I'd also like to take a moment to THANK the people that read the stories, look at the pics and send me emails or leave comments. I appreciate the time you give me.
Some of the most intriguing ones come from people who don't necessarily mask themselves, but appreciate the creation of a true persona.

Love the Aidan set, but it is my favourite greyland . This is the best use of this mask I have seen.
As with all your albums it your choice of costumes that elevates your work to a higher level. Anyone with enough money can buy an expensive mask, but the real trick is create a convincing illusion with $40 mask.
Time and again you do it.
A good friend of mine and regular reader commented:
Aidan10.jpg looks like the beginning pose from one of those classic "getting ready for action" film montages. You've clearly gotten pumped to movie-star proportions. Your photography has also come leaps and bounds. I don't know how you are self shooting these complex vignettes, but keep at it, they're awesome. I especially liked the blurred cigarette in the mirror...very mysterious/noir.
Also: I will never arm wrestle you now that I've seen this.
("Aidan" is a completed photoshoot, but a story under development. I always post my shoots to Yahoo. I would not only be remiss but cruel NOT to provide a sample ...
Another guy had a similar reaction to other AE's on a different site:
Bro... cannot even tell you what the fuck your profile did to me... so god-damned hot I can't fucking stand it. AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME!
Fucking masks, uniforms, gear, tats.... the fucking DETAIL ROCKS!
Just friggin' EPIC.
You "get" masks like no one else I've seen on here... just so mind-blowing it hurts.
So I'm obviously doing something right ...
I do have an "ethic" - if you will - when I do a shoot and a story.
- The character(s) needs to be believable
- The character(s) has to support the story, not the other way around
- The story has to have a story. There has to be a plot. Of course, sex plays a part, but not the whole part. Sometimes the intimation of the act works better than going into the details of the act itself
- You have to exercise the mind God gave you. Use your imagination. That's the most potent sexual tool you have.
I also find that as I continue to write, the "secondary world" of my AE's has not only developed, but the different threads are intertwining. I have stories about cops, mobsters, vampires, assassins, magic and technology - the interconnections just start happening as I write.
I'm currently working on a story called "Strike Force" - this introduces several new characters, as well as some old ones, and linking a couple of the story threads together. I could go into more detail, but I won't .... the story is about 85% done now, and I should have it out by the end of the month.