"Don't get your skivvies in a twist, love. Let me do it." Mason padded over to his lover and began arranging the satin around Borden's neck. In a few moments, a perfect bow was complete and the navy commander smoothed down the collar. "There. All done. You'll look quite dashing, tonight. I'm sure tongues are going to wag at the Admiral's party with us looking like brothers - at least until my hair grows back in."

Business - both legal and illicit - had been extremely good to Richard Borden. As the de facto head of the crime syndicate in San Francisco, he had benefited greatly during the war and through Amery, had received many government contracts for the legitimate businesses he and Paul McGowan ran.
Amery had personally delivered the invitation to the New Year's Eve party to the gangster. Next to Richard's party at the Aurora Club, an invitation from Admiral Walter Anderson was the most coveted RSVP in the city.

Amery stood up and looked at the mobster in the tailored black tuxedo. He licked his lips and smiled.
"Ready, love?"
"Yep. Let's go."
* * *

"Richard! Amery! Come on in!" Gracie wore a winter white satin sheath that clung to every curve of her voluptuous body. Diamonds glittered like rainbow ice on her ears and her Jungle Red lipstick matched the lacquer on her long, beautiful nails. She gave Richard a tremendous hug and kiss on his cheek and then turned her attentions to the commander and wrapped herself around his muscular body.
"Mmmmm ... Richard, you look good enough to eat!" She grinned impishly at him. "Want a quickie?"
"Gracie!" Richard blushed. His best friend could always scandalize him with her remarks.
The heiress laughed - a quicksilver sound that filled the air and then arched an elegant eyebrow at Amery. She stabbed a finger into his rock-hard chest.
"And you, Commander ... back from the Pacific and wearing that Navy Cross ... I hope you gave Richard a good, rough pounding when you got home! He was mooning for you like a lovesick teenager!"
It was Amery's chance to burn scarlet. Gracie giggled and put her arms out to both men.
"Shall we go in?"
The three - commander, heiress and gangster - left the foyer arm-in-arm and joined the festivities.
* * *

Gracie took Amery by the hand. "Let's start some vicious rumors, shall we?" She pulled the commander onto the dance floor as the band began to play a sensuous tango. Mason was nearly as good a dancer as Richard and the two soon drew gasps of surprise and outrage as they circled around the ballroom floor.

"Isn't she amazing, Richard?" The gangster turned to see Graydon Maddox - Grace's elderly husband - standing next to him. The older gentleman gave Borden a grin. "It does a heart good to see her so happy ... but I haven't seen you in a while m'boy. How are you keeping yourself?"
"I'm doing fine, sir. Just fine. It was rather a surprise to get an invite to the party."
Maddox gave him a pat on the back. "Well, if anyone deserved to be here, it's you. And Amery. You youngsters enjoy yourselves and we'll talk some more later." Something in way he made that statement caused Richard to stop and think. His moss-green eyes followed the other man as he made his way slowly through the crowd. The gangster glided onto the dance floor and tapped his lover on the shoulder.
"Mind if I cut in?"
Gracie winked at him. "You two want to dance? I'm sure you'd make the front page of the Chronicle!!"
"No, you dope - I want to dance with you!" Amery kissed Grace's hand and gave his partner a wink. He left the floor and sauntered over to a group of officers surrounding the Admiral. Richard looked hungrily at the commander's broad back and the snug uniform pants that left little to the imagination as he left the floor.
Gracie grabbed his lantern jaw and twisted his head back to her. "I'm over here, sweetie..."
The two began to dance.
"Your husband is full of surprises, you know that? We were talking about you and I got the distinct impression that I was being sized up for something. Anything you want to tell me?"
"Me?" Gracie widened her eyes and gave Richard an innocent stare. "Why would I know anything about what Graydon says?"
His hand tightened around hers. "Gracie .... what are you up to?"
"You'll see, darling. You've made quite an impression on a number of people. Some very important and very influential people, I might add."
Richard grew intrigued as he danced with the beautiful heiress and the band began to play a decadent rumba.
* * *
"Admiral, I wanted to thank you for inviting me - it came as quite a surprise. And a very pleasant one at that."
After the rumba, Richard and Gracie made their way over to the knot of officers surrounding Anderson. The admiral was a handsome young-looking man with a trim, muscular torso and long, strong legs. More than a few strands of silver shot through his raven hair and the gold braid and medals made him an impressive figure.
Gracie had excused herself. "I'll be right back, sweeties. Have to use the little girl's room." She gave the admiral a wicked grin. "You're next on my dance ticket, Wally." She patted Richard's cheek and disappeared out of the room.
Anderson chuckled as he watched Grace leave a throng of admirers in her wake. "Richard! Glad you could make it! You've been quite an asset to us during the war and Amery can't say enough about you! You're a man of rare talents." He gave his adjutant a sidelong glance and a smile. Mason blushed.
"There's something I'd like to speak with you about ... do you have a couple of minutes?"
"Of course, Admiral. Lead the way."
The admiral clapped him on his broad shoulder. He turned to the other officers. "Excuse us gentlemen .... Amery, come along too. Let's go into the map room."
* * *
The map room was paneled in dark wood and the sweet scent of cedar oil perfumed the air. Old parchment maps were framed and placed around the walls. Several table lamps cast a deep warm glow and a fire was burning merrily in the hearth. Richard was surprised to see both Grace and Graydon already present. Gracie was perched on the massive desk and gave him an exaggerated wink and smile when they entered.
Anderson walked over to the sideboard. "Brandy, Richard?"
"Thank you, sir."
"Call me Walter. What about you, Amery?"
"Yes sir, thank you."
The admiral brought the glasses over to the two men. "Brandy, Gracie?"
"No thanks Wally. I brought my own." The heiress pulled a bottle of champagne from behind her and filled her flute.
He shook his head. "I'm fine, Walter. Thank you."
Walter poured himself a brandy and sat down in an armchair.
"I'm not prone to exaggeration, Richard, but you have been instrumental in helping us win the war in the Pacific. We could not have done it without you or your underworld contacts."

"Walter, it was my pleasure to help. I was glad to do whatever I could."
"Well, I've asked you here to see you'd be willing to do a bit more."
"Richard, this war has taught us one thing - we no longer have the luxury of living in 'splendid isolation' - there are a great deal of threats around the world directed at the United States and it's up to people with the means and abilities to keep this country safe."
Maddox smiled. "Your lover volunteered to go behind enemy lines in Burma and make contact with the insurgents fighting the Japanese. That's the type of people we're looking for - smart, brave and capable."
At the word 'lover', Richard and Amery gave each other panicked looks. Anderson cleared his throat.
"I wouldn't worry about your relationship. We've known about it for a good while now and believe me, it makes absolutely no difference. Least of all to me. After all, I'm quite familiar with the position you find yourselves in."
Anderson paused. "My lover's name is Philip. He's a submariner."
Graydon continued. "The organization we're putting together is comprised of many different people - Navy, Army, Marines, professionals - you're our first mobster..." Maddox grinned. "But all of them share the love of their country and the willingness to defend her - regardless of the means by which we do it."
"Does this organization have a name?"
"It's called the Central Intelligence Group. It's gone through a couple of name changes, but it's basically the same. We're ... spies!" Gracie laughed. "Graydon and I have been charter members since 1943!"
Richard had relaxed once Anderson had made his confession. "I thought something was screwy when you introduced Graydon as your fiance - I just couldn't figure out what was going on in that red head of yours."
"Oh sweetie, I married Graydon for the s-e-x - what did you think?"
All of them laughed. "Seriously - I've been able to help root out a number of plots that had been going on - it's amazing how many beans get spilled with a little bit of womanly attention."

Richard looked at Amery. "Burma?"
The commander nodded. "I couldn't tell you, honey-bear - I'm sorry." He put his arms around Richard and nuzzled his jaw and neck. Worried, pale blue eyes searched moss green ones. "Forgive me?"
Borden gave deep throated chuckle that came out more like a purr.
"I'd forgive you anything, love. Just don't frighten me like that again. I didn't know if you were even still alive!"
Graydon cleared his throat. "Well, according to my watch, we should be getting out to the ballroom. 1946 is only a minute away."
Richard put out his hand to the admiral. "Wally, you got yourself another spy. Let's ring in the new year."

* * *

So on behalf of me and all the AE's - Richard, Duncan, Jason, Joshua, Xiphon, Bobby, TJ, Lucio, Tomas and all the rest - have a wonderful holiday and a very Happy New Year!