(Make sure to click on the hyperlinks to the songs - ed.)
"You look nervous, Bobby - this should be a walk in the park for you."
Constantine Michaelides smiled at the singer who fidgeted and rearranged his shirt again. This time, he undid another button and pulled the shirt wider to reveal the thick slabs of golden pectoral muscle and the deep rift between them.
"I know. Maybe it's because Lucio wants us to win so badly that I'm feeling jumpy." His bald head gleamed in the backstage lights; his dark blue eyes twinkled as he gave the CHP captain a rueful grin.
"And this is your first time in front of thousands of people and you're cool, calm and collected. How the hell do you do it?"
Constantine laughed. His deep tenor wrapped around Cromwell like silk.
"I'm looking forward to the rush - it's right up there with sliding on my spharai and slicing open those sonsofbitches in the bank..."
"Ready guys?" Emmy Rossum walked up to the two tall, handsome men and put an arm out for each of them. She tossed her curly titian hair and gave the CHP commander a grin and a wink.
"Let's knock 'em dead!"
* * *
It all started innocently enough ... a couple of precincts had gotten together for a karaoke night. Their respective captains figured that it was a good way to socialize and ease some jurisdictional friction. What was surprising was that more than a few of the patrolmen had amazingly good voices. Soon it became a regular (but friendly) competition to see what group of LEOs could outdo the other. More precincts joined. The meetings moved to a larger bar. The weekly get-together moved to monthly. Then every six months as the population swelled.
The LASD joined in. The competition moved to a VFW hall. The Fire Department asked to be included. Then the CHP. At this point, the event took on a life of its own. The recording companies took notice of this untapped talent pool. They began to contribute to the competition. It was a way for them to showcase their own talent and gain prestige as well by sponsoring the various departments. It moved to the Hollywood Bowl. Suddenly, what had been an informal get-together between various first responders now became an organized celebration to rival the Oscars or the Golden Globes.
The CLEF (California Law Enforcement and First Responder) Awards were born.
* * *
Bobby Cromwell was finishing the last song of his new album when he saw the door to the control room open and a tall shadowy figure enter. As the last notes died away, the technician gave him a thumbs up and he removed the headphones.
"That was perfect as usual, Bobby! Great work! You've got another multi-platinum album on your hands!"
"Thanks, Gus! But then again, I'd never sound as good without you!" The man beamed at the compliment and gestured for the dark figure to join the artist in the recording room proper. The soundproof door opened up to admit Constantine Michaelides, who strode over to Cromwell with a 100-watt smile on his face. The technician indicated he was going for a short break.
"Mr. Cromwell, it's really an honor to meet you - thank you so much for volunteering to sing with me at the CLEF competition."
The former mobster gave the CHP captain a wide smile and a thorough once-over; starting from the sable-black hair and sapphire-blue eyes to the strong jaw and soul patch, down the sculpted torso wrapped tightly in a pale green tank top, across the tanned, muscled arms and down to the sinfully bulging crotch and tight jeans that left
nothing to the imagination.
Bobby stood up and grasped the captain's hand. His golden-bronze skin provided a striking contrast to the bright yellow t-shirt that stretched obscenely across his massive chest and arms and a pair of white denim shorts hugging powerful thighs.
"Dr. Cannon does some damn fine work, doesn't he?"
Constantine looked momentarily shocked. Bobby pulled him into a crushing hug.
"Xander saved my life, too. I was dying and then I woke up looking like this." It was a poignant moment when the two men embraced.
A tanned, muscular arm slid down Michaelides' back and rested lightly on his ass.
"You're among friends here, Connie - never forget that."
The other door began to open and Bobby quickly disengaged from Constantine. Emily Rossum entered the room and ran into Cromwell's outstretched arms.
"Hey sweetheart!" He swung her around.
"Isn't our CHP captain supposed to be here?"
"Right. There." Bobby pointed to Michaelides.
She blushed and turned to the captain.
"Oh! I'm so sorry! You don't ..."
The commander cocked an eyebrow at the red-haired beauty and gave her a lopsided grin. He lightly grasped her hand and kissed it.
"Constantine Michaelides at your service ... but 'I don't' what, Ms. Rossum?"
"Well ..." Bobby was trying not to laugh.
"... Well, you don't look like a policeman. You sort of look like you're one of Bobby's co-stars at Thor ..." she trailed off and blushed scarlet.
The captain chuckled. Emmy shivered through the core of her being at the sound.
Damn, his voice has got the same effect on me as Bobby's...
"Well, next time you're in Santa Monica, I'd be honored if you'd stop by our Division HQ. I think you'd find all of my men fit into that category. More or less. More on the 'more' side, though ... Besides, you and Mr. Cromwell here are two of our favorite recording artists."
"Oh, Captain, there's no need to be so formal. I'm Emmy and that's Bobby. What do your friends call you?"
"Sir." He said it with a perfectly straight face.
They all started laughing.
"Connie. My friends call me Connie."
At this point, Gus returned to the control room.
"OK, folks - let's start the practice. We're gonna do 'Senza Catene' first. Bobby - you start. Captain Mi-..."
"... Connie, you pick up after the first stanza. Can you try to sing in a lower key than Bobby?"
The CHP commander nodded.
"Put on your headphones and let's go."
The music started. Bobby took Emmy's hands in his own and began:
Non ho piú catene ma solo piange il cuor lonta no da te
Emmy smiled into the blue-purple eyes and joined in. Her contralto entwined with his tenor:
Non ho piú catene perché so che il tuo amor so per me
Bobby's timbre increased and the notes filled the studio:
E so che un di ti rivedrò Ti stringero ancor .....
The music swelled. Connie began to sing.
Guardo il ciel e so, dove sei cosa fai E dovunque andrai senti rai
Both Bobby and Emmy jaws dropped open. Connie's voice was a powerful mid baritone as clear and as darkly sensual as Cromwell's. Perhaps even more. There was
something in his voice that gripped the core of their beings and stroked them in ways unimaginable. He gave the two a wicked grin. Emmy turned to Michaelides as he took her hands in his.
My God they're so strong ... like silk wrapped around steel. They sang together:
I sospiri miei che per ter sol per te Parlano d'amor, del mio amor
The commander's voice filled the studio. Bobby picked up the song from Emmy. Tenor and baritone swirled and mixed:
Non ho piú catene
Emmy joined in with the two. The three voices combined to form a near-angelic harmony:
Ma solo piange il cuor lontano da te da te da te
Non ho piú catene perché so che il tuo amor é so
Bobby's tenor rose above the harmony:
per me
As the amazing performance continued, Emmy stood between the two men. Her contralto soared above the tenor and baritone's voices. She tilted her face to Cromwell and stroked his cheek:
E so che un di ti rivedrò
Then she repeated the gesture with Michaelides as the two men continued to sing:
Ti stringero ancor, Ti stringero ancor ...
The three slowly repeated the final verse as the music faded. Emmy, Bobby and Connie just stared at each other in wonderment.
Gus broke the silence.
"Jesus Christ, Almighty! That was beyond incredible! Connie - where on God's little green earth did you learn to sing like that?"
"I sang in church when I was a youngster, but I never had any formal training..." a quick look passed between Cromwell and the commander.
"I can also sing tenor if you need me to."
The technician shook his head.
"Lucio isn't going to believe this ..."
* * *
The announcer's voice boomed over the crowd.
"Ladies and Gentlemen ... Representing CHP Santa Monica and Aria Records, Commander Constantine Michaelides, Bobby Cromwell and Emily Rossum. They will be performing 'La Fiamma Sacra' "
The crowd applauded as the lights dimmed and Bobby entered stage left. The spotlight make his skin glow a molten bronze as the music began:
Born with the voice of an angel,
A boy with the earth on his hands,
For this child of the lowly,
Fate had made other plans.

Bobby gathered his breath. He moved to center stage. A second spot glowed to life to bathe Constantine in a wash of light at the far right of the stage. He was wearing a black highlander shirt that was stretched tightly across his shoulders and draped softly down his torso. It was tucked into a pair of snug, leather pants; the outfit was completed by a pair of tall leather boots. The SMD patrolmen in the audience roared their approval.
He was only a man of the people,
With barely his clothes to his name,
But when he sang there was magic,
Touched by love's sacred flame,
La Fiamma Sacra.
As their voices twined around each other, Connie moved towards Cromwell. Bobby's voice rose into a solo that hushed the audience:
Holy fire in his soul,
Born to conquer the Dark,
A man who came - to carry the flame,
Awakening - la Fiamma Sacra.
Bobby breathed deeply, catching his breath. Connie picked up the lead and sang:
He sang to the soul of a nation,
A voice for the weak and the strong,
Emmy appeared in a third and final spotlight. Her contralto wove seamlessly into Michaelides' tenor. The spotlight followed her as she glided across the stage to join the two men. The CHP commander turned to her and took her hands into his. She smiled encouragement.
A world of fabulous stories,
Came to life in his song,
With a gift for the whole of creation,
He gave not for fortune or fame,
A simple man blessed with magic,
Touched by love's sacred flame,
La Fiamma Sacra.
Constantine took a deep breath and his clear voice rose to the heavens. If it was possible to shock the crowd further, he did. While Bobby's solo quieted the audience, Connie's performance floored them:
Holy fire in his soul,
Born to conquer the Dark,
A man who came - to carry the flame,
With a voice that can speak to the heart.
The three voices now joined together to finish the song, with Connie's tenor in the lead.
Holy fire in his soul,
Born to conquer the Dark,
A man who came - to carry the flame,
Awakening - La Fiamma Sacra ...
Awakening - La Fiamma Sacra.
As the music died, the silence was deafening. You could have literally heard a pin drop. Suddenly, the roars of approval gathered strength like an oncoming tsunami. Connie looked on in amazement as they received a standing ovation. Five minutes passed and the crowd was still on their feet - cheering.
"Wow ..." he breathed as a wide smile broke across his face. If anything, the shouts and applause grew louder. Emmy hugged him.
"You were amazing, Connie! Simply amazing!"
"It's not over yet, Emmy - I still have to do my solo ..."
* * *
Backstage, Connie sat on a chair, polishing his remaining boot. His leather pants were stretched obscenely tight across his thighs and crotch. One boot was done and it stood next to him, glowing with a warm patina in the overhead fluorescent lights.
"That wasn't a bad performance, but you ain't gonna win, MISTER Santa Monica... "

He looked up into the tight face of an angry black woman. She continued.
"I've won this competition four years running and you ain't gonna break my winning streak!"
Michaelides continued polishing his boot.
"You must be Eleanor Haskell. Your "I Will Survive" was quite good, but you know - there's a first time for everything..."
"I got connections!" She hissed.
"You better watch yourself!" Haskell stomped away.
Bobby passed the woman as he strode over to Connie.
"Who was that?"
"Eleanor Haskell. Detective. LAPD. I've been 'warned' to watch myself because she 'has connections'." The CHP commander gave a wicked laugh.
"She's been a nasty bitch for as long as I've been at SMD. 'Connections', my ass..." He finished his boot and proceeded to pull both of them back on. He stood up and stomped to settle his feet.
The other tenor held him close and trailed his lips across the strong jaw. He smiled.
"You're on in five minutes, Connie ... break a leg!"
* * *
"Ladies and Gentlemen - again, Captain Constantine Michaelides of CHP Santa Monica ... performing 'Private Emotion.' "
The crowd roared its approval. Connie had to put up his hands to quiet the crowd. The music for his solo began:
Every endless night has a dawning day,
Every darkest sky has a shining ray,
And it shines on you baby can’t you see,
You’re the only one who can shine for me.
His voice held a note of sorrow and yearning within it. Although the lights on stage made viewing the crowd difficult, he could see that his performance was having the desired effect.
It’s a private emotion that fills you tonight,
And a silence falls between us,
As the shadows steal the light,
And wherever you may find it,
Wherever it may lead,
Let your private emotion come to me,
Come to me ...
When your soul is tired and your heart is weak,
Do you think of love as one way street,
Well it runs both ways, open up your eyes,
Can’t you see me here, how can you deny ...
It’s a private emotion that fills you tonight,
And a silence falls between us,
As the shadows steal the light,
And wherever you may find it,
Wherever it may lead,
Let your private emotion come to me,
Come to me ...
Every endless night has a dawning day,
Every darkest sky has a shining ray,
It takes a lot to laugh as your tears go by,
But you can find me here till your tears run dry...
It’s a private emotion that fills you tonight,
And a silence falls between us,
As the shadows steal the light,
And wherever you may find it,
Wherever it may lead,
Let your private emotion come to me ...
Let your private emotion come to me ...
Come to me ...
Another standing ovation. The CHP commander put out his arms and bowed to the crowd. Connie turned to see Eleanor in the wings, seething. He blew her a kiss. She stormed away.
So much for your 'connections', cunt ... he thought.
* * *
It took the judges a while to tabulate the all the entries from the crowd (telephone voting was also allowed) and after all the secondary awards had been doled out, the last remaining people on the stage were Connie and Eleanor.
The emcee looked pensive.
"Folks - seems as if we have a little problem on our hands ... we have a tie." Connie looked a bit surprised. Eleanor -- merely nonplussed.
"This is really a first time event for us, folks ... no one has been able to even come close to Detective Haskell's performances before..." She smirked.
"But Captain Michaelides voice has really blown everyone away here tonight ..." Her smile faltered.
Constantine stepped forward.
"May I make a suggestion?" The emcee motioned him to continue.
"I've enjoyed every minute here tonight with you all..." he paused.
"... what about one more song, each of us - winner take all?" He turned to Eleanor.
"You game, Ellie?" He gestured to the audience, who roared their approval.
Haskell looked stunned. Connie raised an eyebrow and cocked his head.
Her face hardened.
"Deal." She put out her hand. They shook on it.
"Folks, we're going to take a short break and then we'll have the final competition."
* * *
Bobby and Emmy gathered around Constantine as he returned backstage. They walked into the dressing room as he shut the door.
"Connie! We don't have anything else that we've practiced! What are you going to do??"
He flashed a bright smile at the actress.
"I've got something up my sleeve, Emmy..." At that point there was sharp rap on the door.
"... and that should be it, now."

Michaelides opened to the door to reveal a breathtakingly beautiful dark-haired woman. Her ebon tresses curled around a soft oval face. Green eyes were highlighted by expertly-applied smoky makeup and complimented the ice-blue silk dress that clung to her every curve like an attentive lover. She was accompanied by a tall, black-haired man in a white suit. Like the other men in the room, he had golden-bronze skin, deep blue eyes and an amazingly chiseled physique. A sharply trimmed mustache and small beard framed a blinding white smile. He carried a garment bag over one arm and a small shopping bag in the other. A white fedora with a black ribbon was perched low over his face.
Bobby's eyes widened.
" 'ello Bobby." She sauntered into the room, seductively swinging her hips.
"I take it zhat ve are going vith Plan B??" Her Russian accent made her voice even more seductive.
"Yep." He turned to the two singers.
"Emmy, Bobby, this is Ariane Zutrovna and Jaz Romanov. Jaz is one of my patrolmen. Thanks for bringing the outfit over. Ready for your closeups?"
Her eyes hardened and the steely determination shone through her face.
"Da. Let us get you ready and then ve can grind that styervo into ze dust."
Romanov grinned. "Me too, Cap - I'm ready to kick some LAPD butt!"
The other SMD officer turned and shook Emmy's hand. "It's a real treat to meet you Ms. Rossum - you were great out there! You too, Mr. Cromwell!"
"T-thanks!" Jesus! Connie wasn't joking about the men in his Division! But Ariane ... wow. I'm glad she's on our side. Emmy thought. That is one scary woman.
The garment bag was unzipped to reveal a pair of black pants and a white jacket with some silver embroidery running down one side.
Bobby took Emmy's elbow. "We'll leave you guys to get ready. Just call us if you need anything." Ariane gave them a curt nod as they exited the dressing room. Cromwell closed the door quietly behind them.
"Bobby, who was that woman? She scares the crap out of me."
Cromwell kissed her forehead. "Emmy, you don't need to know. She works for Lucio. Let's just leave it at that, okay?"
* * *
The lights on the stage dimmed and a spotlight illumined a white piano at center stage. In a black sheath dress, Eleanor lounged on the top of the instrument.
The music started with a muted trumpet and drums gently brushing their tops. The detective began to sing.
Sooner or later you're gonna be mine,
Sooner or later you're gonna be fine.
Baby, it's time that you face it,
I always get my man.
She rolled onto her back and bent a knee.
Sooner or later you're gonna decide,
Sooner or later there's nowhere to hide.
Baby, it's time, so why waste it in chatter?
Let's settle the matter.
Baby, you're mine on a platter, I always get my man.
"Damn, she's good..." Emily looked worriedly at Cromwell.
"Connie's better." There was no hesitation in the tenor's response. The LAPD detective slid off the piano. She leaned against it and tilted her head back, and then turned her head towards the audience.
But if you insist, babe,
the challenge delights me.
The more you resist, babe,
the more it excites me.
And no one I've kissed, babe, ever fights me again.
If you're on my list, it's just a question of when.
When I get a yen, then baby, Amen.
I'm counting to ten, and then ...
I'm gonna love you like nothing you've known,
I'm gonna love you, and you all alone.
Sooner is better than later but lover, I'll hover, I'll plan.
This time I'm not only getting, I'm holding my man.
The audience broke out into wild applause. Haskell spread her arms out; the applause grew.
"Who the hell does she think she is? Eva Peron?" Emmy muttered. The detective walked off the stage and passed by them with a self-satisfied smirk on her face. Bobby's phone rang. He flipped it open.
"Hello?" He looked a bit surprised.
"Hey BODHI - what's up?" He listened to what the other person was saying. His brows drew together.
"You taking care of that? Good. The folks here are aware of it now? Even better. Thanks bud!" He snapped the phone shut.
"Who was that?"
A pause.
"Another one of Lucio's guys. Seems that our sultry detective had someone skewing the phone voting her way. We've managed to readjust the figures to the proper scores. Connie actually won. It would be a major embarrassment for everyone here if the vote rigging became public, so the judges have been quietly informed. Connie will do his performance and then he'll be announced the winner."
"How did you fi-..."
Cromwell waggled his finger at his red-haired partner.
"If Lucio wants to tell you, Emmy - he will. He loves you like a baby sister, but don't get nosy. Please. It's safer that way, sweetheart - trust me on this."
* * *
The stage was cleared. Out of the darkness, the announcer's voice boomed over the crowd.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, Captain Constantine Michaelides performing 'Bailamos' ... and let's give him a hand for being such a good sport!" The crowd roared for the SMD commander.
The strings of a guitar plucked a few notes, then faded. It was followed quickly by the shaking sounds of a rattle which also died; a latin beat then began pounding on the drums. The guitar started playing again.

From the left, Ariane and Jaz glided arm-in-arm onto the stage. There was a collective gasp from the audience as the two moved to the center. A cloud of unbridled lust descended on the gathered crowd - you could feel the audience's pulse begin to hammer in rhythm with the drumbeats. Another spotlight highlighted Constantine to the right of the couple.

He was dressed in snug black pants and a white silk jacket that had an oriental dragon picked out in silver embroidery running down it's left side. A black shirt unbuttoned half to the waist stretched tightly over his slabbed pecs and abs and the stage lights gleamed off the golden skin of his exposed chest. A pair of sunglasses rode low on his nose and partially covered his blazing blue eyes.
Esta Noche Bailamos
De Noite - da mi vida
Quedate conmigo
His tone was like satin whispers in the small hours of the night.
Christ, he's incredible! Emmy thought. She put a hand to her face.
Oh my God, I'm drooling!
Ariane and Jaz began to tango. It was amazing to see. Every turn, every dip inflamed the passions of the audience. Jaz slid behind Ariane and ran his hands slowly down her arms and then stroked an exposed portion of her thigh. Connie sang. His voice was a feral purr as it swept over the gathered crowd. He turned to watch the couple.
Tonight we dance I leave my life in your hands
We take the floor
Nothing is forbidden anymore
Don't let the world in outside
Don't let a moment go by
Nothing can stop us tonight
He moved closer to the two.
Bailamos - let the rhythm take you over Bailamos
Te quiero amor mio - Bailamos
Wanna live this night forever - bailamos
Te quiero amor mio - Te quiero
Jaz spun the Russian beauty away. Ariane's attention was caught by Connie.
Tonight I'm yours
We can make it happen I'm so sure
I won't let it go
There is something I think you should know.
I won't be leaving your side
We're going to dance through the night
I want to reach for the stars.
He took Zutrovna's hand and pulled her to him.
Bailamos - let the rhythm take you over - Bailamos
Te quiero amor mio - Bailamos
Wanna live this night forever - Bailamos
Te quiero amor mio - Te quiero

Connie turned her face to him and brushed his lips against hers. He continued to run his lips down her throat as she arched her back in ecstasy. Michaelides then moved behind Zutrovna and sinfully stroked down her curvaceous figure. Jaz stood looking at the two - a jealous look on his handsome face; his powerful arms straining the white fabric of the jacket as they were crossed angrily on his rock-hard chest.
Tonight we dance
Like no tomorrow
If you will stay with me
Te quiero mi amor
Quidate conmigo
esta noche - bailamos
He spun her away and back into Jaz' arms. Romanov continued the erotic dance with Zutrovna as Connie reached an arm out to the Russian beauty. He voiced ached with loss.
Bailamos - let the rhythm take you over Bailamos
Te quiero amor mio - Bailamos
Wanna live this night forever - Bailamos
Te quiero amor mio Bailamos
Como te quiero
Como te quiero
Como te quiero
The crowd went wild. The standing ovation he received before was but a weak echo of what thundered through the Bowl now. Connie, Ariane and Jaz took their bows. It was literally twenty minutes before the crowd quieted down.
* * *
Once again, Connie and Eleanor were on stage. Bobby and Emmy stood back a bit. The emcee was grinning.
"Well, it appears that we have a winner ... congratulations, Captain - CHP Santa Monica and Aria Records have won this year's CLEF awards."
The crowd went wild.
Michaelides opened his arms and gave Eleanor a hug. With a smile on his face, he pitched his voice so only she could hear.
"You ever try that phone scam again Ellie, and I'll make sure they'll never find your fucking body."
She stiffened in his embrace and looked wildly at him. Continuing to grin, he purred.
"Smile, bitch, or I'll kill you now..."
A hard knot of terror settled in her stomach; that beautiful white smile never reached his blue eyes - they were cold, flat and empty - at a visceral level, Eleanor knew he was making no idle threat.
Lucio Giambi watched backstage as the commander and his two artists received their awards.He smiled to himself as he thought of the Mel Brooks line -
It's good to be king...
* * *

OK, call me a hopeless romantic. This story - in one shape or form - has been bouncing around in my head since I first introduced Connie. The original incarnation was basically a karaoke party with a special guest appearance by Bobby Cromwell, but that never quite got off the ground.
The most fun part of this was actually picking out the songs for the contestants. I have a rather long commute to and from work, so my MP3 player keeps me company (I have a
Zune 120GB by the way - and I love it)
The whole competition thing was a direct result of my viewing
"Dance Your Ass Off" and watching the last two competitors - Adamme (whom I love) and LaToya (whom I utterly detest).
I also wanted to highlight some of the other innate talents that Xander has built into the CHP commander; there's a lot more that readers will see of Captain Michaelides. We can also see here that his more brutal tendencies are always present, but well-controlled beneath the surface. This story also helped me remove several other writer's blocks I've had on other stories - particularly one revolving around Ariane.
The mysterious BODHI - the person who called Bobby on the phone - is another character that is going to be developed. Keep your eyes peeled for some new material!