My name is Patrick and if you missed the "About Me" section, I am an anaesthesiologist. I'm about 5-foot-10, with wavy black hair and deep blue eyes.

I started this blog because of the figurative and literal "masks" that we have to wear on a day to day basis. For me, I have my figurative mask ("straight") and my literal mask(s) - disguises.
Halloween was always my favorite holiday and I always enjoyed getting into "character" whenever I could. "Mission Impossible" was also one of my favorite TV shows. The recent IM movies lack a certain panache that the series had and that little git Tom Cruise annoys the hell out of me.
To paraphrase the old adage, "The difference between men and boys is the cost of their toys" seems to apply directly to me. I have a leather, latex fetish and boot fetish - all of which can start to add up. I'm lucky that I have a tidy disposable income to indulge myself.
During a recent party, I was watching a rather rough-looking muscled fellow with a shaved head, tinted aviator glasses, wearing a nylon flight jacket and tight leather gloves. There's something undeniably sexy about a man drinking or smoking and wearing leather gloves. So imagine my surprise when I see him put his hands under the skin of his neck and lift off his face!
I was amazed. I was intrigued. I went over to him and asked about the mask. Andy told me that this was a "Greyland" mask. Greyland Studios is a Czech film company that specializes in frighteningly realistic foam latex over-the-head masks. I asked him if I could try it on - just for a moment. His icy blue eyes twinkled.
You basically put your hands inside the mask and stretch it side-to-side to avoid putting any pressure on the features. As you pull it down, remove your hands, make any adjustments and you're done. It felt cool and other than sound being a little muffled, it was very comfortable to wear.
He whistled. "Damn, looks better on you than it did on me!" He tucked the neck into the collar of the latex t-shirt I was wearing. There was a large mirror behind the bar. He stood behind me and turned me around. "Take a look." he said.
Now, I wear thick rubber masks or latex hoods regularly, but I can't tell you what it felt like to look into a mirror and see another person staring back at you. "Amazing" I said. As I spoke, the lips moved well enough - if not near perfectly - to fool anyone. I was so hard I hurt. And that didn't escape Andy's notice, either.
He stroked his hand down my back and curled his arm around my waist. "I have more masks at home ..."