. “Once in the initial encapsulation, the captive is then placed into an exosuit. Both the model I’m wearing and this trustee model have a rear-entry zipper which is both locked shut and sealed behind a covering flap. The sealant is permanent and cannot be removed without a special counteragent. The waste tube is pulled through a hole in the suit and again sealed and grommeted in place.”
Davidson then walked over to his researcher and gave the audience a wicked smile. “The enforcer version of the suit provides a slightly different configuration …”
The CEO turned Brandon around and the scientist bent over to grab his ebon ankles. The crowd gasped as they saw the gaping black hole of the ass tunnel between the thickly muscled rubber asscheeks. Davidson, gave the powerful ass a playful slap and the scientist straightened up.
Brandon continued. “The trustee suit’s genitalia are controlled externally …” The crowd watched as Flynn’s tool grew larger and stood out from his body. “… but the neural impulses are transmitted to the captive’s equipment. This allows the trusted slave to be used for breeding or stable stud purposes…”
* * *
Another rubberman was wheeled on a platform onto the stage. He was in a single suit, with only mouth and noseholes, very similar to the one Flynn wore during his stint as a rubber maggot. The slave was chained down to the platform and Ryder could make out a stainless steel cock cage locked onto his dick as well as the ubiquitous ass tunnel in the prone figure. Suddenly, the captive jerked and screamed as, Flynn surmised, he was wakened by a massive electrical shock within him.
The rubbered assistants began unlocking the chains and proceeded to bend him over a padded sawhorse and again, lock him in place. Flynn could see that the prisoner was utterly spent.
"This is one of our newest subjects, and he has proven to be somewhat ... recalcitrant ... to the behaviors required of him. We have had to employ a great deal of rather severe electrical punishment to him, so please excuse his apparent lethargy."
The trustee rubberslave looked at the slight, muscular v-shaped body locked in restraints and turned to give a quizzical look to Brandon. An unspoken communication passed between them and the researcher gave him an imperceptible nod. Standish. Obviously, the little guy has been quite a handful.
"Flynn - this slave needs to be bred - and bred hard." Brandon threw a bottle of lube to Ryder, which he caught in an overhand grip in midair.
"Yes, sir."
Flynn opened up the bottled and proceeded to saturate his hand with the oily fluid. He then pushed one thick rubber digit into the ass tunnel, then two fingers invaded his hole.
Standish moaned and struggled feebly in his bonds ... "No ... please, no ... please, please ..." Then he began to weep. "I can't take any more ..."
Flynn stopped and looked back to Brandon. "Are you sure he's capable, sir?"
The giant rubberslave doubled over and sank to his knees as he was assaulted by blinding-white pain in his gut and crotch.
Flynn used the sawhorse to pull himself to his feet. Looking at the ass-tunnel, he knew that his supercock would not be able to get into that reduced opening. He grabbed the ass-tunnel and twisted. Standish moaned as he worked the open plug loose and then he pitched it across the stage. Ryder then poured a copious amount of the lube onto his swelling artificial cock. He grabbed the trim rubbered hips beneath him and pushed himself into the spasming hole.
Sensations exploded in his own member and up his spine as his tool tore the young rubberman open. Standish wailed and struggled as the giant cock thrust itself into his chute. Each thrust brought a pulse of pleasure through Ryder's entire body as he raped the younger captive beneath him. Finally, he felt his own captive nuts churn and explode within the catheter. Bright stars swam in his vision as he held onto the slave and fought to remain conscious.
He then became aware of the applause. The noise was faint in his earphones, but he raised his eyeless face to see the audience standing and roaring their approval. He looked over to see Brandon - arms crossed - give him a smile and another man - in a heavily muscled latino sheath that had one arm cut off to show the ebon coating beneath - gave him two thumbs up as well as a blinding white grin. He pulled out of Standish and stumbled off the platform to once again stand at parade rest on the stage.
The lights began to dim and Trevor motioned to follow him off the dais.
* * *
After the exhibits were returned to their cages or otherwise stored for transport, Davidson and Brandon – along with Jack Pearson and Ryder – met together in a small suite adjacent to the auditorium. The head of security had covered himself in one of the muscular bull sheaths that the CEO had considered and Flynn had received a small walkie-talkie. It was clipped to a military-type web belt around his waist and permitted him to converse with the others.
Davidson leaned back and threaded his hands behind his head. He – like the rest of the men present – was naked and the quartet had participated in a rough-and-tumble session of oral and anal sex after the successful debut of their products.
“All of you did an amazing job to pull this off – I can’t thank you enough. One of the biggest orders we got was from that bald guy in the front row - Dash Carpentier – the one that asked Trev about seeing through the mask.”
“Who does he work for?”
“The Giambi Group. One of the big organized crime syndicates – those guys may be criminals, but they aren’t traitors or terrorists. Jack is on loan from them. We also got some decent-sized orders from the UK and Germany. The Germans particularly liked how you handled that on-stage breeding, Flynn. Ripping out that ass tunnel was genius.”
“Thank you, sir.” Flynn’s still-Aussie accent piped through the two-way radio. “I figured that that was a good piece of showmanship. I’m glad to see it helped generate sales.”
Trevor reached over to fondle the slave’s cock and balls. They were in their semi-hard state, but the neural interface shot waves of pleasure through him with each touch of the scientist’s rubbered hand.
"It's too bad about the new guy, though ... I take it he's not going to work out ...?"
Trevor smiled. "Oh, no ... he'll be just fine. I don't think we should have had him on stage this early, but with some additional training and breeding, he'll be an excellent captive. I've already scheduled him for a weekend two months from now. He's a natural bottom. He just didn't expect to get fucked as much... or as hard... as he did."
Brandon drawled. "He's obviously not used to orgies ... and that deficiency in his education I will assure is addressed..." The group laughed.
Jack spoke up. “Flynn, I thought bringing you in with the researchers was a bad idea and a security risk. I was wrong about that. Trevor was dead-on correct in taking you into the fold. You proved to be a real part of the team here and not just a test subject. I'm sorry.”
“I understand Mr. Pearson. You were only doing your job. Besides …” the massive rubberman paused. “… I do like it on the rough side. More so since I’ve been in this suit. All the tubing and plugs and fiberglass scared the hell out of me at first, but after I actually got to see myself as I am now – a massively muscled black faceless rubberman with a slave collar and matching cocking around a giant dick and set of balls – I wouldn’t mind staying like this for a long time … and I can’t quite describe how all the tubing feels in my throat – but it’s a fucking turn on as well.”
Peterson gave a sidelong glance at Brandon and cleared his throat. “Which brings me to several of other things, Flynn. Based on the success we’ve had so far, I’m thinking of extending the exhibition another week. Can you manage to stay on for seven more days?”
“I think so. I still have some vacation time coming to me. I just hope my boss doesn’t throw a fit.”
“Well, that sort of leads to the second item. Trevor – as well as Alan, Cameron, Joachim and several others – have mentioned to me that you were instrumental in getting many of the products to market. You do marketing in your current job, don’t you?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Well, instead of coming in on an as-needed basis, would you consider working for us permanently? I can definitely see you doing a lot of extensive product testing with our resident perverts here and I think that would be an immense benefit to furthering the line and developing additional marketing plans … what do you say? Whatever you’re earning right now, I’ll double it.”
Flynn was shocked. My God, this is a dream come true. He thought of himself being encased on a regular basis, abusing and being abused in different situations and performing for crowds as he had done now.
“What is there to say, Mr. Davidson? Yes! Of course!”
“Finally, we’ve also developed a line of not-quite-human enforcer exosuits that we envision for some of our more “intense” clientele. We hinted at that possibility in the catalog and we do have a prototype available. I think you’d be perfect showing that off during the next exhibition." He reached over to grab his tablet and after a few taps, handed it to Flynn.
“Holy fuck …”
It was a shark-man. The prototype was even more massively muscled than his current enclosure. The slick skin was in shades of gray and white with a number of scars and tattoos all over the body. Needle-sharp teeth gaped in the lipless mouth and dark eyes peered out of the merciless face. The cock appeared to be as large as his current model, with a massive pair of balls hanging low beneath it.
Flynn traced a rubbered finger across the picture.
“Cameron and Jack designed this. I take it you approve?”
“Oh, yes sir. I do. I do indeed. This is amazing…” Flynn was entranced.
Trevor broke into his reverie. “Well, I for one can’t wait to be fucked by that! But we’ll have to keep the kissing to a minimum!”
With that, the four men laughed and toasted the new addition to their company.
* * *

Also, I hate the thought – like the Barbara Cartland bodice-rippers of old – of rehashing the same story with just slightly different characters. Perhaps it's me, but I don’t want to re-do a story. I think you – as my readers – are entitled to something fresh and different when you read.
I do find the theme of full encapsulation to be one of the most erotic ones in my repertoire. The “Boardroom” stories provided an entrée into that type of situation, and I did feel it was different enough – parallel evolution, so to speak – that it would be worth expanding upon. “Maxwell’s Demon” also introduced the secondary theme of BDSM while encapsulated and depilation as well.
The CEO Peter Davidson wasn’t originally in my mind for his part in this story – I had thought that Trevor Brandon would be running the show – and he is – but Peter’s entrance during the sales pitch just felt right. The scene with him stripping off the arm of his sheath to display the rubber beneath was a homage to Arnold in T2 – very reminiscent of the scene where he removes his flesh to show the metal endoskeleton beneath.
I also enjoyed the way I had Flynn develop. From a free man to a slave – willingly sacrificing his identity (through removing all of his hair – including eyebrows) to become the perfect subject for Trevor Brandon. He submits himself to transforming into a rubbered non-entity who is completely dependent on his captors for every aspect of his existence – from breathing to eating – only to become more than that – an equal in their fetish and perhaps, even surpassing them.
I’m currently waiting for a mask to be returned from some lip surgery (making the lower lip deeper) and some blue aviator glasses. I have plans for my Ginger Mac mask and the infamous famulus-turned-criminal to meet up!